32 resultados para Kelly, Richard, -- 1910-1977 -- Criticism and interpretation
This special section of the Marine Fisheries Review contains the edited proceedings of a symposium held on 16 September 1987 at the annual meetings of the American Fisheries Society in Winston-Salem, N.C. The symposium was sponsored by the National Marine Fisheries Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade. The aim of this session was to provide an overview of several international trade issues that affect the development of fisheries economic policy. Thus, the general areas of discussion included: The role of fisheries in the U.S. balance of trade, current negotiations on fisheries trade and tariffs, and U.S. and foreign economic trade strategies and policies.
We monitored the movements of 45 adult Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) between June 2007 and July 2008 through the use of passive acoustic telemetry to elucidate migratory and within-estuary behaviors in a lagoon system of the southern mid-Atlantic Bight. Between 8 June and 10 October 2007, fish resided primarily in the deeper (>3 m) regions of the system and exhibited low levels of large-scale (100s of meters) activity. Mean residence time within this estuarine lagoon system was conservatively estimated to be 130 days (range: 18–223 days), which is 1.5 times longer than the residence time previously reported for Summer Flounder in a similar estuarine habitat ~250 km to the north. The majority of fish remained within the lagoon system until mid-October, although some fish dispersed earlier and some of them appeared to disperse temporarily (i.e., exited the system for at least 14 consecutive days before returning). Larger fish were more likely to disperse before mid-October than smaller fish and may have moved to other estuaries or the inner continental shelf. Fish that dispersed after mid-October were more likely to return to the lagoon system the following spring than were fish that dispersed before mid-October. In 2008, fish returned to the system between 7 February and 7 April. Dispersals and returns most closely followed seasonal changes in mean water temperature, but photoperiod and other factors also may have played a role in large-scale movements of Summer Flounder.
Extensive losses of coastal wetlands in the United States caused by sea-level rise, land subsidence, erosion, and coastal development have increased hterest in the creation of salt marshes within estuaries. Smooth cordgrass Spartina altemiflora is the species utilized most for salt marsh creation and restoration throughout the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the U.S., while S. foliosa and Salicomia virginica are often used in California. Salt marshes have many valuable functions such as protecting shorelines from erosion, stabilizing deposits of dredged material, dampening flood effects, trapping water-born sediments, serving as nutrient reservoirs, acting as tertiary water treatment systems to rid coastal waters of contaminants, serving as nurseries for many juvenile fish and shellfish species, and serving as habitat for various wildlife species (Kusler and Kentula 1989). The establishment of vegetation in itself is generally sufficient to provide the functions of erosion control, substrate stabilization, and sediment trapping. The development of other salt marsh functions, however, is more difficult to assess. For example, natural estuarine salt marshes support a wide variety of fish and shellfish, and the abundance of coastal marshes has been correlated with fisheries landings (Turner 1977, Boesch and Turner 1984). Marshes function for aquatic species by providing breeding areas, refuges from predation, and rich feeding grounds (Zimmerman and Minello 1984, Boesch and Turner 1984, Kneib 1984, 1987, Minello and Zimmerman 1991). However, the relative value of created marshes versus that of natural marshes for estuarine animals has been questioned (Carnmen 1976, Race and Christie 1982, Broome 1989, Pacific Estuarine Research Laboratory 1990, LaSalle et al. 1991, Minello and Zimmerman 1992, Zedler 1993). Restoration of all salt marsh functions is necessary to prevent habitat creation and restoration activities from having a negative impact on coastal ecosystems.
Crater Lake has fluctuated in elevation by 5 meters during the 20th Century. Reasons for these fluctuations were investigated as part of a long-term study of the Crater Lake ecosystem. Lake level changes were found to be closely related to precipitation variations. The lake can be thought of as acting as both a giant precipitation gage and as a large evaporation "pan". Winter snowfall variations are related to variations in the Southern Oscillation Index. Crater Lake offers a unique combination of simple geometry and hydrology, and a long record of supporting data, available nowhere else in the world for a caldera lake.
Hydrographical and biological parameters of Thana Creek and Bombay Harbour were studied to assess the prevailing water quality. Zooplankton samples were collected from various stations during January 1975 to July 1975. The qualitative distribution of zooplankton was found to be very irregular and fluctuating. Copepods were the dominant taxa followed by lucifers, chaetognaths, decapod larvae, ctenophores, hydromedusae, fish larvae and polychaetes. To a certain extent the distribution of zooplankton is affected by variation in salinity during different seasons, also along the length of the creek. Pronounced effect of pollution on zooplankton biomass was also observed.
The faunal composition, distribution and abundance of zooplankton from 28 stations in and around the Gulf of Kutch, were studied during INS Darshak cruise in January, 1975. Zooplankton biomass was about 4.5 times more in the outside Gulf region (mean: 50.3 ml/100 m super(3)) than in the inside Gulf (mean: 11.1 ml/100 m super(3)). The mean zooplankton biomass of Dwarka (66.3 ml/100 m super(3)) was about 2.5 times more than that off Okha (26.8 ml/100 m super(3)). A rich zooplankton production in the Saurashtra waters corresponded to a rich fishery prevailing in this region.
Phosphorylase from muscle of tilapia (Tilapia mosambica) was extracted by water and purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation, centrifugation and repeated recrystallisation. Electro-phorogram of the enzyme preparation showed a single band near origin. The enzyme showed optimum pH and temperature at 6.1 and 37°C respectively. Glucose and glucose-6-phosphate were found to be competitive inhibitors of the enzyme. Maltose and starch acted as primers for the phosphorylase reaction like glycogen.
Fishing experiments with gill nets were carried out at different centres of Gobindsagar reservoir through the years 1964-70. The seasonal abundance of main species of fishes and their zone of distribution were studied. Labeo diplostoma, Labeo bata, Barbus tor and Mystus seenghala are the main fish species of the reservoir. The abundance of the above species were observed to be the highest towards the Lunkhar arm of the reservoir.
The iced and frozen storage characteristics of squid (Loligo sp.) are discussed. Squid can be kept in ice in an acceptable condition for a maximum period of 2 days. Frozen squid can be stored for a maximum period of 15 weeks at -l8°C, which can be extended up to 19 weeks by suitable treatment.
This paper deals with the investigations carried out on the preparation and storage characteristics of protein enriched biscuits (sweet and salt), incorporated with partially de-odourised fish protein concentrate. The product contains more than 20% protein and has storage life exceeding 6 months at room temperature (21°C to 32°C), in 400 gauge polythene bags.
Diatoms were collected from Buyuan Bay, and from the hatchery tanks at Tigbauan, to determine the commonly occurring species, the feasibility of culturing these species, and the potential of these selected species as food for larval P. monodon. The commonly occurring diatoms were identified as Chaetoceros calcitrans, Navicula grimmei, Nitzchia seriata, Nitzchia closterium and Amphiprora sp. These diatoms were isolated and unialgal cultures prepared. Protein content analysis using the micro-Kjildahl method gave the following result: C. calcitrans, 11 . 78%; Nitzchia seriata, 25%; Nitzchia closterium, 30 . 5%; Navicula grimmei, 9 . 06% and Amphiprora sp. 8 . 96%. Feeding experiments were conducted to determine acceptability of the different diatom species and percentage survival of larval stages Z SUB-1 -M SUB-2 . Larvae were placed in 4-l capacity plastic containers with a stocking density of 10/l. The results of several feeding trials using the different mass-produced diatoms are summarized. From the data gathered, C. calcitrans appears to be the most promising candidate as feed for zoea and mysis stages of P. monodon. The average percentage survival of C. calcitrans was 63 . 76% for the 3 trials, and as high as 82 . 22% in the third trial. Comparatively high percentage survival of larvae was also recorded when Nitzchia seriata (48 . 17%) and Nitzchia closterium (67 . 6%) were given as feed, while both Amphiprora sp. and Navicula grimmei gave 0% survival. The poor results with Amphiprora sp. and Navicula grimmei may be due to their low protein content (8 . 96% and 9 . 06%, respectively) and the inability of the larvae to ingest them. Navicula and Amphiprora were observed to cling to the appendages of the larvae and to settle down in the medium making them unavailable to the larvae. Low survival was also noted when frozen C. calcitrans was used (14 . 25%). This may be due partly to the effect of the floculating agent (ALSO SUB-4 . 25 g/l) used in concentrating the diatoms. When protein contents of C. calcitrans, N. seriata and N. closterium are compared, the 2 Nitzchia species have relatively higher protein contents than C. calcitrans and, therefore, could be the more desirable feed candidates. However, few feeding trials were made using Nitzchia so that additional investigations will have to be done on this aspect.
Biological investigations were carried out in Sapian Bay, Capiz from November 1975 to December 1976 with samplings conducted fortnightly. Histological studies on the gonad reveal a high percentage of ripe and spent females during the month of April and May, and ripe to near ripe during November to December. However, larval counts were highest on February 25, 1976 with 253 mytilid larvae per haul compared to 0-79 per haul during all other months. The high larval count was followed by the highest spat settlement during the next sampling period two weeks later, with the spat collector set in the water during the February 25 sampling. The four materials tested, blue polypropylene fiber rope, black polypropylene fiber, and coir rope, all had their highest spat counts during this period with an average of 471 spats per standard 10 cm rope piece. The range during the other time periods is 2-283 spats. Of the 4 materials tested, the black fibrillated polypropylene film had the highest larval counts in 15 out of a total of 25 sampling periods. The blue rope was the poorest spat collector. Coconut husk was tested later on and it proved to have a very high catchability, with spats completely enveloping the husk surface. Growth monitored from one cohort in Sapian Bay averaged 10 mm per month. 50-60 mm is considered marketable size. Trial growth experiments with transplanted mussels were also conducted at Igang Bay in Guimaras Island, Makato River in Aklan, and a milkfish pond in Leganes, Iloilo. Survival in Igang was less than 50% after the second week, and the condition of the surviving mussels can be described only as 'watery' with the mantle completely transparent. Mortality was minimal in Makato but the growth rate was only 30% that of Sapian Bay. The pond experiments were terminated due to severe crab predation.
Fourteen species of penaeid shrimps with commercial value in Batan Bay and Tigbauan-Guimbal waters were identified as follows: Penaeus monodon, P.semisulcatus, P.japonicus, Metapenaeus ensis, M.burkenroadi, M.endeavouri, Metapenaeopsis palmensis, M.stridulans, Trachypenaeus fulvus, and Parapenaeus longipes. Among the 14 penaeids, P.semisulcatus, M.ensis and M.palmensis were found to be the dominant species within each genus. There are seven existing fishing gears for shrimping in the Batan Bay and Tigbauan-Guimbal waters: fish corrals, lift net, filter net, gill net, skimming net, baby trawler and commercial trawler. In general, female penaeids are larger than males. The largest P.monodon female measured was 81 mm in carapace length with 23 g in body weight. The largest male measuring 59 mm in carapace length with 119 g of body weight was caught in Batan Bay. Judging from spermatozoa occurrence on both sexes of P.monodon, the biological minimum size for male is 37 mm in carapace length and 49 mm for female. A total of 133 Penaeus postlarvae obtained from the offshore were identified by comparison with those reared in the laboratory. The postlarvae of P.japonicus-latisulcatus complex were quite dominant (60 . 2%), followed by P.semisulcatus (18 . 0%), and P.merguiensis-indicus complex (17 . 3%). The number of P.monodon postlarvae was relatively small (4 . 5%). The modal carapace length of P.monodon postlarvae from the offshore was 1 . 3 mm with three or four dorsal and no ventral spines on the rostrum, while P.monodon fry from the shoreline had 2 . 3 mm with five or six dorsal and one or two ventral spines.