22 resultados para Missions, China--19th century--Maps
Presentado en las II. Jornadas de Lingüística Vasco-Románica / Euskal-Erromantze Linguistika II. Jardunaldietan aurkeztua (Bilbo, 2007)
Ejemplar dedicado a: Serta Palaeohispanica in honorem Javier de Hoz
[EN] This paper examines the syntactic ideas of Pablo Pedro Astarloa (1752-1806) as he explained in his Discursos filosóficos sobre la lengua primitiva (1805), and tries to put them in the context of the debate between rationalists and sensualists, who argued whether there is a «natural order» of words. Astarloa developed a system for accounting the word order in the primitive language of mankind (and hence in the Basque language) founded in three types of «nobleness», and in the principle that the noblest element precedes the less noble one. The first type (nobleza de origen) orders words according to their meaning. The second type (nobleza de ministerio) orders words according to the part of speech they belong to, or the semantic function they have. Finally, the third type (nobleza de mérito or de movilidad) considers the will for communication and, as a result, word order reflects the information structure. Moreover Astarloa ’s three types of nobleness are arranged in a hierarchy of superiority: movilidad > ministerio > origen. So Astarloa ’s syntax appears near to sensualists ’ conceptions on word order because it did not appeal for a fixed natural order of words; instead he proposed a variable word order based mainly on the communicative process.
[EN] The aim of this paper is to introduce the main contributions of Humboldt to the study of the Basque grammar. His methodological innovations and the influence he had on european linguists are pointed out, the grammatical sources available to him are mentioned and his woks on Basque grammar are enumerated. Some of Humboldt's most interesting analysis are mentioned and are placed in the former and later tradition of the Basque grammar.
Pablo Pedro Astarloaren jaiotzako 250. urteurrena dela eta, Durangon, 2002-VI-29an Euskaltzaindiaren bilera irekian irakurritako txostena
Astarloa's Discursos filosóficos is the most extensive and detailed apology of the Basque language as the first language of mankind. The text was finished in 1805 but the first edition was published in 1883. In this paper I attempt to sketch the main linguistic and philosophic ideas that could have an influence in Astarloa's thought. Then I deal with Astarloa's characterization of the first language, and the three principles he used to verify that Basque was that first language of human beings.
Joseba A. Lakarra & José Ignacio Hualde, arg., Studies in Basque and Historical Linguistics in memoriam of R. L. Trask - R. L. Trasken oroitzapenetan ikerketak Euskalaritzaz eta Hizkuntzalaritza Historikoaz
Materiales vascos del legado de Wilhelm von Humboldt: la relevancia de Astarloa y el Plan de Lenguas
Este artículo es traducción del original alemán «Zum Stellenwert Astarloas und des Plan de Lenguas», publicado en B. Hurch (ed.), Die baskischen Materialien aus dem Nachlaß Wilhelm von Humboldts. Astarloa, Charpentier, Fréret, Aizpitarte und anderes. Paderborn: Schöningh, pp. 21-42. La traducción al español es obra de Oroitz Jauregi y ha sido revisada por Ricardo Gómez y Bernhard Hurch.
[EN] In this paper I offer a new edition of the Euskera manuscript, written by the bascologist J.F. Aizkibel in 1856. The preliminary study focuses on a survey of the sources extensively used by Aizkibel, which are mainly two: Schleicher's Die Sprachen Europas (1850 [1852]) and Champollion-Figeac's Égypte ancienne (1840). Moreover, the comparison with the sources reveals us that Aizkibel intended to adapt Schleicher’s and Champollion-Figeac's analyses to attest that Basque was originally a very ancient monosyllabic language, and that it was spoken by cultured people. Some other linguistic ideas of Aizkibel are also discussed.
R. Etxepare, R. Gómez & J. A. Lakarra (arg.), Beñat Oihartzabali Gorazarre - Festschrift for Bernard Oyharçabal. Donostia-San Sebastián: Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia & UPV/EHU.
Berta Raposo Fernández e Ingrid García Wistädt (editoras)
[ES] A fin de garantizar el aprovechamiento deun recurso renovable como la madera, en un momento de retroceso forestal y escasez de materiales, los habitantes de la provincia de Guipúzcoa, ante lo exiguo de su territorio, arbitraron un sistema que permitió combinar las necesidades y demandas de actividades tan dispares como la ganadería, el consumo doméstico, la siderurgia o la construcción naval. El presente artículo pretende analizar el origen, desarrollo y desaparición de los trasmochos guiados y describir su técnica en el territorio guipuzcoano. A falta de mayores evidencias, parece que la técnica del trasmochado o desmochado guiado inició su andadura en la Baja Edad Media, aunque hasta las primeras décadas del siglo XVI no existen datos documentales de su utilización en territorio guipuzcoano. Su generalización en todo el territorio guipuzcoano no parece producirse definitivamente hasta finales del siglo XVII, aunque para entonces se venía aplicando en la costa y el sector oriental de la reclamaciones de las autoridades reales y territoriales, la obligación de dejar horca y pendón se encontró con la oposición de carboneros y ferrones, quienes trasmochaban los árboles pero sin guiarlos, perjudicando de ese modo a las autoridades e intereses de la Marina Real. Precisamente el incumplimiento de las ordenanzas fue lo que provocó la aparición de dos modelos, con usos diferenciados: trasmochos sin guiar y trasmochos guiados. A lo largo del siglo XIX dicha técnica se fue perdiendo, coincidiendo con la paulatina desaparición de la construcción naval en madera.
Beatriz Fernández eta Pablo Albizu (arg.)
[EN] Pierre Urte wrote Grammaire cantabrique circa 1714, when he was exiled in England. In this article we want to prove that the main source for Urte’s work was the socalled “Lily’s grammar”, which was the oficial grammar to learn Latin language in England from the 16th to the 19th century. The indentification of that source allows us to support the claim that Urte’s grammar must be included in the tradition of language teaching, as was already pointed out by Oyharçabal (1989). In this article, we first offer a brief history of Lily’s grammar. Then, we provide some clues in order to identify the exact edition used by Urte. Finally, in the main section of the article, we confront the two grammatical works; our aim is to ensure Urte’s debt to Lily’s grammar, and to show in detail the principal parts which Urte took from his source (mainly grammatical clasifications and examples).
lx, 407 or. [Bibliografia: 345-397; Index nominum: 399-405; Taulen aurkibidea: 407]