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Defects and morphologies are presented in this paper as revealed with transmission electron microscope (TEM) in the In(0.8)G(0.2)As/InAlAs heterostructure on InP(001) for high-electron-mobility transistors application. Most of the misfit dislocation lines are 60 degrees type and they deviate < 110 > at some angles to either side according to their Burges vectors. The misfit dislocation lines deviating [-110] are divided into two types according to whether their edge component b(eg) of Burges vectors in [001] pointing up or down. If b(eg) points up in the growth direction, there is the local periodical strain modulation along the dislocation line. In addition, the periodical modulation in height along [-110] on the In(0.8)G(0.2)As surface is observed, this surface morphology is not associated with the relaxation of mismatch strain.
Self-assembled InAs quantum wires (QWRs) embedded in In0.52Al0.48As, In0.53Ga0.47As, and (In0.52Al0.48As)(n)/(In0.53Ga0.47As)(m)-short-period-lattice matrices on InP(001) were fabricated with molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). These QWR lines are along [110], x 4 direction in the 2 x 4 reconstructed (001) surface as revealed with reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED). Alignment of quantum wires in different layers in the InAs/spacer multilayer structures depends on the composition of spacer layers. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The structural characteristics of gallium nitride (GaN) films grown on sapphire(0001) substrates by gas source molecular beam epitaxy (GSMBE) have been investigated using high-resolution synchrotron irradiation X-ray diffraction and cathodoluminescence with a variable energy electron beam. Besides the well-known GaN hexagonal structure, a small portion of cubic phase GaN was observed. The X-ray measurements provide an essential means for the structural identification of the GaN layers. Arising from the variable penetration depth of the electron beam in the cathodoluminescence measurements, it was found that the fraction of the GaN cubic-phase typically increased as the probing depth was increased. The results suggest that the GaN cubic phase is mostly located near the interface between the substrate and GaN layer due to the initial nucleation.
The electronic structure of crystalline Y2O3 is investigated by first-principles calculations within the local-density approximation (LDA) of the density-functional theory. Results are presented for the band structure, the total density of states (DOS), the atom-and orbital-resolved partial DOS. effective charges, bond order, and charge-density distributions. Partial covalent character in the Y-O bonding is shown, and the nonequivalency of the two Y sites is demonstrated. The calculated electronic structure is compared with a variety of available experimental data. The total energy of the crystal is calculated as a function of crystal volume. A bulk modulus B of 183 Gpa and a pressure coefficient B' of 4.01 are obtained, which are in good agreement with compression data. An LDA band gap of 4.54 eV at Gamma is obtained which increases with pressure at a rate of dE(g)/dP = 0.012 eV/Gpa at the equilibrium volume. Also investigated are the optical properties of Y2O3 up to a photon energy of 20 eV. The calculated complex dielectric function and electron-energy-loss function are in good agreement with experimental data. A static dielectric constant of epsilon(O)= 3.20 is obtained. It is also found that the bottom of the conduction band consists of a single band, and direct optical transition at Gamma between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band may be symmetry forbidden.
We report on the design and fabrication of a photonic crystal (PC) channel drop filter based on an asymmetric silicon-on-insulator (SOI) slab. The filter is composed of two symmetric stick-shape micro-cavities between two single-line-defect (W1) waveguides in a triangular lattice, and the phase matching condition for the filter to improve the drop efficiency is satisfied by modifying the positions and radii of the air holes around the micro-cavities. A sample is then fabricated by using electron beam lithography (EBL) and inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etching processes. The measured 0 factor of the filter is about 1140, and the drop efficiency is estimated to be 73% +/- 5% by fitting the transmission spectrum.
We have investigated the evolution of exciton state filling in InAs/GaAs quantum dot (QD) structures as a function of the excitation power density by using rnicro-photoluminescence spectroscopy at different temperatures. In addition to the emission bands of exciton recombination corresponding to the atom-like S, P and D, etc. shells of QDs, it was observed that some extra states V between the S and P shells, and D' between the P and D shells appear in the spectra with increasing number of excitons occupying the QDs at a certain temperature. The emergence of these inter-shell excitonic levels is power density and temperature dependent, which is an experimental demonstration of strong exciton-exciton exchange interaction, state hybridization, and coupling of a multi-exciton system in QDs. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
For a triangular triple quantum dots (TTQDs) ring with three terminals, when lowering one of the dot-lead coupling to realize the left-right (L-R) reflection symmetry coupling, the internal C-upsilon of the TTQDs is well preserved in the absence of many-body effect for the symmetric distribution of the dot-lead coupling on the molecular orbits. In the presence of Kondo effect, the decrement of one of the dot-lead couplings suppresses the inter-dot hopping. This happens especially for the coupled quantum dot (QD), which decouples with the other two ones gradually to form a localized state near the Fermi level As a result, the internal dynamic symmetry of the TTQDs ring is reduced to L-R reflection symmetry, and simultaneously, the linear conductance is lifted for the new forming molecular orbit near the Fermi level
大量的硬件和软件系统广泛应用在一些重要的领域,在许多情况下错误和失效是不可接受的。需要提供方法来检验软硬件的正确性,增强我们对软硬件系统的信心。形式化验证提供了提高软硬件可靠性的方法。 互模拟等价类和弱互模拟等价类可以用来降低形式化验证中模型的规模。弱互模拟等价类有两种算法:一种是先计算迁移关系的自反传递闭包,然后调用互模拟等价类的算法。另一种是作为IGPTPartEF的一个特例,直接在原图上用划分精化的方法计算。针对这些计算弱互模拟等价类的算法,我们提出两种改进算法。 首先,我们观察到有些状态在划分精化的过程中不会被再次切分,可以事先将它们归类到一个组,在划分精化过程中以这些组为基本单位进行切分,可以在很大程度上减小算法花费的时间。我们用该思想给设计出了改进算法一。 然后,我们观察在Paige-Tarjan算法中引入了“处理比较小的一半”的思想来改进计算互模拟等价类的算法,它使得计算互模拟等价类的算法的时间复杂度从O(mn)(其中m是边数,n是顶点数)改进到O(mlgn),而在前面所述的弱互模拟等价类算法中并没有引入“处理比较小的一半”。我们引入这一思想,设计出了改进算法二。 之后,我们设计实现了原型工具,并进行了数据实验来证实算法在时间上与原算法相比有明显改进。
IEEE Computer Society
选用9 a生盛果期矮化密植梨枣树为试验材料,研究乙酰丙酸钾叶面喷施对黄土高原山地红枣生长发育及产量品质的影响。结果表明:叶面喷施稀释800倍的乙酰丙酸钾,对枣树的生长发育、产量和品质都有明显的促进作用,建议在黄土高原区红枣实际生产中采用稀释800倍的乙酰丙酸钾喷施。
表征硫化橡胶弹性体网络的主要结构参数是有效网链密度橡胶弹性体的许多重要力学性能,例如:300%定伸强度、抗张强度、伸长率、抗撕裂、弹性、硬度、静态压缩模量和动态模量等都是和有效网链密度紧密相关的。Flory用平衡溶胀法测定有效网链密度的方程是:Ve = -1/(V_s)·(l_n(1-υ_r) + υ_r + μυ_r~2)/(υ_r~(1/3)-2υ_r/f)式中的Ve是有效网链密度(用单位体积橡胶的有效网链克分子数来表示),υ_r是溶胀网络中橡胶的体积分数,υ_s是溶剂的克分子体积,f是交联点的官能度(f = 4),μ是高聚物溶剂相互作用参数。首先要确定μ才能够用上式来测定硫化胶的有效网链密度以表征硫化程度。实验事实和Flory等人的理论工作表明:μ不是常数,是υ_r的函数。高顺式聚丁二烯橡胶已生产多年,但迄今未有关于高顺式聚丁二烯橡胶在不同溶剂中的μ和υ_r间的函数关系的报导。在实际应用中,人们常常用υ_r值的大小来近似表征硫化程度。但由上式可知:μ和υ_r不成正比关系。因此,必须求得μ值,才能得到Ve值,以正确表征硫化程度,对实际生产起指导作用。本工作采用溶胀-拉伸方法不渗透压,光散射等方法测定顺丁橡胶和溶剂甲苯、苯、正-庚烷的相互作用参数μ,得到了μ和υ_r的线性函数(见附表),μ = μ_o + βυ_r。μ_o是当υ_r趋向于零时的μ值,β是一个常数。溶胀拉伸法外推得到的μ_o值和用渗透压及光散射法得到的μ_o值么接近,为实验的可靠性提供了依据。力学方法和物理化学方法同时测得相近的结果,有文献报导的不多。用溶胀-拉伸法求橡胶-溶剂的相互作用参数μ,由于样品的制作和实验技术上的困难内尚未见报导。国外Kraus和V. Zanboni等人用天然、丁苯、乙丙、丁腈等纯胶硫化胶(未加碳黑的硫化胶)进行溶胀-拉伸实验,测定μ和U_r的函数关系。然后用来计算碳黑硫化胶的μ和Ve。本工作表明:对于同一橡胶-溶剂体系来说,纯胶硫化胶和碳黑硫化胶的μ和υ_r的函数关系并不一样,在相同υ_r时,二者Ve相差2.5-5%,υ_r值越大,Ve相差越大。因此用纯胶硫化胶的μ和υ_r的函数来计算碳黑硫化胶的有效网链密度是不适当的。本工作还用渗透压法测定了1,2-聚丁二烯(1,2-含量分别为90%和60%)及合成异戊橡胶和溶剂甲苯的相互作用参数μ_o。结果表明:合成异戊橡胶和天然橡胶有相同的μ_o值。这说明μ_o值只和化学结构有关,与样品的来源无关。两种1,2-聚丁二烯橡胶和顺丁橡胶也有相接近的μ_o值。其原因是因为三者有基本相同的内聚能密度,则它们在同一种溶剂中所受到的作用力应当相等的缘故。最后,本工作还研究了顺丁橡胶的有效网链密度对300%定伸强度、抗张强度、抗撕裂、伸长率、弹性、硬度、静态压缩模量和动态模量等力学性能的影响。结果表明:有效网链密度Ve和300%定伸强度成直线函数关系:M_(300%) = 17 + 3.61 * 10~5 * Ve(公斤/厘米)。这就为测定硫化胶的有效网链密度提供了另一条途径,因为300%定伸强度是表征硫化胶的一个重要参数,实验简单易行,知道了M_(300%)就可以利用上式估算Ve。本工作发现有效网链密度在2.00~3.10 * 10~(-4)摩尔/厘米~3的范围内,则可望达到优秀的抗张强度和抗撕裂性能,对实际生产的工艺控制有一定现实意义。本工作以稀土催化体系合成的顺丁橡胶(顺1,4-97%、反1,4-2.5%、1.2-0.5%)作为研究对象,订定了顺丁橡胶在溶剂四氢呋喃、甲苯、甲基环乙烷、正-庚烷和丁酮与正-庚烷混合溶剂(体积比为2:1)等中的特性粘数分子量关系式:用Kurata-Stockmayer(KS)方程、Stockmayer-Fixman(SF)方程和Tnagaki-Ptitsyn(IP)方程估算了顺丁橡胶的无扰分子尺寸。顺丁橡胶在溶剂四氢呋喃中的特性粘数-分子量关系式为[η]_(THF)~30 ℃= 0.0246 * M~(0.732)该关系式的获得为采用自记GPC测定和计算顺丁橡胶样品的(M-bar)_w、(M-bar)_n、(M-bar)_w/(M-bar)_x和[η]等重要分子参数提供了方便。因顺丁橡胶在四氢呋喃中的特性粘数-分子量关系式文献至今未见报导。顺丁橡胶在甲苯、甲基环乙烷、正-庚烷和丁酮与正-庚烷混合溶剂中的特性粘数-分子量关系式如下:[η]_(甲苯)~(30 ℃) = 0.0264 * M~(0.719) [η]_(甲基/环已烷)~(30 ℃) = 0.0293 * M~(0.698) [η]_(正-庚烷)~(30 ℃) = 0.1181 * M~(0.547) [η]_(丁酮+正-庚烷)~(30 ℃) = 0.1800 * M~(0.500)发现酮与正-庚烷的混合溶剂(体积比为2:1)在30 ℃时是顺丁橡胶的Θ溶剂。高聚物的无扰分子尺寸,是反映大分子近程相互作用的重要参数,由此可得到有关链结构的重要情报。本工作通过测定已知分子量的样品在四氢呋喃、甲苯、甲基环已烷等良溶剂中的特性粘数,采用KS、SF和IP方程去估算顺丁橡胶的无扰分子尺寸,同时测定了顺丁橡胶在其Θ条件下(丁酮与正-庚烷混合溶剂,体积比2:1,温度30 ℃)的无扰分子尺寸,以此进行对比。用KS方程估算的K_θ = 0.183(ml/g), <γ_o~2>~(1/2)/M~(1/2) = 0.0901(nm)用SF方程估算的K_θ = 0.183和0.200(ml/g), <γ_o~2>~(1/2)/M~(1/2) = 0.0901和0.0928(nm)用IP方程估算的K_θ = 0.192(ml/g), <γ_o~2>~(1/2)/M~(1/2) = 0.0915(nm)用Θ溶剂测定的K_θ= 0.180(ml/g), <γ_o~2>~(1/2)/M~(1/2) = 0.0896(nm)由此可见,用不同方法得到的结果均较接近。