294 resultados para Irradiated seafood.


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Surface change of gallium nitride specimens after bombardment by highly charged Pbq+-ions (q = 25, 35) at room temperature is studied by means of atomic force microscopy. The experimental results reveal that the surface of GaN specimens is significantly etched and erased. An unambiguous step-up is observed. The erosion depth not only strongly depends on the charge state of ions, but also is related to the incident angle of Pbq+-ions and the ion dose. The erosion depth of the specimens in 60 incidence (tilted incidence) is significantly deeper than that of the normal incidence. The erosion behaviour of specimens has little dependence on the kinetic energy of ion (E-k = 360, 700 keV). On the other hand, surface roughness of the irradiated area is obviously decreased due to erosion compared with the un-irradiated area. A fiat terrace is formed.


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Survivin is a member of the inhibitors of apoptosis (IAP) protein family that interferes with post-mitochondrial events including activation of caspases. To examine the regulation of survivin expression in response to irradiation with different linear energy transfer (LET), human hepatoma HepG2 cells were irradiated in vitro with X-rays and carbon ions. Cellular sensitivities to low- and high-LET radiation were determined by colony formation. Survivin expression at mRNA and protein level were measured with RT-PCR and Western blot analyses, respectively. Radiation-induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis were investigated with flow cytometry. We found that low-LET X-rays induced dose-dependent increases in survivin expression. After exposure to high-LET carbon ions, survivin expression gradually increased from 0 to 4 Gy, and then declined at 6 Gy. More pronounced survivin expression, stronger G(2)/M phase arrest was observed after exposure to carbon ions in comparison with X-rays at doses from 0 to 4 Gy. These observations indicate that there is a differential survivin expression in response to different LET radiations and the cycle arrest mechanism may be associated with it. In addition, our data on induction of apoptosis are compatible with the assumption that survivin expression induced by low-LET X-rays radiation may play a critical role in inhibiting apoptosis. However, after irradiation with ions, an anti-apoptotic function of survivin is not evident, possibly because of the serious damage produced by densely ionizing radiation.


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Carbon ion radiotherapy/Fractionated irradiation/R-BE/Premature terminal differentiation. To investigate the influence of fractionation on cell survival and radiation induced premature differentiation as markers for early and late effects after X-rays and carbon irradiation. Normal human fibroblasts NHDF, AG1522B and WI-38 were irradiated With 250 kV X-rays, or 266 MeV/u, 195 MeV/u and I I MeV/u carbon ions. Cytotoxicity was measured by a clonogenic survival assay or by determination of the differentiation pattern. Experiments with high-energy carbon ions show that fractionation induced repair effects are similar to photon irradiation. The RBE10 values for clonogenic survival are 1.3 and 1.6 for irradiation in one or two fractions for NHDF cells and around 1.2 for AG1522B cells regardless of the fractionation scheme. The RBE for a doubling of post mitotic fibroblasts (PMF) in the population is I for both single and two fractionated irradiation of NHDF cells. Using I I MeV/u carbon ions, no repair effect can be seen in WI-38 cells. The RBE10 for clonogenic survival is 3.2 for single irradiation and 4.9 for two fractionated irradiations. The RBE for a doubling of PMF is 3.1 and 5.0 for single and two fractionated irradiations, respectively. For both cell lines the effects of high-energy carbon ions representing the irradiation of the skin and the normal tissue in the entrance channel are similar to the effects of X-rays. The fractionation effects are maintained. For the lower energy, which is representative for the irradiation of the tumor region. RBE is enhanced for clonogenic survival as well as for premature terminal differentiation. Fractionation effects are not detectable. Consequently, the therapeutic ratio is significantly enhanced by fractionated irradiation with carbon ions.


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In this paper, an investigation on the micro-structure of an Fe-base oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) alloy irradiated with high-energy Ne-20 ions to different doses at a temperature around 0.5T(m) (T-m is the melting point of the alloy) is presented. Investigation with the transmission electron microscopy found that the accelerated growth of voids at grain-boundaries, which is usually a concern in conventional Fe-base alloys under conditions of inert-gas implantation, was not observed in the ODS alloy irradiated even to the highest dose (12000 at.ppm Ne). The reason is ascribed to the enhanced recombination of point defects and strong trapping of Ne atoms at the interfaces of the nano-scale oxide particles in grains. The study showed that ODS alloys have good resistance to the high-temperature inter-granular embrittlement due to inert-gas accumulation, exhibiting prominence of application in harsh situations of considerable helium production at elevated temperatures like in a fusion reactor.


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In this paper, the relationship between radiosensitivity, cell cycle alteration and the change of apoptosis in different human hepatoma cell lines irradiated by heavy ions were studied with the aim of building up the base data for clinical therapy. Exponentially growing hepatoma cell lines were irradiated by 80.55 MeV/u(12)C(6+) ions at a dose of 0 Gy, 0.5 Gy, 1 Gy, 2 Gy, 4 Gy and 8 Gy. The radiosensitivity was assessed by means of the colony-forming assay. The DNA content, the percentage of each cell-cycle phase and the apoptosis rate were obtained with flow cytometry methods. After the irradiation, the SF2 (survival fraction at 2 gray) of SMMC-7721 cells were evidently lower than that of HepG2 cells. The S phase arrest, G2/M phase arrest delay and the apoptosis in the two hepatoma cell lines varied with the increase of the dose and repair time. The heavy ions could obviously kill the human hepatoma cell lines. Compared to HepG2 cells, SMMC-7721 cells were more radiosensitive to C-12(6+) ions.


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To investigate the effects of pre-exposure of mouse testis to low-dose C-12(6+) ions on cytogenetics of spermatogonia and spermatocytes induced by subsequent high-dose irradiation. the testes of outbred Kun-Ming strain mice were irradiated with 0.05 Gy of C-12(6+) ions as the pre-exposure dose, and then irradiated with 2 Gy as challenging dose at 4 h after per-exposure. Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARPs) activity and PARP-1 protein expression were respectively measured by using the enzymatic and Western blot assays at 4 h after irradiation; chromosomal aberrations in spermatogonia and spermatocytes were analyzed by the air-drying method at 8 h after irradiation. The results showed that there was a significant increase in the frequency of chromosomal aberrations and significant reductions of PARP activity and PARP-1 expression level in the mouse testes irradiated with 2 Gy of C-12(6+) ions. However, pre-exposure of mouse testes to a low dose of C-12(6+) ions significantly increased PARPs activity and PARP-1 expression and alleviated the harmful effects induced by a subsequent high-dose irradiation. PARP activity inhibitor 3-aminobenzamide (3-AB) treatment blocked the effects of PARP-1 on cytogenetic adaptive response induced by low-dose C-12(6+) ion irradiation. The data suggest that pre-exposure of testes to a low dose of heavy ions can induce cytogenetic adaptive response to subsequent high-dose irradiation. The increase of PARP-1 protein induced by the low-dose ionizing irradiation may be involved in the mechanism of these observations. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Amorphous SiO2 thin films with about 400-500 nm in thickness were thermally grown on single crystalline silicon. These SiO2/Si samples were firstly implanted at room temperature (RT) with 100 keV carbon ions to 2.0 x 10(17),5.0 X 10(17) or 1.2 x 10(18) ions/cm(2), then irradiated at RT by 853 MeV Pb ions to 5.0 x 10(11), 1.0 X.10(12) 2.0 x 10(12) or 5.0 x 10(12) ions/cm(2), respectively. The variation of photoluminescence (PL) properties of these samples was analyzed at RT using a fluorescent spectroscopy. The obtained results showed that Pb-ion irradiations led to significant changes of the PL properties of the carbon ion implanted SiO2 films. For examples, 5.0 x 10(12) Pb-ions/cm(2) irradiation produced huge blue and green light-emitters in 2.0 x 10(17) C-ions/cm(2) implanted samples, which resulted in the appearance of two intense PL peaks at about 2.64 and 2.19 eV. For 5.0 x 10(17) carbon-ions/cm(2) implanted samples, 2.0 x 10(12) Pb-ions/cm(2) irradiation could induce the formation of a strong and wide violet band at about 2.90 eV, whereas 5.0 x 10(12) Pb-ionS/cm(2) irradiation could,create double peaks of light emissions at about 2.23 and 2.83 eV. There is no observable PL peak in the 1.2 x 10(18) carbon-ions/cm(2) implanted samples whether it was irradiated with Pb ions or not. All these results implied that special light emitters could be achieved by using proper ion implantation and irradiation conditions, and it will be very useful for the synthesis of new type Of SiO2-based light-emission materials.


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The micro-beam irradiation system, which focuses the beam down to micron order and precisely delivers a predefined number of ions to a predefined spot of micron order, is a powerful tool for radio-biology, radio-biomedicine and micromachining. The Institute of Modern Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences is developing a heavy-ion microbeam irradiation system up to intermediate energy. Based on the intermediate and low energy beam provided by Heavy Ion Research Facility of Lanzhou, the micro-beam system takes the form of the magnetic focusing. The heavy-ion beam is conducted to the basement by a symmetrical achromatic system consisting of two vertical bending magnets and a quadrupole in between. Then a beam spot of micron order is formed by a magnetic triplet quadrupole of very high gradient. The sample can be irradiated either in vacuum or in the air. This system will be the first opening platform capable of providing heavy ion micro-beam, ranging from low (10MeV/u) to intermediate energy (100MeV/u), for irradiation experiment with positioning and counting accuracy. Target material may be biology cell, tissue or other non-biological materials. It will be a help for unveiling the essence of heavy-ion interaction with matter and also a new means for exploring the application of heavy-ion irradiation.


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Two kinds of Fe/Cu multilayers with different modulation wavelength were deposited on cleaved Si(100) substrates and then irradiated at room temperature using 400 keV Xe20+ in a wide range of irradiation fluences. As a comparison, thermal annealing at 300-900 degrees C was also carried out in vacuum. Then the samples were analyzed by XRD and the evolution of crystallite structures induced by irradiation was investigated. The obtained XRD patterns showed that, with increase of the irradiation fluence, the peaks of Fe became weaker, the peaks related to Cu-based fcc solid solution and Fe-based bcc solid solution phase became visible and the former became strong gradually. This implied that the intermixing at the Fe/Cu interface induced by ion irradiation resulted in the formation of the new phases which could not be achieved by thermal annealing. The possible intermixing mechanism of Fe/Cu multilayers induced by energetic ion irradiation was briefly discussed.


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This study is aimed at observing the apoptosis and Bcl-2/Bax gene expression of mammalian cells following heavy-ion and X-ray irradiations. Exponentially growing human hepatoma SMMC-7721 cells cultured in vitro were irradiated with a C-12 ion beam of 50 MeV/u (corresponding to a LET value of 44.56 keV/mu m) from Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL) at doses varying from 0 to 3 Gy. The X-ray irradiation (8 MV) was performed in the therapy unit of the General Hospital of the Lanzhou Military Area. Survival fractions of irradiated cells at various doses were measured by means of MTT assay. Apoptotic cells after irradiation were analyzed with fluorescence microscope and flow cytometer (FCM). Immuno-histological assay were applied to detect the expression of Bcl-2/Bax genes in the irradiated cells. The survival fraction of SMMC-7721 cells decreased gradually (vs. control p<0.05) with increasing the dose of the carbon ion beam more obviously than X-ray irradiation, and the carbon ion irradiation efficiently induced cell apoptosis and significantly promoted the expression of Bax gene while Bcl-2 gene expression was restrained. High-LET heavy ion beam would induce cell apoptosis effectively than low-LET X-ray, and the apoptosis rate is correlated with the transcription of Bcl-2/Bax and the ratio of Bcl-2/Bax in human hepatoma SMMC-7721 cells after irradiation to heavy ion beam.


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The purpose of this paper is to prepare for an easy and reliable biodosimeter protocol for radiation accidents involving high-linear energy transfer (LET) exposure. Human peripheral blood lymphocytes were irradiated using carbon ions (LET: 34.6 keV mu m(-1)), and the chromosome aberrations induced were analyzed using both a conventional colcemid block method and a calyculin A induced premature chromosome condensation (PCC) method. At a lower dose range (0-4 Gy), the measured dicentric (dics) and centric ring chromosomes (cRings) provided reasonable dose information. At higher doses (8 Gy), however, the frequency of dics and cRings was not suitable for dose estimation. Instead, we found that the number of Giemsa-stained drug-induced G2 prematurely condensed chromosomes (G2-PCC) can be used for dose estimation, since the total chromosome number (including fragments) was linearly correlated with radiation dose (r = 0.99). The ratio of the longest and the shortest chromosome length of the drug-induced G2-PCCs increased with radiation dose in a linear-quadratic manner (r = 0.96), which indicates that this ratio can also be used to estimate radiation doses. Obviously, it is easier to establish the dose response curve using the PCC technique than using the conventional metaphase chromosome method. It is assumed that combining the ratio of the longest and the shortest chromosome length with analysis of the total chromosome number might be a valuable tool for rapid and precise dose estimation for victims of radiation accidents.


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Hepatoma and melanoma cells were exposed to C-12(6+) beams generated by HIRFL facility and gamma-rays and the cell response was studied by colony assays as well as the analysis of RBE of carbon ions was evolved. The survival curves of cells irradiated by heavy ions were different from those of cells irradiated by gamma-rays. And two kinds of cell showed the obvious discrepancy in response to the photon and ion irradiation. The results showed that heavy ions have special physical properties and mighty potency to kill cell in both single and fractional irradiation meanwhile it can kill tumor cells with high radioresistance more efficiently. When involved in clinical therapy, heavy ions will enhance the therapy efficiency and decrease the suffering of patients because it can impair the repair for sublethal damage of cells which can lead to fewer irradiation fractions.


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Three human malignancy cell lines were irradiated with Co-60 gamma-rays. Initial chromatid breaks were measured by using the chemically induced premature chromosome condensation technique. Survival curves of cells exposed to gamma rays was linear-quadratic while the efficiency of Calyculin A in inducing PCC of G(2) PCC was about five times more than G(1) PCC. A dose-dependent increase in radiation-induced chromatid/isochromatid breaks was observed in G(1) and G(2) phase PCC and a nearly positive linear correlation was found between cell survival and chromatin breaks. This study implies that low LET radiation-induced chromatid/isochromatid breaks can potentially be used to predict the radiosensitivity of tumor cells either in in vitro experimentation or in in vivo clinical radiotherapy.


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The combination of ionizing radiation and gene therapy has been investigated. However, there are very few reports about the combination of heavy-ion irradiation and gene therapy. To determine if the pre-exposure to low-dose heavy ion beam enhances the suppression of AdCMV-p53 on non-small lung cancer (NSLC), the cells pre-irradiated or non-irradiated were infected with 20, 40 MOI of AdCMV-p53. Survival fraction and the relative biology effect (RBE) were determined by clonogenic assay. The results showed that the proportions of p53 positive cells in C-12(6+) beam induced AdCMV-p53 infected cells were more than 90%, which were significantly more than those in gamma-ray induced AdCMV-p53 infected cells. The pre-exposure to low-dose 12C6+ beam significantly prevented the G(0)/G(1) arrest and activated G(2)/M checkpoints. The pre-exposure to C-12(6+) beam significantly improved cell to apoptosis. RBEs for the C-12(6+)+ AdCMV-p53 infection groups were 30%-60%,20% -130% and 30%-70% more than those for the C-12(6+)_irradiated only, AdCMV-p53 infected only, and gamma-irradiation induced AdCMVp53 infected groups, respectively. The data suggested that the pre-exposure to low-dose C-12(6+) beam significantly promotes exogenous p53 expression in NSLC, and the suppression of AdCMV-p53 gene therapy on NSLC.


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Thermally grown amorphous SiO2 samples were implanted at room temperature (RT) with 120 keV C-ions to a dose ranging from 1.0 x 10(16) to 8.6 x 10(17)C ions/cm(2), then irradiated at RT with 950 MeV Pb, 345 or 1754 MeV Xe ions to a fluence in the region from 1.0 x 10(11) to 3.8 x 10(12) ions/cm(2), respectively. The irradiated samples were investigated using micro-FTIR and micro-Raman spectroscopes. It was found that new chemical bonds such as Si-C, C=C(O), C C and Si(C)-O-C bonds formed significantly in the C-doped SiO2 films after heavy ion irradiations. The evolution of Si-O-C bonds and possible mechanism of structural modification in C-doped SiO2 induced by swift heavy ion irradiations were discussed.