224 resultados para Claudio Sánchez Albornoz


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[EN]To interpret the temporal information on texts, a mark-up language that will code that information is needed, in order to make that information automatically reachable. The most used mark-up language is TimeML (Pustejovsky et al., 2003), which has also been choosen for Basque. In this guidelines we present the Basque version of ISO-TimeML (ISO-TimeML working group, 2008). After having analysed the tags, attributes and values created for English, we describe the most appropriate ones to represent Basque time structures’ information.


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[EN] The "Christian Scientia" as it is presented in "De Doctrina Christiana" has two aspects: inventio, which corresponds to intellectio, to the understanding of the Holy Writings, and, on other hand, the exposition of the results obtained. These two sides are closely linked in his ideal of oratory: "dicere sapienter et eloquenter". On trying to acquire eloquence the main point is the "familiaritas" with the models, and these are the Writings and the Christian authors, the only models, as for content and form, that must be of any interest to the Christian orator. From this point of view the place left for standard rhetoric is very small.


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The Las Herrerias volcano (Bolanos de Calatrava, Campo de Calatrava Volcanic Field) is characterized by the great amount and variety of fire-fountain fed deposits. All these deposits are compositionally similar, being constituted by magnesium-rich (MgO = 11.58-4.19%), aluminium-poor (Al2O3 = 9.64-10.99%) highly sodic (Na2O = 2.24-3.81%) melanephelinites, with high contents in rare earth-elements (10x-200x chondrite), particularly in light-rare earth elements with respect to the heavy ones [(La/Lu)(N) = 32-35]. Contrary to the equivalent melanephelinites of this volcanic field, the relatively low contents in Ni (233-286 ppm), Cr (393-520 ppm) and magnesium number (Mg* = 45-54) indicate that these rocks do not correspond with primary melts. On the other hand, the variable distribution of clinopyroxene in the magma during eruption would be responsible for the slight compositional differences observed in the studied samples. Finally, we argue that these fire fountains were developed in a continental intraplate setting.


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Several pseudo-binary RxR2-x'Fe-17 alloys (with R = Y, Ce, Pr, Gd and Dy) were synthesized with rhombohedral Th2Zn17-type crystal structure determined from x-ray and neutron powder diffraction. The choice of compositions was done with the aim of tuning the Curie temperature (T-C) in the 270 +/- 20 K temperature range, in order to obtain the maximum magneto-caloric effect around room temperature. The investigated compounds exhibit broad isothermal magnetic entropy changes, Delta S-M(T), with moderate values of the refrigerant capacity, even though the values of Delta S-M(Peak) are relatively low compared with those of the R2Fe17 compounds with R = Pr or Nd. The reduction on the Delta S-M(Peak) is explained in terms of the diminution in the saturation magnetization value. Furthermore, the Delta S-M(T) curves exhibit a similar caret-like behavior, suggesting that the magneto-caloric effect is mainly governed by the Fe-sublattice. A single master curve for Delta S-M/Delta S-M(Peak)(T) under different values of the magnetic field change are obtained for each compound by rescaling of the temperature axis.


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[ES] La tragedia griega exige, para su comprensión, remitirse al contexto social y cultural en que fue compuesta. Tomar como referente el conocimiento que nosotros tenemos del modo de vida y pensamiento de entonces es algo fundamental, si se quiere entender la forma de actuar de las mujeres y de los hombres trágicos, como Alcestis y Admeto. Vistos bajo esta perspectiva, dejan de ser la heroína romántica y el pérfido esposo, para convertirse ella en el paradigma del ideal femenino en una sociedad donde el padre es el miembro más preciado de la familia, y él en el varón irreprochable. Todo esto bajo un discurso, el trágico, que se complace en difuminar la frontera mediadora entre lo masculino y lo femenino.


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[ES] Nuestra intención en este trabajo consiste en examinar en qué medida Amiano acoge en su obra la consideración convencional negativa de los eunucos y, en segundo lugar, observar si esto le conduce a una utilización de este colectivo como medio de caracterización de la oposición entre buenos y malos emperadores basada en la utilización que de ellos hacen los monarcas.


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In order to accurately assess the influence of fatty acids on the hygroscopic and other physicochemical properties of sea salt aerosols, hexanoic, octanoic or lauric acid together with sodium halide salts (NaCl, NaBr and NaI) have been chosen to be investigated in this study. The hygroscopic properties of sodium halide sub-micrometre particles covered with organic acids have been examined by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy in an aerosol flow cell. Covered particles were generated by flowing atomized sodium halide particles (either dry or aqueous) through a heated oven containing the gaseous acid. The obtained results indicate that gaseous organic acids easily nucleate onto dry and aqueous sodium halide particles. On the other hand, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images indicate that lauric acid coating on NaCl particles makes them to aggregate in small clusters. The hygroscopic behaviour of covered sodium halide particles in deliquescence mode shows different features with the exchange of the halide ion, whereas the organic surfactant has little effect in NaBr particles, NaCl and NaI covered particles experience appreciable shifts in their deliquescence relative humidities, with different trends observed for each of the acids studied. In efflorescence mode, the overall effect of the organic covering is to retard the loss of water in the particles. It has been observed that the presence of gaseous water in heterogeneously nucleated particles tends to displace the cover of hexanoic acid to energetically stabilize the system.


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419 p.


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[eus] Bizkaiko ikastetxe batean proiektuak egin izan dira, ikasleriaren interesak kontuan hartu gabe. Interes horiek kontuan izateko, ikaskuntza komunitate birtuala sortzea erabaki zen. Birtuala izanik, teknologia berrien erabilera sustatzea espero zen. Ikaskuntza komunitate birtuala web orrialde batean sortu zen, non partaide ororen artean proiektu bat diseinatzeaz gain, ekintzetan erabiltzeko baliabideak eratzeko aukera ematen zen bertan. Webguneak hasierako zirriborrotik aldaketak izan zituen, aztertzen ziren gabeziak edota beharrak asetzeko. Ikaskuntza komunitate birtuala prest egonda ere, ez zen aurrera eraman denbora faltagatik. Horrela, web orrialdean proiektua diseinatzeko eta partaideek diseinatutako proiektua burutu ahal izateko, ikasturte hasieratik diseinatu beharko litzateke.