52 resultados para change detection analysis


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Four models are employed in the landscape change detection of the newly created wetland. The models include ones for patch connectivity. ecological diversity, human impact intensity and mean center of land cover. The landscape data of the newly created wetland in Yellow River Delta in 1984, 1991, and 1996 are produced from the unsupervised classification and the supervised classification on the basis of integrating Landsat TM images of the newly created wetland in the four seasons of the each year. The result from operating the models into the data shows that the newly created wetland landscape in Yellow River Delta had a great chance. The driving focus of the change are mainly from natural evolution of the newly created wetland and rapid population growth, especially non-peasant population growth in Yellow River Delta because a considerable amount of oil and gas fields have been found in the Yellow River Delta. For preventing the newly created wetland from more destruction and conserving benign Succession of the ecosystems in the newly created wetland, six measures are suggested on the basis of research results. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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水分条件不仅影响半干旱区群落的组成,而且在一定程度上决定了群落的功能。处于不同水分条件生境下群落的优势物种在水分利用和同化物利用效率方面的功能特征会存在差异,这些差异将导致群落对于气候变化产生不同的响应,进而影响到景观和区域尺度上对于全球变化下碳动态和格局的分析。本研究选取了锡林河流域典型草原区沿水分梯度的四个代表群落,在野外实验测定并结合长期定位研究成果基础上,利用BIOME-BGC模型对代表群落的长期净初级生产力(NPP)动态进行了模拟和模型验证。通过分析该地区1953~2005年气候变化趋势,推测了未来可能的气候变化情景,进而模拟了气候变化下四个群落长期NPP动态的响应。 野外实验分析表明,在四个群落中,净光合速率与光合有效辐射呈单峰曲线关系,与温度和蒸气压亏损(VPD)成反比,叶片氮含量和比叶面积也会影响到光合能力。四个群落由于水分与土壤条件的差别,净光合速率随VPD与温度的变化表现出不同的增减幅度。将日变化分为四个阶段,分别为大致在6:00~8:00左右的低温高湿阶段,10:00~16:00的高温低湿阶段,16:00以后的低温低湿阶段和低温高湿阶段变为高温低湿阶段过程中的适温适湿阶段。在每个阶段中,影响羊草光合速率的主导因子是不同的。在不同的水分与土壤状况下,羊草的光合特性表现出明显差异,但总体说来水分仍是光合作用的主导因子。 模型模拟结果表明,当前气候条件下,羊草群落NPP平均值为197.76 gC m-2 (SE=7.11),大针茅群落NPP平均值为198.95 gC m-2 (SE=6.41),贝加尔针茅群落NPP平均值为210.41 gC m-2 (SE=7.87),克氏针茅群落NPP平均值为144.92 gC m-2 (SE=4.64),四个群落NPP平均值为188.01 gC m-2 (SE=3.72)。 日最高温度与最低温度在1953~2005年间都明显增加,而降水变化很大。温度增加下(P0T1)NPP平均下降14.2%,降水增加下(P1T0)NPP平均增加13.2%,温度与降水都增加情景下(P1T1)NPP平均下降2.7%。在半干旱区,降水是NPP变化的主要限制因子,而温度通过影响了植物的呼吸与蒸散作用对NPP产生影响。 由于生境水分条件差别和优势物种功能特征差异,四个群落在气候变化中表现出对温度与降水不同的敏感程度,这与水分胁迫系数WSI、碳胁迫系数CSI变化密切相关。克氏针茅群落由于所处生境水分条件差,水分胁迫系数高,对降水的依赖程度最大;贝加尔针茅群落一方面处于较好的水分生境,具有相对较小的水分胁迫系数,另一方面,由于具有高碳氮比,维持呼吸消耗的光合产物比例低,碳胁迫系数远低于其它三个群落,未来气候变化下NPP较其它三个群落仍较高。


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A series of hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide (a-Si1-xCx:H) films were prepared by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) using a gas mixture of silane, methane, and hydrogen as the reactive source. The previous results show that a high excitation frequency, together with a high hydrogen dilution ratio of the reactive gases, allow an easier incorporation of the carbon atoms into the silicon-rich a-Si1-xCx:H film, widen the valence controllability. The data show that films with optical gaps ranging from about 1.9 to 3.6 eV could be produced. In this work the influence of the hydrogen dilution ratio of the reactive gases on the a-Si1-xCx:H film properties was investigated. The microstuctural and photoelectronic properties of the silicon carbide films were characterized by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA), and FT-IR spectrometry. The results show that a higher hydrogen dilution ratio enhances the incorporation of silicon atoms in the amorphous carbon matrix for carbon-rich a-Si1-xCx:H films. One pin structure was prepared by using the a-Si1-xCx:H film as the intrinsic layer. The light spectral response shows that this structure fits the requirement for the top junction of colour sensor. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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High-quality AlInGaN quaternary layers were grown on c-Al2O3 using a thick GaN template. A full width at half maximum of 0.075 degrees from AlInGaN(0004) rocking curve and a minimum yield of 5.6% from Rutherford backscattering/channelling spectrometry (RBS) prove the AlInGaN layer of a comparable crystalline quality with GaN layers. The chemical compositions (both of Al and In contents) of AlInGaN layers are directly obtained from RBS and elastic recoil detection analysis. The lattice parameters both in perpendicular and parallel directions are deduced from X-ray diffraction. The AlInGaN layer is found to process a compressive strain in parallel direction and a tensile strain in perpendicular direction. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It was determined that oxygen concentration in heavily Sb-doped silicon was about 40% lower than that in the lightly doped Czochralski grown silicon and decreased with increasing content of Sb by means of coincident elastic recoil detection analysis. Through thermodynamic calculation, the oxygen loss by evaporation from the free surface of melt is only due to the formation of SiO, and Sb2O3 evaporation can be neglected. The basic reason for oxygen concentration reduction in heavily Sb-doped CZSi was that oxygen solubility decreased when element Sb with larger radius doped degenerately into silicon crystal. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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需求是后续开发活动的基准,早期的一些研究者认为应该在需求完全确定之后再进行后续开发,Royce所提出的瀑布模型就是这种思想的一个体现。但是,实践经验告诉我们,不管前期的需求分析做的多么完美,需求还是会发生变更。一方面是因为需求本身很复杂,对它的分析、理解和描述是一个循序渐进的过程,不可能一蹴而就;另一方面由于用户期望和偏好的改变、市场环境的转变、使用环境的日益复杂、技术的革新等都会使得原有的软件系统无法满足各涉众的利益。因此,需求变更是软件开发中固有的规律,是不可避免和普遍存在的。 需求变更通常会导致需求间及需求与后续工作产品间的不一致。因此,频繁的需求变更会造成产品质量下降、进度延期、成本超支等问题。变更影响分析(Change Impact Analysis)通过分析变更对象及其相关工作产品间的关系来评估变更造成的影响,从而控制变更。现有方法多数是从软件维护的角度,对代码的变更影响进行分析,过于细节和技术化,不能对需求变更影响分析提供有力支持。即使针对需求变更的影响分析方法也只是基于形式化需求规约,通过分析需求间的关系来识别影响范围,并未考虑需求变更对后续工作产品造成的影响,同时形式化需求规约的应用困难也限制了该方法的实用性。此外,随着需求和工作产品的规模与复杂性日益增加,使得手工建立和维护需求间及需求与工作产品间关系面临着不小的难度。 基于以上分析,本文提出了针对自然语言需求规约的需求变更影响分析模型RCIAM (Requirement Change Impact Analysis Model),围绕着如何自动识别和筛选需求间的关系——横向需求跟踪关系(Horizontal Requirement Traceability)、如何自动识别和筛选需求与工作产品间的关系——纵向需求跟踪关系(Vertical Requirement Traceability)、如何较全面的进行需求变更影响计算和决策三个问题展开了研究。 本文的主要贡献有: (1) 提出了需求变更影响分析模型RCIAM 本文对RCIAM进行了形式化定义。该模型不但提供了需求变更影响分析算法和对决策的支持,还提供了自动识别横向和纵向需求跟踪关系的方法。RCIAM主要包含数据处理和数据分析两个层次。数据处理层采用了文本处理(Text Processing)技术实现了横向和纵向需求跟踪关系的自动识别,为数据分析层提供需求跟踪关系数据;数据分析层基于需求跟踪关系数据,在产生需求变更申请(Change Request)时,进行量化影响计算,并提供决策支持。 (2) 提出了横向需求跟踪关系的识别与筛选方法 在对自然语言需求规约文档进行深入分析后,我们发现了两种与需求变更影响密切相关的关系类型,并从文本相似性的角度将它们定义为相似跟踪关系和引用跟踪关系。在将需求项拆分为需求片段的基础上,利用信息检索技术(Information Retrieval,IR)计算需求片段间的文本相似度,并设计了相应的算法对相似跟踪关系和引用跟踪关系进行自动识别。最后,提出了“变更影响跟踪”的规则来辅助对候选跟踪关系的人工筛选。 (3) 提出了纵向需求跟踪关系的识别与筛选方法 已有的研究多采用IR技术来自动建立需求与工作产品之间的跟踪关系,但是却存在着精度不理想的问题。我们从查全率(Recall)和查准率(Precision)的角度,分析了应用IR技术自动建立需求与代码跟踪关系的方法中产生的错误关系,发现了造成精度问题的根源所在。依据这一发现,基于现有方法,本文方法加入了相关反馈(Relvant Feedback)辅助识别和代码注释信息辅助识别等改进措施,并提供了人工筛选策略。 (4) 提出了需求变更影响分析计算与决策方法 本文通过矩阵运算说明了需求变更影响通过需求跟踪关系传播到其它需求和工作产品的过程,并设计了相应的需求变更影响分析算法。该算法考虑变更发生在不同阶段时对不同类型工作产品的影响,采用变更类型和关系强度两个因子加权计算影响值,并提出了根据影响值来进行变更决策的方法。 (5) 应用研究 结合中科方德公司Qone平台的开发,对以上工作进行了应用研究和性能分析。在Qone平台的需求管理工具版本1.0的开发中,首先采用本文方法对横向和纵向需求跟踪关系进行了自动识别,然后对开发期间发生的十次需求变更申请进行了影响分析和决策。在项目完成后,设计了实验对横向和纵向需求跟踪关系的识别进行了性能分析。结果表明,本文方法能够有效辅助进行需求变更影响分析。


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We present a new method for detecting near-infrared, mid-infrared, and far-infrared photons with an ultra-high sensitivity. The infrared photon detection was carried out by monitoring the displacement change of a vibrating microcantilever under light pressure using a laser Doppler vibrometer. Ultrathin silicon cantilevers with high sensitivity were produced using micro/nano-fabrication technology. The photon detection system was set up. The response of the microcantilever to the photon illumination is theoretically estimated, and a nanowatt resolution for the infrared photon detection is expected at room temperature with this method.


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To study working mechanism of super-resolution near-field structure (super-RENS) optical disk from a far-field optics view is very necessary because of the actual far-field writing/readout process in the optical disk system. A Gaussian diffraction model based on Fresnel-Kirchhoff diffraction theory of PtOx-type super-RENS has been set up in this Letter. The relationship between micro-structural deformation (change of bubble structure and refractive index profile) with far-field optical response of PtOx thin film has been studied with it in detail. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results reported in literatures with a designed configuration. These results may provide more quantitative information for better understanding of the working mechanism of metal-oxide-type super-RENS. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.