29 resultados para Market analysis


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In this project study the characteristic and dynamics of the residential housing market in the Basque country. When strong expansion and colapsing emerged in 2007,studied the differents adjustment.


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CASTELLANO. Análisis del mercado laboral andaluz, de forma estática y dinámica, comparando el cuarto trimestre de los años 2007, 2012 y 2013. Además también se comparan los datos del cuarto trimestre de 2013 de Andalucía y País Vasco.


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Ante el reciente aumento del dinamismo y la globalización en los mercados, los análisis, estrategias y planes de acción están adquiriendo una mayor importancia para todas las empresas. En una economía cambiante, anticiparse a los cambios y estar preparados para nuevas realidades es un objetivo prioritario de las empresas. El plan de marketing es un medio más para conseguir anticiparse a las nuevas características de los mercados. Cada empresa tiene características diferentes, por lo que es necesario que el plan se adapte a la organización y no al revés. Por ejemplo, en las grandes empresas se ha mostrado como un arma comercial determinante, pero en las PYMES puede convertirse incluso en un sustitutivo de la planificación estratégica. En éste trabajo se realizará un plan de marketing en la práctica para “Abereen Klinikak”, una PYME del sector veterinario, aplicando el método analítico sintético. Se realizará un análisis previo del mercado y un diagnóstico de la situación de la empresa, se marcarán los objetivos, estrategias y acciones a seguir, y se implantará un plan de control y seguimiento de ellos. Todo ello desde una forma estructurada y sistematizada, con el fin de seguir la mejor estrategia comercial posible para la empresa. Abstract Due to the recent increase of dynamism and market globalization, analyzes, strategies and action plans are becoming increasingly important for all businesses. In a changing economy, to anticipate changes and be prepared for new realities is a priority for companies. The marketing plan is another way of being able to anticipate the new market characteristics. Each company has different characteristics, so it is necessary that the marketing plan suits the organization and not vice versa. For example, in large companies it has been shown as a key commercial weapon, but for SMEs it could even become a substitute for strategic planning. In this project a marketing plan for "Abereen Klinikak", an enterprise which belongs to the SME sector, will be implemented. The marketing plan will be put into practice using the synthetic analytical method. To do so, preliminary market analysis and an assessment of the company’s situation will be done. Furthermore, goals, strategies and action steps will be scored, and a control and monitoring plan will be implemented. The plan will be put into practice in a structured and systematic way, in order to follow the best business strategy for the company.


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[EN]This project intends to establish a working path in order to create a company which will work on the leisure and tourist sector and will be located in Bizkaia. The company would offer adventure activities like water skiing, Jet Ski, kayak... To make sure the idea is profitable the project will entail some general stages: the market analysis, the marketing plan, the description of the idea and the economical and financial analysis. Apart of this the project will also contain some guidelines for the creation and subsequent management of the company, including the planning of human resources.


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[ES]El siguiente trabajo de fin de grado tiene por objeto la realización de un plan de marketing para la empresa Bilbao Central Hostel con el que pueda afrontar la apertura de un hostel en la ciudad de Vitoria – Gasteiz. Para la realización de este plan, me he basado en importantes referencias bibliográficas que describen como ha de desarrollarse un plan de marketing con el fin de definir los objetivos comerciales de Bilbao Central Hostel en un tiempo determinado detallando las estrategias y acciones que se van a seguir. Se iniciará con un análisis del mercado y un diagnóstico de la situación de la empresa, se marcarán los objetivos, estrategias y acciones a seguir, y se implantará un plan de control y seguimiento de ellos. Todo ello se llevará a cabo de forma estructurada con el fin de que pueda afrontar la nueva apertura en la ciudad de Vitoria – Gasteiz.


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[ES] El Trabajo de Fin de Grado aquí presentado trata de un plan de negocio, el cual se centra en la creación de una nueva empresa evaluando su viabilidad técnica y financiera desde diferentes ámbitos: diseño de primer prototipo, modelo de negocio, financiación, plan de inversión, análisis del mercado, producción, logística, estrategias de comercialización, marketing, recursos humanos y trámites legales, entre otros.


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(EUSKERA) Azken urteetan, marken irudi eta posizionamendua neurtzeko asmoz, bai eremu profesionaletik bai hezkuntzaren eremutik ekarpenak egiten ari dira. Lan honetan, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko (Espainia) eta Bavariako (Alemania) eremu geografikoetara mugatuz kirol marken inguruko merkataritza ikerketa bat garatu izan da. Kontsumitzaileen portaeran eta pentsaeran ematen diren aldaketa azkarrak merkatuaren analisi jarraitu baten beharra sortzen dute. Planteamendu honekin, lan honetan, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko eta Bavariako kirol marka nagusien irudia eta posizionamendua aztertu da, hauek definitzen dituzten funtsezko ezaugarriak eta jarrerak deskribatuz eta bezeroen pertzepzioei dagokienez antzekoak diren marka taldeak identifikatuz.


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In this paper we measure the impact of regulatory measures which affected the Spanish electricity wholesale market in the period 2002-2005. Our approach is based on the fact that regulation changes firms' incentives and therefore their market behavior. In the absence of any regulation firms would choose profit- maximizing prices on their residual demands so that the observed gap between optimal and actual prices provides a measure of the effect of regulation. Our results indicate that regulation has decreased wholesale prices considerably, but became less effective at the end of the sample period which explains the change of regulatory regime introduced in 2006.


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Published as an article in: Economic Modelling, 2011, vol. 28, issue 3, pages 1140-1149.


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This paper estimates a standard version of the New Keynesian Monetary (NKM) model augmented with financial variables in order to analyze the relative importance of stock market returns and term spread in the estimated U.S. monetary policy rule. The estimation procedure implemented is a classical structural method based on the indirect inference principle. The empirical results show that the Fed seems to respond to the macroeconomic outlook and to the stock market return but does not seem to respond to the term spread. Moreover, policy inertia and persistent policy shocks are also significant features of the estimated policy rule.


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This paper analyzes the consequences of the interaction between two different levels of government (regulators) in the development of housing policy when their decisions determine the level of competition in the housing market. The analysis discusses the implications derived from a lack of coordination between a local regulator who controls the supply of land for housing development and a central regulator who decides on housing subsidies. The results suggest that lack of coordination has significant effects on prices and supply of houses, housing developers’ profits, and buyers’ surplus.


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Revised: 2006-11.-- Published as an article in: British Journal of Industrial Relations, June 2007, vol. 45, issue 2, pp. 257-284.


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A number of European countries, among which the UK and Spain, have opened up their Directory Enquiry Services (DQs, or 118AB) market to competition. We analyse the Spanish case, where both local and foreign firms challenged the incumbent as of April 2003. We argue that the incumbent had the ability to abuse its dominant position, and that it was a perfectly rational strategy. In short,the incumbent raised its rivals' costs directly by providing an inferior quality version of the (essential) input, namely the incumbent's subscribers' database. We illustrate how it is possible to quantify the effect of abuse in situation were the entrant has no previous history in the market. To do this, we use the UK experience to construct the relevant counterfactual, that is the "but for abuse" scenario. After controlling for relative prices and advertising intensity, we find that one of the foreign entrants achieved a Spanish market share of only half of what it would have been in the absence of abuse.


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Revised: 2006-05