489 resultados para ATOMIC-FORCE MICROSCOPE


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Capillary forces are significantly dominant in adhesive forces measured with an atomic force microscope (AFM) in ambient air, which are always thought to be dependent on water film thickness, relative humidity, and the free energy of water film. We study the nature of the pull-off force on a variety of surfaces as a function of tip velocity. It is found that the capillary forces are of relatively strong dependence on tip velocity. The present experiment is expected to provide a better understanding of the work mechanism of AFM in ambient air.


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The aggregates in lysozyme solution with different NaCl concentration were investigated by Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). The AFM images show that there exist lysozyme monomers, n-mers and clusters in lysozyme solution when the conditions are not suitable for crystal growth. In favorable conditions for crystal growth, the lysozyme clusters disappear and almost only monomers exist in solution.


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Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to study the competitive adsorption between bovine serum albumin (BSA) and type I collagen on hydrophilic and hydrophobic silicon wafers. BSA showed a grain shape and the type I collagen displayed fibril-like molecules with relatively homogeneous height and width, characterized with clear twisting (helical formation). These AFM images illustrated that quite a lot of type I collagen appeared in the adsorption layer on hydrophilic surface in a competitive adsorption state, but the adsorption of BSA was more preponderant than that of type I collagen on hydrophobic silicon wafer surface. The experiments showed that the influence of BSA on type I collagen adsorption on hydrophilic surface was less than that on hydrophobic surface.


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A circular bacterial artificial chromosome of 148.9 kbp on human chromosome 3 has been extended and fixed on bare mica substrates using a developed fluid capillary flow method in evaporating liquid drops. Extended circular DNA molecules were imaged with an atomic force microscope (AFM) under ambient conditions. The measured total lengths of the whole DNA molecules were in agreement with sequencing analysis data with an error range of +/-3.6%. This work is important groundwork for probing single nucleotide polymorphisms in the human genome, mapping genomic DNA, manipulating biomolecular nanotechnology, and studying the interaction of DNA-protein complexes investigated by AFM.


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Atomic force microscope (AFM)-based scanned probe oxidation (SPO) nanolithography has been carried out on an octadecyl-terminated Si(111) surface to create dot-array patterns under ambient conditions in contact mode. The kinetics investigations indicate that this SPO process involves three stages. Within the steadily growing stage, the height of oxide dots increases logarithmically with pulse duration and linearly with pulse voltage. The lateral size of oxide dots tends to vary in a similar way. Our experiments show that a direct-log kinetic model is more applicable than a power-of-time law model for the SPO process on an alkylated silicon in demonstrating the dependence of oxide thickness on voltage exposure time within a relatively wide range. In contrast with the SPO on the octodecysilated SiO2/silicon surface, this process can be realized by a lower voltage with a shorter exposure time, which will be of great benefit to the fabrication of integrated nanometer-sized electronic devices on silicon-based substrates. This study demonstrates that the alkylated silicon is a new promising substrate material for silicon-based nanolithography.


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Scanned probe oxidation (SPO) nanolithography has been performed with an atomic force microscope (AFM) on an octadecyl-terminated silicon (111) surface to create protuberant oxide line patterns under ambient conditions in contact mode. The kinetic investigations of this SPO process indicate that the oxide line height increases linearly with applied voltage and decreases logarithmically with writing, speed. The oxide line width also tends to vary with the same law. The ambient humidity and the AFM tip state can remarkably influence this process, too. As compared with traditional octadecylsilated SiO2/Si substrate, such a substrate can guarantee the SPO with an obviously lowered voltage and a greatly increased writing speed. This study demonstrates that such alkylated silicon is a promising silicon-based substrate material for SPO nanolithography.


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A modified tapping mode of the atomic force microscope (AFM) was introduced for manipulation, dissection, and lithography. By sufficiently decreasing the amplitude of AFM tip in the normal tapping mode and adjusting the setpoint, the tip-sample interaction can be efficiently controlled. This modified tapping mode has some characteristics of the AFM contact mode and can be used to manipulate nanoparticles, dissect biomolecules, and make lithographs on various surfaces. This method did not need any additional equipment and it can be applied to any AFM system.


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Nanometer-scale plowing friction and wear of a polycarbonate thin film were directly measured using an atomic force microscope (AFM) with nanoscratching capabilities. During the nanoscratch tests, lateral forces caused discrepancies between the maximum forces for the initial loadings prior to the scratch and the unloading after the scratch. In the case of a nanoscratch test performed parallel to the cantilever probe axis, the plowing friction added another component to the moment acting at the cantilevered end compared to the case of nanoindentation, resulting in an increased deflection of the cantilever. Using free-body diagrams for the cases of nanoindentation and nanoscratch testing, the AFM force curves were analyzed to determine the plowing friction during nanoscratch testing. From the results of this analysis, the plowing friction was found to be proportional to the applied contact force, and the coefficient of plowing friction was measured to be 0.56 +/- 0.02. Also, by the combination of nanoscratch and nanoindentation testing, the energetic wear rate of the polycarbonate thin film was measured to be 0.94 +/- 0.05 mm(3)/(N m).


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A review is given on the recent development of scanning probe microscope (SPM) tip modification techniques for chemical force microscope, including the preparation and application of SPM tip modified by self-assembled monolayer, atomic force microscope (AFM) tip modified by biological molecule, scanning tunneling microscope tip modified by electrochemical method, AFM tip modified by carbon nanotube.


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Ordered domain structures were observed by atomic force microscope in dipalmitoylphosphatidycholine monolayer film, which was spread on the subphase of Eu3+ solution.


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The adsorption and competitive adsorption of collagen and bovine serum albumin (BSA) were directly visualized and quantified using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and imaging ellipsometry. Chemically modified silicon surfaces were used as hydrophilic and hydrophobic substrates. The results showed that collagen and BSA in single component solution adsorbed onto a hydrophobic surface two times more than that onto a hydrophilic surface. The competitive adsorption between collagen and BSA showed that serum albumin preferentially adsorbed onto a hydrophobic surface, while collagen on a hydrophilic surface. In the binary solution of BSA (1 mg/ml BSA) and collagen (0.1 mg/ml), nearly 100% of the protein adsorbed onto the hydrophobic surface was BSA, but on the hydrophilic surface only about 6% was BSA. Surface affinity was the main factor controlling the competitive adsorption.


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The natural frequencies of a cantilever probe can be tuned with an attached concentrated mass to coincide with the higher harmonics generated in a tapping-mode atomic force microscopy by the nonlinear tip-sample interaction force. We provide a comprehensive map to guide the choice of the mass and the position of the attached particle in order to significantly enhance the higher harmonic signals containing information on the material properties. The first three eigenmodes can be simultaneously excited with only one carefully positioned particle of specific mass to enhance multiple harmonics. Accessing the interaction force qualitatively based on the high-sensitive harmonic signals combines the real-time material characterization with the imaging capability. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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How fibroin molecules fold themselves and further self-assemble into aggregations with specific structures when the solution concentration increases is the key to understanding the natural silk-forming process of the silkworm. A regenerated Bombyx mori silk fibroin solution was prepared, and serially diluted solutions were coated on aminated coverslips. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) observations of the topography of fibroin molecules revealed a transformation from rodlike aggregations 100-200 nm long to small globules 50 mn in diameter with decreasing concentrations. When the incubation duration increased, the aggregations of fibroin molecules showed a self-assembling process, which was measured with AFM. In particular, after the molecules were incubated for more than 20 min, rodlike micelles formed and were distributed evenly on the surface of the aminated slides. Flow chamber technology was used to study the effect of the shear loading on the topography of the fibroin molecular aggregations. After a shear loading was applied, larger rodlike particles formed at a higher incubation concentration in comparison with those at a lower concentration and were obviously oriented along the direction of fluid flow.


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When the atomic force microscopy (AFM) in tapping mode is in intermittent contact with a soft substrate, the contact time can be a significant portion of a cycle, resulting in invalidity of the impact oscillator model, where the contact time is assumed to be infinitely small. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the AFM intermittent contact with soft substrate can induce the motion of higher modes in the AFM dynamic response. Traditional ways of modeling AFM (one degree of freedom (DOF) system or single mode analysis) are shown to have serious mistakes when applied to this kind of problem. A more reasonable displacement criterion on contact is proposed, where the contact time is a function of the mechanical properties of AFM and substrate, driving frequencies/amplitude, initial conditions, etc. Multi-modal analysis is presented and mode coupling is also shown. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.