767 resultados para Fishery technology


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The squid waste which includes head, tentacles, viscera, fin, skin and pen amounts to 52% of the whole weight and is discarded at present. A method has been worked out for the conversion of squ.id waste into meal. The waste is boiled in salt solution (2%)/salt (2%) and alumn (0.5%) solution/and water for two minutes, drained and dried. All the dried samples including the control (dried without blanching) were analysed for physical and biochemical changes. Blanching reduced the yield but the product could be dried in a shorter period. The volatile bases were reduced significantly and the colour was improved. Blanching made pulverisation of the dried product easy. Pulverisation before drying yielded a granular product.


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Liquid nitrogen frozen products are biochemically and organoleptically superior to conventional plate frozen products but beneficial effect of liquid nitrogen freezing over conventional plate freezing can exist only up to 59 days at a commercial storage temperature of -18°C.


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The proximate composition of the high temperature processed fish sausage was found to be 14.56% protein, 4.65% fat, 69.14% moisture, 2.12% ash and 8.12% carbohydrate. The quality of the product during storage was assessed on the basis of the changes observed in the physical, chemical and microbiological parameters. The results of the different tests such as pH, volatile base nitrogen (VBN), trimethyl amine nitrogen (TMA-N) and jelly strength are summarized and discussed. The total bacterial load increased gradually during storage but was not proportional to the initial load.


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Prawn meat which was never in contact with ice or water prior to freezing was frozen at -30°C and was studied up to six months of storage at -23°C for thawing losses and cooked characteristics of the thawed material. Thawing loss was nil in unwashed samples after three days of storage and it gradually increased to 6.6% after 6 months compared to 6.0 and 18.2% in the washed samples during the same periods. It is inferred that the high thawing losses observed in commercial frozen prawn meat immediately after freezing may be mainly an after effect of the water imbibed during the pre-freezing stages. During frozen storage, the changes in texture observed by sensory methods on the cooked product were more in the washed sample indicating that the imbibed water or constituents washed out of the tissue play an important role in textural changes in prawn meat during frozen storage.


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Studies on the biochemical composition of crab meat from body and claw revealed marked differences in relation to flavour. Protein content is on the higher side in crabs (19.1 to 20.9%) with high percentage of free amino acids and phosphorus and less carbohydrate and fat. The variation in composition due to the presence of eggs in female crabs and the importance of claw liquor and its composition are reported.


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Three direct plating methods and two most probable number (MPN) procedures were compared for the enumeration of Clostridium perfringens in seafoods the sulfitecycloserine (SC) agar, sulfite-polymyxin-sulfadiazine (SPS) agar, tryptone-sulfite- neomycin (TSN) agar, LS medium MPN procedure and iron milk MPN procedure. Isolates were confirmed as C. perfringens. The two MPN procedures compared very well with the three plating media tested with stock culture of C. perfringens from our laboratory collection and the reference strain NCIB 6125. But in fish samples, the two liquid media were found to be more sensitive and hence the MPN procedure using LS medium for the detection of C. perfringens in seafoods is suggested.


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The mean extent of trial of an improved design of lobster trap by 45 fishermen was 26.46. The cost of local traps and number of seasons used were both significantly negatively associated with the extent of trials; its relationship with the annual catch by indigenous trap approached significance. These three variables accounted for 59% of the variance in the extent of trial.


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Information about the adoption of CIFT fishing boat designs was collected from 54 boat building yards of the country. The majority of the boats were built as per CIFT designs. The types of wood used and the designs were dependent upon each other. Other variables studied did not show significant effects upon the type of adoption. The CIFT designs were modified at some yards and these details are discussed.


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Details are given of a study investigating the relationship between water, lipid, and protein in Puntius filamentosus. Percentage compositions in the muscle, liver and gonad of fish specimens from Lake Vellayani in India are given, showing the fluctuations which occur during maturation.


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Result of comparative fishing trials with a bulged belly design with three different mesh ranges in the body and wing to study the effect of mesh size difference on the performance of gear is discussed. While there is no significant difference in catch rate, predictably the 40 mm mesh size trawl fared wen when small sized fish like anchovies formed the major catch. The trawls with 60 and 80 mm mesh size gave better horizontal spread at a lower resistance showing savings in fuel.


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The length-weight relationship of Daysciaena albida and Gerres filamentosus were calculated separately for indeterminants, mature males and mature females. The logarithmic regression equation obtained for D. albida - males: log w = -1.5055 + 2.8618 log l; females: log w = -0.9260 + 2.4089 log l; indeterminants: log w = -l.7188 + 3.0616 log l. The regression co-efficients between males and females, males and in determinants and female and in determinants showed significant differences. In G. filamentosus the relationship can be expressed as males: log w = -1.3224 + 2.8740 log 1; females: log w = -1.2874 + 2.8381 log l; indeterminants: log w = -0.8167 + 2.2558 log l. The difference in regression co-efficients between male and female are insignificant at 5% level whereas significant differences were observed between males and indeterminants and females and indeterminants. The relative condition factor (Kn) was calculated for the above two species. In D. albida the reasons for the fluctuations of Kn values can be attributed to both spawning cycle as well as feeding intensity whereas in G. filamentosus it synchronies mainly with spawning cycle.


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Arthropods have been recorded from various types of insect infested dried fish products stored in the laboratory. They have been identified as Suidesia nesbetti Hughes (Acaridae) infesting dried anchovies and dried mussel, Dermestes ater Dermestidae coleoptera) attacking wet cured sardines and smoked catfish and Stegobium panicium infesting smoked catfish and dried mussel. Incidences of Stegobium panicium in dry fish products and Suidesia nesbetti in dried mussel has been recorded for the first time.


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Physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics of dried and smoked barracuda (Sphyraena spp.) during storage at ambient temperature are reported. Initial increase in total volatile basic nitrogen (TVBN) content after drying as well as smoking did not have any significant effect on the organoleptic qualities of the products. Smoking was found effective in delaying the onset of fungal attack and also in improving the organoleptic qualities.


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The iced storage characteristics of common murrel (Channa striatus) have been studied. The non-protein nitrogen and alpha amino nitrogen in the muscle of the fish decreased during iced storage and the total volatile base nitrogen at the end of iced storage was not high even though the fish became unacceptable during the period. There was steep decrease in total bacterial count during initial storages of storage and then increased steadily on further storage. The fish remained in acceptable condition for 8 to 9 days in ice.


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Studies on mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) of medium (4%) and high (11%) lipid contents quick frozen individually (IQF) and as blocks (BF) and stored at -23°C showed that block frozen mackerel had higher frozen storage shelf-life than individually quick frozen samples. IQF samples of medium and high lipid contents had shelf-lives of 17 and 20 weeks whereas BF samples of both series had 23 and 24 weeks respectively based on sensory evaluation.