269 resultados para NACL


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本研究分为三个部分:1.以坛紫菜(Porphyra haitanesis Chang et Zheng)的叶状体和丝状体为研究对象,比较坛紫菜叶状体和丝状体的光合色素、色素蛋白的组成,并提取纯化藻红蛋白、藻蓝蛋白、藻胆体及类囊体膜和光系统。研究结果表明坛紫菜叶状体和丝状体色素及色素蛋白的含量不同,藻红蛋白是主要的色素蛋白,坛紫菜叶状体和丝状体的藻红蛋白的含量分别为2.9mg藻红蛋白/g鲜重、4.2mg藻红蛋白/g鲜重,这表明坛紫菜叶状体和丝状体藻红蛋白含量丰富,是提取藻红蛋白很好的材料。藻胆体的性质差异不大,但类囊体膜差异显著,从坛紫菜叶状体中分离到了两种不同的类囊体膜带,光系统Ⅰ(PSⅠ)和PSⅡ分别结合在两条类囊体膜带上,但从坛紫菜丝状体中也分离到两条类囊体膜带,它们的光谱性质和蛋白组成相似,仅放氧速率和DCIP活性有差异,从坛紫菜丝状体中我们仅分离到PSⅡ。坛紫菜叶状体PSⅡ有5种外在蛋白(33、20、Cytc 550、15、12kDa蛋白),而坛紫菜丝状体外在蛋白仅有4条,缺少12kDa蛋白。2. 以在中国江苏部分地区进行了大规模的商业化栽培的突变体条斑紫菜(Porphyra yezoensis Ueda)和野生型条斑紫菜为研究对象,比较其色素及色素蛋白组成、对不能光质的利用率及藻胆体的组成。条斑紫菜和突变型条斑紫菜对不同的光质利用效果有差异,在白光的照射下,野生型紫菜的放氧速率最大,而突变型紫菜在黄光照射下的放氧速率最大。条斑紫菜野生型与突变型色素含量上有明显的差异,突变型紫菜的藻红蛋白含量明显减少而藻蓝蛋白的含量增加。通过杂交的方法证实诱变所获得条斑紫菜突变体为细胞质突变,但是突变型紫菜却发生了由细胞核编码的γ亚基的缺失,这表明突变型紫菜藻红蛋白含量和性质发生了明显的变化。3. 为了找出淡水红藻-深紫美芒藻(Compsopogon coeruleus (Balbis) Montagne)分布狭窄及生物产量低的原因,本文对深紫美芒藻在不同的盐离子浓度下的放氧速率及藻胆体色素组成和结构上进行研究。结果显示:微量的NaCl(0.1mM)促进深紫美芒藻放氧,而深紫美芒藻在较高的NaCl(1、10mM), NaH2PO4 (0.1、1、10mM)和 NH4NO3(0.1、1、10mM)溶液中却没有检测到氧气的产生。这与深紫美芒藻生长的环境一致即深紫美芒藻生活在低盐浓度、低营养的泉水中。深紫美芒藻的藻胆体是由藻红蛋白、藻蓝蛋白及别藻蓝蛋白组成,上面结合α、β和γ亚基,含有藻红胆素、藻篮胆素,但缺乏缺少藻尿胆素。


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本文通过使用多参数水质分析仪、循环伏安法、电化学阻抗法等测试手段研究了硫酸盐还原菌生长过程中硫酸盐还原菌数量、环境参数和碳钢腐蚀行为三者之间的关系;建立了一种有效的快速检测硫酸盐还原菌数量的方法并研究了其检测的机制;研究了硫酸盐还原菌对阴极氧还原反应的影响。 研究发现,硫酸盐还原菌生长过程对介质化学状态影响主要为在硫酸盐还原菌的新陈代谢过程作用下,硫离子浓度在增殖期快速增加,并在衰亡期和残余期保持不变,体系的还原性也与硫离子浓度同步变化。该介质中碳钢腐蚀行为与活性硫酸盐还原菌并无直接关系,主要取决于体系氧化还原性能。即在硫酸盐还原菌增殖期增强了阳极过程与腐蚀速度,并在硫酸盐还原菌衰亡期和残余期保持不变。 采用测定银电极的电极电位的方法可以检测体系中硫酸盐还原菌的数量,检测范围为50~10000ml-1,检测时间为2~3分钟。硫酸盐还原菌的吸附及其代谢生成硫离子的过程是导致银电极电位负移的原因。 在氧气饱和的3.5% NaCl溶液中,玻碳电极的阴极氧还原反应包括氧气一电子还原为超氧离子、氧气二电子还原为过氧化氢以及过氧化氢二电子还原为水分子三个步骤。硫酸盐还原菌催化了第一步和第二步反应中间产物超氧离子和过氧化氢的分解,从而使得阴极氧还原反应电流加大。


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水母在我国分布广,种类多,数量大,是一种丰富的海洋生物资源。已研究的水母毒素主要分布于触角和刺丝囊中,是一类结构新颖独特的肽类毒素。水母种类的不同,其毒素的结构、生物活性往往不同。本文首次报道了海蜇(Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye)毒素 和白色霞水母(Cyanea nozakii Kishinouye)毒素的提取、纯化、理化性质及蛋白酶和抗氧化方面的生物学活性,主要结果如下: 1.用DEAE Sepharose Fast Flow分离海蜇毒素,用含0.4 mol/L NaCl 的PBS (0.02 M,pH 8.0) 进行阶段洗脱时,得到的组分是组蛋白H4。 2.水母毒素的蛋白酶活性实验结果为:海蜇毒素和白色霞水母毒素都有蛋白酶活性。该两种毒素的蛋白酶活性都受理化因素的影响,其中0.5%甘油和1%邻菲罗啉可以有效的抑制海蜇毒素的蛋白酶活性。 3.对海蜇毒素蛋白的体外抗氧化活性研究表明:蛋白样品均具有抗氧化性,它们对超氧阴离子和羟自由基具有显著的清除作用。对白色霞水母毒素蛋白的体外抗氧化活性研究表明:白色霞水母蛋白具有较高的清除羟自由基的能力,白色霞水母蛋白对超氧阴离子的清除作用较弱。白色霞水母蛋白有较强的还原能力,但没有螯合能力。 通过本文的研究表明水母毒素具有蛋白酶活性和抗氧化活性,能够清除氧自由基。这些研究结果为开发利用水母资源和毒素的合理、综合利用打下了坚实的基础。


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本文研究了水母毒性细胞—刺丝囊的性质、刺丝囊毒素的提取及刺丝囊毒素的溶血活性和毒性等方面的内容。 通过显微镜、扫描电镜及透射电镜分别对霞水母、海蜇、沙蜇触手中所含刺丝囊的形态特点进行了分析,发现三种水母触手中含有不同形状和大小的刺丝囊。应用珠磨式组织研磨器破碎刺丝囊,可有效提取刺丝囊毒素。 霞水母刺丝囊毒素具有明显的溶血活性。4-37°C范围内毒素的溶血活性与温度变化密切相关。毒素溶血活性对pH敏感。胰蛋白酶和鞘磷脂能明显抑制毒素的溶血活性。毒素的溶血活性具有二价金属离子依赖性,Ca2+可能是毒素溶血活性的重要活化剂。EDTA,NaCl及GSH对毒素的溶血活性具有稳定作用。 水母刺丝囊毒素与触手中提取的毒素含有明显不同的蛋白组成,刺丝囊毒素的溶血活性强于触手中提取的毒素。 霞水母刺丝囊毒素表现出明显的神经毒性作用。毒素对草鱼的毒性具有剂量依赖性。霞水母刺丝囊毒素的致死毒性对热的稳定性要比已报道的其它水母毒素强。毒性对pH敏感,胰蛋白酶对毒素的毒性具有明显的抑制作用。毒素的毒性在-80°C稳定。通过DEAE-Sepharose Fast Flow和Sephadex G-100分离霞水母刺丝囊毒素,主要得到两条蛋白谱带,分子量分别为60kDa和47kDa。毒素中的溶血活性成分不具有致死毒性。


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用平板画线法从患病栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)体内分离到了一种原核生物(简称QDP)。QDP可以在改进的液体培养基MEM(含2.2%NaCl,5%小牛血清)和脑心浸液(含2.2% NaCl)中生长;菌落在显微镜下(150×)为无色、透明的小点状;革兰氏染色阴性;菌体为圆形或近似圆形。QDP在发育过程中有两种状态,一种为未成熟阶段,直径小于100nm;另一种为成熟阶段,直径变化很大,最小约60nm,最大可达4µm以上。较小的个体有拟核、核糖体和新月状的空泡,未见细胞壁;较大的个体有细胞壁,胞内大部分被空泡充满,未见拟核和核糖体。栉孔扇贝组织超簿切片电镜观查证实QDP的存在。QDP的密度随着生长发育时间的不同而有所变化,繁殖高峰期密度较大。 建立了密度梯度离心结合滤膜过滤分离技术,优化人工培养条件。最适生长温度为23℃,最适生长pH值为7.4,最适生长盐度相当于细胞培养液所需的盐浓度(0.85%NaCl)。 提取的QDP核酸能被RNase A 降解,且没有检测到DNA。以PCR、RT-PCR扩增其16SrRNA基因序列片段,PCR反应没有扩增出扩增子,而RT-PCR则扩增出了16S rRNA基因序列片段,经测定其序列全长度为1430bp,经与GENEBANK中的16S rRNA片段比较分析,与6种不同科的微生物的同源率最高的为95%-95.47%。 采用温度梯度和病原浓度梯度回归感染实验方法,较为系统地研究了QDP的致病性。研究结果表明:QDP对栉孔扇贝有强烈的致病作用,高温(23℃以上)是其致病的必要条件,证实DQP是栉孔扇贝大规模死亡的病原体之一。


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本研究中运用四种不用的方法提取海带孢子体RNA,通过对比分析,确定了采用CTAB提取液[2% (w/v) CTAB,100 mM Tris-HC1 (pH 8.0), 50 mM EDTA, pH 7.5, 2 M NaCl, 50 mM DTT]提取RNA的方法,该方法的主要改进之处: (1) 高浓度(50 mM)的 DTT作为防止多酚氧化的还原剂加入提取液中;(2) 1/4 体积的乙醇和 1/9 体积的3 M 醋酸钾(pH 4.8)用来沉淀去除多糖;(3) 1/10倍体积的3 mol/L醋酸钠(pH 5.0)和两倍体积的乙醇选择性沉淀RNA;(4) -80℃沉淀30 min沉淀RNA。CTAB改进法提取的海带孢子体RNA质量好(A260/280 =1.96±0.05),产量高(68 μg/g),分离的RNA可用于RT-PCR反应,扩增相关基因片段。该方法提取海带配子体RNA效果也很好。 根据拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)、 莱茵衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) 、铁线蕨(Adiantum capillus-veneris)、转板藻(Mougeotia scalaris)和无隔藻(Vaucheria frigida)等的蓝光受体蛋白保守序列,设计一系列简并引物,进行RT-PCR扩增,筛选并克隆测序了4条序列片段,通过比对分析,所得序列与已知的蓝光受体基因序列不一致。在所获得的序列中,一条783 bp的序列与肌醇-1-磷酸合成酶基因的片段有较高的相似性,通过RACE法克隆出该基因的3’末端,5’末端克隆没有成功,全长序列有待深入分析。


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从纳米结构自组装和聚苯胺的刚性分子链出发,本文分别采用界面聚合法和直接混合反应法制备了一维聚苯胺纳米结构,探讨了产物结构及形成机理,并对其防腐蚀性能和机理进行了研究。主要研究结果如下: 1. 直接混合反应法是一种有效的制备聚苯胺纳米结构的方法,其产率高于界面聚合法。不同掺杂酸对产物结构和产率存在较大影响。 2. 在硫酸体系中,采用直接混合反应法合成了聚苯胺纳米纤维,其直径约为60-100 nm,长度达到几个微米,导电率为6.0 S/cm。综合考虑产物形貌、导电率和产率的最优合成条件为:硫酸浓度1 mol/L,苯胺与过硫酸铵配比0.8,反应时间16 h。 3. 在醋酸体系中,采用直接混合反应法可合成出纳米纤维和纳米管,反应物配比是产物形貌和产率的主要影响因素。在醋酸浓度为1 mol/L,苯胺浓度为0.2 mol/L,过硫酸铵浓度为0.1 mol/L,反应时间为24 h的条件下,可以制备得到螺旋状聚苯胺纳米纤维。 4. 电化学测试技术研究表明,直接混合反应法合成的聚苯胺纳米纤维具有比常规聚苯胺更好的防腐蚀性能;在3.5%NaCl溶液中,掺杂态聚苯胺产物的防腐蚀性能优于解掺杂态聚苯胺产物。聚苯胺在低碳钢表面钝化形成的氧化膜与纯聚苯胺涂层均具有一定防腐时效性,但防护时间较短。要获得更长期的防腐效果,需开发聚苯胺与常规涂层的混合体系。


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本文对北移坛紫菜(Porphyra haitanensis)中的藻胆蛋白和多糖进行了深入的研究,并发现其化学结构特征与南方坛紫菜存在一定差异,其主要结果如下:坛紫菜的水溶性色素粗提物经过耱酸铵沉淀和羟基磷灰石(HA)柱层析后,分离到三种藻胆蛋白,即藻蓝蛋白(RPC)、藻红蛋白(RPE)和变藻蓝蛋白(APC)。在中性介质中,其吸收光谱和荧光发射光谱与文献报告基本一致,但在酸性(PH_3)或碱性(PH_(12))介质中,吸收光谱有明显改变,原有的荧光性质也消失。RPC和APC只分离到一种聚集体,但RPE有两种不同的聚体,用Sephadex G-100凝胶过滤方法,测得藻胆蛋白的分子量分别为:RPC 117,000,APC 122,000,小分子RPE 34,000,大分子RPE 232,000。 而且RPE的两种聚集体的吸收光谱、荧光光谱以及等电点等物理性质都有所差异。对RPE的氨基酸分析结果表明,以天冬氨酸、丙氨酸和谷氨酸为主,且酸性氨基酸的含量大于碱性基酸的含量。用分级法对南北方两种坛紫菜的热水和冷水提取多糖进行了层析分级,用~(13)C-NMR和红外光谱研究了各级分的化学结构特征,南北方坛紫菜琼胶分别主要由用1.0M和0.5M NaCl从DEAE-Sephadex A50层析柱洗脱下的带电荷的琼胶分子组成,~(13)C-NMR谱图表明坛紫菜主要由琼胶糖结构及其生物前体(硫酸基结合在L-半乳糖的第6位碳上)构成,且甲基化琼胶糖在南方坛紫菜中的含量明显比北移坛紫菜高,这是坛紫菜由南方移植北方后的明显差异,这种差异对于进一步研究坛紫菜的生理学特点是有意义的。


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Inorganic carbon forms and their influencing factors, mutual transformation and contribution to carbon cycling in the Jiaozhou Bay sediments were discussed. The results show that inorganic carbon in sediments could be divided into five forms: NaCl form, NH3 center dot H2O form, NaOH form, NH2OH center dot HCl form and HCl form. Thereinto, NH2OH center dot HCl form and HCl form account for more than 70% of total inorganic carbon. There was close relationship among every form of inorganic carbon and their correlativity was clearly different with different sedimentary environment except the similar strong positive correlation among NH2OH center dot HCl form, HCl form and total inorganic carbon in all regions of the Jiaozhou Bay. All forms of inorganic carbon were influenced by organic carbon, pH, Eh, Es, nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments, but their influence had different characteristics in different regions. Every farm of inorganic carbon transformed into each other continuously during early diagenesis of sediments and the common phenomenon was that NaCl form, NH3 center dot H2O form, NaOH form and NH2OH center dot HCl form might transform into steady HCl form. NaCl form, NH3 center dot H2O form, NaOH form and NH2OH center dot HCl form could participate in carbon recycle and they are potential carbon source; HCl form may be buried for a long time in sediments, and it may be one of the final resting places of atmospheric CO2. Inorganic carbon which entered into sediments was about 4.98 x 10(10) g in the Jiaozhou Bay every year, in which about 1.47x10(10) g of inorganic carbon might be buried for a long time and about 3.51. x 10(10) g of inorganic carbon might return into seawater and take part in carbon recycling.


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Marine sediment is the important sources and sinks of carbon. The inorganic carbon(IC) in marine sediments plays an important role in carbon cycling. In order to understand IC function in carbon cycling, sequential extraction method based on IC combined chemical strength difference were established to get five phases: NaCl phase (step I), NH3 - H2O phase (step II), NaOH phase (step III), NH2OH . HCl phase (step IV) and HCl phase(step V). The best extraction conditions were obtained by a series of experiments. Extractants were added into plastic centrifuge tubes in Step I - M, the capped tube were placed on a shaker table to keep the solids suspended for two hours. The suspended solution was separated by centrifugal, the residues were washed with water. The two supernatant were combined and the CO, was finally determined by volumetric analysis. The residues were transferred into conical flask in step IV and V, and then the extractants were added. The produced CO2 was adsorbed by saturated Ba(OH)(2) solution, and determined by volumetric analysis. This method for IC has a good precision in the analysis sediment samples.


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JGOFS results showed that the ocean is a major sink for the increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide resulting from human activity. However, the role of the coastal seas in the global carbon cycling is poorly understood. In the present work, the inorganic carbon (IC) in the Yangtze River Estuary and Jiaozhou Bay are studied as examples of offshore sediments. Sequential extraction was used to divide inorganic carbon in the sediments into five forms, NaCl form, NH3 H2O form, NaOH form, NH2OH HCl form and HCl form. Studied of their content and influencing factors were also showed that NaCl form < NH3 H2O form < NaOH form < NH2OH HCl form < HCl form, and that their influencing factors of pH, Eh, Es, water content, organic carbon, organic nitrogen, inorganic nitrogen, organic phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus on inorganic carbon can be divided into two groups, and that every factor has different influence on different form or on the same form in different environment. Different IC form may transform into each other in the early diagenetic process of sediment, but NaCl form, NH3 H2O form, NaOH form and NH2OH HCl form may convert to HCl form ultimately. So every IC form has different contribution to carbon cycling. This study showed that the contribution of various form of IC to the carbon cycle is in the order of NaOH form > NH2OH HCl form > NH3 H2O form > NaCl form > HCl form, and that the contribution of HCl form contributes little to carbon cycling, HCl form may be one of end-result of atmospheric CO2. So Yangtze River estuary sediment may absorb at least about 40.96x10(11) g atmospheric CO2 every year, which indicated that offshore sediment play an important role in absorbing atmospheric CO2.


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The present work is the first report of the biochemical characterization of the venom from nematocysts of the jellyfish Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye. The nematocysts were isolated by autolysis and centrifugation and separated by flow cytometry. Four types of nematocysts were identified: mastigophores, euryteles, and atrichous and holotrichous isorhiza. SDS-PAGE and amino acid analyses demonstrated that most of the proteins in the nematocyst extract were between 10 kDa and 40 kDa, and that glutamic acid was the main amino acid. A hemolytic activity assay showed that the activity of the nematocyst venom (RNV) was strongest in Tris-HCl buffer (50 mmol/L, pH 7.8, 5% glycerol, 0.5 mmol/L EDTA, 0.1 mol/L NaCl). The hemolytic activity was related to protein concentration and the HU50 against chicken erythrocytes was 0.91 A mu g/mL.


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Gelidium amansii agar was fractionated on DEAE-cellulose and four fractions were obtained sequentially. The yields of 1.0 mol/L NaCl fraction and 2.5 mol/L NaCl fraction were 2.80% and 2.03%. They are highly sulfated agar, and named as agaropectin with sulfate content being 22.8% and 32.5%, respectively. The anticoagulant experiment results show that agaropectin could effectively prolong the coagulation time in a dose-dependent manner in vitro. Agaropection could be absorbed and effectively prolong the plasma coagulation time in vivo. After intragastric administration at the doses of 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg.d in rats for 15 days, TT (thrombin time), CT (coagulation time), PT (prothrombin time), and APTT (activated partial thromboplastin time) could be effectively prolonged and the plasma Fib level could be significantly lowered.


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Different one-dimensional nanostructured polyanilines were synthesized in sulfuric acid solutions by conventional polymerization, interfacial polymerization and direct mixed reaction, respectively. The products were characterized with SEM, UV-vis and FTIR and the anticorrosion performance of products on mild steel were studied using electrochemical measurement in 3.5% NaCl aqueous solution. Results showed that the polyaniline nanofibers synthesized by direct mixed reaction have uniform morphology with diameters of 60-100 nm and more excellent protective properties than conventional aggregated polyaniline. Comparative studies revealed that the nanostructure and morphology of polyaniline could influence its anticorrosion performance. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the investigation of diniconzole and triadimefon as chemical corrosion inhibitors for freshly polished copper in synthetic seawater (3.5% NaCl solution). Determination of weight loss, polarization curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and SEM, were performed to analyze the inhibiting performance of these compounds. Polarization curves show that they act as mixed-type inhibitors. EIS indicates that an adsorption film of the inhibitors is formed on copper surface. The highest values of inhibition efficiency are respectively, 99.2% and 97.3% at 100 mg/L concentration. Thermodynamic calculation suggests that chemisorptions between the compounds and copper are accordance with Langmuir adsorption isotherm. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.