118 resultados para Alberto Guerreiro Ramos


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Background Jumping to conclusions (JTC) is associated with psychotic disorder and psychotic symptoms. If JTC represents a trait, the rate should be (i) increased in people with elevated levels of psychosis proneness such as individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD), and (ii) show a degree of stability over time. Methods The JTC rate was examined in 3 groups: patients with first episode psychosis (FEP), BPD patients and controls, using the Beads Task. PANSS, SIS-R and CAPE scales were used to assess positive psychotic symptoms. Four WAIS III subtests were used to assess IQ. Results A total of 61 FEP, 26 BPD and 150 controls were evaluated. 29 FEP were revaluated after one year. 44% of FEP (OR = 8.4, 95% CI: 3.9-17.9) displayed a JTC reasoning bias versus 19% of BPD (OR = 2.5, 95% CI: 0.8-7.8) and 9% of controls. JTC was not associated with level of psychotic symptoms or specifically delusionality across the different groups. Differences between FEP and controls were independent of sex, educational level, cannabis use and IQ. After one year, 47.8% of FEP with JTC at baseline again displayed JTC. Conclusions JTC in part reflects trait vulnerability to develop disorders with expression of psychotic symptoms.


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In this End of Degree Dissertation I built a basic economic model, where two perfectly competitive markets interact, as a tool to understand, illustrate and evaluate environmentalfiscal reforms that have already been implemented or have been announced in many developed countries. Thus, in this dissertation I try to explain as simply as possible the theorical aspects of the “double dividend” hyphotesis and provide a numerical example with illustrative purpose.


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[Pentsio-sistema honela antolatzen da: lehen maila, kotizaziopeko pentsioak jasotzen ez dituztenei pentsioak ordaintzera bideratzen da; bigarren maila, Gizarte Segurantza edo kotizaziopeko pentsioena da; hirugarren maila, borondatezko gizarte-aurreikuspen osagarriari dagokio Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan eta pentsio-planei Espainian. Bigarren mailan, Gizarte Segurantza banaketa-sisteman oinarritzen da. 2050ean erretiro-pentsioak finantzatzeko arazoak egotea espero da. Etorkizuneko egoerari aurre egiteko, 27/2011 Legearen eta 5/2013 Errege Lege Dekretuaren bitartez, erreformak burutu dira. Hirugarren mailan, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan gizarte-aurreikuspen osagarria Eusko Jaurlaritzaren esku dago eta Borondatezko Aurreikuspen Sozialeko Erakundeen (BASE) aurreikuspen-planak bertako pentsio-plan propioak dira. Lan honetan, batez ere, pentsio-sistemaren bigarren eta hirugarren mailak aztertuko ditut. Lehenengo marko teorikoa, ondoren alde praktikoa, eta azkenean datuetan oinarrituz proposamen batzuk eman eta ondorioak aterako ditut.]


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Lan hau, finantza-krisiak Espainiako kreditu-erakundeetan eduki duen eragina nolakoa izan den aztertzeko balio du. Gaur egungo finantza-krisiak Espainiako kreditu-erakunde nagusietan sortarazi dituen aldaketak aztertzea da eta baita horrek sortutako ondorengo egoera.


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El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el riesgo de crédito tanto desde el punto de vista de particulares como de los bancos y empresas. Se persigue hallar la forma de controlarlo y de buscar vías de reducirlo en la medida de lo posible, su estudio y seguimiento desde el momento de la concesión hasta el final de la operación. Una buena gestión del riesgo es la mejor herramienta para paliar sus efectos y anticiparse a los sucesos desfavorables. En este Trabajo me he propuesto analizar la situación económica y coyuntural en la que nos encontramos actualmente analizando la evolución que hemos vivido con el cambio de Basilea I hasta la actual directiva: Basilea III. El trabajo se ha estructurado en cuatro fases. La primera de ellas es una mera introducción, e incluye las definiciones - según varias fuentes - del riesgo de crédito, la legislación y las diferentes clasificaciones. La segunda, es un análisis de la situación actual del riesgo de crédito. La tercera, es un análisis de los rating y de los cambios que ha habido con cada directiva. Y por último, se realiza el análisis final junto con las conclusiones. Finalmente muestro posibles líneas de investigación futuras.


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[ES] Este trabajo expone en qué consistió y qué importancia económica y organizativo-administrativa tuvo la denominada planificación indicativa, en los países de la OCDE, en el periodo 1945-1973. Si el empleo de la planificación indicativa es un rasgo común y relevante en casi todos estos países, durante ese periodo, esa institución por sí sola podría servir para establecer la existencia de una variedad diferenciada y significativa del sistema económico capitalista o de economía de mercado: las economías de mercado con planificación indicativa. Además se presentarán los motivos que explican el surgimiento y desaparición de esta institución en esos países y los resultados obtenidos.


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Smart Grids are becoming a reality all over the world. Nowadays, the research efforts for the introduction and deployment of these grids are mainly focused on the development of the field of Smart Metering. This emerging application requires the use of technologies to access the significant number of points of supply (PoS) existing in the grid, covering the Low Voltage (LV) segment with the lowest possible costs. Power Line Communications (PLC) have been extensively used in electricity grids for a variety of purposes and, of late, have been the focus of renewed interest. PLC are really well suited for quick and inexpensive pervasive deployments. However, no LV grid is the same in any electricity company (utility), and the particularities of each grid evolution, architecture, circumstances and materials, makes it a challenge to deploy Smart Metering networks with PLC technologies, with the Smart Grid as an ultimate goal. This paper covers the evolution of Smart Metering networks, together with the evolution of PLC technologies until both worlds have converged to project PLC-enabled Smart Metering networks towards Smart Grid. This paper develops guidelines over a set of strategic aspects of PLC Smart Metering network deployment based on the knowledge gathered on real field; and introduces the future challenges of these networks in their evolution towards the Smart Grid.


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Estudio de caso de la gestión medioambiental llevada a cabo en la empresa AGUAS DEL AÑARBE - AÑARBEKO URAK, S.A.


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In the framework of dielectric theory, the static non-local self-energy of an electron near an ultra-thin polarizable layer has been calculated and applied to study binding energies of image-potential states near free-standing graphene. The corresponding series of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions have been obtained by numerically solving the one-dimensional Schrodinger equation. The imagepotential state wave functions accumulate most of their probability outside the slab. We find that the random phase approximation (RPA) for the nonlocal dielectric function yields a superior description for the potential inside the slab, but a simple Fermi-Thomas theory can be used to get a reasonable quasi-analytical approximation to the full RPA result that can be computed very economically. Binding energies of the image-potential states follow a pattern close to the Rydberg series for a perfect metal with the addition of intermediate states due to the added symmetry of the potential. The formalism only requires a minimal set of free parameters: the slab width and the electronic density. The theoretical calculations are compared with experimental results for the work function and image-potential states obtained by two-photon photoemission.


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186 p.


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El presente trabajo recoge las principales características de la fundación dentro del marco legal del Derecho español, enfocándose en la figura de la fundación-empresa. Con este análisis se quiere profundizar en la extraña, pero posible relación que poseen el Derecho Mercantil y el Derecho de fundaciones, propio del Derecho Civil, es decir, la relación que se surge entre actividades económicas de los sujetos comerciantes y las actividades no lucrativas propias de las fundaciones. Por eso se ha querido subrayar los conceptos y particularidades de la fundación que blindan el requisito esencial del interés general que han de poseer las fundaciones como fin fundacional, incluso cuando realicen actividades económicas.


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Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) are increasingly used in many products and are expected to end up in the aquatic environment. Mussels have been proposed as marine model species to evaluate NP toxicity in vitro. The objective of this work was to assess the mechanisms of toxicity of Ag NPs on mussel hemocytes and gill cells, in comparison to ionic and bulk Ag. Firstly, cytotoxicity of commercial and maltose stabilized Ag NPs was screened in parallel with the ionic and bulk forms at a wide range of concentrations in isolated mussel cells using cell viability assays. Toxicity of maltose alone was also tested. LC50 values were calculated and the most toxic Ag NPs tested were selected for a second step where sublethal concentrations of each Ag form were tested using a wide array of mechanistic tests in both cell types. Maltose-stabilized Ag NPs showed size-dependent cytotoxicity, smaller (20 nm) NPs being more toxic than larger (40 and 100 nm) NPs. Maltose alone provoked minor effects on cell viability. Ionic Ag was the most cytotoxic Ag form tested whereas bulk Ag showed similar cytotoxicity to the commercial Ag NPs. Main mechanisms of action of Ag NPs involved oxidative stress and genotoxicity in the two cell types, activation of lysosomal AcP activity, disruption of actin cytoskeleton and stimulation of phagocytosis in hemocytes and increase of MXR transport activity and inhibition of Na-K-ATPase in gill cells. Similar effects were observed after exposure to ionic and bulk Ag in the two cell types, although generally effects were more marked for the ionic form. In conclusion, results suggest that most observed responses were due at least in part to dissolved Ag.


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La protección de la competencia es un tema que ha sido protegido o se ha intentado proteger en diferentes épocas, no sólo en la actual. En este apartado se va a dividir en dos periodos, el preconstitucional y el postconstitucional.