12 resultados para Indispensability argument


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[ES] Este artículo contribuye a adquirir un mayor conocimiento acerca del impacto estratégico de la infraestructura de producción en las empresas manufactureras españolas. La influencia de la infraestructura de producción en el rendimiento empresarial puede ser analizada desde dos perspectivas: la contingente y la proactiva. La perspectiva contingente sostiene que tal influencia depende de la postura estratégica de la empresa. Según el enfoque proactivo, el rendimiento empresarial viene determinado por la implantación de prácticas y políticas prometedoras por su contribución a crear capacidades de producción.


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[EN]This paper deals with the so-called Person Case Constraint (Bonet, 1991), a universal constraint blocking accusative clitics and object agreement morphemes other than third person when a dative is inserted in the same clitic/agreement cluster. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we argue that the scope of the PCC is considerably broader than assumed in previous work, and that neither its formulation in terms of person (1st/2nd vs. 3rd)-case (accusative vs. dative) restrictions nor its morphological nature are part of the right descriptive generalization.We present evidence (i) that the PCC is triggered by the presence of an animacy feature in the object’s agreement set; (ii) that it is not case dependent, also showing up in languages that lack dative case; and (iii) that it is not morphologically bound. Second, we argue that the PCC, even if it is modified accordingly, still puts together two different properties of the agreement system that should be set apart: (i) a cross linguistic sensitivity of object agreement to animacy and (ii) a similarly widespread restriction on multiple object agreement observed crosslinguistically. These properties lead us to propose a new generalization, the Object Agreement Constraint (OAC): if the verbal complex encodes object agreement, no other argument can be licensed through verbal agreement.


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Maia Duguine, Susana Huidobro and Nerea Madariaga (eds.)


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[EN] This article investigates the question of the licensing of null arguments in the so-called pro-drop languages. By focusing on the licensing of null subjects in the different types of -T(Z)E nominalizations in Basque, it aims at defining in a precise way the crucial feature that makes pro-drop possible in a clause. The central claim is that what licenses subject-drop is the assignment of structural Case. That is, it is argued that a subject can be null if and only if it is assigned structural Case. Different aspects of T(Z)E nominalizations are also explored, which show that even if these clauses are similar in the surface, they can be syntactically very different and furthermore, that infinitive clauses marked with the same nominalizing morpheme can also have diverging structures.


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[EN] In this study, we explore native and non-native syntactic processing, paying special attention to the language distance factor. To this end, we compared how native speakers of Basque and highly proficient non-native speakers of Basque who are native speakers of Spanish process certain core aspects of Basque syntax. Our results suggest that differences in native versus non-native language processing strongly correlate with language distance: native/non-native processing differences obtain if a syntactic parameter of the non-native grammar diverges from the native grammar. Otherwise, non-native processing will approximate native processing as levels of proficiency increase. We focus on three syntactic parameters: (i) the head parameter, (ii) argument alignment (ergative/accusative), and (iii) verb agreement. The first two diverge in Basque and Spanish, but the third is the same in both languages. Our results reveal that native and non-native processing differs for the diverging syntactic parameters, but not for the convergent one. These findings indicate that language distance has a significant impact in non-native language processing.


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Gaur egun, konpetentzia zientifikoen garapena Lehen Hezkuntzako eskolan gutxi garatuta eta eztabaidagarria den gaia da. Ikasleek kultura zientifikoan murgiltzeko forma aurkitu eta, bereziki, argumentazio gaitasuna garatzen laguntzea, zientziak hitz egiteko aukerak emanez, ez da batere arrunta gure eskoletan. Esku-hartze berritzaile hau egoera honi aurre egiteko eta arazoari irtenbide bat bilatzeko diseinatuta izan da. Honen bidez, Lehen Hezkuntzan zientzienganako interesa sustatzen saiatzen da, zientziako klaseetan datuen erabilerari eta argumentazioari lehentasuna emanez. Ekimena 2013-2014ko martxoan jarri da martxan.


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[ENG] If we look around us, we can observe that there is someone who is the best in each field of activity. We could think that they are exceptional individuals. This Final Project aims to increase knowledge of the effects of Deliberate Practice in the domains of music and sport. This will define you a concept of Deliberate Practice and then focus on the diversity of situations in which it shows us how it is presented in real life. From a questionnaire that has been designed for this study and distributed to the music students, I have expected to obtain a result that allow me to come to the conclusion that exists a relation between the hours of practice and the expertise in the execution. This reality has been linked to the regarding situation in the sport practice, whose information has been provided by the coordinators of the different sports. Taking into account the limited number of references available, this work has focused on a qualitative analysis of the data, interpreted from my point of view and my personal experience, which has been confirmed in the results obtained. The statistics managed allow me to conclude that, although the argument is not definitive, the guide effort through deliberate practice is essential to achieve the excellence.


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[ES] La presencia de unos personajes humanos con grandes cabezas pintadas en uno de los paneles artísticos del abrigo de Legteitira 5 genera diversas impresiones sobre su significado. A lo extraño de la composición, hay que añadir que se trata, por el momento, de un caso único en el repertorio iconográfico del Occidente del Sahara. La hipótesis de una posible relación con cabezas enmascaradas, en el contexto simbólico de una escena ritual cinegética, pudiera acaso retenerse como argumento explicativo.


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Master in Literature and Literary Science


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[EUS] Gaur egun, zientzia irakasterako orduan, zientzialari guztiek bat egiten dute konpetentzia zientifikoaren garrantzian. Hala ere, egungo eskola askotan gaitasun honen azpigaitasun desberdinak alde batera uzten dira. Hau jakinda, hurrengo proposamenak materiaren propietateak, dentsitatea eta flotagarritasuna erabili ditu konpetentzia zientifikoaren datuen erabilera eta argumentazio gaitasuna lantzeko. Modu honetan, ikasleek gai honen inguruan duten aurreiritzi eta zailtasunak ikusi dira, hala nola, flotagarritasuna objektuen pisuarekin eta barruan duten aire kantitatearekin erlazionatzea edota dentsitate kontzeptua ulertzeko eta argumentu justifikatuak lortzeko zailtasunak.


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[eus] Gaur egun, aditu desberdinek diotenez, Lehen Hezkuntzan konpetentzia zientifikoa garatzeko zailtasunak daude . Egoera hobetzeko, kultura zientifikoan murgiltzeko aukera, eta argumentazio gaitasuna garatzeko aukera eskaini behar zaie ikasleei. Esku-hartze honetan, eztabaida soziozientifikoen bidez, argumentazio gaitasuna lantzen da, sendagaien eraginkortasuna eta efektu sekundarioen arteko harremana eztabaidagai izanik. Esku-hartzea burutzean, ikusi ahal izan da adin txikiko ikasleak, aukera eskaintzen zaienean, argumentu justifikatuak emateko gai izan direla konpetentzia zientifikoa lortzeko bidea eraikiz. Aldi berean, sendagaien eraginkortasunaren eta efektu sekundarioen arteko harremanaz ohartu dira.


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[EUS] Lan honetan aurkikuntza baten berri ematen dugu: Plentziako armarri batean aurkitutako hiru euskal esaera zahar (1603) aurkezten eta hizkuntzaren eta historiaren ikuspuntutik aztertzen ditugu. Hiru esaerotatik bi «Refranes y sentencias» 1596) lanean agertzen dira, eta hori datu garrantzitsua da; izan ere, Lakarrak 1996) errefrau-bilduma anonimo horren jatorriaz egindako proposamena berresteko argudio berria da. Zehazki, Bizkaiko ipar-mendebala proposatu zuen Lakarrak bildumako errefrauen jatorri gisa. Beste alde batetik, Bizkaiko ipar-mendebaleko euskararen zenbait ezaugarri baliatuta, Arrasateko erreketari buruzko zenbait kantu eremu horretan sortu zirela proposatzen dugu —zehazki, Butroeko (Gatika) dorretxearen inguruan—, hizkuntzari dagozkion argudioak historiari buruzkoekin osatuta.