715 resultados para ekonomia globala


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As a result of the natural evolution of the economy, ever-changing, unpredictable and cyclical, companies must adapt as far as possible to the changes that have taken place in order to continue with their normal operating activities. Likewise, they should also try to maintain a structure for long-term growth, trying at all times to generate the maximum value. The main objective of this project is to provide financial advisory services to a business group, trying to forward solutions and measures that according to the author can be effective. For this end, the situation of the group in question is analysed from early 2008 to the present day, examining its evolution, what steps have been taken together with their corresponding results and the economic-financial situation of the company at the end of last year. Contact with the company was kept throughout the process of analysis and assessment trying to take advantage of the feedback generated so that the appropriate measures can be adopted if the management considers it to be adequate.


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Inguruko enpresa baten egoera ekonomiko finantzarioa aztertuz, ondoen egokitzen zaizkion finantza baliabide desberdinen azterketa eta hautaketa egitea helburu duen gradu amaierako lana.


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Lan hau, finantza-krisiak Espainiako kreditu-erakundeetan eduki duen eragina nolakoa izan den aztertzeko balio du. Gaur egungo finantza-krisiak Espainiako kreditu-erakunde nagusietan sortarazi dituen aldaketak aztertzea da eta baita horrek sortutako ondorengo egoera.


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Lan honetan inbertsio proiektu baten balorazioa planteatzen da, lortutako datuei balorazio metodo desberdinak aplikatuz.


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This paper explores the fiscal situation of the European Union as well as the different approaches proposed for achieving fiscal policy coordination among the member states. Furthermore, it works through the need of fiscal integration as a pressing matter in order for the European Union to achieve its aim of functioning as an efficient single market and economic unit. In order to do so, it analyzes the theoretical lines of the Modern Money Theory as a possible framework for further integration, and it evaluates the different proposals made for fiscal integration so that it can give an assessment regarding their compatibility with this theory.


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Trabajo Final de Grado: Fiscalidad Indirecta y Comercio Exterior. Idioma: Español


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar y explicar el funcionamiento del Fondo de Reserva de la seguridad social. Para ello se describen tanto los precedentes directos como indirectos de dicho fondo para posteriormente proceder a explicar la normativa jurídica referente al fondo, los criterios de inversión y materialización de los activos de dicho fondo y evolución de diferentes aspectos cuantitativos del Fondo. Esto nos permitirá enmarcarlo dentro de un conjunto de Fondos de Reserva Europeos para poder apreciar las diferentes formas de gestionar dichos Fondos, los cuales se erigen de vital importancia para la sostenibilidad del sistema de la seguridad social. Por último, se llevará a cabo una sencilla estimación partiendo de unas hipótesis realistas que nos permitirá conocer hasta cuando dará de si el Fondo de Reserva en caso de seguir recurriendo a este como se ha venido haciendo en los últimos años.


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Economic point of view about fractional reserve banking


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Lan honen helburua Euskal Herrian freskotarako alturako flotak izandako bilakaera aztertzea da. Horretarako, lehenik, azpisektore honek Ondarroan duen garrantzia azalduko da, ondoren flotaren adierazle nagusien eboluzioa aztertuko delarik. Testuinguru honetan, arrainen salmenta nola egiten den azalduko da eta baita elkarteen funtzionamendua ere. Kontzeptu garrantzitsuak azalduta, flotaren makromagnitudeak eta produktibitatearen ratioak aztertuko dira eta bi itsasontzien harrapaketak azalduko dira, arrantza balioa eta prezioa ikertuz. Azkenik, Europar Batasunak ezarritako legeriaren bilakaera azalduko da eta lege hauek azpisektoreak izandako eboluzioan eragina izan dutela ikusiko da.


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[EN]This project is going to study the implications of the gender of an individual in the rate-setting process of life insurance. In order to do so there is a review of the continuous changes that have taken place in the national and European legislation following the enactment of the Directive 2004/113/EC, as well as its consequences from the prohibition to differentiate the premiums and benefits on the grounds of gender. In this area, the evolution of the Spanish insurance sector and the influence of the new legislation are examined. Furthermore, there is an analysis of the differences between men and women, which to some extent have a direct impact in the management and development of the life insurance companies. Finally, methods to calculate the premium and the benefits are proposed with the purpose of preventing the restrictions imposed by the Directive 2004/113/EC. In order to check the repercussions of the use of unisex tables a comparison is made between the premiums obtained for a whole life insurance by allocating the same weighing to the actuarial male and female mortality tables and those that would result if the distinction by gender were allowed.


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En el presente trabajo de fin de grado, se va analizar e interpretar la generación de los residuos sólidos para el periodo 2004-2011, siendo la finalidad de este trabajo, evidenciar si se cumple la hipótesis de la curva de Kuznets para los residuos sólidos en Bizkaia para el año 2005 y conocer en qué fase de la U invertida se encuentra Bizkaia. Los datos utilizados son provenientes de Udalmap. Udalmap es un sistema integrado que contiene información socio-económicos. El resultado obtenido fue, que no existe evidencia que se cumpla la hipótesis curva de Kuznets Ambiental (CKA), después de analizar la variable dependiente, junto con las variables explicativas PIB per cápita, número de establecimientos de minoristas, número de contenedores de residuos domésticos, vidrio, papel y ropa.


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EDPren Giza Baliabideen plan estrategiko honek, giza baliabide sailak aurrera eraman ditzakeen proposamen ezberdinak aurkezten ditu, enpresaren estrategia eta helburu orokorrak aintzat hartuta. Horretarako, 2012 eta 2013. urteetako txosten orokorrak abiapuntu bezala hartzen dira. Enpresaren kanpo eta barne analisiak giza baliabideen ikuspuntutik egin ostean, etorkizunari begira hainbat aldaketa proposatzen dira, giza baliabideek eskaintzen dituzten abantailei esker, enpresak merkatuan ezberdintzea eta arrakasta lor dezan.