32 resultados para Techow, Ernst-Werner.


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Instrumental investigations of texture have been performed using texture profile analysis. The following textural parameters have been assessed: hardness, gumminess, chewiness, springiness, cohesiveness and adhesiveness. The fillets of both species have been prepared from deep frozen headed and gutted raw material without fins after frozen storage of 0, 23 and 34 weeks, respectively. Deep freezing of fishes has been performed on board immediately after hauling or after 6 day’s storage in ice. Before texture measurement the raw material has been thawed and the measurement was carriedout on both thawed and microwave-heated fillets. In general, it can be concluded that both fish species are comparable in their texture parameters. The hardness of heated dab has been slightly higher comparing with that one of plaice. All other texture parameters showed a fairly good conformity between both species. While the hardness of dab increased during heating, it was decreasing in plaice. This was the only one significant difference between both fishes during heating. Adhesiveness as well as cohesiveness increased remarkably during heating. Changes effected by ice storage were only slight. Frozen storage, in contrast, caused a significant decrease of adhesiveness measured after heating the fillets of both species.


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Die Tagung fand in Warschau, dem Sitz des Sekretariats der IBSFC, statt. Arbeitsebenen der Tagung sind Plenarsitzungen und Sitzungen der beiden Ständigen Komitees „Regulierungsmaßnahmen“ und „Finanzen“. Die Plenarsitzungen und Sitzungen des Ständigen Komitees für Regulierungsmaßnahmen mit insgesamt 34 Tagungsordnungspunkten waren geprägt von der Analyse der nationalen Fischereien im Basiszeitraum, d.h. von der Ausnutzung der nationalen Quoten für 1996 und z.T. 1997, den Beratungen zum Fischereimanagement für 1998, aber auch vom Vorsorgeansatz im Fischereimanagement und den Auswirkungen der sogenannten Rio-Konferenz (UN-Konferenz über Umwelt und Entwicklung, Rio de Janeiro 1992) für den Ostseeraum.


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First orientating investigations of the sensitiveness of the fish species dab (Limanda limanda), plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) and cod (Gadus morhua) immediately after catch and after different duration of bulk storage were carried out on board the fishing research vessel “Solea”. The aim of the investigations was to get an idea wether or not the central nervous system of the fishes was in function and the fishes could suffer pain. The proportion of sensitive dab, plaice and cod immediately after the catch was higher than 70, 80 and 95 %, respectively. After 30 min of bulk storage the percentage was reduced to 50, 60 and 70 % resp., after 90 minutes to 5, 15 % and 35 %. In cod it decreased further to 5 % after 120 min. An influence of trawling time (0,5 - 2 h) or size of the catch (100 to 1000 kg) on the number of sensitive animals was not found. Although fishing parameters in commercial fishery will in most cases put a stronger mechanical stress on the animals during trawling and handling on board a certain number of sensitive fish can still be expected.


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Germany is one of the iodine deficiency countries in Europe. Marine fish and its products can considerably contribute to the iodine supply via food. The short review gives an overview on the iodine content in fish and other marine species and discusses the influence of house hold cooking and other kitchen preparations. The iodine content in marine fish depends on the species and varies considerably at high level. Lean fish species have an average iodine content of more than 100 μg I / 100 g edible part. The recommended allowance for adults of dietary iodine of 180-200 μg can be covered by the consumption of one marine fish portion per day.


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Die Tagung setzte den während der vorigen Jahrestagung zu beobachtenden Kurs einer Schwerpunktverlagerung generell fort. Diese ist durch die stärkere Berücksichtigung des Vorsorgeansatzes im Fischereimanagement auf der Grundlage wissenschaftlicher Empfehlungen des ACFM (Management-Komitee für Fischerei) des ICES gekennzeichnet. Damit traten die in der Vergangenheit fischereipolitisch dominierten nationalen Managementinteressen weitestgehend in den Hintergrund und trugen somit zu einer sachlichen Tagungsatmosphäre bei. Wichtigste Tagungsthemen waren die Ausnutzung der nationalen Quoten für 1997 und 1998 (1. Halbjahr), die Festlegung der zulässigen Gesamtfangmengen (TAC) für die internationalen Fischereien 1999, aber auch Strategien zur Nutzung der lebenden Ressourcen der Ostsee unter den Bedingungen des Vorsorgeansatzes im Fischereimanagement. An den Beratungen nahmen Ländervertreter und Experten Estlands, der EU, Lettlands, Polens und der Russischen Föderation sowie Beobachter des ICES (Internationaler Rat für Meeresforschung) und der HELCOM (Helsinki-Kommission) teil.


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Trotz der 1993 getroffenen Entscheidung der Internationalen Ostseefischereikommission, die Steertmaschenmindestöffnung von 105 auf 120 mm zu erhöhen, hat sich die allgemeine Situation der Dorschbestände in der zentralen Ostsee (Ernst 1998) bisher nicht verbessert. Man muß daher fragen, warum bisher keine wirksamen technischen Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Jungfische eingeführt und durchgesetzt worden sind. Die Entscheidung zur Einführung einer erhöhten Steertmaschenöffnung wurde 1993 bereits durch Einsprüche der Praxis relativiert. Es wurde von der Fischereipraxis verlangt, alternative Steertkonstruktionen zuzulassen, die es gestatten würden, die mit einem Steertwechsel verbundene Kosten zu minimieren. Dem war mit der Maßgabe zugestimmt worden, daß für solche alternativen Steerte der Nachweis geführt wird, daß mindestens 50 % der Dorsche von 38 cm Länge noch entkommen können. Zwei neuartige Steertformen, die sogenannte "schwedische" und die "dänische" (Dahm und Thiele 1996), wurden dann - allerdings ohne solchen gesicherten Nachweis - in das Regelwerk der Ostseefischereikommission aufgenommen und als zulässig erklärt.


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The objective was to study the influence of biological and processing conditions on the evaluation of a conversion factor between fillet length and fish size. This paper presents changes of the length and weight of skinless fillets from various marine fish species in relation to the ice storage time and to the deep freezing / thawing process. The biochemical changes during rigor mortis lead to considerable reduction in length of skinless fillets during ice storage and deep freezing / thawing of fillet blocks. The investigations were undertaken during various cruises of the FFS „Walther Herwig III“.


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North Sea plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) and dab (Limanda limanda) were experimentally stored in ice for 6 days during the 181th cruise of the FRV “Wather Herwig III”. It could be demonstrated that both flat fish species showed the same storage properties and were of a comparable quality until the end of the storage experiment. The quality of both species was determined by sensory assessment of the quality grade, by measuring of the impedance using the German Fischtester VI and the Icelandic RT- tester and pH- and TVB- N- measurements. The average length of North Sea dab is generally small (female: 18,5 ± 3,9 cm; male: 17 ± 2,9 cm), therefore it seemed to be more efficient to process fish portions (eviscerated, head, tail, fins and part of belly flaps removed). The yield by manually processed filets or fish portions from dab is about 30 or 62 %, respectively


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The investigations showed that the shelf life of traditional smoked and vacuum-packed gutted mackerels, mackerel and herring fillets is similar to the corresponding vacuum-packed products smoked with liquid smoke. The storage temperature was 5 ± 0,5 °C. Under experimental conditions the storage time was 26 days for smoked gutted mackerels and more than 30 days for smoked fillets. Storage times of 20 to 25 days for these products are recommended. The microbiological and chemical results showed no differences between both technologies.


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The conversion factor (UF) was investigated regarding the dependence on fishing season, fishing area, and total length. It was found that during the first half of the year the mean value was higher (UF = 1.24) than in the second half (UF = 1.16). The difference was mainly caused by the different gonad development. The factor was also different between the ICES Sub-divisions 22/24 and 25. The dependence of the conversion factor on total length could be proved.