65 resultados para Three ducks on a wall


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An Nd:glass laser pulse (18 ns, 1.38 J) is focused in a tiny area of about 100-mum diam under ambient conditions to produce micro-shock waves. The laser is focused above a planar surface with a typical standoff distance of about 4 mm, The laser energy is focused inside a supersonic circular jet of carbon dioxide gas produced by a nozzle with internal diameter of 2.9 mm and external diameter of 8 mm, Nominal value of the Mach number of the jet is around 2 with the corresponding pressure ratio of 7.5 (stagnation pressure/static pressure at the exit of the nozzle), The interaction process of the micro-shock wave generated inside the supersonic jet with the plane wall is investigated using double-pulse holographic interferometry. A strong surface vortex field with subsequent generation of a side jet propagating outward along the plane wail is observed. The interaction of the micro-shock wave with the cellular structure of the supersonic jet does not seem to influence the near surface features of the flowfield. The development of the coherent structures near the nozzle exit due to the upstream propagation of pressure waves seems to be affected by the outward propagating micro-shock wave. Mach reflection is observed when the micro-shock wave interacts with the plane wall at a standoff distance of 4 mm, The Mach stem is slightly deflected, indicating strong boundary-layer and viscous effects near the wall. The interaction process is also simulated numerically using an axisymmetric transient laminar Navier-Stokes solver. Qualitative agreement between experimental and numerical results is good.


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The present paper studies numerical modelling of near-wall two-phase flows induced by a normal shock wave moving at a constant speed, over a micronsized particles bed. In this two-fluid model, the possibility of particle trajectory intersection is considered and a full Lagrangian formulation of the dispersed phase is introduced. The finiteness of the Reynolds and Mach numbers of the flow around a particle as well as the fineness of the particle sizes are taken into account in describing the interactions between the carrier- and dispersed- phases. For the small mass-loading ratio case, the numerical simulation of flow structure of the two phases is implemented and the profiles of the particle number density are obtained under the constant-flux condition on the wall. The effects of the shock Mach number and the particle size and material density on particle entrainment motion are discussed in detail.The obtained results indicate that interphase non-equilibrium in the velocity and temperature is a common feature for this type of flows and a local particle accumulation zone may form near the envelope of the particle trajectory family.


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Multivariate classification methods were used to evaluate data on the concentrations of eight metals in human senile lenses measured by atomic absorption spectrometry. Principal components analysis and hierarchical clustering separated senile cataract lenses, nuclei from cataract lenses, and normal lenses into three classes on the basis of the eight elements. Stepwise discriminant analysis was applied to give discriminant functions with five selected variables. Results provided by the linear learning machine method were also satisfactory; the k-nearest neighbour method was less useful.


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Four main methods, such as weight loss test, EIS, adsorption isotherm and quantum chemical calculation were employed to study the inhibition efficiency and mechanism of three derivatives on mild steel in acid solution, whose inhibition efficiency were proved to follow the order of DMTT > NMTT > PMTT, The adsorption model of DMTT was established at different temperature according to the fitted results. The quantum chemical results indicated that the adsorption sites of the derivatives were strongly centralized on benzene ring, triazole ring, etc. QSAR was set up to explain the relationship of molecular structure and the inhibition effect of the derivatives. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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JP-10 (exo-tetrahydrodicyclopentadiene, C10H16) ignition delay times were measured in a preheated shock tube. The vapor pressures of the JP-10 were measured directly by using a high-precision vacuum gauge, to remedy the difficulty in determining the gaseous concentrations of heavy hydrocarbon fuel arising from the adsorption on the wall in shock tube experiments. The whole variation of pressure and emission of the OH or CH radicals were observed in the ignition process by a pressure transducer and a photomultiplier with a monochromator. The emission of the OH or CH radicals was used to identify the time to ignition. Experiments were performed over the pressure range of 151-556 kPa, temperature range of 1000-2100 K, fuel concentrations of 0.1%-0.55% mole fraction, and stoichiometric ratios of 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0. The experimental results show that for the lower and higher temperature ranges, there are different dependency relationships of the ignition time on the temperature and the concentrations of JP-10 and oxygen.


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The short-surface waves generated by a 3-D arbitrarily oscillating body floating onwater are discussed. In the far-field off the body, the phase and the amplitude functions ofthe radiated waves are determined by the ray method. An undetermined constant is includ-ed in the amplitude function. From the result of Ref. [1], the near-field boundary layersolution near the body waterline is obtained. The amplitude of this solution depends on thewhole wall shape of the body and the slope at the body waterline on the cross-sections per-pendicular to the waterline. By matching the far-field solution with the near-field bound-ary layer solution, the undetermined constant in the amplitude function of the far-fieldradiated waves is determined. For the special case of a half-submerged sphere which per-forms vertical oscillating motion, the result obtained in this paper is in agreement withthat of Ref. [ 2 ].


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The high Reynolds number flow contains a wide range of length and time scales, and the flow domain can be divided into several sub-domains with different characteristic scales. In some sub-domains, the viscosity dissipation scale can only be considered in a certain direction; in some sub-domains, the viscosity dissipation scales need to be considered in all directions; in some sub-domains, the viscosity dissipation scales are unnecessary to be considered at all. For laminar boundary layer region, the characteristic length scales in the streamwise and normal directions are L and L Re-1/ 2 , respectively. The characteristic length scale and the velocity scale in the outer region of the boundary layer are L and U, respectively. In the neighborhood region of the separated point, the length scale l<on there exists a great disparity of the grid Reynolds numbers RDxi between different cells in Navier-Stokes (NS) equations computations for high Reynolds number flows, an idea of solving the conservation equations for discrete cells was proposed and named the discrete fluid dynamics (DFD) algorithm. Analysis shows that the basic conservative equations for discrete cells are the Euler equations, NS- and diffusion parabolized (DP) NS equations. In this paper, a new multiscale-domain decomposition method is developed for the high Reynolds number flow. First, the whole domain is decomposed to different sub-domains with the different characteristic scales. Then the different dominant equation of all sub-domains is defined according to the diffusion parabolized (DP) theory of viscous flow. Finally these different equations are solved simultaneously in whole computational region. For numerical tests of high Reynolds numerical flows, two-dimensional supersonic flows over rearward and frontward steps as well as an interaction flow between shock wave and boundary layer were solved numerically. The pressure distributions and local coefficients of skin friction on the wall are given. The numerical results obtained by the multiscale-domain decomposition algorithm are well agreement with those by NS equations. Comparing with the usual method of solving the Navier-Stokes equations in the whole flow, under the same numerical accuracy, the present multiscale domain decomposition method decreases CPU consuming about 20% and reflects the physical mechanism of practical flow more accurately.


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L-selectin plays a crucial role in inflammation cascade by initiating the tethering and rolling of leukocytes on endothelium wall. While many L-selectin molecules are rapidly shed from the cell surface upon activation, the remaining membrane-anchored L-selectin may still play an important role in regulating leukocyte rolling and adhesion with different binding kinetics. Here we developed an in vitro model to activate Jurkat cells via interlukin-8 (IL-8) and quantified the two-dimensional (2D) binding kinetics, using a micropipette aspiration assay, of membrane-anchored L-selectin to P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1) ligand coupled onto human red blood cells (RBCs). The data indicated that L-selectin shedding reduced the amount of membrane-anchored L-selectin and lowered both its reverse and forward rates. These results suggested that the rolling dynamics of activated leukocytes was determined by two opposite impacts: reducing the surface presentation would enhance the rolling but lowering the kinetic rates would decrease the rolling. This finding provides a new insight into understanding how L-selectin shedding regulates leukocyte rolling and adhesion.


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在有花植物受精过程中,具有顶端极性生长特性的花粉管是雄性生殖单位的载体,同时也是研究细胞生长分子调控机理的理想体系。与被子植物相比,裸子植物花粉具有萌发时间长、花粉管生长缓慢等特点。对于裸子植物花粉萌发和花粉管生长的机理,目前人们尚不十分清楚。本文将以裸子植物白杄(Picea meyeri)花粉为材料,应用不同浓度的分泌系统干扰剂Brefeldin A处理,并通过细胞学和生理生化方法,其中包括普通光学显微镜、荧光显微镜、激光扫描共聚焦显微镜、显微红外光谱(FTIR)和透射电镜(TEM)等技术,对其花粉萌发和花粉管生长过程中胞吞胞吐的调控,以及与细胞壁建成的关系等进行较为系统的研究,旨在为进一步揭示裸子植物花粉管发育的调控机理提供参考。 首先比较观察了各种细胞器在白杄与被子植物花粉管中的分布差异。经FM4-64探针标记结果表明,在正常生长的白杄花粉管顶端存在分泌小泡积累的透明区,但与被子植物比较起来,此透明区在花粉管中所占比例较小,且不呈倒“V”字型。在透射电镜下观察发现,其花粉管顶端透明区内分泌小泡的分布密度远低于被子植物。另外,在白杄花粉管中,线粒体的分布一般靠近细胞壁的地方,高尔基体分布较为分散,而内质网的分布则不具方向性。 其次,研究了BFA对白杄花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响,特别是对其花粉管生长过程中的胞吐/胞吞作用。通常在正常生长的白杄花粉管中,用FM4-64标记后发现,在其顶端形成与透明区对应的荧光亮区;超微结构显示,在花粉管顶端进行旺盛的胞吐作用,许多分泌小泡正与质膜融合,以及分布有大量显示高分泌活性的壁旁体(PB)等。而经过BFA处理后,花粉的萌发和花粉管的生长均受到严重抑制,花粉管出现了弯曲(波状生长)或顶端膨大等异常形态,同时还干扰了FM4-64在花粉管顶端的标记模式。另外,花粉管顶端分泌小泡数量减少,透明区内充满线粒体、高尔基体和空泡等一些大的细胞器,壁旁体也随之消失,其中高尔基体呈现解体或弯曲的异常形态,在其周围的分泌小泡数量大大减少,内质网出现膨胀和核糖体脱落等;同时胞吐活性标志性酶——酸性磷酸酶的活性也随之降低。通过对FM4-64的染料吸收实验表明,BFA对胞吞有明显的促进作用。由上可见,BFA对白杄花粉管生长过程中的胞吐和胞吞作用起了相反的影响, BFA正是通过扰乱花粉管生长过程中的分泌途径来抑制其花粉管的生长。 最后,检测了白杄花粉管分泌途径紊乱后,管壁物质合成的变化情况。通过FTIR光谱分析表明,BFA处理后花粉管壁化学组分发生了变化,例如蛋白质和多糖含量明显减少,而且与蛋白比较起来,多糖的含量下降更为明显,尤其是在顶端。蛋白和多糖含量的下降导致花粉管壁的组成结构不够致密。由SDS-PAGE的结果显示, BFA抑制后,花粉管壁中糖蛋白的含量下降了60%,同时很多壁蛋白条带在BFA处理后不表达或含量减少。通过对花粉管壁多糖成分的研究表明,BFA处理还导致纤维素含量下降,而胼胝质在花粉管顶端积累。用识别AGPs的LM6和识别酸性果胶的JIM5对花粉管进行标记,发现BFA处理后AGPs的环状分布消失,酸性果胶质在顶端的含量也明显减少,但在胞质内却形成一些小的分隔亮点(compartments)。 综上所述,导致裸子植物白杄花粉管生长缓慢的原因,可能与其顶端透明区较小、分泌小泡数量少等有关。另外,从白杄花粉管的细胞质状态和细胞器分布上看,虽然与被子植物相比差异较大,但在其正常生长中仍能进行旺盛地胞吐和胞吞过程。经BFA处理后引起花粉管内分泌系统的紊乱,致使管壁物质不能正常合成,从而导致花粉管的停滞生长。


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Chromosomal homologies were established between human and two Chinese langurs (Semnopithecus francoisi, 2n=44, and S. phayrei, 2n=44) by chromosome painting with chromosome-specific DNA probes of all human chromosomes except the Y. Both langur species showed identical hybridization patterns in addition to similar G-banding patterns. In total, 23 human chromosome-specific probes detected 30 homologous chromosome segments in a haploid langur genome. Except for human chromosomes 1, 2, 6, 16 and 19 probes, which each gave signals on two non-homologous langur chromosomes respectively, all other probes each hybridized to a single chromosome. The results indicate a high degree of conservation of chromosomal synteny between human and these two Chinese langurs. The human chromosome 2 probe painted the entire euchromatic regions of langur chromosomes 14 and 19. Human chromosome 1 probe hybridized to three regions on langur autosomes, one region on langur chromosome 4 and two regions on langur chromosome 5. Human 19 probe hybridized on the same pattern to one region on chromosome 4 and to two regions on langur chromosome 5, where it alternated with the human chromosome 1 probe. Human 6 and 16 probes both hybridized to one region on each of the two langur autosomes 15 and 18. Only two langur chromosomes (12 and 21) were each labelled by probes specific for two whole human chromosomes (14 and 15 and 21 and 22 respectively). Comparison of the hybridization patterns of human painting probes on these two langurs with the data on other Old World primates suggests that reciprocal and Robertsonian translocations as will as inversions could have occurred since the divergance of human and the langurs from a common ancestor. This comparison also indicates that Asian colobines are karyotypically more closely related to each other that to African colobines.


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Loaches of the genus Niwaella, family Cobitidae, are distributed only in East Asia. At present only in Japan and South Korea have fishes of the genus Niwaella been found. Herein we revise the genus Niwaella in China. Son and He ( 2001) transferred the species Cobitis laterimaculata to the genus Niwaella, but their specimens were not N. laterimaculata, but a new species, N. longibarba sp. n., collected from Cao'ejiang River, Huangzezhen, Chengxian County, Zhejiang Province. The new species is distinguished from N. laterimaculata by its colour pattern of a row of slightly large, and long, scattered dark brown vertical bars on the dorsolateral surface, two or three striations on the caudal fin, and long barbels and undeveloped mental lobes. In this paper we also describe another new species, N. xinjiangensis sp. n., collected from Xinjiang River, Guangfeng County, Jiangxi Province, May 1990, with diagnostic colour pattern of 17 - 20 large and long, dark brown vertical bars on the dorsolateral surface, a dark stripe or rounded black spots along the lateral midline and some blotches below the lateral midline; it is a large-sized species, with shorter barbels, and longer caudal peduncle. Thus five species of the genus Niwaella are known, three are endemic to eastern China and two are endemic to either Japan or South Korea.