12 resultados para Re-entry

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[en]Human papillomavirus (HPV) belongs to the Papillomaviridae virus family and it is one of the most common sexual transmission infections. HPV genome is composed of eight genes, including two early genes and six late genes. Among these late genes, E6 and E7 code for proteins that trigger cell-cycle re-entry in infected cells, which can lead to cervical cancer development. The IARC (International Agency for Research Cancer) proposed a guideline based on Hill’s criteria to determine whether the relation between HPV infection and cervical cancer is causal or not. Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that HPV infection is a necessary but non-sufficient cause for cervical cancer. Furthermore, HPV infection is considered the first necessary cause described of a human cancer, being HPV16 and 18 carcinogenic to humans and the most studied types. Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among women worldwide. Different screening programs are carried out with the aim of preventing cervical cancer; such as cytologies and HPV tests. There are two main methods which are equally usable to detect HPV: the real-time PCR assays and the array assays. Regarding the molecular mechanisms of HPV mediated malignancies, E2, E6 and E7 proteins of HPV16 lead to immune response evasion, inducing IL-10 and TGF-β1 gene expression. Besides, E6 and E7 proteins allow cell-cycle reentry, phosphorylating RB and ubiquitinating p53 respectively. HPV genome integration in host genome leads to the alteration of host and viral genes expression, including oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. However, the differences of E6 and E7 oncoproteins in different HPV types is poorly known due to the fact that almost the most studied HPV type has been HPV16.


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Using the ECHP, we explored the determinants of having the first child in Spain. Our main goal was to study the relation between female wages and the decision to enter motherhood. Since the offered wage of non-working women is not observed, we estimate it and impute a potential wage to each woman (working and non-working). This potential wage enable us to investigate the effect of wages (the opportunity cost of time non-worked and dedicated to children) on the decision to have the first child, for both workers and non-workers. Contrary to previous results, we found that female wages are positively related to the likelihood of having the first child. This result suggests that the income effect overcomes the substitution effect when non-participants opportunity cost is also taken into account.


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A number of European countries, among which the UK and Spain, have opened up their Directory Enquiry Services (DQs, or 118AB) market to competition. We analyse the Spanish case, where both local and foreign firms challenged the incumbent as of April 2003. We argue that the incumbent had the ability to abuse its dominant position, and that it was a perfectly rational strategy. In short,the incumbent raised its rivals' costs directly by providing an inferior quality version of the (essential) input, namely the incumbent's subscribers' database. We illustrate how it is possible to quantify the effect of abuse in situation were the entrant has no previous history in the market. To do this, we use the UK experience to construct the relevant counterfactual, that is the "but for abuse" scenario. After controlling for relative prices and advertising intensity, we find that one of the foreign entrants achieved a Spanish market share of only half of what it would have been in the absence of abuse.


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In this work we emphasize why market coverage should be considered endogenous for a correct analysis of entry deterrence in vertical differentiation models and discuss the implications of this endogeneity for that analysis. We consider contexts without quality costs and also contexts with convex fixed quality costs.


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Iker bilduma = Colección Iker, nº 17


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Humans infected with Bordetella pertussis, the whooping cough bacterium, show evidences of impaired host defenses. This pathogenic bacterium produces a unique adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT) which enters human phagocytes and catalyzes the unregulated formation of cAMP, hampering important bactericidal functions of these immune cells that eventually cause cell death by apoptosis and/or necrosis. Additionally, ACT permeabilizes cells through pore formation in the target cell membrane. Recently, we demonstrated that ACT is internalised into macrophages together with other membrane components, such as the integrin CD11b/CD18 (CR3), its receptor in these immune cells, and GM1. The goal of this study was to determine whether ACT uptake is restricted to receptor-bearing macrophages or on the contrary may also take place into cells devoid of receptor and gain more insights on the signalling involved. Here, we show that ACT is rapidly eliminated from the cell membrane of either CR3-positive as negative cells, though through different entry routes, which depends in part, on the target cell physiology and characteristics. ACT-induced Ca2+ influx and activation of non-receptor Tyr kinases into the target cell appear to be common master denominators in the different endocytic strategies activated by this toxin. Very importantly, we show that, upon incubation with ACT, target cells are capable of repairing the cell membrane, which suggests the mounting of an anti-toxin cell repair-response, very likely involving the toxin elimination from the cell surface.


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559 p. - Sobresaliente cum laudem por unanimidad. La presidenta del tribunal hace la petición al departamento, en el acto de calificación de la defensa, de publicación de esta tesis por considerarla de interés científico.


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Estíbaliz Ortiz de Urbina (ed.)


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[EN] This paper is an outcome of the following dissertation:


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La segunda edición de este encuentro vuelve a ser una oportunidad donde coincidir profesionales universitarios, para debatir y repensar la innovación educativa en la universidad. El trabajo sostenido tanto por el grupo Indaga-t de la Universidad de Barcelona, como por el grupo Elkarrikertuz de la Universidad del País Vasco, ha servido para impulsar y dinamizar diferentes redes de innovación y transformación docente. Esta experiencia nos ha llevado a plantear este encuentro en el que intercambiar conocimientos y experiencias con profesionales interesados en promover formas de relación pedagógica que vayan más allá de las novedades coyunturales y de los discursos dominantes. La edición de este libro digital pretende recoger la dinámica del encuentro además de las aportaciones que se hicieron.


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En este trabajo analizo cuáles son los supuestos epistemológicos y ontológicos de las recientes Leyes 3/2007 y 14/2012 en torno a la identidad de género y la transexualidad y cómo éstas forman parte del conjunto de dispositivos de poder y control tecno-biopolítico sobre las vidas de las personas. Comienzo por un recorrido teórico sobre la construcción de la categoría de sexo y género, continúo con los derechos sobre identidad de género y orientación sexual reconocidos a nivel internacional, trazo algunas de las distintas posturas y reivindicaciones de los movimientos sociales, después hago un breve recorrido por distintas normativas en torno al género en el Estado Español desde 1931 y finalmente termino con un análisis de las leyes española 3/2007 y la vasca 14/2012.