66 resultados para Wolf, Hieronymus, 1516-1580.
This study reports a method for high-frequency shoot organogenesis and plant establishment of Potentilla potaninii Wolf. Hypocotyl and cotyledon explants of P. potaninii were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with various concentrations of benzyladenine (BA) and alpha-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) to induce adventitious shoot formation for micropropagation. The highest frequency of adventitious shoot regeneration was achieved from hypocotyl and cotyledon explants grown on MS medium supplemented with 5.0 mg l(-1) BA and 1.0 mg l(-1) NAA. The regenerated shoots rooted most efficiently on half-strength MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg l(-1) NAA and 0.5 mg l(-1) indole-3-acetic acid or indole-3-butyric acid. The acclimatized plants with normal morphology and growth characters flowered and set seeds in the following year.
本文根据流固耦合力学的理论与方法, 研究地面沉降问题, 即将地面沉降过程视为一个动态耦合作用过程, 通过建立渗流- 变形- 沉降耦合模型, 同时对渗流、变形和沉降过程进行仿真模拟, 从而对地面沉降进行计算和预测。由于软粘土的流变变形量在地面沉降中占有明显的份量, 因此本文在模型中充分考虑软粘土的流变特性, 建立了包括主固结又考虑次固结的计算模型, 特别适用于采、灌过程中不同受力阶段的流变特性。其特点: 三维渗流与三维固结, 并考虑重力作用; 多孔介质具有非均质性和各向异性;考虑流固耦合作用引起的孔隙比和渗透系变化(包括有效应力和流变作用的影响); 考虑加载过程和卸载过程中的主固结变形和流变变形的特点; 适用于多含水层体系和群井采灌的地面沉降计算。
In this paper, the calculated results about the propagation properties of electromagnetic wave in a plasma slab are described. The relationship of the propagation properties with frequencies of electromagnetic wave, and parameters of plasma (electron temperature, electron density, dimensionless collision frequency and the size of the plasma slab) is analyzed.
The application of a Michelson interferometer with a self-pumped phase-conjugate mirror to measure small vibration amplitudes of a rough surface is described. The distorted wave front of the light that is diffusely reflected from the rough surface is restored by phase conjugation to provide an interference signal with a high signal-to-noise ratio. The vibration amplitudes of a stainless-steel sample are measured with a precision of similar to 5 nm. (C) 2000 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 120.3180, 190.5040, 120.7280.
以(CH3)2Si(OC2H5)2为前驱体,采用溶胶-凝胶与有机合成相结合的方法,制得稳定性良好的涂膜液。采用旋转涂膜法在掺钕磷酸盐激光玻璃棒端面涂制防潮膜,膜层固化后透过率达96.5%,获得的膜层表面粗糙度优良,均方根表面粗糙度(RMS)为1.659nm,平均粗糙度(RA)平均为1.321nm;在激光波长1053nm,脉冲宽度1 ns条件下膜层的激光破坏闽值可达10~14 J/cm^2。经过“神光Ⅱ”高功率激光器物理实验运行,膜层使用期为五年,并且已经在我国“神光Ⅲ”原型装置上试用。
羊草(Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. )又称碱草,隶属禾本科,赖草属,因其营养价值高,富含蛋白质,适口性好,抗旱,耐盐碱,耐贫瘠,抗逆性强,适应性广等优点,对我国发展草原畜牧业和退化草地、荒漠化治理方面具有举足轻重的作用。近年来,由于自然环境变劣,荒漠化加剧,以及过度放牧等不利影响,加之羊草本身固有的“三低”问题(即结实率低、出苗率低、产草量低)已对羊草生物多样性维持构成了严重的威胁,严重限制了我国人工草地建设和天然草地的改良和沙化治理的步伐。加强羊草生物学研究,开展羊草种质生物多样性保护,成为当前研究的紧迫课题。经对国内外相关文献的查新发现:国外发表的文献匮乏,国内的报导大多集中在草原生态等宏观领域,在羊草繁殖生物学方面缺乏系统的研究。本文以本课题组从国内外收集的羊草资源为材料,从以下几个方面进行了初步探索: 一、羊草繁殖性状与遗传多样性分子标记指标的相关分析。利用分子标记与形态标记对随机抽取的17份羊草种质进行了种质评估的比较研究。结果表明:两种方法均在17份供试材料中鉴别出9份羊草种质,说明分子标记方法用于羊草种质资源鉴定是可行的,并具有快速、准确、不受环境条件限制等优点。在40个10 Mer的随机引物当中筛选出21个有效引物,以之对9份羊草材料进行RAPD 分析,共扩增出115条带,其中95条带表现出多态性,多态比率82.61%,并筛选出S1213-900,S1213-1700,S1215-5500, S1396-1370,S1384-900,S1202-5180,S1220-2200,S1381-1580,S1211-1300,S1211-800为羊草种质所具有的10个特异性标记,据此可将羊草种质与披肩草、赖草加以区分。同时在羊草种内亦发现13条可区分供试羊草种质的特有标记。形态标记与分子标记相关性分析结果显示:羊草种质的小穗数,种子千粒重,叶色,有性繁殖量和结实率5个形态学指标与遗传多样性指标---特有带百分率及遗传距离之间,存在一定相关性。同时对羊草种质资源在收集和评价过程中存在的问题进行了探讨。 二、羊草不同基因型无性繁殖特性比较研究。以本课题组从吉林、内蒙古等省份收集的10个基因型羊草为供试材料,在相同的生态因子作用下,以吉生1号羊草为对照,对10个基因型羊草的叶数增量、芽数增量、芽高度、芽间距、芽重量、根量六个无性系形态性状指标进行测评。结果表明:基因型的差异也是影响羊草无性系生长发育的重要影响因子。因此,在今后的羊草无性繁殖生物学研究中,应综合考虑环境因子和基因型因子对羊草无性繁殖生长发育的影响。在所测评的10个基因型中,各基因型的形态性状指标差异很大,栽3基因型较其他基因型优于对照吉生1号,此结论可为今后培育羊草新种提供重要资料。 三、羊草幼穗离体培养方法的建立。其方法是取羊草幼穗为外植体,经0.1%升汞溶液表面消毒后,接种到含2mg/L的2,4-D的MS培养基上,置于恒温25℃条件下诱导愈伤组织。在加有1mg/L2,4-D的MS培养基上继代2次后,转移到含1mg/L KT和0.5mg/LNAA的MS培养基上分化培养得到再生芽。在除去激素后的基本培养基上获得了生根的试管苗。试管苗移栽到温室后生长正常。羊草试管苗的分化因基因型和外源激素条件的不同而异。 四、羊草有性生殖特性的研究。在自然条件下进行了羊草自交、异交结实性实验,采用FDA染色法检测羊草小孢子活性,并观测羊草雌蕊、雄蕊发育的时空特点。结果表明:在大田中羊草异交结实率远大于其自交结实率;成熟花药中有活性的花粉达到92.2%以上;同时,在发育时间顺序和空间结构上,羊草的雌蕊、雄蕊并不妨碍自体授粉。因此,初步结论认为羊草具自交不和性。
Bryan L. Stuart is thanked for his hard work to collect wild specimens, as well as providing insightful and useful comments on the data. We thank Abigail Wolf of the Field Museum for providing photographs of specimens. Robert Murphy of the Royal Ontario M
Advances in genome technology have facilitated a new understanding of the historical and genetic processes crucial to rapid phenotypic evolution under domestication(1,2). To understand the process of dog diversification better, we conducted an extensive genome-wide survey of more than 48,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms in dogs and their wild progenitor, the grey wolf. Here we show that dog breeds share a higher proportion of multi-locus haplotypes unique to grey wolves from the Middle East, indicating that they are a dominant source of genetic diversity for dogs rather than wolves from east Asia, as suggested by mitochondrial DNA sequence data(3). Furthermore, we find a surprising correspondence between genetic and phenotypic/functional breed groupings but there are exceptions that suggest phenotypic diversification depended in part on the repeated crossing of individuals with novel phenotypes. Our results show that Middle Eastern wolves were a critical source of genome diversity, although interbreeding with local wolf populations clearly occurred elsewhere in the early history of specific lineages. More recently, the evolution of modern dog breeds seems to have been an iterative process that drew on a limited genetic toolkit to create remarkable phenotypic diversity.
The origin of eukaryotic ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2s) can be traced back to the Guillardia theta nucleomorph about 2500 million years ago (Mya). E2s are largely vertically inherited over eukaryotic evolution [Lespinet, O., Wolf, Y.I., Koonin, E.V.,
Cell-based therapies using embryonic stem cells (ESCs) in the treatment of neural disease will require the generation of homogenous donor neural progenitor (NP) populations. Here we describe an efficient culture system containing hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and G5 supplement for the production of highly enriched (88.3% +/- 8.1%)populations of NPs from rhesus monkey ESCs. Additional purification resulted in NP preparations that were 98% nestin positive. Moreover, NPs, as monolayers or neurospheres, could be maintained for prolonged periods of time in media containing HGF+G5 or G5 alone. In vitro differentiation and in vivo transplantation assays showed that NPs could differentiate into neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. The kinds and quantities of differentiated cells derived from NPs were closely correlated with their niches in vivo. Glial differentiation was predominant in periventricular areas, whereas cells migrating into the cortex were mostly neurons. Cell counts showed that 2 months after transplantation, approximately 25% of transplanted NPs survived and 65% - 80% of the surviving transplanted cells migrated along the ventricular wall or in a radial fashion. Subcloning demonstrated that several clonal lines derived from NPs expressed nestin and differentiated into three neural lineages in vitro and in rat brains in vivo. In contrast, some subcloned lines showed restricted differentiation both in vitro and in vivo in rat brains. These observations set the stage for obtaining highly enriched NPs and evaluating the efficacy of NP-based transplantation therapy in the nonhuman primate and will provide a platform for probing the molecular mechanisms that control neural induction.
In the present study, five homologous feeder cell lines were developed for the culture and maintenance of rhesus monkey embryonic stem cells (rESCs). Monkey ear skin fibroblasts (MESFs), monkey oviductal fibroblasts (MOFs), monkey follicular granulosa fibroblast-like (MFG) cells, monkey follicular granulosa epithelium-like (MFGE) cells, and clonally derived fibroblasts from MESF (CMESFs) were established and compared with the ability of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) to support rESC growth. MESF, MOF, MFG, and CMESF cells, but not MFGE cells, were as good as or better than MEFs in supporting undifferentiated growth while maintaining the differentiation potential of the rESCs. In an effort to understand the unique properties of supportive feeder cells, expression levels for a number of candidate genes were examined. MOF, MESF, and MEF cells highly expressed leukemia inhibitory factor, ciliary neurotrophic factor, basic fibroblast growth factor, stem cell factor, transforming growth factor PI, bone morphogenetic protein 4, and WNT3A, whereas WNT2, WNT4, and WNT5A were downregulated, compared with MFGE cells. Additionally, all monkey feeder cell lines expressed Dkk1 and LRP6, antagonists of the WNT signaling pathway, but not WNT1, WNT8B, or Dkk2. rESCs grown on homologous feeders maintained normal karyotypes, displayed the characteristics of ESCs, including morphology, alkaline phosphatase, Oct4, the cell surface markers stage-specific embryonic antigen (SSEA)-3, SSEA-4, tumor-related antigen (TRA)-1-60, and TRA-1-81, and formed cystic embryoid bodies in vitro that included differentiated cells representing the three major germ layers. These results indicate that the four homologous feeder cell lines can be used to support the undifferentiated growth and maintenance of pluripotency in rESCs.
BACKGROUND: Despite the potential utility of primate somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) to biomedical research and to the production of autologous embryonic stem (ES) cells for cell- or tissue-based therapy, a reliable method for SCNT is not yet availab