229 resultados para fleshy prawn


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The execution of this survey was decided upon by Swedevelop in agreement with the Sri Lanka Fisheries Corporation and was a part of the investigations and studies for a fishery project at Trincomalee which was carried out by Scandia Consult. The main purpose was to investigate the following aspects: bottom conditions, especially prawn trawling conditions; size of the potential prawn trawling catches; size and quality of the potential fish trawling catches; suitable sizes and types of boats and trawling gear; duration of trawl fishing season.


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At present, the trawl fishery for shallow water prawns is the only industrialized national fishery in Mozambique. Most of the catch is exported. Plans are laid for expansion of the fishery, and this report is an attempt to make a preliminary assessment of the potential yields from the stocks occupying the shallow water areas between Beira and Angoche.


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The penaeid prawns of Sri Lanka from estuaries and sea are an important commercial fishery resource. This resource has been exploited over the last century or more by local fishermen using indigenous fishing gear from locally sail-driven or oar-driven fishing crafts. In more recent times, the Fisheries Research Division of the Department of Fisheries undertook surveys of the seas and lagoons of Sri Lanka with a view to ascertain whether any unexploited resources of prawns existed. These publications deal with the species composition, biology, distribution and abundance in the lagoons and inshore waters of Sri Lanka.


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A survey of processing hygiene in the Sri Lankan prawn industry has shown that the incoming raw material has extremely high bacterial loadings; about 50% of samples analysed had a total count in excess of 10,000,000/g. Although beheading reduces the count, ineffective temperature control during processing means that the final total count of raw, shell-on, P.U.D. and P.A.D. prawns, as well as cooked prawns, is in excess of 1,000,000/g. - the maximum level specified by many importing countries.


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Of 262 personnel tested, 137 (52%) were found to be positive for Staphylococcus aureus. Among individual companies the prevalence of S. aureus ranged from 92% (Company No. 1) to 22% (Company No. 2). Although five companies provided a sanitiser hand-dip, this was found to be ineffective for the control of S. aureus. Provision of hand-washing facilities, of protective clothing and of toilet facilities was found to be inadequate for an export food industry.


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Of fifteen processing plants surveyed in Sri Lanka, only five were found to have a prawn process which was adequately controlled. Most common process faults were: inadequate chilling of prawns after a wash in 30°C, mains water, the use of large blocks of ice to cool prawns, and high ratios of prawns to ice. There was also ample scope for cross-contamination of the processed prawns.


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Observations were made on the larval development of a freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium gangeticum, which revealed that hatching occurred in freshwater but the larvae failed to survive after 2nd molting. Salinity was necessary for survival of the larvae after 2nd molting. The complete larval development involved nine larval stages and the 10th stage was considered to be the post-larva which measured between 4.5 and 5.0 mm in length. All the larval stages were completed within 26 days of hatching. Specimens from each larval stage were taken out and examined under a microscope.


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An experiment was conducted with juvenile prawns Macrobrachium malcolmso11ii, (0:76± 0.01 ro 0.94-::tO.Ol g) w evaluate various protein source diets. Six diets containing 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%,and 45% of crude protein were formulated, and fed to prawns in the form of pellet to evaluate their suitability. The experiment was designed for 60 days and sampling was made at every 15 days interval. At the end of the study period growth, feed conversion ration (FCR) specific growth rate (SGR), feed efficiency and survival were determined for prawns in each dietary treatment. Among the above five feeds poor FCR and higher weight gain observed in 35% protein diet (B-4). Similarly specific growth rate and feed efficiency are also highest with diet containing 35% protein. The dietary protein levels above 35% exerts a decrease in growth of prawn was observed in the present study. The feed efficiency ratio and protein efficiency ratio decreased with the increased dietary protein levels. It is concluded that 35% protein diet could be suitable with optimum protein supply for Macrobrachium malcolmsonii Therefore, above and below this 35% protein level in the formulated feed leads to metabolic stress which lowers the conversion efficiency and wastage of nutrients.


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Studies were conducted to observe the effects of different types of feeds on the gonado-somatic index (GSI) and fecundity of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rogenbergii. Three different treatments (T1 T2 and T3) were designed with three types of feed as follows: (i) Saudi-Bangla Prawn feed 100% - T1 (ii) SaudiBangla prawn feed 50%+ local feed 50%- T2 and (iii) local feed 100%- T3. The results showed that the average value of gonado-somatic index (GSI) was 14.39, 14.35 and 14.36 and the average fecundity of M. rogenbergiiwas 99,741, 98,125 and 97,911 in T1 T2 and T3 respectively. No significant difference (p>00.5) was between gonado-somatic indices (GSI) and fecundities of M. rogenbergii among different feeding trails. The price of Saudi-Bangla prawn feed was very high (Tk. 23/kg) than the local feed (Tk. 14/kg). So, use of local feed was recommended for M. rogenbergii brood rearing.


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Three different types of culture media: (i) 100% brine (B 100 ), (ii) 75% brine and 25% crude salt (B 75 CS 25 ), and 50% brine and 50% crude salt (B 50 CS 50) were tested to evaluate the possible use of brackish water reconstituted from the crude salt for the production of M. rosenbergii post-larvae. The production rate of 25.26±0.20 PI/l with a corresponding survival rate of 84.20±0.66% was significantly higher (P<0.05) for the larvae reared on B100 than that of 22.10±0.57 Pl/l with a corresponding survival rate of 73.68±1.89% on B50CS50. Larvae cultured on B75CS25 did not show any significant difference (P<0.05) in production as well as in survival of post-larvae than that on B100. The result shows that, for rearing of prawn larvae, use of brine can be replaced up to 25% without any undue reduction in production of post-larvae. However, the production as well as survival rate of post-larvae with 50% replacement (B50CS50) is also appreciable. It is assumed that the mineral constituents of natural seawater might have some triggering effects on prawn larvae in closing their larval cycle.


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The freshwater giant prawn (golda), Macrobrachium rosenbergii and tiger shrimp (bagda), Penaeus monodon were stocked together with or without fin fishes at different stocking rates in semi-saline waters at Khulna region and their growth, survival, yield and costreturn analysis were made. Survival rate of golda and bagda ranged from 23.0 to 36.8% and 8.2 to 24%, respectively. The both species were significantly affected by their own stocking density. The average final weight of golda and bagda ranged from 62.4 to 73.3 g and 32.0 to 66.4 g. The bivariate analysis of average final weight of both golda and bagda revealed that golda positively and bagda negatively influenced by the total stocking density. However, the results of the individual sizes of both golda and bagda showed an increase in the proportions of smaller animals and a decrease in the proportion of larger ones with increasing stocking rates. The harvesting weights of all animals in the experimental ghers were in marketable sizes although their prices varied with the individual size. The total production comprised of both golda and bagda ranged from 514.6 to 952.8 kg ha·1, over a culture period of 10 months. Return on investment ranged from 51.0 to 125.7%.


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Effects of three stocking densities, viz., 35, 50 and 65/decimal (1 decimal = 40.48 m2) of juvenile freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) on prawn and fish production were tested in a polycuture system with silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), catla (Catla catla), Grass carp (Ctenophmyngodon idella) and silver barb (Barbodes gonionotus). The fish stocking density was 19/decimal with the species combination of silver carp-10, catlac-6, grass carp-1 and silver barb-2. In a 8-month culture period, the prawn yield 423 ± 144 kg/ha was significantly lower (P< 0.5) with the prawn stocking density of 35/decimal than that of 548 ± 178 kg/ha and 662 ± 243 kg/ha with 50 and 65/decimal respectively. The fish production (1844-1891 kg/ha) did not differ significantly (p <0.05) among the three treatments indicating that prawn stocking densities had no influence on fish yield. The lower mean harvest weight (62 g) and survival rate (67 g) and higher yield (2.67 kg/decimal) with the highest stocking rate of prawn reveals that as density was increased, prawn survival and individual weight at harvest decreased but total yield increased.


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Two experiments were conducted to formulate and evaluate test diets using locally available ingredients to find out suitable diets for mono and polyculture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in ponds. The first experiment was conducted from 1 July 2003 to 29 September 2003 in 12 experimental ponds each measuring 30 square meters behind the Fisheries Faculty Building, BAU campus, Mymensingh. Three experimental diets containing 30% protein were formulated using fish meal, meat and bone meal, mustard oilcake, sesame meal and rice bran and assigned to treatments 1, 2 and 3, respectively. A special shrimp feed (Starter-II) from Saudi-Bangla Fish Feed Ltd. was assigned to treatment 4 (Control). Each treatment had three replications. Juveniles of M. rosenbergii (2.90±0.81g) were stocked at the rate of 4/square meter. Prawns were fed three times daily at the rate of 15% of their body weight at the beginning, which was gradually reduced to 10% and 5% for the last two months. There was no significant (P>0.05) difference between the weight gains of prawns fed diets 1 and 4 (control), but they were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of diets 2 and 3. The FCR values of diets ranged between 2.61 to 3.36 with diets 1 and 4 showing significantly (P<0.05) lower FCR values. The survival rate of prawns ranged between 68 to 78% with prawns fed diets 1 and 4 showing significantly higher survival rate. The production of prawn ranged from 921 to 1,428 kg/ha/90 days and diet 1 gave the highest production. Treatment 1 gave the highest net profit ofTk. 161,980/ha/90 days. The second experiment was conducted from December, 2003 to April, 2004 to see the growth of over wintered M. rosenbergii juveniles in polyculture with indigenous major carps (catla and rohu) in ponds using formulated diets. Three isoenergetic experimental diets formulated using fish meal, meat and bone meal, mustard oil cake, rice bran, wheat bran and molasses, and a shrimp feed 'Golda special feed' from Saudi-Bangla Fish Feed Ltd. were assigned to treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4 (control), respectively, each treatment had two replications. Eight experimental ponds each measuring 80 square meters in the Field Laboratory Complex of the Faculty of Fisheries, BAU campus, Mymensingh were used. The mean initial weights of M. rosenbergii, catla and rohu were 1.60±0.01, 30.0±0.09 and 25.0±0.08 g, respectively. A total of 160 fish and prawn (20,000/ha) were stocked in each pond at the ratio of 2:1:1 (prawn: catla: rohu). Fish were fed at the rate of 3-5% of their body weight. Prawns fed diet 1, 2 and 4 showed higher weight gains compared to diet 3. The weight gain of catla was significantly higher in T1 while in case of rohu was higher in T1 and T4, respectively. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in the survival rate of fish as obtained from different treatments. The overall total fish production ranged from 2196 to 2679 kg/ha/5 months. The highest production and the highest profit (Tk. 56,531/ha/5 months) was obtained from T1 and the lowest (Tk. 24,932/ha/5 months) from T4.


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Calcium and phosphorous contents of abdomen and cheliped muscles of juvenile, male and female Macrobrchium nobilii were determined from field collected samples. In all the three groups calcium concentration was higher in chelipeds while the phosphorous content was more in abdomen muscles than in the chelipeds. However between three groups the calcium content varied significantly both in the abdomen and cheliped muscles (P


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Performances of fingerling size and water area was studied. Seven species of fish included 25% of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, 15% of Gada catla, 20% of Labeo rohita, 10% of Cirrhinus mrigala, 10% of Ctenophyringodon idella and 20% of Macrobrachium rosenbergii were stocked at the rate of 8,000 individual/ha along Barbodes gonionoms at 6.0g weight size with a stocking density of 2,000 indl./ ha. Survival of all species was in the range of 39.9 to 96.3% except M. rosenbergii The highest survival was obtained from L. rohita (96.3%) followed by C mrigala (96.0 %)., B. gonionotus (92.3%), C idella (90.6%), H. molitrix (84.0%), C cada (81.7%) respectively. While the survival of M. rosenbergiiwas 13.1%. The highest production of 4912 kg/ha/yr was obtained from the bigger ponds (0.4 ha) stocked with 20-32g size of fingerlings, while lowest production (3123 kg/ha/yr) from small pond (0.1 ha) stocked with 3-10 g fingerlings. Economic analysis shows the highest net profit in bigger ponds stocked with bigger fish seed.