20 resultados para CONSENSUS


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Prepared for the Handbook of the Economics of Cultural Heritage. Forthcoming in Edgard Elgar Publisher. Anna Mignosa and Ilde Rizzo (editors)


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El contenido de este trabajo deriva del proyecto de investigación UE-1998-23, «Oferta y Demanda de Formación en Gestión Empresarial para Directivos en la CAPV» y del contrato de investigación «Análisis de la Oferta de Formación en Gestión y en Gestión del Conocimiento». El proyecto era perteneciente a la convocatoria de 1998 de ayudas del Gobierno Vasco a Proyectos de Investigación e Innovacion Tecnológica entre Universidades y Empresas, en su elaboración y desarrollo participaron la Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, la Universidad de Deusto (ESTE) y el Cluster del Conocimiento, como empresa.


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Background: Malignancies arising in the large bowel cause the second largest number of deaths from cancer in the Western World. Despite progresses made during the last decades, colorectal cancer remains one of the most frequent and deadly neoplasias in the western countries. Methods: A genomic study of human colorectal cancer has been carried out on a total of 31 tumoral samples, corresponding to different stages of the disease, and 33 non-tumoral samples. The study was carried out by hybridisation of the tumour samples against a reference pool of non-tumoral samples using Agilent Human 1A 60- mer oligo microarrays. The results obtained were validated by qRT-PCR. In the subsequent bioinformatics analysis, gene networks by means of Bayesian classifiers, variable selection and bootstrap resampling were built. The consensus among all the induced models produced a hierarchy of dependences and, thus, of variables. Results: After an exhaustive process of pre-processing to ensure data quality–lost values imputation, probes quality, data smoothing and intraclass variability filtering–the final dataset comprised a total of 8, 104 probes. Next, a supervised classification approach and data analysis was carried out to obtain the most relevant genes. Two of them are directly involved in cancer progression and in particular in colorectal cancer. Finally, a supervised classifier was induced to classify new unseen samples. Conclusions: We have developed a tentative model for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer based on a biomarker panel. Our results indicate that the gene profile described herein can discriminate between non-cancerous and cancerous samples with 94.45% accuracy using different supervised classifiers (AUC values in the range of 0.997 and 0.955).


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Ejemplar dedicado a: "La ecúmene romana: espacios de integración y exclusión".


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[ES] En el caso romano, la stásis por antonomasia es la crisis de la República, cuya resolución traumática conduce a la superación del propio sistema republicano y al surgimiento del Principado de Augusto. El régimen augusteo, tras una fase previa de enfrentamientos civiles, se consolida, apoyado, entres otros elementos, en un nuevo consenso y en la reelaboración de la tradición republicana anterior, que permiten difuminar los elementos autocráticos del sistema. La idea de patria constituye un concepto clave en la ideología del nuevo régimen.


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Background: Maladaptive behavior has been reported as a phenotypical feature in Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS). It severely limits social adaptation and the quality of life of children and adults with the syndrome. Different factors have been linked with the intensity and form of these behavioral disturbances but there is no consensus about the cause. Consequently, there is still controversy regarding management strategies and there is a need for new data. Methods: The behavior of 100 adults with PWS attending a dedicated center was assessed using the Developmental Behavior Checklist for Adults (DBC-A) and the PWS-specific Hyperphagia Questionnaire. The DBC-A was completed separately by trained caregivers at the center and relatives or caregivers in a natural setting. Genotype, gender, age, degree of obesity and cognitive impairment were analyzed as variables with a hypothetical influence on behavioral features. Results: Patients showed a relatively high rate of behavioral disturbances other than hyperphagia. Disruptive and social relating were the highest scoring DBC-A subscales whereas anxiety/antisocial and self-absorbed were the lowest. When hospital caregiver and natural caregiver scores were compared, scores for the latter were higher for all subscales except for disruptive and anxiety/antisocial. These effects of institutional management were underlined. In the DBC-A, 22 items have descriptive indications of PWS behavior and were used for further comparisons and correlation analysis. In contrast to previous reports, rates of disturbed behavior were lower in patients with a deletion genotype. However, the behavioral profile was similar for both genotypes. No differences were found in any measurement when comparing type I and type II deletions. The other analyzed variables showed little relevance. Conclusions: Significant rates of behavioral disorders were highlighted and their typology described in a large cohort of adults with PWS. The deletion genotype was related to a lower severity of symptoms. Some major behavioral problems, such as hyperphagia, may be well controlled if living circumstances are adapted to the specific requirements of individuals with PWS.


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Background: Consensus development techniques were used in the late 1980s to create explicit criteria for the appropriateness of cataract extraction. We developed a new appropriateness of indications tool for cataract following the RAND method. We tested the validity of our panel results. Methods: Criteria were developed using a modified Delphi panel judgment process. A panel of 12 ophthalmologists was assembled. Ratings were analyzed regarding the level of agreement among panelists. We studied the influence of all variables on the final panel score using linear and logistic regression models. The explicit criteria developed were summarized by classification and regression tree analysis. Results: Of the 765 indications evaluated by the main panel in the second round, 32.9% were found appropriate, 30.1% uncertain, and 37% inappropriate. Agreement was found in 53% of the indications and disagreement in 0.9%. Seven variables were considered to create the indications and divided into three groups: simple cataract, with diabetic retinopathy, or with other ocular pathologies. The preoperative visual acuity in the cataractous eye and visual function were the variables that best explained the panel scoring. The panel results were synthesized and presented in three decision trees. Misclassification error in the decision trees, as compared with the panel original criteria, was 5.3%. Conclusion: The parameters tested showed acceptable validity for an evaluation tool. These results support the use of this indication algorithm as a screening tool for assessing the appropriateness of cataract extraction in field studies and for the development of practice guidelines.


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[ES] El programa de cooperación transnacional del Suroeste Europeo aporta la oportunidad de contrastar la situación que atraviesan los espacios periurbanos de cuatro áreas metropolitanas y plantear toda una serie de recomendaciones para su correcta ordenación. Tras varias décadas de crecimiento urbano intenso se observa la dificultad que tienen los documentos de ordenación para regularlo y dirigirlo en los límites de la ciudad. Tan sólo las figuras de protección de espacios naturales aportan ciertas garantías de preservar determinados entornos. Las propuestas se concretan en la necesidad de resaltar el valor natural, de ocio y agrario del medio rural próximo. También se incide en la necesidad de acometer la ordenación de este espacio utilizando una metodología diferente, la mirada invertida, con el objeto de conseguir mayor consenso y respeto a las propuestas de todas las partes.


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Sistema banatuak zenbait konputagailu edo gailu autonomoaz osaturiko sareak dira, non algoritmo banatuen bidez partaide guztien lana koordinatzen da entitate bakarra izatearen irudia emanez. Eredu honi esker sistemaren sendotasuna handitzen da, posible baita sistemak aurrera jarraitzea zenbait partaidek huts egin arren. Sistema banatuak diseinatzeak badu zenbait zailtasun, prozesu guztien arteko koordinazioa lortu behar baita. Erronka nagusietako bat adostasuna edo consensus lortzea da; hau da, prozesu guztiak ados jartzea zerbait erabaki behar dutenean. Ingurune desberdinetan planteatu badaiteke ere, lan honetan Byzantine ingurunean egingo da. Ingurune honetan partaideen hutsegiteak ausaz gerta daitezke eta edozein momentutan. Horrez gain, hutsegite horiek edozein motakoak izan daitezke, hala nola, prozesu bat bertan behera geratzea edota prozesu baten eskaera okerra edo lekuz kanpokoa egitea. Aurkeztutako consensus arazoa garrantzi handikoa da sistema banatuen arloan, honen bitartez beste hainbat helburu lortu baitaitezke. Horien artean Secure Multy-party Computation (SMC) dugu, non sare banatu bateko partaide guztiek adostasuna lotu behar dute partaide bakoitzaren informazioa gainontzekoei ezkutatuz. Horren adibide bezala “aberatsaren arazoa” azaldu ohi da, non partaide guztiek aurkitu behar dute zein den beraien artean aberatsena, partaide bakoitzak gainontzekoen “aberastasuna” ezagutu ahal izan gabe. SMC erabili daiteke soluzioa emateko planteamendu bera jarraitzen duten aplikazio erreal askori, hala nola, enkante pribatuak edo bozketak. SMC inplementatu ahal izateko TrustedPals izeneko plataforma dugu, non diseinu modularra jarraituz smartcard bat eta algoritmo banatuak konbinatzen dira lehenengo consensus eta ondoren SMC lortzeko. Karrera amaierako proiektu honen helburua TrustedPals proposamenaren alde praktikoa jorratzea izango da. Horretarako proposamenaren algoritmo banatuak inplementatu eta simulatuko dira zenbait probetako kasuetan. Simulazioak bideratzeko gertaera diskretuko NS-3 simulagailuan erabiliko da. Simulazio eszenario desberdinak inplementatuko dira eta ondoren emaitzak aztertuko dira.


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[ES] Esta investigación ha propuesto un método sencillo, razonablemente económico y fácil de implementar para estudiar la imagen de marca de una ciudad empleando los mapas asociativos (Henderson, Iacobucci y Calder, 1998). Utilizando una combinación de criterios estadísticos e interpretativos se llega a construir un mapa de consenso que refleja las señas de identidad de una ciudad, es decir, las principales asociaciones que realizan sus habitantes cuando piensan en su localidad. Se proporcionan, además, claras orientaciones sobre cómo aplicar este método, el cual debe realizarse periódicamente, con el fin de estudiar la dinámica de las asociaciones mencionadas en función de las acciones estratégicas y tácticas realizadas por los gobernantes y del momento del tiempo en el que se ejecuta. Además, se ilustra su uso con una investigación real, aplicada a la ciudad de Cartagena, y realizada empleando una muestra aleatoria de 195 ciudadanos.