18 resultados para Feminist movement in Morocco


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This paper reports a flume experiment of flow and sediment movement in a cavity. The flow velocity, sediment concentration and the mechanism of hydraulic sorting in the circulation flow are discussed. The quantity and patterns of sediment deposition in the circulation area are studied as well.


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Dislocation movement in N-doped Czochralski silicon (Cz-Si) was surveyed by four point bend method. Dislocation movement velocities in Cz-Si doped with nitrogen, with both nitrogen and antimony, and with only antimony were investigated. The order of measured dislocation movement velocities, at 700 degrees C less than or equal to T less than or equal to 800 degrees C and under resolved stress sigma=4.1 kg/mm(2), was V-Sb.O > V-n.Sb.O>V-N.O. The experiments showed that nigtrogen doping could retard the movement of dislocations.


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Internal and surface waves generated by the deformations of the solid bed in a two layer fluid system of infinite lateral extent and uniform depth are investigated. An integral solution is developed for an arbitrary bed displacement on the basis of a linear approximation of the complete description of wave motion using a transform method (Laplace in time and Fourier in space) analogous to that used to study the generation of tsunamis by many researchers. The theoretical solutions are presented for three interesting specific deformations of the seafloor; the spatial variation of each seafloor displacement consists of a block section of the seafloor moving vertically either up or down while the time-displacement history of the block section is varied. The generation process and the profiles of the internal and surface waves for the case of the exponential bed movement are numerically illustrated, and the effects of the deformation parameters, densities and depths of the two layers on the solutions are discussed. As expected, the solutions derived from the present work include as special cases that obtained by Kervella et al. [Theor Comput Fluid Dyn 21:245-269, 2007] for tsunamis cased by an instantaneous seabed deformation and those presented by Hammack [J Fluid Mech 60:769-799, 1973] for the exponential and the half-sine bed displacements when the density of the upper fluid is taken as zero.


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Considering the characteristics of the time and space scales of the eddies we established a quasi-static and quasi-geostrophic model to describe their variation and movement in shelf slope water. The analytical solution revealed the main properties of the variation: slow expansion and fast stagnation processes and the law of the eddy motion affected under the background field. All theoretical results are proved by satellite image measurements.


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用数值模拟方法来研究气-液两相流动与传热现象是当今多相流领域的一个热门课题.由于两相流固有的复杂性,气-液两相流界面迁移现象的数值模拟一直是两相流研究中的一大难点.本文介绍了捕捉气-液两相流相界面运动的水平集方法(Level Set)及其研究进展,介绍了求解Level Set输运方程的3种方法,即一般差分格式、Superbee-TVD格式和Runge-Kutta法-5阶WENO组合格式.结合主流场的求解,分别用这3种方法对4种典型相界面在5种流场中的迁移特性进行了模拟计算,并对计算结果进行了比较和分析.结果表明,Runge-Kutta法-5阶WENO组合格式求解Level Set输运方程的效果最好,在以后的计算中将主要采用这种组合格式来进行气-液相界面输运方程的求解.


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Geckos and many insects have evolved elastically anisotropic adhesive tissues with hierarchical structures that allow these animals not only to adhere robustly to rough surfaces but also to detach easily upon movement. In order to improve Our understanding of the role of elastic anisotropy in reversible adhesion, here we extend the classical JKR model of adhesive contact mechanics to anisotropic materials. In particular, we consider the plane strain problem of a rigid cylinder in non-slipping adhesive contact with a transversely isotropic elastic half space with the axis of symmetry oriented at an angle inclined to the surface. The cylinder is then subjected to an arbitrarily oriented pulling force. The critical force and contact width at pull-off are calculated as a function of the pulling angle. The analysis shows that elastic anisotropy leads to an orientation-dependent adhesion strength which can vary strongly with the direction of pulling. This study may suggest possible mechanisms by which reversible adhesion devices can be designed for engineering applications. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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借助于Level Set函数,建立了气-液两相的统一控制方程组,并在交错网格中进行离散.用两种格式,即Superbee-TVD格式和5阶WENO格式求解Level Set函数的输运方程,用SIMPLER算法的思想对主流场控制方程的求解方法进行改进.数值实验结果表明,在求解Level Set的控制方程时,5阶WENO方法比Superbee-TVD格式的结果更准确;用改进的数值算法可成功实现对密度比大于1 000/1的气-液两相流界面迁移问题的数值模拟.对几种典型大密度比气-液两相流问题的计算结果与实际问题的物理规律完全一致,验证了该方法的有效性和可靠性.


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草原不仅是陆地生态系统重要的一种类型,而且是人类赖以生存的畜牧业基地。由于草原多处于半干旱区,所以研究草原生态系统的水循环、水利用非常重要。本文对我国内蒙古草原区一个典型的群落-羊草群落的水分运动特征进行了定位观测,并在对这些观测结果进行分析的基础上,对土壤-植物-大气连续体(Soil-Plant-Atomosphere Continuum, SPAC)内的水流运动过程进行了仿真。 气孔是草原生态系统SPAC水流运动中最大的阻力项,是制约SPAC内水流通量的“瓶颈”,因此要想对该系统进行仿真首先必须建立精确的气孔导度(阻力)模型。根据1998~1999观测,羊草气孔导度主要受0~40cm土壤含水量的影响,在日的时间尺度上,用普通的线性回归模型对日均气孔导度就可以实现精确的预测,R~2可以达到96%,但是在小时的时间尺度上,仅用0~40cm土壤含水量是不够的,必须同时考虑其它环境因子的作用、构建具有一定机理基础的模型才能达到较为理想的模拟精度。现有的具有机理性质的气孔导度模型大致可以分为“Jarvis-类”和“BWB模型”(或“光合-导度”模型)。但是它们都没有充分考虑土壤水分因素对气孔导度的重要作用,所以这不符和草原区的实际情况。本文构建了一个考虑土壤水分因素的气孔导度模型,并分析了环境因素之间的互作对气孔导度的影响程度,最后这个模型被应用到了SPAC系统能量平衡和蒸散过程的模拟中去。 在降水量正常的情况下,例如1999年(年降水量344mm),羊草群落的显热通量明显高于潜热通量;在特别干旱的情况下,例如 1997年(年降水量仅280mm左右),白天甚至可能出现潜热的逆向传递;但是在湿润的年份,例如1998年(年降水量507mm),潜热通量却与显热通量相当。 在模拟植物蒸腾和群落的蒸散时需要分析叶片和冠层能量平衡,此时,往往需要简化处理,为了使这种简化更符合实际情况,所以根据羊草叶片红外辐射温度的实测结果,对羊草叶片上的能量平衡进行了分析。结果表明,太阳短波辐射对叶片能量总收入的贡献率小于30%,而来自地表和天空的长波辐射却古总收入的约74%。叶片的热辐射为双向,占叶片能量总支出的约90%。显热与潜热交换的总和才占叶片能量总支出的10%,而且在所测的时间点上两者的平均值相近,各占5%左右。在能量平衡的各分量中,长波辐射部分表现为净支出,因而可以假设短波辐射为叶片的唯一能量来源。此时,热辐射消耗其中的59%,显热潜热消耗40.1%。 将冠层分成上中下三层,分别模拟了这三层叶片以及土壤表面的能量平衡动态。与实测的各层红外辐射温度进行了对比,发现模型预测的冠层温度值与实测值的相关性良好,但是对中下层叶片温度的预测偏低。对土壤表面温度的模拟效果不好。 由于1998年降水量很大,根据蒸渗仪的观测,2m土体出现了渗漏。渗漏的出现,使得生长季末0~2m土壤贮水量与生长季初相比不但没有增加,反而减少。由于渗漏使得80~120cm土层内的粗细交界面得以贯通,该层对其上层土壤水头的蓄持能力下降,所以在1999年即使降雨强度不大也会造成渗漏的再次发生,这使得1999年生长季各月份水分平衡表现为较大的净支出。因此,实现SPAC水流成功模拟应该考虑土壤质地的成层性,以及渗漏的问题。 根据1998年波文比、涡度相关和蒸发渗漏仪联合实验的结果,对三种方法监测内蒙古草原群落蒸散的适用性进行了分析。三种仪器逐时、逐日蒸散回归关系极显著(P=0.000),但是涡度相关的测量值往往低于其它两者。分析认为蒸发渗漏仪在逐日或者更长的取样时间间隔上能够达到足够的精度,适合于作为长期监测内蒙古草原群落蒸散量的工具,但是,由于受风压等随机因素的影响,不适用于逐时或逐分的测量。波文比在无对流逆温的天气里可以精确地测定逐刻和逐时的潜热通量,适合于作为短期的监测工具,但在更复杂的气象条件下波动幅度较涡度相关大。涡度相关法能在较复杂的天气条件下稳定地反映逐刻、逐时和逐日的潜热通量变化。但是,在内蒙古草原区现实的野外条件下,涡度相关法尚难以作为长期蒸散监测的工具。 除了对上述三,种观测方法进行比对外,还有波文比与Penman-Moteith公式、涡度相关法与Penman-Moteith公式对蒸散的监测进行了对比,发现Penman-Monteith公式在1998和1999年都低估了蒸散。分析认为,对总蒸散的低估可能来自对土表蒸发的低估。 本文最后还对SPAC系统水流各部分的模拟进行了整合,希望得到一个对整个系统的水流循环进行动态仿真的模型。


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土壤大孔隙是由植物根系伸展与腐烂,土壤动物活动,干湿交替,冻融循环,水流侵蚀等原因形成,能够导致水分和溶质优先迁移的孔隙。大孔隙的存在,直接影响着土壤水分的运移速率,从而影响土壤水分运动模型的构建及其模拟精度。本文针对长白山北坡阔叶红松林的暗棕色森林土,暗针叶林的棕色针叶林土,岳桦林的山地生草森林土和苔原带的山地苔原土:分别观测和分析了大孔隙数量及其分布规律,并针对前2种土壤类型,通过土壤水分运动模型构建和数值模拟,分析了大孔隙对土壤水分运动的影响,主要结论如下: (1)通过对不同类型土壤大孔隙数量测算得出大孔隙分布规律:暗棕色森林土中大孔隙数量随土层深度的增加逐渐减少;山地生草森林土中大孔隙数量随土层深度的增加变化不大,只是围绕一个中间值上下波动;棕色针叶林土和山地苔原土中大孔隙数量随土层深度的增加逐渐增加。 (2)通过对暗棕色森林土和棕色针叶林土中大孔隙流路径染色示踪分析发现,大孔隙流的存在可以使水分在土壤中的运移速度增加2~3倍。且棕色针叶林土的大孔隙流运移深度较暗棕色森林土深,在24 h内,前者较后者在运移深度上深10~20 cm,且棕色针叶林土中大孔隙流路径多,相同面积上,棕色针叶林土中有6条大孔隙流路径,而暗棕色森林土中只有1条。 (3)回归分析发现棕色针叶林土和暗棕色森林土中饱和导水率与土壤大孔隙之间存在线性关系(R2值分别为0.8123和0.9133)。考虑大孔隙存在条件下的土壤水分运动的数值模拟结果表明,大孔隙参数的代入,使模拟值与实验值之间的拟合效果较好,并且能较好地反映土壤水分运动的基本规律。


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Groundwater basin is important for water supply in northern China. The paper took the Jingsheng Basin in Lingshi County, Shanxi Province as a case to study the basin groundwater system by numerical modeling. The hydrogeological characteristics were analysed basing on the field investigation, and a three-dimensional groundwater flow model was established to describe the groundwater flow system in the Jingsheng groundwater basin. The boundary of the model was determined by using geophysics and GIS data, and the lumped parameter model of runoff was used to depict the transform between the surface water and groundwater, and the groundwater dating data was used to calibrate the model. All these methods were used to improve the model. The Software Visual MODFLOW 2000 was applied to set up the numerical groundwater flow model. The groundwater flow pattern in the average year, the high-water year and the low-water year were simulated respectively by the model. Some new cognition to the groundwater movement in Jingsheng Basin was obtained in the paper. The difficult problems were resolved when using the conventional and theoretical analysis to forecast and appraise the exploitation of the groundwater, and supplies the instructional technology base for the reasonable exploitation and optimization collocation. The numerical model will improve evaluation of the basin groundwater resources.


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Based on multi-principle (such as structures, tectonics and kinematics) exploratory data and related results of continental dynamics in the Tibetan plateau, the author reconstructed the geological-geophysical model of lithospherical structure and tectonic deformation, and the kinetics boundary conditions for the model. Then, the author used the numerical scheme of Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua (FLAC), to stimulate the possible process of the stress field and deformational field in the Tibetan plateau and its adjacent area, since the convergence-collision between the Indian continent and Eurasia continent about 50Ma ago. With the above-mentioned results, the author discussed the relationship between crustal movement in shallow layer and the deformational process in interior layers, and its possible dynamic constraints in deep. At the end of the paper, an integrative model has been put forward to explain the outline images of crust-mantle deformation and coupling in the Tibetan Plateau. (1) The characteristics of crust-mantle structure of the Tibetan plateau have been shown to be very complex, and vertical and horizontal difference is significant. The general characteristics of crust-mantle of the Tibetan plateau may be that it's layering in depth direction, and shows blocking from south to north and belting from east to west, mainly according to the results of about 20 seismic sections, such as wide-angle seismic profiles, CMP, seismic tomography and so on. (2) The crust had shortened about 2200km, while the shortening is different for different block from south to north in the Tibetan plateau. It is about 11.5mm/a in Himalayan block, about 9.0mm/a in Lhas-Gangdese block, about 7.0mm/a in Qiangtang block and Songpan-Ganzi-Kekexili block, about 8.0mm/a in Kunlun-Qaidam, and about ll.Omm/a in Qilian block, since the convergence-collision between the Indian continent and Eurasia continent about 50Ma ago. Which - in demonstrates the shortening rate decreases from south to north, but this rate increases near the north edge of the Tibetan plateau. The crust thickening rate is about 0.4mm/a in the whole Tibetan plateau; and this rate is about 0.5mm/a in Himalayan block, about 0.4mm/a in Lhas-Gangdese block, about 0.3mm/a in Qiangtang block, about 0.2mm/a in Songpan-Ganzi-Kekexili block and about O.lmm/a in Kunlun-Qaidam-Qilian block, since the convergence-collision between the Indian continent and Eurasia continent about 50Ma ago. This implies that the thickening rate decreases in the blocks of the Tibetan plateau. From south to north, the displacement of eastern boundary in the Tibetan plateau is about 37mm/a in Himalayan block, about 45mm/a in Lhas-Gangdese block, about 47mm/a in Qiangtang block, about 43mm/a in Songpan-Ganzi-Kekexili block, and about 35mm/a in Kunlun-Qaidam-Qilian block, since the collision-matching between the Indian continent and Eurasia continent had happened about 50Ma ago. This implies that the rate of eastward displacement is biggest in the middle of plateau, and decreases to both sides. The transition of S-N compression stress field in Tibetan Plateau, since about 28Ma+ ago, may be caused by two reasons: On one hand, the movement direction of Eurasia continent changed from northward to southward about 28Ma± ago in the northern plateau. On the other hand, the front belt that is located between India continent's and Eurasia continent's convergence-collision, had moved southward to high Himalayan from Indus-Brahmaputra suture almost at the same time in southern plateau. Affected by the stress field, the earlier tectonics rotated clockwise, NE and NW conjugate strike-slip faults developed, and the SN rift formed. This indicated that the EW movement started. The ratio between upper crust and lower crust of different blocks from south to north in the Tibetan plateau during the process of deformation are as following: about 3.5~5:1 in Himalayan block, about 1~5: 3-4 (which is about 1:3o--4 in south and about 4~5:3 in north) in Lhas-Gangdese block, about 1:3~447mm/a in these blocks: Which is located to the north of Banggong-nujiang suture.