25 resultados para AK43-4923


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Resumen: El objetivo del presente trabajo es hacer un recorrido sobre los diversos lugares desde donde el pensamiento antiguo clásico ha abordado a “Europa” como concepto y como realidad. En primer lugar, indagando en sus testimonios se analizará cómo éstos fueron construyendo y transformando una conciencia geográfica del espacio territorial europeo. En segundo lugar, se esbozará la forma en que fue estructurándose, en principio, el “mito” de Europa como diosa, para luego ver cómo se estructuró la “idea” de Europa, afirmándose fundamentalmente en oposición al Asia y consolidándose en la asociación de continente y Cristiandad en tiempos medievales. Por último, se analizará el concepto como realidad histórica, para finalmente reflexionar brevemente sobre la situación de la cultura y cosmovisión europea en el siglo XX hasta hoy.


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En esta intervención, desarrollaré algunas consideraciones sobre la política en el mundo romano antiguo y el reciente debate acerca de ella. Me refiero a la política como práctica; entendiendo por esto lo que sea funcional a los mecanismos de la vida pública, a la formación del consenso, al ejercicio del poder, al cursus honorum en sus varios niveles, a los procesos decisorios y a la determinación de los rumbos del gobierno.


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Abstract: The late antique destruction of two bronze statues of Pausanias - the Spartan general responsible for the Greek victory at the Battle of Plataea (479 BC) - housed in the temple of Athena Chalkioikos in Sparta (Lib. Ep. 1518), has been interpreted as one of the few cases of a violent conflict between pagan and Christian population in Greece. Nevertheless the sources suggest that late antique Sparta was a bastion of Hellenic paganism and give a picture of a small and quiet town ruled by a pagan educated élite, where pagans like Libanius wanted to live. Since there is no evidence of a violent conflict between pagans and Christians in Sparta, and Libanius confirms that in 365 AD all the temples and cult statues were still in place, this paper addresses the issue from a different point of view and offers a new contribution to the history of Sparta in Late Antiquity. By using literary, archaeological and epigraphic evidence the paper explores: 1) the relationship between Roman administration and Spartan élite in the IVth century AD; 2) the historical memory of Pausanias in Late Antiquity. It will be emphasized that the obscure burning of the two statues helped to remove from Sparta the memory of Pausanias - a controversial figure, misrepresented in Late Antiquity and connected to the ancient staseis in Laconia - in order to promote a positive image of Sparta as a city without conflicts and ruled by the political system of Lycurgus (eunomia). As documented by local inscriptions in praise of late Roman governors, the mythical lawgiver Lycurgus was the paradigm of the imperial governors who rebuilded the town in the IVth cent. AD. It can be assumed that while Rome, Constantinople, Antioch and Athens were troubled by political and religious violence or by seditions between different factions, Sparta aimed to revive its traditional model of civic order in the new historical context of Late Antiquity.


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Abstract: In the context of Late Antiquity, we observe the ideals of Royalty of two authors who shared the political events between the governments of Constantius II to Theodosius (337-395 AD), namely: the philosopher Themistius (317-388 AD) with his political speeches; and the military Ammianus Marcellinus (325 / 330-395 AD) with his work Res Gestae. During our study, we will seek to observe the characteristics of each author, and converge their life experiences to meet the convergent and divergent points of its concepts around the Imperial responsibilities. In the meantime, we emphasize the interactions between Romans and barbarians, very noticeable at that time; and how this process of interaction of cultures has influenced the thinking of the late-ancient writers studied here. Observing how a philosopher and a military developed such ideals in relation to the ruler: Valentinian I (364-375 AD), for that we made a more specific analysis of VI Speech of Themistius - the Brotherly Love or About humanity - and the XVI - XXX Books of Ammianus Marcellinus. Thus, in a time of great cultural socio-political effervescence, two non-Christian writers have written their work, in order to re-member your audience the importance of the virtues and both based on examples from the classical tradition.


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Resumen: El presente trabajo se analizará un pasaje del Praeceptum deliberativae materiae, un texto retórico escrito por Emporius en el siglo V/VI, en el cual César reclama ser un Graecae exercitationis expers; tal extraña definición tiene sus raíces en la controversia de los populares contra la helenización de la nobilitas: desde una perspectiva popularis el vir romanus real tenía que preferir las habilidades militares a las retóricas, como C. Mario había hecho, y tenía que adquirir sus habilidades retóricas en Latín, no en griego, como el Rhetorica ad Herennium exhortaba. Luego ser Graecae exercitationis expers pasó a ser una cualidad requerida para un líder de los populares, tal como César quería ser reconocido, y podemos remontar sus orígenes en la propaganda literaria del partido cesariano, sobre todo en el Bellum Iugurthinum de Salustio y en el Anticato del propio César.


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Resumo: Neste artigo, propomo-nos a analisar o Governo do Imperador Romano Tibério, da forma como foi descrito por Dion Cássio Cocceiano na obra História Romana. Dion Cássio foi senador na passagem do II para o III século d.C. e sua narrativa nos chegou bastante fragmentada, reconstruída a partir dos excertos de Xifilino e Zonaras. A autoridade do Príncipe não era hereditária. Assim, tornavase necessário refazer os laços de patronato e amicitia no início de cada governo. E esta não era uma tarefa fácil, nem mesmo para Tibério que sucedeu o considerado bom Imperador Otávio Augusto.


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Abstract: The way of exercising power of the Roman Princeps Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, better known by his agnomen Caligula, was largely driven by a different pattern of behavior of that promoted by his predecessors Augustus and Tiberius. Through a kind of ritualized acts, these princeps sought to show respect for the traditional social order and appear only as a primus inter pares among Roman aristocrats. As we can see, in this matter the young Gaius caused a radical change on imperial politics. From the valuation of a series of symbols and actions with strong symbolic connotations, in this work we will attempt to show that such a change was, in part, consequence of a new conception of the imperial power displayed by Caligula. The essence of such conception we must search it in the complex corpus of ideas that came to Rome from the pars orientis of the Roman Empire and based important aspects of the power of the Hellenistic Monarchies


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Abstract: The present article discusses about the representation of Octavius, Mark Antony and Cleopatra in three coins, to reflect about how the ancient mintage contributed for these personages could shape their images to the populus romanus in general.


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Resumen: Nuestro conocimiento de algunos aspectos de las Historias de Polibio se ha incrementado significativamente durante las dos últimas décadas. En ese sentido, ha habido ciertos desarrollos importantes con respecto a aspectos culturales de la obra, cuyo alcance ha ido permitiendo repensar durante estos años algunos presupuestos clásicos sobre la relación entre Polibio, Roma y el mundo helenístico. Proponemos aquí ofrecer un rápido análisis de las tres principales líneas de estudio propuestas por los estudiosos, cuyo alcance es considerado, en efecto, como un total reubicación del historiador aqueo al interior del universo cultural del mundo helenístico.


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Abstract: The article presents Italian translation and commentary of Gortyn ‘code’ columns X.33-XII.23 about adoption’s legal dispositions. The epigraphic text is compared with literary sources of Athenian law in classical age, pointing out analogies and variances. The more substantial difference is that in Gortyn’s law the adoptive son had less prerogatives, in accordance with an archaic and aristocratic society


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Abstract: The relationship between Barbarians and the Roman Empire has never been a neutral subject, and much less it could be today, when the debate on ‘Europe's Christian roots’ focuses on the meaning of its identity. This paper sets out the views prevailing in the historiography of recent decades but also it turns to the context of the events that afflicted the Roman Empire through the fifth century. There is in fact a different approch to the subject, between the catastrophic paradigm and the view of scholars who attempted to circumvent the role of the Barbarians, as if they were mere onlookers and not real actors of history. The great complexity of the period invites for deepening the analysis of regional peculiarities, studying those multiple and repeated collapses of the Empire, which during the fifth century still survived elsewhere, while people thought it was already fallen


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Abstract: Although he is the most prolific writer of the Greek Anthology, Palladas’ life is almost unknown. But, in spite of the limited biographical data, his work has fortunately been preserved in the GA. Because of his literary creation, the old times rewarded him with the nickname Μετέωρος, high, since the literary merits of a hundred poems of his authorship was recognized (others are discussed by critics). A dozen of them contains invaluable information about the political, religious and social situation in Alexandria immediately after the victory of the bishop Theophilus, Cyril’s predecessor and uncle, during the conflict between Christians and Gentiles, each sector backed up by an Alexandrian population segment (cfr. 9.528, 10.82, 10.85) . Resigned at times, constantly demanding, Palladas complains about the decline of the belief professed by him due to the increasing penetration of the new faith. Therefore, four epigrams record the conversion of the temple of Tyche into a tavern (9.180-183) and 10.90 seems to attack the doctrine of the Resurrection. When religion and politics go hand-in-hand, when religious conspiracies link up with palace intrigues, consequences are predictable: a man called Doroteo denounced him for his negative response to the new dogma, which caused him the loss of his teacher paid work. His annoyance was even greater with further sufferings, chiefly economic, and he had to sell his books (9.171 and 9.175) among other desperate decisions Forewarned about his radical bitterness against Church, it is just to make clear that he is not fully acquiescent with ancient gods and heroes. Thus, in 5.257 he questions Zeus’ ars amandi, in 9.377 refutes Tantalus’ possibility of thirst and hunger in Hades and 9.773 mischievously points out that Eros has been changed into a pan. The work begins with the selection, personal translation and comprehensive analysis of twenty two epigrams. Through such philological aid, we attempt to verify the frictions and the main perceptible factors in his poetic creation to justify his worldview, according to the pagan sentiment widespread in that time before the twilight already overwhelming of its ailing traditions


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Resumen: En fuentes epigráficas y literarias Vetio Agorio Pretextato es identificado como uno de los representantes más notables de la aristocracia senatorial pagana romana de la cuarta centuria. Dichos testimonios lo presentan como vívida encarnación y real custodio del mos maiorum, la imagen de los óptimos padres de Roma y símbolo de fidelidad a la misión arcana que hizo de los miembros de dicha elite, los legítimos depositarios de la divina tarea de conducir los destinos imperiales. Inferir el verdadero alcance de su figura, construida y trasmitida por sus contemporáneos, constituye el centro de interés de este estudio.


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Resumen: La presente colaboración pretende valorar la ‘historicidad’ de los textos del Nuevo Testamento, de aquellos que tradicionalmente se ha considerado que presentan una ‘envoltura’ ambiental más fidedigna. Tal tarea no puede llevarse a cabo sin un previo discernimiento de las diferencias que sus distintos textos presentan, sin explicar los ambientes distintos en los que cada tradición se forjo, ni la intencionalidad de los distintos géneros a los que se recurrió. La obra de Lucas, constituida por la suma del tercer evangelio sinóptico y de los llamados Hechos de los apóstoles, presenta la percepción más evidentemente diacrónica, desde el nacimiento de Jesús hasta la instalación del cristianismo en Roma, y suma casi un tercio del texto neotestamentario, bastante más si tenemos en cuenta que para su comprensión es necesario el cotejo con los otros evangelios sinópticos y con las cartas paulinas. La perspectiva desde la cual se enfrenta este estudio es la del historiador, no la de la exégesis, la obra de Lucas se analiza como si se tratase de un texto más de la tradición helenística. Un texto que ha de responder, por lo tanto, a unos cánones literarios comprensibles a sus hipotéticos lectores, un texto construido en los años de máximo esplendor del Imperio romano, muy probablemente a finales del siglo I, en un contexto geográfico y cultural de momento impreciso pero que ha de tener en cuenta los problemas palestinos posteriores a la guerra judía de los años 67-70 y el entorno de pugna religiosa y creatividad teológica que, necesariamente, habría de caracterizar a una religión nueva, aún en proceso de formación y que estaba perfilando y perfeccionando sus definitivas señas de identidad. En este sentido se ha de valorar la personalidad del autor y su nivel de compromiso con el grupo religioso del cual pretende presentar una semblanza; por supuesto, es necesario descifrar la intencionalidad del texto, mediatizada por el género y por el público al cual pretende llegar. Debemos insertar la información particular que Lucas-Hechos aporta dentro de un contexto y, cuando sea posible, corroborar su información recurriendo a otras fuentes contemporáneas. A partir de ese proceso podremos concluir si la información aportada es verídica o no, si tal nivel de precisión es imposible podremos al menos pronunciarnos sobre si es creíble o si, por el contrario, es un mero artificio.