5 resultados para simple loop
The paper adapts a non cooperative game presented by Dagan, Serrano and Volij (1997) for bankruptcy problems to the context of TU veto balanced games. We investigate the relationship between the Nash outcomes of a noncooperative game and solution concepts of cooperative games such as the nucleolus, kernel and the egalitarian core.
The smart grid is a highly complex system that is being formed from the traditional power grid, adding new and sophisticated communication and control devices. This will enable integrating new elements for distributed power generation and also achieving an increasingly automated operation so for actions of the utilities as for customers. In order to model such systems a bottom-up method is followed, using only a few basic elements which are structured into two layers: a physical layer for the electrical power transmission, and one logical layer for element communication. A simple case study is presented to analyse the possibilities of simulation. It shows a microgrid model with dynamic load management and an integrated approach that can process both electrical and communication flows.
179 p.
This paper is a version of the discussion paper titled "Simple coalitional strategy profiles"
[EU]Gaur egun, Europa mailan European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) seinaleztapen-sistema bateratua hedatzen ari dira trenbide sare desberdinen arteko elkar eragintasuna bultzatzeko. Proiektu honen helburua da ERTMS sistemaren barneko ETCS protokoloa hedatzea simulazio hibridodun ingurune batean, ERTMS sistemaren hedatzea azkartuko duten erakusleak sortuz. Horretarako, OPNET simulagailuaren System-in-the-loop erreminta erabili da. Erreminta hau baliatuz ETCS protokoloaren pakete errealak ingurune simulatuan integratzeko funtzioen liburutegi bat idatzi da. Amaitzeko, liburutegi hori baliatuz ETCS protokoloak sareko arazoen aurrean duen errendimenduaren analisi bat burutu da eta liburutegi berri horrek pakete errealak simulatuetara itzultzean (eta kontrakoa) duen errendimendua zein den aztertu da.