26 resultados para ISO 14001


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Over the last decad , the paradigm of Total Quality Management (TQM) has been successfully forged in our business world. TQM may be defined as something that is both complex and ambiguous; nevertheless, some key elements or principles can be mentioned which are common to all of them: customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, commitment and leadership on the part of top management, involvement and support on the part of employees, teamwork, measurement via indicators and feedback. There are, in short, two main reasons for it having spread so widely: on the one hand, the successful diffusion of ISO 9000 standards for the implementation and certification of quality management systems, standards that have been associated to the TQM paradigm, and, on the other, the also successful diffusion of self evaluation models such as the EFQM promoted by the European Foundation for Quality Management and the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in the USA, promoted by the Foundation for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. However, the quality movement is not without its problems as far as its mid and long term development is concerned. In this book some research findings related to these issues are presented.


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Se desarrolla el procedimiento de diseño en 3D de una embarcación de eslora menor de 24 metros y la posterior determinación de su escantillonado siguiendo las indicaciones de la norma internacional ISO 12215 para la construcción de cascos y escantillones de pequeñas embarcaciones. Se analizan también las ventajas y desventajas de la construcción del casco de un velero con fibra de vidrio y fibra natural de lino. Para llevar a cabo el diseño 3D a partir de los planos 2D de la embarcación se ha utilizado el software Rhinoceros. Los cálculos hidrostáticos, hidrodinámicos y el comportamiento en la mar se han estudiado con el programa Maxsurf, ampliamente utilizado en el sector naval.


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Objective: to analyze what nursing models and nursing assessment structures have been used in the implementation of the nursing process at the public and private centers in the health area Gipuzkoa (Basque Country). Method: a retrospective study was undertaken, based on the analysis of the nursing records used at the 158 centers studied. Results: the Henderson model, Carpenito's bifocal structure, Gordon's assessment structure and the Resident Assessment Instrument Nursing Home 2.0 have been used as nursing models and assessment structures to implement the nursing process. At some centers, the selected model or assessment structure has varied over time. Conclusion: Henderson's model has been the most used to implement the nursing process. Furthermore, the trend is observed to complement or replace Henderson's model by nursing assessment structures.


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[ES]En la actualidad, muchas empresas organizan sus sistemas de gestión basándose en las normas y estándares internacionales (ISO 9000, ISO 14000, OHSAS 18000…). Considerando que todos ellos están soportados en unos principios comunes, las organizaciones tratan de aprovechar las sinergias existentes entre dichos sistemas buscando la mayor integración posible y la obtención de beneficios, tales como el ahorro de costes, la disminución de la burocracia o la mejora de la eficiencia. Por ello, el objetivo del presente trabajo es aportar una serie de recomendaciones que permitan a las empresas orientar la integración de sus sistemas de gestión de una manera sencilla y ágil.


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[EU] Lan honen jorrapenarekin enpresen erantzukizun sozialaren definizioa finkatzeaz gain, honi lotutako funtseko hainbat puntu argitzea izan da nire nahia. Gizarte erantzukizun honen aplikazioak enpresengan ez du beti garrantzi berdina izan, horregatik izandako eboluzioaren jarraipena burutu da, historian zehar jasandako etapa desberdinak antzemanez. Eboluzio iraunkor horren errudunaren bila ere aritu naiz, maila internazionalean hedapen maila handiena izan duten ekimenen garapena ikertuz; horien artean: Munduko Ituna, ISO eta “Global Reporting Initiative” (GRI). Ikerketan gizarte erantzukizun mundu honetan komunikazioak izan duen garrantzia ikusi da eta hau dela medio, GRI erakundeak argitaratutako giden azterketa egitea ere ezinbestekoa izan da. Ekimen honen lanketan Espainia gainerako herrialdeengandik bereizten dela nabarituz, eragin esanguratsu hori sorrarazi duten arrazoien bila ere aritu naiz lanean zehar. Horretarako lehenbizi Espainiako enpresen erantzukizunaren garapena aztertu da; alde praktikoari dagokionez, ordea, herrialde horretan zerbitzuen sektorean diharduten bi enpresek argitaratutako jasangarritasun txostena eredu moduan hartuz bien arteko konparaketa bat eraman da aurrera. Lanari amaiera emateko aurrez aipatutako ikerkuntza guztietatik ateratako ondorio orokorren aipamena egiten da, kalitatezko gizarte erantzukizunaren garapenerako beharrezkoa dena azpimarratuz.


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[ES]En el presente artículo se pretende estudiar el grado de implantación de los ocho principios de calidad, la norma ISO/TS 16949 y algunas cuestiones relativas a la RSC en la industria automotriz instalada en la región de Tánger-Tetuán (Marruecos). Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo una investigación empírica que emplea un cuestionario para recoger la información necesaria. Los diferentes aspectos tratados en nuestro estudio están agrupados en el cuestionario en diez bloques. A partir de los resultados obtenidos,cabe concluir que la tendencia general de las empresas encuestadas es asegurar la parte relacionada con los procesos y certificación mientras que las acciones relacionadas con la formación y la RSC no están desarrolladas satisfactoriamente.


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Objective: analyze and propose a theoretical model that describes blood donor decisions to help staff working in blood banks (nurses and others) in their efforts to capture and retain donors. Methods: analysis of several studies on the motivations to give blood in Spain over the last six years, as well as past literature on the topic, the authors' experiences in the last 25 years in over 15 Non Governmental Organizations with different levels of responsibilities, their experiences as blood donors and the informal interviews developed during those 25 years. Results: a model is proposed with different internal and external factors that influence blood donation, as well as the different stages of the decision-making process. Conclusion: the knowledge of the donation process permits the development of marketing strategies that help to increase donors and donations.


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El presente proyecto tiene como objeto el diseño y la implantación de un sistema de gestión de la calidad según la norma UNE-EN ISO 9001:2008 para una empresa subcontratista industrial de Gipuzkoa, que pertenece al sector de las artes gráficas.


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[EN]To interpret the temporal information on texts, a mark-up language that will code that information is needed, in order to make that information automatically reachable. The most used mark-up language is TimeML (Pustejovsky et al., 2003), which has also been choosen for Basque. In this guidelines we present the Basque version of ISO-TimeML (ISO-TimeML working group, 2008). After having analysed the tags, attributes and values created for English, we describe the most appropriate ones to represent Basque time structures’ information.


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V.1. 219 p.; V. 2. 589 p.