6 resultados para hyperpolarisiertes, xenon, Polarisator, GE180, T1 xenon

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[ES] La evolucin fluvial del ro Ebro ha sido analizada de forma desigual, siendo ms numerosas las investigaciones centradas en su curso medio y bajo. En este trabajo se describe el sistema de terrazas fluviales elaborado por el ro Ebro a su paso por la Cuenca de Miranda de Ebro (lava Burgos). Se han reconocido cinco niveles de terrazas (T1-T5) mediante su anlisis estratigrfico, morfolgico y sedimentolgico. Las terrazas se sitan a unas alturas que oscilan entre los 68 y los 5 m sobre el nivel actual del ro Ebro. El relleno sedimentario de los niveles ms elevados (T1-T4) est compuesto por gravas polignicas bien clasificadas y muy redondeadas con presencia puntual de niveles de arenas; mientras que el nivel ms bajo (T5) est constituido enteramente por partculas finas. Los resultados apuntan hacia variaciones de caudal y aportes sedimentarios, en relacin con las oscilaciones climticas cuaternarias, como los factores que gobiernan la evolucin fluvial en la Cuenca de Miranda de Ebro, en coherencia con los modelos de evolucin propuestos para otros puntos de la cuenca hidrogrfica


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PURPOSE: The main goals of the present study were: 1) to review some recommendations about how to increase lean body mass; 2) to analyse whether following scientific sources of current recommendations, visible changes can be shown or not in a participant (body composition, strength and blood analyses). METHODS: One male athlete completed 12 weeks of resistance training program and following a diet protocol. Some test were determined such as, strength 6RM, blood analyses, skindfold measurements, body perimeters and impedance test. Body composition measurements were taken 3 times during the program (before-T1, after 6 weeks of intervention period-T2 and at the end of the program-T3). On the other hand, strength tests and blood analyses were performed twice (before and after the program). RESULTS: Strength was increased in general; blood analyses showed that Creatine kinase was increased a 104% and Triglycerides level was decreased a 22.5%; in the impedance test, body mass (1.6%), lean body mass (3.5%) and Body mass index (1.7%) were increased, whereas fat mass was decreased (15.5%); relaxed and contracted biceps perimeters were also increased. CONCLUSION: A muscle hypertrophy training program mixed with an appropriate diet during 12 weeks leads to interesting adaptations related to increase in body weight, lean body mass, biceps perimeters, strength and creatine kinase levels, and a decrease in fat mass.


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Laccases (benzenediol : oxygen oxi doreductases; EC are wide spread i n nature. They are usually found in higher plants and fungi (Thurston 19 94; Mayer and Staples 2002), but recently some bacterial laccases have also been found . The first laccase studied was from Rhus vernicifera in 1883, a Japanese lacquer tree, fr om which the name laccase was derived (Yoshida , 1883). These enzymes belong to the group of bl ue multi - copper oxidases (MCOs) . They usually contain four copper atoms located in three distinct sites. Each site reacts differently to light. The Type 1 (T1) site copper atom absorbs intensely at 600 nm and emits the blue light , the Type 2 (T2) site copper atom is not visible in the absorption spectr um and last, the Type 3 (T3) site has two c opper atoms and absorbs at 330 nm ( Santhanam et al . , 2011; Quintanar et al . , 2007 ) . The protei n structure acts as a complex ligand for the catalytic coppers, providing them the right structure where changes between the reduction states are thermodynamically possible (Dub , 2008 ) . These enzymes oxidize a surprisingly wide variety of organic and inorganic compounds like, diphenols, polyphenols, substituted phenols, diamines and a romatic amines, with concomitant reduction of molecular oxygen to water (Thurston , 1


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Futbolean egoten ari den garapenarekin bat, indibidualizaziorako joera ezartzen ari da futbolean, postu espezifiko bakoitzaren beharren arabera entrenatzaile zein prestatzaile fisikoek entrenamendu prozesuak egokituz. Ikerlan honen helburu nagusia zelaiko postu espezifikoen arteko ezberdintasunak aztertzea izango da azelerazio gaitasunean, trebetasunean, behe gorputz adarreko indar elastiko esplosiboan eta ahalmen aerobikoan denboraldiko bi une ezberdinetan. Horrez gain, jokalariek bi une ezberdinen artean izandako bilakaera aztertuko da. 16-20 urte bitarteko 37 jokalarik parte hartu dute ikerketan, hurrengo postuetan sailkatuz: erdiko atzelariak (EA), hegaleko atzelariak (HA), erdilariak (ERD), hegaleko erdilariak (HEG) eta aurrelariak (AUR). 15m linealeko lasterketa, Barrow test egokitua, kontra mugimenduzko jauzi bertikala beso askeekin eta Yoyo intermittent recovery test Level 1 proba fisikoak burutu ziren aurredenboraldiko lehen astean (T1) eta gabonetako lehiaketa etenaren osteko astean (T2). Jokalariak orokorrean aztertuta trebezian eta ahalmen aerobikoan izan zituzten ezberdintasun adierazgarriak bi proba fisiko aldien artean. Postuen arteko ezberdintasunei dagokionez, azelerazio gaitasunean, trebetasunean eta ahalmen aerobikoan aztertu ziren ezberdintasun adierazgarriak lehenengo proba fisiko aldian. Bigarren proba fisiko aldian berriz soilik trebetasunean aztertu ziren ezberdintasun adierazgarriak postuen artean. Denboraldian zehar izandako bilakaerak ere aztertu dira, postuen artean ezberdintasunik egon gabe proba batean ere ez. Esan beharra dago formazioko adinetan jokalariak postu ezberdinetan jokatu ahal izatea bilatzen dela, hori dela eta, ez dute postu batekiko espezializazioa izango. Interesgarria izan daiteke, formazioko aldi honetatik aurrera prestatzaile fisiko eta entrenatzaileentzat, postu espezifiko bakoitzeko jokalariei entrenamendu espezifikoak ezartzea, postu bakoitzaren behar fisiko zein tekniko-taktiko espezifikoetan hobekuntza nabariagoak izateko helburuarekin.