159 resultados para Ice cream industry
The results are given of trials conducted to determine the effect on quality of holding fish (Lutjanus species) in chilled freshwater and also to compare the quality loss of fish stored in chilled seawater and chilled freshwater and in ice. No adverse effects were observed when storing in chilled freshwater apart from loss of external appearance after 6 days storage; taste panel tests showed acceptable conditions up to 15 days. Chilled seawater is unsuitable for storage as it spoils the intake of salt from the medium, making the flesh unpalatable.
Ice storage characteristics of fresh and brined fillets from fresh shark (Carcharias melanopterus) were studied in and out of contact with ice for more than two weeks. Changes occurring in biochemical constituents, physical qualities and bacterial counts of the fillets are reported. Shelf life of brined fillets out of contact with ice was considerably longer than that of control samples tinder similar conditions. Icing of shark fillets is suggested as a method for the removal of urea on a commercial scale.
The wastage of prawns due to spoilage in processing factories accounted to about 0-12% in 1974, 0-35% in 1975, 0-3% in 1976 and 0-4% in 1977. Spoilage increases with the time lag between catching and processing and also due to defective icing. The paper discusses the counts of whole prawns required for obtaining meat of specified size grades.
The role of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in food borne gastroenteritis outbreaks associated primarily with the consumption of contaminated seafoods has been well documented. Information pertaining to various aspects of its occurrence in seafoods, procedures for isolation and identification, generation time and inactivation profiles is discussed. Emphasis has been given to the response of V. parahaemolyticus to low temperatures, heating and antibacterial agents. The public health hazard posed by the pathogen is outlined and the guidelines for control are reviewed in detail.
Master cartons for fishery products collected from different prawn freezing factories were evaluated for bursting strength, puncture resistance, waterproofness, combined weight of liners, basis weight of the corrugating medium, weight of the carton, dimensions of the carton, wax content and saponifiable matter and discussed in the light of the ISI standards.
Waxed duplex cartons collected from different prawn freezing factories were evaluated for their physico-chemical properties such as bursting strength, puncture resistance, water proofness, tearing, strength, tensile strength, elongation, moisture content, thickness, weight of the carton, dimension, wax content and saponifiable matter. The results are discussed from the point of view of formulation of standards for this most widely employed packaging material for frozen fishery products in the country.
Quality control is defined as the continuing assessment of a current operation. It is usually the responsibility of an individual or a department directly responsible to the management. In the case of fish and fishery products, quality control includes all the steps taken to protect the quality of the material since catch until it reaches the consumer.
Quality deterioration of seer held directly in contact with ice, in different forms, fillets and chunks, and of chunks held in ice but without direct contact, was studied for a period of 15 days. While the chunks held out of contact with ice were acceptable up to 13 days based on organoleptic evaluations, the chunks and fillets held in direct contact with ice were acceptable only up to 10 days. The order of preference of the samples at any interval of ice storage was chunks held out of contact with ice>chunks held directly in ice>fillets held directly in ice. The changes in the chemical quality of these samples were also in the same order, the deterioration being maximum in fillets and least in chunks kept out of contact with ice.
The author reviews the advances in the oil and meal industries related to the oil sardine fishery (Sardinella longiceps) since the 1920s. Data on the production of by-produced produced in Kerala over the period 1964- 69 are tabulated. Details of the properties of the commercial oil are given, and the values compared to those for other similar oils. The use of oil sardine for industrial purposes - the oil has been used to cure leather, temper metals and as fungicides or insecticides - and the production of fish meal and fish protein concentrate is considered.
Large quantities of self-brine accumulating in curing tanks during the process of commercial fish salting is mostly wasted at present. This liquor exuded from the fish during the process of salting contains considerable amounts of soluble proteins and minerals. Due to the presence of organic matter the self-brine quickly putrefies causing nauseating smell. This renders the whole surroundings insanitary and often leads to health hazards to neighboring localities. Any economic method of utilising this waste brine and converting it into some useful product will be a tangible help to the fish curing industry. Hence, a method is given for converting this waste self-brine into a cheap and efficient fertilizer.
Perch (Pagrus spinifer), one of the most abundantly available fishes of Gujarat coast, was subjected to a detailed study for assessing its storage life in ice and amenability of the iced fish for canning. Changes in the salt soluble nitrogenous material and myosin content of the iced fish showed good correlation with the changes in the organoleptic and physical qualities. The fish was found to have a storage life of 9 days in ice and samples stored up to 7 days were suitable for canning.
The changes in the major protein nitrogen fractions of two commercially important fishes of Indian waters, viz., mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) and lactarius (Lactarius lactarius), during storage in ice are reported. The significance of the findings is discussed in comparison with the results of a similar study on two species of marine prawns and oil sardine, reported earlier.
The native flora of oil sardine and mackerel consisting of Pseudomonas spp; Moraxella spp., Acinetobacter spp. and Vibrio spp. underwent significant changes during ice storage. At the time of spoilage, Pseudomonas spp. were predominant. CTC treatment significantly reduced the Pseudomonas spp. in the initial stages of storage; but later Pseudomonas spp. reasserted and constituted the bulk of the spoilage flora. In prawn, the native flora was comprised of Pseudomonas spp., Acinetobacter spp., Moraxella spp. and Vibrio spp. At the time of spoilage a heterogeneous flora, consisting of Pseudomonas spp; Moraxella spp. and Acinetobacter spp. predominated. CTC treatment significantly changed the flora of prawns. During spoilage, Pseudomonas predominated in CTC treated prawns.
The native flora of fresh oil sardine and mackerel consisted mainly of Pseudomonas spp., Moraxella spp., Acinetobacter spp. and Vibrio spp. During spoilage in ice, nearly 75% of their bacterial flora belonged to Pseudomonas spp. alone. But Na sub(2) EDTA treatment reduced the proportion of Pseudomonas spp. considerably and the major bacterial groups at the time of spoilage were Moraxella spp. and Acinetobacter spp. In the case of fresh prawn, the native flora was constituted by Pseudomonas spp., Moraxella spp., Acinetobacter spp. and Vibrio spp. At the time of spoilage of prawn in ice, Moraxella spp. and Acinetobacter spp. predominated, together constituting 74% of the total population. Na sub(2) EDTA treatment did not alter significantly the spoilage flora of prawns. Moraxella spp. and Acinetobacter spp. accounted for 86% of the spoilage flora in ice storage of Na sub(2) EDTA treated prawns.
Studies were carried out on the effect of ice storage on the composition of kati (Pellona sp.). On the basis of biochemical, bacteriological and organoleptic valuations, it was observed that kati can be stored in ice for a period of 9 days without appreciable loss in overall quality.