97 resultados para parallel-machine
将并联机构等效为由串联机构构成的空间闭环机构,运用 D- H方法系统研究了五轴并联铣床的特征参数误差对运动平台位姿误差的影响,揭示出特征参数沿机床各位姿方向误差灵敏度变化规律。仿真结果不仅证实了现有机床机构设计合理,而且为今后并联机床进一步精度设计提供了可靠依据。
针对五轴数控机床平面约束机构进行了误差分析 ,指出了并联机床平面约束机构误差主要影响因素为机构的制造误差和安装误差·前者与由其引起的约束机构顶边中点沿x方向的位移成非线性关系 ,而后者则成线性关系·提出了一种依据测量数据反演非线性误差模型的建模方法 ,给出了五轴并联机床约束机构实测信息与模型输出间的多项式误差模型·比较仿真结果与测量结果可知 ,基于上述方法建立的误差模型精确 ,进而利用该模型对机床进行实时精度补偿 ,可使机床x方向定位精度大为提高
利用最小二乘技术识别模型参数 ,将非线性问题作线性化处理 ,提出了一种基于测量数据反演非线性误差模型的建模方法。结合算例 ,指出了此类模型设计应注意的问题。五轴并联机床约束机构误差模型仿真结果表明 ,由此得到的误差模型精度高。利用所得模型对机床位姿进行补偿 ,即可提高机床沿该位姿方向的定位精度
介绍一种基于混合型四自由度并联平台机构开发的五坐标并联机床 .由于其独特的机构设计 ,与基于 Stewart平台的并联机床相比 ,X方向的进给运动与运动平台分离 ,改由工作台单独进给 ,因而其工作空间成倍增大 .采用龙门框架结构和滚珠丝杠支承方案使机床获得更高的刚度 .给出了该机床运动学逆解 ,控制系统采用基于 PC的数控系统进行五轴联动控制
提出一种采用附加测量机构直接测量并联机床运动平台位姿精度的方法。其基本思想是根据运动平台的运动特性在固定平台和运动平台之间增设附加测量机构,当运动平台运动时带动测量机构运动,通过安装在测量机构上的传感器测得广义坐标参量, 经运动学建模即可得到运动平台的位姿。当测量机构位姿正解求解速度满足实时控制要求时,利用该反馈信息对机床进行实时精度补偿和控制。基于上述思想建立的并联机床位姿测量系统可部分排除机床切削力变形和运动副间隙等误差, 从而提高机床的位姿测量精度。以一种五坐标并联机床为例,介绍采用附加测量机构直接测量运动平台位姿精度的建模方法。其中, 测量机构的综合十分重要。测量机构的组成决定了运动学模型的复杂程度, 即决定了运动学模型的计算效率。
We propose a new formally syntax-based method for statistical machine translation. Transductions between parsing trees are transformed into a problem of sequence tagging, which is then tackled by a search- based structured prediction method. This allows us to automatically acquire transla- tion knowledge from a parallel corpus without the need of complex linguistic parsing. This method can achieve compa- rable results with phrase-based method (like Pharaoh), however, only about ten percent number of translation table is used. Experiments show that the structured pre- diction approach for SMT is promising for its strong ability at combining words.
A label-free protein microfluidic array for immunoassays based on the combination of imaging ellipsometry and an integrated microfluidic system is presented. Proteins can be patterned homogeneously on substrate in array format by the microfluidic system simultaneously. After preparation, the protein array can be packed in the microfluidic system which is full of buffer so that proteins are not exposed to denaturing conditions. With simple microfluidic channel junction, the protein microfluidic array can be used in serial or parallel format to analyze single or multiple samples simultaneously. Imaging ellipsometry is used for the protein array reading with a label-free format. The biological and medical applications of the label-free protein microfluidic array are demonstrated by screening for antibody–antigen interactions, measuring the concentration of the protein solution and detecting five markers of hepatitis B.
An experimental investigation was conducted to study the holdup distribution of oil and water two-phase flow in two parallel tubes with unequal tube diameter. Tests were performed using white oil (of viscosity 52 mPa s and density 860 kg/m(3)) and tap water as liquid phases at room temperature and atmospheric outlet pressure. Measurements were taken of water flow rates from 0.5 to 12.5 m(3)/h and input oil volume fractions from 3 to 94 %. Results showed that there were different flow pattern maps between the run and bypass tubes when oil-water two-phase flow is found in the parallel tubes. At low input fluid flow rates, a large deviation could be found on the average oil holdup between the bypass and the run tubes. However, with increased input oil fraction at constant water flow rate, the holdup at the bypass tube became close to that at the run tube. Furthermore, experimental data showed that there was no significant variation in flow pattern and holdup between the run and main tubes. In order to calculate the holdup in the form of segregated flow, the drift flux model has been used here.
A three-dimensional MHD solver is described in the paper. The solver simulates reacting flows with nonequilibrium between translational-rotational, vibrational and electron translational modes. The conservation equations are discretized with implicit time marching and the second-order modified Steger-Warming scheme, and the resulted linear system is solved iteratively with Newton-Krylov-Schwarz method that is implemented by PETSc package. The results of convergence tests are plotted, which show good scalability and convergence around twice faster when compared with the DPLR method. Then five test runs are conducted simulating the experiments done at the NASA Ames MHD channel, and the calculated pressures, temperatures, electrical conductivity, back EMF, load factors and flow accelerations are shown to agree with the experimental data. Our computation shows that the electrical conductivity distribution is not uniform in the powered section of the MHD channel, and that it is important to include Joule heating in order to calculate the correct conductivity and the MHD acceleration.
It has long been recognized that many direct parallel tridiagonal solvers are only efficient for solving a single tridiagonal equation of large sizes, and they become inefficient when naively used in a three-dimensional ADI solver. In order to improve the parallel efficiency of an ADI solver using a direct parallel solver, we implement the single parallel partition (SPP) algorithm in conjunction with message vectorization, which aggregates several communication messages into one to reduce the communication costs. The measured performances show that the longest allowable message vector length (MVL) is not necessarily the best choice. To understand this observation and optimize the performance, we propose an improved model that takes the cache effect into consideration. The optimal MVL for achieving the best performance is shown to depend on number of processors and grid sizes. Similar dependence of the optimal MVL is also found for the popular block pipelined method.