16 resultados para bilingual lexicography

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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Presentation for the 5th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC 2013), V Congreso Internacional de Lingüistica de Corpus.


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Revista OJS


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[EN] Progress in methodology in specific fields is usually very closely linked to the technological progress in other areas of knowledge. This justifies the fact that lexicographical techniques have had to wait for the arrival of the IT era of the last decades of the 20th century in order to be able to create specialised electronic dictionaries which can house and systemise enormous amounts of information which can later be dealt with quickly and efficiently. This study proposes a practical-methodological model which aims to solve the grammatical treatment of adverbs in Ancient Latin. We have suggested a list of 5 types, in a decreasing order from a greater to lesser degree of specialisation; technical (T), semi-technical (S-T), instrumental-valued (I-V), instrumental- descriptive (I-D), instrumental-expository (I-E).


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Raquel Merino Álvarez, José Miguel Santamaría, Eterio Pajares (eds.)


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Edited by Andrea Abel, Chiara Vettori, Natascia Ralli.


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Does language-specific orthography help language detection and lexical access in naturalistic bilingual contexts? This study investigates how L2 orthotactic properties influence bilingual language detection in bilingual societies and the extent to which it modulates lexical access and single word processing. Language specificity of naturalistically learnt L2 words was manipulated by including bigram combinations that could be either L2 language-specific or common in the two languages known by bilinguals. A group of balanced bilinguals and a group of highly proficient but unbalanced bilinguals who grew up in a bilingual society were tested, together with a group of monolinguals (for control purposes). All the participants completed a speeded language detection task and a progressive demasking task. Results showed that the use of the information of orthotactic rules across languages depends on the task demands at hand, and on participants' proficiency in the second language. The influence of language orthotactic rules during language detection, lexical access and word identification are discussed according to the most prominent models of bilingual word recognition.


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[ES] El interés de los estudiosos modernos por el léxico especializado en latín empezó ya en las primeras décadas del siglo xx. Sin embargo, el tratamiento sistemático de los términos científico-técnicos tanto desde el punto de vista teórico como práctico tardó más de medio siglo en alcanzar un cierto grado de desarrollo porque no disponían de instrumentos adecuados para progresar adecuadamente. La llegada de las modernas tecnologías electrónicas para el tratamiento masivo de la información, así como el desarrollo teórico de una ciencia cognitiva de la comunicación han proporcionado a los investigadores los medios para elaborar potentes instrumentos lexicográficos que son capaces de dar satisfacción en buena medida a las necesidades que tenía el gran desarrollo alcanzado por la investigación a lo largo de las últimas décadas en todos los campos de la ciencia. El decotgrel, en tanto que diccionario concordado, es un buen ejemplo de las posibilidades y retos que tiene ante sí la lexicografía y la terminología del siglo XXI.


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[ES] El léxico griego relativo a los animales marinos constituye un campo muy extenso, al que en pocas ocasiones han dedicado su interés los estudiosos de la antigüedad. En el presente artículo ofrecemos un acercamiento a uno de los grupos que lo constituyen, el de los moluscos, junto con un intento de identificación de todas aquellas especies que lo permiten, partiendo de la obra de Ateneo de Náucratis y completando su información con otros datos obtenidos de Aristóteles, Eliano, Opiano y Plinio el viejo.


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We study the language choice behavior of bilingual speakers in modern societies, such as the Basque Country, Ireland andWales. These countries have two o cial languages:A, spoken by all, and B, spoken by a minority. We think of the bilinguals in those societies as a population playing repeatedly a Bayesian game in which, they must choose strategically the language, A or B, that might be used in the interaction. The choice has to be made under imperfect information about the linguistic type of the interlocutors. We take the Nash equilibrium of the language use game as a model for real life language choice behavior. It is shown that the predictions made with this model t very well the data about the actual use, contained in the censuses, of Basque, Irish and Welsh languages. Then the question posed by Fishman (2001),which appears in the title, is answered as follows: it is hard, mainly, because bilingual speakers have reached an equilibrium which is evolutionary stable. This means that to solve fast and in a re ex manner their frequent language coordination problem, bilinguals have developed linguistic conventions based chie y on the strategy 'Use the same language as your interlocutor', which weakens the actual use of B.1


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Ed. por Antonio Manuel González Carrillo


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LABURPENA: EAEko hezkuntza sistemak gero eta ikasle etorkin kopuru handiagoa du. Horrek ikasgeletan hizkuntz aniztasuna sortzen du, ezinezkoa bihurtuz irakasleek ume guztien ama hizkuntza jakitea. Egoera berri horren aurrean, lan honen helburua da jatorri etorkina duten ikasleen ama hizkuntzei eskolan ematen zaien trataera ezagutzea. Asmo horrekin, adituek eskolako hizkuntzaren ikaskuntza prozesuan umeen ama hizkuntzek duten garrantziaz diotena aztertu dugu eta, ondoren, etorkin kopuru handia duen eskola publiko batean murgildu gara errealitate hori ikertzeko. Azterketa-lanean lorturiko emaitzak ikusita, ez du ematen ikastetxe horretan jarraitzen ari diren hezkuntza elebiduna modu egokiena denik egoera berriari erantzuteko eta badirudi interesgarria izan daitekeela antolakuntza, metodologia eta estrategia berritzaileetan pentsatzea.


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In this paper we study a simple mathematical model of a bilingual community in which all agents are f luent in the majority language but only a fraction of the population has some degree of pro ficiency in the minority language. We investigate how different distributions of pro ficiency, combined with the speaker´attitudes towards or against the minority language, may infl uence its use in pair conversations.


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This chapter studies multilingual democratic societies with highly developed economies. These societies are assumed to have two languages with official status: language A, spoken by every individual, and language B, spoken by the bilingual minority. We emphasize that language rights are important, but the survival of the minority language B depends mainly on the actual use bilinguals make of B. The purpose of the present chapter is to study some of the factors affecting the bilingual speakers language choice behaviour. Our view is that languages with their speech communities compete for speakers just as fi rms compete for market share. Thus, the con ict among the minority languages in these societies does not take the rough expressions such as those studied in Desmet et al. (2012). Here the con flict is more subtle. We model highly plausible language choice situations by means of choice procedures and non-cooperative games, each with different types of information. We then study the determinants of the bilinguals ' strategic behaviour with regard to language. We observe that the bilinguals' use of B is shaped, essentially, by linguistic conventions and social norms that are developed in situations of language contact.


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[EU]Lan honetan semantika distribuzionalaren eta ikasketa automatikoaren erabilera aztertzen dugu itzulpen automatiko estatistikoa hobetzeko. Bide horretan, erregresio logistikoan oinarritutako ikasketa automatikoko eredu bat proposatzen dugu hitz-segiden itzulpen- probabilitatea modu dinamikoan modelatzeko. Proposatutako eredua itzulpen automatiko estatistikoko ohiko itzulpen-probabilitateen orokortze bat dela frogatzen dugu, eta testuinguruko nahiz semantika distribuzionaleko informazioa barneratzeko baliatu ezaugarri lexiko, hitz-cluster eta hitzen errepresentazio bektorialen bidez. Horretaz gain, semantika distribuzionaleko ezagutza itzulpen automatiko estatistikoan txertatzeko beste hurbilpen bat lantzen dugu: hitzen errepresentazio bektorial elebidunak erabiltzea hitz-segiden itzulpenen antzekotasuna modelatzeko. Gure esperimentuek proposatutako ereduen baliagarritasuna erakusten dute, emaitza itxaropentsuak eskuratuz oinarrizko sistema sendo baten gainean. Era berean, gure lanak ekarpen garrantzitsuak egiten ditu errepresentazio bektorialen mapaketa elebidunei eta hitzen errepresentazio bektorialetan oinarritutako hitz-segiden antzekotasun neurriei dagokienean, itzulpen automatikoaz haratago balio propio bat dutenak semantika distribuzionalaren arloan.