9 resultados para triangular norms

em CaltechTHESIS


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Signal processing techniques play important roles in the design of digital communication systems. These include information manipulation, transmitter signal processing, channel estimation, channel equalization and receiver signal processing. By interacting with communication theory and system implementing technologies, signal processing specialists develop efficient schemes for various communication problems by wisely exploiting various mathematical tools such as analysis, probability theory, matrix theory, optimization theory, and many others. In recent years, researchers realized that multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel models are applicable to a wide range of different physical communications channels. Using the elegant matrix-vector notations, many MIMO transceiver (including the precoder and equalizer) design problems can be solved by matrix and optimization theory. Furthermore, the researchers showed that the majorization theory and matrix decompositions, such as singular value decomposition (SVD), geometric mean decomposition (GMD) and generalized triangular decomposition (GTD), provide unified frameworks for solving many of the point-to-point MIMO transceiver design problems.

In this thesis, we consider the transceiver design problems for linear time invariant (LTI) flat MIMO channels, linear time-varying narrowband MIMO channels, flat MIMO broadcast channels, and doubly selective scalar channels. Additionally, the channel estimation problem is also considered. The main contributions of this dissertation are the development of new matrix decompositions, and the uses of the matrix decompositions and majorization theory toward the practical transmit-receive scheme designs for transceiver optimization problems. Elegant solutions are obtained, novel transceiver structures are developed, ingenious algorithms are proposed, and performance analyses are derived.

The first part of the thesis focuses on transceiver design with LTI flat MIMO channels. We propose a novel matrix decomposition which decomposes a complex matrix as a product of several sets of semi-unitary matrices and upper triangular matrices in an iterative manner. The complexity of the new decomposition, generalized geometric mean decomposition (GGMD), is always less than or equal to that of geometric mean decomposition (GMD). The optimal GGMD parameters which yield the minimal complexity are derived. Based on the channel state information (CSI) at both the transmitter (CSIT) and receiver (CSIR), GGMD is used to design a butterfly structured decision feedback equalizer (DFE) MIMO transceiver which achieves the minimum average mean square error (MSE) under the total transmit power constraint. A novel iterative receiving detection algorithm for the specific receiver is also proposed. For the application to cyclic prefix (CP) systems in which the SVD of the equivalent channel matrix can be easily computed, the proposed GGMD transceiver has K/log_2(K) times complexity advantage over the GMD transceiver, where K is the number of data symbols per data block and is a power of 2. The performance analysis shows that the GGMD DFE transceiver can convert a MIMO channel into a set of parallel subchannels with the same bias and signal to interference plus noise ratios (SINRs). Hence, the average bit rate error (BER) is automatically minimized without the need for bit allocation. Moreover, the proposed transceiver can achieve the channel capacity simply by applying independent scalar Gaussian codes of the same rate at subchannels.

In the second part of the thesis, we focus on MIMO transceiver design for slowly time-varying MIMO channels with zero-forcing or MMSE criterion. Even though the GGMD/GMD DFE transceivers work for slowly time-varying MIMO channels by exploiting the instantaneous CSI at both ends, their performance is by no means optimal since the temporal diversity of the time-varying channels is not exploited. Based on the GTD, we develop space-time GTD (ST-GTD) for the decomposition of linear time-varying flat MIMO channels. Under the assumption that CSIT, CSIR and channel prediction are available, by using the proposed ST-GTD, we develop space-time geometric mean decomposition (ST-GMD) DFE transceivers under the zero-forcing or MMSE criterion. Under perfect channel prediction, the new system minimizes both the average MSE at the detector in each space-time (ST) block (which consists of several coherence blocks), and the average per ST-block BER in the moderate high SNR region. Moreover, the ST-GMD DFE transceiver designed under an MMSE criterion maximizes Gaussian mutual information over the equivalent channel seen by each ST-block. In general, the newly proposed transceivers perform better than the GGMD-based systems since the super-imposed temporal precoder is able to exploit the temporal diversity of time-varying channels. For practical applications, a novel ST-GTD based system which does not require channel prediction but shares the same asymptotic BER performance with the ST-GMD DFE transceiver is also proposed.

The third part of the thesis considers two quality of service (QoS) transceiver design problems for flat MIMO broadcast channels. The first one is the power minimization problem (min-power) with a total bitrate constraint and per-stream BER constraints. The second problem is the rate maximization problem (max-rate) with a total transmit power constraint and per-stream BER constraints. Exploiting a particular class of joint triangularization (JT), we are able to jointly optimize the bit allocation and the broadcast DFE transceiver for the min-power and max-rate problems. The resulting optimal designs are called the minimum power JT broadcast DFE transceiver (MPJT) and maximum rate JT broadcast DFE transceiver (MRJT), respectively. In addition to the optimal designs, two suboptimal designs based on QR decomposition are proposed. They are realizable for arbitrary number of users.

Finally, we investigate the design of a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) modulated filterbank transceiver (DFT-FBT) with LTV scalar channels. For both cases with known LTV channels and unknown wide sense stationary uncorrelated scattering (WSSUS) statistical channels, we show how to optimize the transmitting and receiving prototypes of a DFT-FBT such that the SINR at the receiver is maximized. Also, a novel pilot-aided subspace channel estimation algorithm is proposed for the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems with quasi-stationary multi-path Rayleigh fading channels. Using the concept of a difference co-array, the new technique can construct M^2 co-pilots from M physical pilot tones with alternating pilot placement. Subspace methods, such as MUSIC and ESPRIT, can be used to estimate the multipath delays and the number of identifiable paths is up to O(M^2), theoretically. With the delay information, a MMSE estimator for frequency response is derived. It is shown through simulations that the proposed method outperforms the conventional subspace channel estimator when the number of multipaths is greater than or equal to the number of physical pilots minus one.


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This thesis studies three classes of randomized numerical linear algebra algorithms, namely: (i) randomized matrix sparsification algorithms, (ii) low-rank approximation algorithms that use randomized unitary transformations, and (iii) low-rank approximation algorithms for positive-semidefinite (PSD) matrices.

Randomized matrix sparsification algorithms set randomly chosen entries of the input matrix to zero. When the approximant is substituted for the original matrix in computations, its sparsity allows one to employ faster sparsity-exploiting algorithms. This thesis contributes bounds on the approximation error of nonuniform randomized sparsification schemes, measured in the spectral norm and two NP-hard norms that are of interest in computational graph theory and subset selection applications.

Low-rank approximations based on randomized unitary transformations have several desirable properties: they have low communication costs, are amenable to parallel implementation, and exploit the existence of fast transform algorithms. This thesis investigates the tradeoff between the accuracy and cost of generating such approximations. State-of-the-art spectral and Frobenius-norm error bounds are provided.

The last class of algorithms considered are SPSD "sketching" algorithms. Such sketches can be computed faster than approximations based on projecting onto mixtures of the columns of the matrix. The performance of several such sketching schemes is empirically evaluated using a suite of canonical matrices drawn from machine learning and data analysis applications, and a framework is developed for establishing theoretical error bounds.

In addition to studying these algorithms, this thesis extends the Matrix Laplace Transform framework to derive Chernoff and Bernstein inequalities that apply to all the eigenvalues of certain classes of random matrices. These inequalities are used to investigate the behavior of the singular values of a matrix under random sampling, and to derive convergence rates for each individual eigenvalue of a sample covariance matrix.


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The concept of a "projection function" in a finite-dimensional real or complex normed linear space H (the function PM which carries every element into the closest element of a given subspace M) is set forth and examined.

If dim M = dim H - 1, then PM is linear. If PN is linear for all k-dimensional subspaces N, where 1 ≤ k < dim M, then PM is linear.

The projective bound Q, defined to be the supremum of the operator norm of PM for all subspaces, is in the range 1 ≤ Q < 2, and these limits are the best possible. For norms with Q = 1, PM is always linear, and a characterization of those norms is given.

If H also has an inner product (defined independently of the norm), so that a dual norm can be defined, then when PM is linear its adjoint PMH is the projection on (kernel PM) by the dual norm. The projective bounds of a norm and its dual are equal.

The notion of a pseudo-inverse F+ of a linear transformation F is extended to non-Euclidean norms. The distance from F to the set of linear transformations G of lower rank (in the sense of the operator norm ∥F - G∥) is c/∥F+∥, where c = 1 if the range of F fills its space, and 1 ≤ c < Q otherwise. The norms on both domain and range spaces have Q = 1 if and only if (F+)+ = F for every F. This condition is also sufficient to prove that we have (F+)H = (FH)+, where the latter pseudo-inverse is taken using dual norms.

In all results, the real and complex cases are handled in a completely parallel fashion.


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This thesis summarizes the application of conventional and modern electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) techniques to establish proximity relationships between paramagnetic metal centers in metalloproteins and between metal centers and magnetic ligand nuclei in two important and timely membrane proteins: succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (SQR) from Paracoccus denitrificans and particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) from Methylococcus capsulatus. Such proximity relationships are thought to be critical to the biological function and the associated biochemistry mediated by the metal centers in these proteins. A mechanistic understanding of biological function relies heavily on structure-function relationships and the knowledge of how molecular structure and electronic properties of the metal centers influence the reactivity in metalloenzymes. EPR spectroscopy has proven to be one of the most powerful techniques towards obtaining information about interactions between metal centers as well as defining ligand structures. SQR is an electron transport enzyme wherein the substrates, organic and metallic cofactors are held relatively far apart. Here, the proximity relationships of the metallic cofactors were studied through their weak spin-spin interactions by means of EPR power saturation and electron spin-lattice (T_1) measurements, when the enzyme was poised at designated reduction levels. Analysis of the electron T_1 measurements for the S-3 center when the b-heme is paramagnetic led to a detailed analysis of the dipolar interactions and distance determination between two interacting metal centers. Studies of ligand environment of the metal centers by electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopy resulted in the identication of peptide nitrogens as coupled nuclei in the environment of the S-1 and S-3 centers.

Finally, an EPR model was developed to describe the ferromagnetically coupled trinuclear copper clusters in pMMO when the enzyme is oxidized. The Cu(II) ions in these clusters appear to be strongly exchange coupled, and the EPR is consistent with equilateral triangular arrangements of type 2 copper ions. These results offer the first glimpse of the magneto-structural correlations for a trinuclear copper cluster of this type, which, until the work on pMMO, has had no precedent in the metalloprotein literature. Such trinuclear copper clusters are even rare in synthetic models.


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The purpose of this work is to extend experimental and theoretical understanding of horizontal Bloch line (HBL) motion in magnetic bubble materials. The present theory of HBL motion is reviewed, and then extended to include transient effects in which the internal domain wall structure changes with time. This is accomplished by numerically solving the equations of motion for the internal azimuthal angle ɸ and the wall position q as functions of z, the coordinate perpendicular to the thin-film material, and time. The effects of HBL's on domain wall motion are investigated by comparing results from wall oscillation experiments with those from the theory. In these experiments, a bias field pulse is used to make a step change in equilibrium position of either bubble or stripe domain walls, and the wall response is measured by using transient photography. During the initial response, the dynamic wall structure closely resembles the initial static structure. The wall accelerates to a relatively high velocity (≈20 m/sec), resulting in a short (≈22 nsec ) section of initial rapid motion. An HBL gradually forms near one of the film surfaces as a result of local dynamic properties, and moves along the wall surface toward the film center. The presence of this structure produces low-frequency, triangular-shaped oscillations in which the experimental wall velocity is nearly constant, vs≈ 5-8 m/sec. If the HBL reaches the opposite surface, i.e., if the average internal angle reaches an integer multiple of π, the momentum stored in the HBL is lost, and the wall chirality is reversed. This results in abrupt transitions to overdamped motion and changes in wall chirality, which are observed as a function of bias pulse amplitude. The pulse amplitude at which the nth punch- through occurs just as the wall reaches equilibrium is given within 0.2 0e by Hn = (2vsH'/γ)1/2 • (nπ)1/2 + Hsv), where H' is the effective field gradient from the surrounding domains, and Hsv is a small (less than 0.03 0e), effective drag field. Observations of wall oscillation in the presence of in-plane fields parallel to the wall show that HBL formation is suppressed by fields greater than about 40 0e (≈2πMs), resulting in the high-frequency, sinusoidal oscillations associated with a simple internal wall structure.


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Let L be the algebra of all linear transformations on an n-dimensional vector space V over a field F and let A, B, ƐL. Let Ai+1 = AiB - BAi, i = 0, 1, 2,…, with A = Ao. Let fk (A, B; σ) = A2K+1 - σ1A2K-1 + σ2A2K-3 -… +(-1)KσKA1 where σ = (σ1, σ2,…, σK), σi belong to F and K = k(k-1)/2. Taussky and Wielandt [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 13(1962), 732-735] showed that fn(A, B; σ) = 0 if σi is the ith elementary symmetric function of (β4- βs)2, 1 ≤ r ˂ s ≤ n, i = 1, 2, …, N, with N = n(n-1)/2, where β4 are the characteristic roots of B. In this thesis we discuss relations involving fk(X, Y; σ) where X, Y Ɛ L and 1 ≤ k ˂ n. We show: 1. If F is infinite and if for each X Ɛ L there exists σ so that fk(A, X; σ) = 0 where 1 ≤ k ˂ n, then A is a scalar transformation. 2. If F is algebraically closed, a necessary and sufficient condition that there exists a basis of V with respect to which the matrices of A and B are both in block upper triangular form, where the blocks on the diagonals are either one- or two-dimensional, is that certain products X1, X2…Xr belong to the radical of the algebra generated by A and B over F, where Xi has the form f2(A, P(A,B); σ), for all polynomials P(x, y). We partially generalize this to the case where the blocks have dimensions ≤ k. 3. If A and B generate L, if the characteristic of F does not divide n and if there exists σ so that fk(A, B; σ) = 0, for some k with 1 ≤ k ˂ n, then the characteristic roots of B belong to the splitting field of gk(w; σ) = w2K+1 - σ1w2K-1 + σ2w2K-3 - …. +(-1)K σKw over F. We use this result to prove a theorem involving a generalized form of property L [cf. Motzkin and Taussky, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 73(1952), 108-114]. 4. Also we give mild generalizations of results of McCoy [Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 42(1936), 592-600] and Drazin [Proc. London Math. Soc., 1(1951), 222-231].


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In 1964 A. W. Goldie [1] posed the problem of determining all rings with identity and minimal condition on left ideals which are faithfully represented on the right side of their left socle. Goldie showed that such a ring which is indecomposable and in which the left and right principal indecomposable ideals have, respectively, unique left and unique right composition series is a complete blocked triangular matrix ring over a skewfield. The general problem suggested above is very difficult. We obtain results under certain natural restrictions which are much weaker than the restrictive assumptions made by Goldie.

We characterize those rings in which the principal indecomposable left ideals each contain a unique minimal left ideal (Theorem (4.2)). It is sufficient to handle indecomposable rings (Lemma (1.4)). Such a ring is also a blocked triangular matrix ring. There exist r positive integers K1,..., Kr such that the i,jth block of a typical matrix is a Ki x Kj matrix with arbitrary entries in a subgroup Dij of the additive group of a fixed skewfield D. Each Dii is a sub-skewfield of D and Dri = D for all i. Conversely, every matrix ring which has this form is indecomposable, faithfully represented on the right side of its left socle, and possesses the property that every principal indecomposable left ideal contains a unique minimal left ideal.

The principal indecomposable left ideals may have unique composition series even though the ring does not have minimal condition on right ideals. We characterize this situation by defining a partial ordering ρ on {i, 2,...,r} where we set iρj if Dij ≠ 0. Every principal indecomposable left ideal has a unique composition series if and only if the diagram of ρ is an inverted tree and every Dij is a one-dimensional left vector space over Dii (Theorem (5.4)).

We show (Theorem (2.2)) that every ring A of the type we are studying is a unique subdirect sum of less complex rings A1,...,As of the same type. Namely, each Ai has only one isomorphism class of minimal left ideals and the minimal left ideals of different Ai are non-isomorphic as left A-modules. We give (Theorem (2.1)) necessary and sufficient conditions for a ring which is a subdirect sum of rings Ai having these properties to be faithfully represented on the right side of its left socle. We show ((4.F), p. 42) that up to technical trivia the rings Ai are matrix rings of the form

[...]. Each Qj comes from the faithful irreducible matrix representation of a certain skewfield over a fixed skewfield D. The bottom row is filled in by arbitrary elements of D.

In Part V we construct an interesting class of rings faithfully represented on their left socle from a given partial ordering on a finite set, given skewfields, and given additive groups. This class of rings contains the ones in which every principal indecomposable left ideal has a unique minimal left ideal. We identify the uniquely determined subdirect summands mentioned above in terms of the given partial ordering (Proposition (5.2)). We conjecture that this technique serves to construct all the rings which are a unique subdirect sum of rings each having the property that every principal-indecomposable left ideal contains a unique minimal left ideal.


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This work is concerned with estimating the upper envelopes S* of the absolute values of the partial sums of rearranged trigonometric sums. A.M. Garsia [Annals of Math. 79 (1964), 634-9] gave an estimate for the L2 norms of the S*, averaged over all rearrangements of the original (finite) sum. This estimate enabled him to prove that the Fourier series of any function in L2 can be rearranged so that it converges a.e. The main result of this thesis is a similar estimate of the Lq norms of the S*, for all even integers q. This holds for finite linear combinations of functions which satisfy a condition which is a generalization of orthonormality in the L2 case. This estimate for finite sums is extended to Fourier series of Lq functions; it is shown that there are functions to which the Men’shov-Paley Theorem does not apply, but whose Fourier series can nevertheless be rearranged so that the S* of the rearranged series is in Lq.


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Two topics in plane strain perfect plasticity are studied using the method of characteristics. The first is the steady-state indentation of an infinite medium by either a rigid wedge having a triangular cross section or a smooth plate inclined to the direction of motion. Solutions are exact and results include deformation patterns and forces of resistance; the latter are also applicable for the case of incipient failure. Experiments on sharp wedges in clay, where forces and deformations are recorded, showed a good agreement with the mechanism of cutting assumed by the theory; on the other hand the indentation process for blunt wedges transforms into that of compression with a rigid part of clay moving with the wedge. Finite element solutions, for a bilinear material model, were obtained to establish a correspondence between the response of the plane strain wedge and its axi-symmetric counterpart, the cone. Results of the study afford a better understanding of the process of indentation of soils by penetrometers and piles as well as the mechanism of failure of deep foundations (piles and anchor plates).

The second topic concerns the plane strain steady-state free rolling of a rigid roller on clays. The problem is solved approximately for small loads by getting the exact solution of two problems that encompass the one of interest; the first is a steady-state with a geometry that approximates the one of the roller and the second is an instantaneous solution of the rolling process but is not a steady-state. Deformations and rolling resistance are derived. When compared with existing empirical formulae the latter was found to agree closely.