257 resultados para THREADING DISLOCATION
The nanocrystalline (nc) formation was studied in cobalt (a mixture of c (hexagonal close packed) and gamma (face-centered cubic) phases) subjected to surface mechanical attrition treatment. Electron microscopy revealed the operation of {10(1) over bar 0}< 11(2) over bar 0 > prismatic and {0001}< 11(2) over bar 0 > basal slip in the E phase, leading to the successive subdivision of grains to nanoscale. In particular, the dislocation splitting into the stacking faults was observed to occur in ultrafine and nc grains. By contrast, the planar dislocation arrays, twins and martensites were evidenced in the gamma phase. The strain-induced gamma ->epsilon martensitic transformation was found to progress continuously in ultrafine and nc grains as the strain increased. The nc formation in the gamma phase was interpreted in terms of the martensitic transformation and twinning.
Experiments were conducted on copper subjected to High Pressure Torsion to investigate the evolution of microstructure and microhardness with shear strain, gamma. Observations have been carried out in the longitudinal section for a proper demonstration of the structure morphology. An elongated dislocation cell/subgrain structure was observed at relatively low strain level. With increasing strain, the elongated subgrains transformed into elongated grains and finally into equiaxed grains with high angle grain boundaries. Measurements showed the hardness increases with increasing gamma then tends to saturations when gamma >5. The variation tendency of microhardness with gamma can be simulated by Voce-type equation.
Deformation microstructures have been investigated in nanocrystalline (nc) Ni with grain sizes in the 50-100 nm range. It was found that deformation twinning started to occur in grains of similar to 90 nm, and its propensity increased with decreasing grain size. In most of the nc grains dislocations were observed as well, in the form of individual dislocations and dipoles. It is concluded that dislocation-mediated plasticity dominates for grain sizes in the upper half, i.e. 50-100 nm, of the nanocrystalline regime. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.
本文研究粘弹性材料界面裂纹对冲击载荷的瞬态响应和对广义平面波的稳态散射。相对于已有广泛研究的弹性材料裂纹瞬态响应和稳态散射问题,本文的研究有三个突出特点:1)粘弹性材料;2)界面裂纹;3)广义平面波入射。粘弹性材料界面裂纹对冲击载荷的瞬态响应和对广义平面波的散射尚无开展研究,本文在弹性材料相应问题的研究基础上,首先开展了这一问题的研究。对于冲击载荷下粘弹性界面裂纹的瞬态响应问题,利用Laplace积分变换方法,将粘弹性材料卷积型本构方程转化为Laplace变换域内的代数型本构方程,从而可以在Laplace变换域内象处理弹性材料的冲击响应一样,将相应的混合边值问题归结为关于裂纹张开位移COD的对偶积分方程,并进一步引入裂纹位错密度函数CDD (Crack Dislocation Density),将对偶积分方程化成关于CDD的奇异积分方程(SIE)。用数值方法求解奇异积分方程得到变换域内的动应力强度因子数值解,最后利用Laplace积分逆变换数值方法得到时间域内的动应力强度因子的时间响应。理论分析考虑了两种裂纹模型,即Griffith界面裂纹和柱面圆弧型界面裂纹。考虑的载荷包括反平面冲击载荷和平面冲击载荷。对于平面冲击载荷,通过对裂尖应力场的奇性分析,首次发现粘弹性界面裂纹裂尖动应力场奇性指数不是常数0.5,而是与震荡指数一样依赖材料参数。针对反平面冲击载荷给出了一个算例,计算了裂尖动应力强度因子的时间响应,并与弹性材料的结果作了比较,发现粘弹性效应的影响不仅使过冲击峰值降低,而且使峰值点后移。粘性效应较大时,过冲击现象甚至不出现。关于粘弹性界面裂纹对广东省义平面波的散射问题,首先研究广义平面波在无裂纹存在的理想界面的反射和透射,再研究由于界面裂纹的存在而产生的附加散射场。利用粘弹性材料的复模量理论,可将粘弹性材料的卷积型相构方程化成频率域内的代数型本构方程。类似弹性平面波的处理,在频率域内将问题最终归结为关于裂纹位错密度CDD的奇异积分方程。数值方法求解奇异积分方程即可得到频率域内的散射场,并进而得到裂尖动应力强度因子和远场位移型函数和散射截面。理论分析考虑了两种裂纹模型:Griffith界面裂纹和柱面圆弧型界面裂纹。研究的入射波有广义的SH波和P波。对于广义平面P波入射的情况,通过对裂尖应力场的奇性分析,同样发现粘弹性界面裂纹裂尖动应力场奇性指数不地常数0.5,而是与震荡指数一样依赖于材料参数。对柱面裂纹散射远场的渐近分析,发现远场位移和应力除含有几何衰减因子外,都含有一个材料衰减速因子。散射截面由于材料衰减因子的存在也成为依赖散射半径的量。为了使散射截面仍有意义,文中提出一种修正办法。对Griffith界面裂纹,给出了一个广义平面SH波入射的算例;对柱面界面裂纹,给出了一个广义平面P波入射的算例。计算了不同入射角和入射频率下裂纹的张开位移和动就应力强度因子,并分析了其依赖关系。求解奇异积分方程的数值方法和Laplace积分逆变换数值方法是本文的基本数值方法。本文对这两种方法作了大量的调研和系统的研究。在对比分析的基础上,对现有的各种方法从原理,适用范围,计数效率,优势及特点进行了归纳总结。并尝试了奇异积分方程的最新数值方法--分片连续函数法,证实了其适用性和方便性.
探索和建立不同尺度理论之间的关联模式是科学研究的重要课题,本文基于跨尺度模型着重探讨了金属陶瓷界面的凝聚能和原子结构问题。本文遵循原始Peierls-Nabarro模型的基本思想,提出了一种处理一维界面失配位错组的新方法。在这个推广的Peierls-Nabarro模型中,本文得到了一个简单而且准确的解析解,此解反映了失配位错的核结构、能量与失配度、剪切模量之间的依赖关系。当界面剪切模量较强而失配度较小时,界面的结构可以用一组奇导师Volterra位错来描述,这与一些原子模拟结果一致。采用这一简单的模型,引入第一原理计算得到的数据,此模型可以估算金属陶瓷界面的凝聚能。一维界面失配位错组的Peierls-Nabarro模型还被解析推广描述一大类较宽的位错。在模型中我们引进了一个参数a,通过控制参数a,我们可以系统地改变失配位错芯的宽度、剪切应力的分布和弹性恢复力。随着a增加,位错宽度增加,同时弹性恢复力和失配位错应力的幅度减少。当界面剪切模量强和失配度小时,失配位错的宽度近似线性反比于弹性恢复力的幅度大小。同时当界面剪切模量和失配度固定时,失配能、弹性能和总的界面能随a的增加而减少。界面能和恢复力律形式密切相关,当界面剪切模量弱和失配度大时,这种依赖关系更强。考虑到界面常常是在晶格两个方向都有失配,本文还引进了描述界面周期失配位错的二维广义Peierls-Nabarro模型,使得我们能够定量地研究界面的结构和能量。文中定量分析了广义堆垛能γ面对界面失配位错的结构和能量的影响,分析了位错网中两种位错组的相互作用。当界面剪切模量τ_0变大和失配度f变小时,随着位错核区占整个界面的比重下降,γ面的形状对界面能量和结构影响减弱,结果两种位错组之间的相互作用也减弱。此外γ面的变化还有可能导致位错网结构的转变,也就是导致界面结构的转变。应用此模型,本文还研究了金属-陶瓷Ag/MgO(100)界面,给出了界面的能量和原子结构。文中得出结论:在Ag/MgO(100)界面将会形成{1/2<110>; <110>}类型的位错网。此外由于界面失配位错的形成,Ag/MgO(100)界面凝聚能的理论值900mJ/m~2将减少214mJ/m~2,最终成为686mJ/m~2。基于第一原理赝势平面波的总能计算,文中给出了金属陶瓷Al/MgO(100)界面弛豫和未弛豫时的广义堆垛能面。然后结合第三章发展的广义二维Peierls-Nabarro模型,详细研究了金属陶瓷Al/MgO(100)界面的原子结构和界面能。文中得出的“在Al/MgO(100)界面将会形成{1/2<110>; <110>}类型位错网”的推论,证实了Vellinga等的猜测;文中还预测了凝聚能的理论是在600mJ/m~2(未弛豫情形)和670mJ/m~2(弛豫情形)之间。这个应用表明此方法能够容易地建立连续介质理论和第一原理计算之间的联系,实现理论上的跨尺度。本文最后提出了一种得到界面原子有效对势的反演方法。通过反演金属-MgO陶瓷界面的第一原理计算的凝聚能曲线,我们得到了一些金属原子和陶瓷离子之间的对势,此对势反映了金属陶瓷键合的特性。本文的反演方法提供了通过第一原理计算数据来拟合界面原子对势的一种可行性途径。这种方法可归结为第一类尺度关联理论,即单向的跨尺度关联模式。
A high-resolution electron microscopy study has uncovered the plastic behavior of accommodating large strains in nanocrystalline (NC) Ni subject to cold rolling at liquid nitrogen temperature. The activation of grain-boundary-mediated-plasticity is evidenced in NC-Ni, including twinning and formation of stacking fault via partial dislocation slips from the grain boundary. The formation and storage of 60A degrees full dislocations are observed inside NC-grains. The grain/twin boundaries act as the barriers of dislocation slips, leading to dislocation pile-up, severe lattice distortion, and formation of sub-grain boundary. The vicinity of grain/twin boundary is where defects preferentially accumulate and likely the favorable place for onset of plastic deformation. The present results indicate the heterogeneous and multiple natures of accommodating plastic strains in NC-grains.
Low strain hardening has hitherto been considered an intrinsic behavior for most nanocrystalline (NC) metals, due to their perceived inability to accumulate dislocations. In this Letter, we show strong strain hardening in NC nickel with a grain size of 20 nm under large plastic strains. Contrary to common belief, we have observed significant dislocation accumulation in the grain interior. This is enabled primarily by Lomer-Cottrell locks, which pin the lock-forming dislocations and obstruct islocation. motion. These observations may help with developing strong and ductile NC metals and alloys.
Most deformation twins in nanocrystalline face-centered cubic fcc metals have been observed to form from grain boundaries. The growth of such twins requires the emission of Shockley partials from the grain boundary on successive slip planes. However, it is statistically improbable for a partial to exist on every slip plane. Here we propose a dislocation reaction and cross-slip mechanism on the grain boundary that would supply a partial on every successive slip plane for twin growth.This mechanism can also produce a twin with macrostrain smaller than that caused by a conventional twin.
Vortex dislocations in wake-type flow induced by three types of spanwise disturbances superimposed on an upstream velocity profile are investigated by direct numerical simulations. Three distinct modes of vortex dislocations and flow transitions have been found. A local spanwise exponential decay disturbance leads to the appearance of a twisted chainlike mode of vortex dislocation. A stepped spanwise disturbance causes a streamwise periodic spotlike mode of vortex dislocation. A spanwise sinusoidal wavy disturbance with a moderate waviness causes a strong unsteadiness of wake behavior. This unsteadiness starts with a systematic periodic mode of vortex dislocation in the spanwise direction followed by the spanwise vortex shedding suppressed completely with increased time and the near wake becoming a steady shear flow. Characteristics of these modes of vortex dislocation and complex vortex linkages over the dislocation, as well as the corresponding dynamic processes related to the appearance of dislocations, are described by examining the variations of vortex lines and vorticity distribution. The nature of the vortex dislocation is demonstrated by the substantial vorticity modification of the spanwise vortex from the original spanwise direction to streamwise and vertical directions, accompanied by the appearance of noticeable vortex branching and complex vortex linking, all of which are produced at the locations with the biggest phase difference or with a frequency discontinuity between shedding cells. The effect of vortex dislocation on flow transition, either to an unsteady irregular vortex flow or suppression of the Kaacutermaacuten vortex shedding making the wake flow steady state, is analyzed. Distinct similarities are found in the mechanism and main flow phenomena between the present numerical results obtained in wake-type flows and the experimental-numerical results of cylinder wakes reported in previous studies.
Undoped Y2SiO5 single crystal was grown by the Czochralski method. The samples were optically polished after orienting and cutting. The rhombus and quadrangular dislocation etching pits, the low-angle grain boundaries and the inclusions in the samples were observed using optical microscope and scanning electron microscope. The absorption spectra were measured before and after H-2 annealing or air annealing. The absorption edge of Y2SiO5 crystal was determined to be about 202 nm. The absorption coefficient of Y2SiO5 crystal decreased after H-2 annealing and obviously increased after air annealing. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
采用提拉法生长了质量优异的Yb:Ca5(PO4)2F(Yb:FAP)晶体。运用化学腐蚀,光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜以及能量散射光谱仪观察了该晶体中的生长条纹和包裹物等宏观缺陷,以及晶体的位错腐蚀形貌、位错密度及其分布情况,同时观察了晶体中亚晶界的形态。由晶体中位错的径向变化以及生长条纹可知:晶体在生长过程中为微凸界面生长。高温下CaF2的挥发造成了在晶体生长后期熔体中组分偏离化学计量比,出现组分过冷,形成包裹物。且位错密度显著增加。Yb:FAP晶体的各向异性使得晶体在(10 10)面的位错蚀坑形状、大小以