12 resultados para air stable doping

em CaltechTHESIS


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Theoretical and experimental investigations of charge-carrier dynamics at semiconductor/liquid interfaces, specifically with respect to interfacial electron transfer and surface recombination, are presented.

Fermi's golden rule has been used to formulate rate expressions for charge transfer of delocalized carriers in a nondegenerately doped semiconducting electrode to localized, outer-sphere redox acceptors in an electrolyte phase. The treatment allows comparison between charge-transfer kinetic data at metallic, semimetallic, and semiconducting electrodes in terms of parameters such as the electronic coupling to the electrode, the attenuation of coupling with distance into the electrolyte, and the reorganization energy of the charge-transfer event. Within this framework, rate constant values expected at representative semiconducting electrodes have been determined from experimental data for charge transfer at metallic electrodes. The maximum rate constant (i.e., at optimal exoergicity) for outer-sphere processes at semiconducting electrodes is computed to be in the range 10-17-10-16 cm4 s-1, which is in excellent agreement with prior theoretical models and experimental results for charge-transfer kinetics at semiconductor/liquid interfaces.

Double-layer corrections have been evaluated for semiconductor electrodes in both depletion and accumulation conditions. In conjuction with the Gouy-Chapman-Stern model, a finite difference approach has been used to calculate potential drops at a representative solid/liquid interface. Under all conditions that were simulated, the correction to the driving force used to evaluate the interfacial rate constant was determined to be less than 2% of the uncorrected interfacial rate constant.

Photoconductivity decay lifetimes have been obtained for Si(111) in contact with solutions of CH3OH or tetrahydrofuran containing one-electron oxidants. Silicon surfaces in contact with electrolyte solutions having Nernstian redox potentials > 0 V vs. SCE exhibited low effective surface recombination velocities regardless of the different surface chemistries. The formation of an inversion layer, and not a reduced density of electrical trap sites on the surface, is shown to be responsible for the long charge-carrier lifetimes observed for these systems. In addition, a method for preparing an air-stable, low surface recombination velocity Si surface through a two-step, chlorination/alkylation reaction is described.


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Proton transfer reactions at the interface of water with hydrophobic media, such as air or lipids, are ubiquitous on our planet. These reactions orchestrate a host of vital phenomena in the environment including, for example, acidification of clouds, enzymatic catalysis, chemistries of aerosol and atmospheric gases, and bioenergetic transduction. Despite their importance, however, quantitative details underlying these interactions have remained unclear. Deeper insight into these interfacial reactions is also required in addressing challenges in green chemistry, improved water quality, self-assembly of materials, the next generation of micro-nanofluidics, adhesives, coatings, catalysts, and electrodes. This thesis describes experimental and theoretical investigation of proton transfer reactions at the air-water interface as a function of hydration gradients, electrochemical potential, and electrostatics. Since emerging insights hold at the lipid-water interface as well, this work is also expected to aid understanding of complex biological phenomena associated with proton migration across membranes.

Based on our current understanding, it is known that the physicochemical properties of the gas-phase water are drastically different from those of bulk water. For example, the gas-phase hydronium ion, H3O+(g), can protonate most (non-alkane) organic species, whereas H3O+(aq) can neutralize only relatively strong bases. Thus, to be able to understand and engineer water-hydrophobe interfaces, it is imperative to investigate this fluctuating region of molecular thickness wherein the ‘function’ of chemical species transitions from one phase to another via steep gradients in hydration, dielectric constant, and density. Aqueous interfaces are difficult to approach by current experimental techniques because designing experiments to specifically sample interfacial layers (< 1 nm thick) is an arduous task. While recent advances in surface-specific spectroscopies have provided valuable information regarding the structure of aqueous interfaces, but structure alone is inadequate to decipher the function. By similar analogy, theoretical predictions based on classical molecular dynamics have remained limited in their scope.

Recently, we have adapted an analytical electrospray ionization mass spectrometer (ESIMS) for probing reactions at the gas-liquid interface in real time. This technique is direct, surface-specific,and provides unambiguous mass-to-charge ratios of interfacial species. With this innovation, we have been able to investigate the following:

1. How do anions mediate proton transfers at the air-water interface?

2. What is the basis for the negative surface potential at the air-water interface?

3. What is the mechanism for catalysis ‘on-water’?

In addition to our experiments with the ESIMS, we applied quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics to simulate our experiments toward gaining insight at the molecular scale. Our results unambiguously demonstrated the role of electrostatic-reorganization of interfacial water during proton transfer events. With our experimental and theoretical results on the ‘superacidity’ of the surface of mildly acidic water, we also explored implications on atmospheric chemistry and green chemistry. Our most recent results explained the basis for the negative charge of the air-water interface and showed that the water-hydrophobe interface could serve as a site for enhanced autodissociation of water compared to the condensed phase.


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The design, synthesis and magnetic characterization of thiophene-based models for the polaronic ferromagnet are described. Synthetic strategies employing Wittig and Suzuki coupling were employed to produce polymers with extended π-systems. Oxidative doping using AsF_5 or I_2 produces radical cations (polarons) that are stable at room temperature. Magnetic characterization of the doped polymers, using SQUID-based magnetometry, indicates that in several instances ferromagnetic coupling of polarons occurs along the polymer chain. An investigation of the influence of polaron stability and delocalization on the magnitude of ferromagnetic coupling is pursued. A lower limit for mild, solution phase I_2 doping is established. A comparison of the variable temperature data of various polymers reveals that deleterious antiferromagnetic interactions are relatively insensitive to spin concentration, doping protocols or spin state. Comparison of the various polymers reveals useful design principles and suggests new directions for the development of magnetic organic materials. Novel strategies for solubilizing neutral polymeric materials in polar solvents are investigated.

The incorporation of stable bipyridinium spin-containing units into a polymeric high-spin array is explored. Preliminary results suggest that substituted diquat derivatives may serve as stable spin-containing units for the polaronic ferromagnet and are amenable to electrochemical doping. Synthetic efforts to prepare high-spin polymeric materials using viologens as a spin source have been unsuccessful.


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This thesis reports on a method to improve in vitro diagnostic assays that detect immune response, with specific application to HIV-1. The inherent polyclonal diversity of the humoral immune response was addressed by using sequential in situ click chemistry to develop a cocktail of peptide-based capture agents, the components of which were raised against different, representative anti-HIV antibodies that bind to a conserved epitope of the HIV-1 envelope protein gp41. The cocktail was used to detect anti-HIV-1 antibodies from a panel of sera collected from HIV-positive patients, with improved signal-to-noise ratio relative to the gold standard commercial recombinant protein antigen. The capture agents were stable when stored as a powder for two months at temperatures close to 60°C.


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On the materials scale, thermoelectric efficiency is defined by the dimensionless figure of merit zT. This value is made up of three material components in the form zT = Tα2/ρκ, where α is the Seebeck coefficient, ρ is the electrical resistivity, and κ is the total thermal conductivity. Therefore, in order to improve zT would require the reduction of κ and ρ while increasing α. However due to the inter-relation of the electrical and thermal properties of materials, typical routes to thermoelectric enhancement come in one of two forms. The first is to isolate the electronic properties and increase α without negatively affecting ρ. Techniques like electron filtering, quantum confinement, and density of states distortions have been proposed to enhance the Seebeck coefficient in thermoelectric materials. However, it has been difficult to prove the efficacy of these techniques. More recently efforts to manipulate the band degeneracy in semiconductors has been explored as a means to enhance α.

The other route to thermoelectric enhancement is through minimizing the thermal conductivity, κ. More specifically, thermal conductivity can be broken into two parts, an electronic and lattice term, κe and κl respectively. From a functional materials standpoint, the reduction in lattice thermal conductivity should have a minimal effect on the electronic properties. Most routes incorporate techniques that focus on the reduction of the lattice thermal conductivity. The components that make up κl (κl = 1/3Cνl) are the heat capacity (C), phonon group velocity (ν), and phonon mean free path (l). Since the difficulty is extreme in altering the heat capacity and group velocity, the phonon mean free path is most often the source of reduction.

Past routes to decreasing the phonon mean free path has been by alloying and grain size reduction. However, in these techniques the electron mobility is often negatively affected because in alloying any perturbation to the periodic potential can cause additional adverse carrier scattering. Grain size reduction has been another successful route to enhancing zT because of the significant difference in electron and phonon mean free paths. However, grain size reduction is erratic in anisotropic materials due to the orientation dependent transport properties. However, microstructure formation in both equilibrium and nonequilibrium processing routines can be used to effectively reduce the phonon mean free path as a route to enhance the figure of merit.

This work starts with a discussion of several different deliberate microstructure varieties. Control of the morphology and finally structure size and spacing is discussed at length. Since the material example used throughout this thesis is anisotropic a short primer on zone melting is presented as an effective route to growing homogeneous and oriented polycrystalline material. The resulting microstructure formation and control is presented specifically in the case of In2Te3-Bi2Te3 composites and the transport properties pertinent to thermoelectric materials is presented. Finally, the transport and discussion of iodine doped Bi2Te3 is presented as a re-evaluation of the literature data and what is known today.


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An economic air pollution control model, which determines the least cost of reaching various air quality levels, is formulated. The model takes the form of a general, nonlinear, mathematical programming problem. Primary contaminant emission levels are the independent variables. The objective function is the cost of attaining various emission levels and is to be minimized subject to constraints that given air quality levels be attained.

The model is applied to a simplified statement of the photochemical smog problem in Los Angeles County in 1975 with emissions specified by a two-dimensional vector, total reactive hydrocarbon, (RHC), and nitrogen oxide, (NOx), emissions. Air quality, also two-dimensional, is measured by the expected number of days per year that nitrogen dioxide, (NO2), and mid-day ozone, (O3), exceed standards in Central Los Angeles.

The minimum cost of reaching various emission levels is found by a linear programming model. The base or "uncontrolled" emission levels are those that will exist in 1975 with the present new car control program and with the degree of stationary source control existing in 1971. Controls, basically "add-on devices", are considered here for used cars, aircraft, and existing stationary sources. It is found that with these added controls, Los Angeles County emission levels [(1300 tons/day RHC, 1000 tons /day NOx) in 1969] and [(670 tons/day RHC, 790 tons/day NOx) at the base 1975 level], can be reduced to 260 tons/day RHC (minimum RHC program) and 460 tons/day NOx (minimum NOx program).

"Phenomenological" or statistical air quality models provide the relationship between air quality and emissions. These models estimate the relationship by using atmospheric monitoring data taken at one (yearly) emission level and by using certain simple physical assumptions, (e. g., that emissions are reduced proportionately at all points in space and time). For NO2, (concentrations assumed proportional to NOx emissions), it is found that standard violations in Central Los Angeles, (55 in 1969), can be reduced to 25, 5, and 0 days per year by controlling emissions to 800, 550, and 300 tons /day, respectively. A probabilistic model reveals that RHC control is much more effective than NOx control in reducing Central Los Angeles ozone. The 150 days per year ozone violations in 1969 can be reduced to 75, 30, 10, and 0 days per year by abating RHC emissions to 700, 450, 300, and 150 tons/day, respectively, (at the 1969 NOx emission level).

The control cost-emission level and air quality-emission level relationships are combined in a graphical solution of the complete model to find the cost of various air quality levels. Best possible air quality levels with the controls considered here are 8 O3 and 10 NO2 violations per year (minimum ozone program) or 25 O3 and 3 NO2 violations per year (minimum NO2 program) with an annualized cost of $230,000,000 (above the estimated $150,000,000 per year for the new car control program for Los Angeles County motor vehicles in 1975).


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Part I

Regression analyses are performed on in vivo hemodialysis data for the transfer of creatinine, urea, uric acid and inorganic phosphate to determine the effects of variations in certain parameters on the efficiency of dialysis with a Kiil dialyzer. In calculating the mass transfer rates across the membrane, the effects of cell-plasma mass transfer kinetics are considered. The concept of the effective permeability coefficient for the red cell membrane is introduced to account for these effects. A discussion of the consequences of neglecting cell-plasma kinetics, as has been done to date in the literature, is presented.

A physical model for the Kiil dialyzer is presented in order to calculate the available membrane area for mass transfer, the linear blood and dialysate velocities, and other variables. The equations used to determine the independent variables of the regression analyses are presented. The potential dependent variables in the analyses are discussed.

Regression analyses were carried out considering overall mass-transfer coefficients, dialysances, relative dialysances, and relative permeabilities for each substance as the dependent variables. The independent variables were linear blood velocity, linear dialysate velocity, the pressure difference across the membrane, the elapsed time of dialysis, the blood hematocrit, and the arterial plasma concentrations of each substance transferred. The resulting correlations are tabulated, presented graphically, and discussed. The implications of these correlations are discussed from the viewpoint of a research investigator and from the viewpoint of patient treatment.

Recommendations for further experimental work are presented.

Part II

The interfacial structure of concurrent air-water flow in a two-inch diameter horizontal tube in the wavy flow regime has been measured using resistance wave gages. The median water depth, r.m.s. wave height, wave frequency, extrema frequency, and wave velocity have been measured as functions of air and water flow rates. Reynolds numbers, Froude numbers, Weber numbers, and bulk velocities for each phase may be calculated from these measurements. No theory for wave formation and propagation available in the literature was sufficient to describe these results.

The water surface level distribution generally is not adequately represented as a stationary Gaussian process. Five types of deviation from the Gaussian process function were noted in this work. The presence of the tube walls and the relatively large interfacial shear stresses precludes the use of simple statistical analyses to describe the interfacial structure. A detailed study of the behavior of individual fluid elements near the interface may be necessary to describe adequately wavy two-phase flow in systems similar to the one used in this work.


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Isoprene (ISO),the most abundant non-methane VOC, is the major contributor to secondary organic aerosols (SOA) formation. The mechanisms involved in such transformation, however, are not fully understood. Current mechanisms, which are based on the oxidation of ISO in the gas-phase, underestimate SOA yields. The heightened awareness that ISO is only partially processed in the gas-phase has turned attention to heterogeneous processes as alternative pathways toward SOA.

During my research project, I investigated the photochemical oxidation of isoprene in bulk water. Below, I will report on the λ > 305 nm photolysis of H2O2 in dilute ISO solutions. This process yields C10H15OH species as primary products, whose formation both requires and is inhibited by O2. Several isomers of C10H15OH were resolved by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and detected as MH+ (m/z = 153) and MH+-18 (m/z = 135) signals by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. This finding is consistent with the addition of ·OH to ISO, followed by HO-ISO· reactions with ISO (in competition with O2) leading to second generation HO(ISO)2· radicals that terminate as C10H15OH via β-H abstraction by O2.

It is not generally realized that chemistry on the surface of water cannot be deduced, extrapolated or translated to those in bulk gas and liquid phases. The water density drops a thousand-fold within a few Angstroms through the gas-liquid interfacial region and therefore hydrophobic VOCs such as ISO will likely remain in these relatively 'dry' interfacial water layers rather than proceed into bulk water. In previous experiments from our laboratory, it was found that gas-phase olefins can be protonated on the surface of pH < 4 water. This phenomenon increases the residence time of gases at the interface, an event that makes them increasingly susceptible to interaction with gaseous atmospheric oxidants such as ozone and hydroxyl radicals.

In order to test this hypothesis, I carried out experiments in which ISO(g) collides with the surface of aqueous microdroplets of various compositions. Herein I report that ISO(g) is oxidized into soluble species via Fenton chemistry on the surface of aqueous Fe(II)Cl2 solutions simultaneously exposed to H2O2(g). Monomer and oligomeric species (ISO)1-8H+ were detected via online electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) on the surface of pH ~ 2 water, and were then oxidized into a suite of products whose combined yields exceed ~ 5% of (ISO)1-8H+. MS/MS analysis revealed that products mainly consisted of alcohols, ketones, epoxides and acids. Our experiments demonstrated that olefins in ambient air may be oxidized upon impact on the surface of Fe-containing aqueous acidic media, such as those of typical to tropospheric aerosols.

Related experiments involving the reaction of ISO(g) with ·OH radicals from the photolysis of dissolved H2O2 were also carried out to test the surface oxidation of ISO(g) by photolyzing H2O2(aq) at 266 nm at various pH. The products were analyzed via online electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Similar to our Fenton experiments, we detected (ISO)1-7H+ at pH < 4, and new m/z+ = 271 and m/z- = 76 products at pH > 5.


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Part I

A study of the thermal reaction of water vapor and parts-per-million concentrations of nitrogen dioxide was carried out at ambient temperature and at atmospheric pressure. Nitric oxide and nitric acid vapor were the principal products. The initial rate of disappearance of nitrogen dioxide was first order with respect to water vapor and second order with respect to nitrogen dioxide. An initial third-order rate constant of 5.5 (± 0.29) x 104 liter2 mole-2 sec-1 was found at 25˚C. The rate of reaction decreased with increasing temperature. In the temperature range of 25˚C to 50˚C, an activation energy of -978 (± 20) calories was found.

The reaction did not go to completion. From measurements as the reaction approached equilibrium, the free energy of nitric acid vapor was calculated. This value was -18.58 (± 0.04) kilocalories at 25˚C.

The initial rate of reaction was unaffected by the presence of oxygen and was retarded by the presence of nitric oxide. There were no appreciable effects due to the surface of the reactor. Nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide were monitored by gas chromatography during the reaction.

Part II

The air oxidation of nitric oxide, and the oxidation of nitric oxide in the presence of water vapor, were studied in a glass reactor at ambient temperatures and at atmospheric pressure. The concentration of nitric oxide was less than 100 parts-per-million. The concentration of nitrogen dioxide was monitored by gas chromatography during the reaction.

For the dry oxidation, the third-order rate constant was 1.46 (± 0.03) x 104 liter2 mole-2 sec-1 at 25˚C. The activation energy, obtained from measurements between 25˚C and 50˚C, was -1.197 (±0.02) kilocalories.

The presence of water vapor during the oxidation caused the formation of nitrous acid vapor when nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide and water vapor combined. By measuring the difference between the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide during the wet and dry oxidations, the rate of formation of nitrous acid vapor was found. The third-order rate constant for the formation of nitrous acid vapor was equal to 1.5 (± 0.5) x 105 liter2 mole-2 sec-1 at 40˚C. The reaction rate did not change measurably when the temperature was increased to 50˚C. The formation of nitric acid vapor was prevented by keeping the concentration of nitrogen dioxide low.

Surface effects were appreciable for the wet tests. Below 35˚C, the rate of appearance of nitrogen dioxide increased with increasing surface. Above 40˚C, the effect of surface was small.


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Mass transfer from wetted surfaces on one-inch cylinders with unwetted approach sections was studied experimentally by means of the evaporation of n-octane and n-heptane into an air stream in axisymmetrical flow, for Reynolds numbers from 5,000 to 310,000. A transition from the laminar to the turbulent boundary layer was observed to occur at Reynolds numbers from 10,000 to 15,000. The results were expressed in terms of the Sherwood number as a function of the Reynolds number, the Schmidt number, and the ratio of the unwetted approach length to the total length. Empirical formulas were obtained for both laminar and turbulent regimes. The rates of mass transfer obtained were higher than theoretical and experimental results obtained by previous investigators for mass and heat transfer from flat plates.


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Part I

The latent heat of vaporization of n-decane is measured calorimetrically at temperatures between 160° and 340°F. The internal energy change upon vaporization, and the specific volume of the vapor at its dew point are calculated from these data and are included in this work. The measurements are in excellent agreement with available data at 77° and also at 345°F, and are presented in graphical and tabular form.

Part II

Simultaneous material and energy transport from a one-inch adiabatic porous cylinder is studied as a function of free stream Reynolds Number and turbulence level. Experimental data is presented for Reynolds Numbers between 1600 and 15,000 based on the cylinder diameter, and for apparent turbulence levels between 1.3 and 25.0 per cent. n-heptane and n-octane are the evaporating fluids used in this investigation.

Gross Sherwood Numbers are calculated from the data and are in substantial agreement with existing correlations of the results of other workers. The Sherwood Numbers, characterizing mass transfer rates, increase approximately as the 0.55 power of the Reynolds Number. At a free stream Reynolds Number of 3700 the Sherwood Number showed a 40% increase as the apparent turbulence level of the free stream was raised from 1.3 to 25 per cent.

Within the uncertainties involved in the diffusion coefficients used for n-heptane and n-octane, the Sherwood Numbers are comparable for both materials. A dimensionless Frössling Number is computed which characterizes either heat or mass transfer rates for cylinders on a comparable basis. The calculated Frössling Numbers based on mass transfer measurements are in substantial agreement with Frössling Numbers calculated from the data of other workers in heat transfer.


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The matrices studied here are positive stable (or briefly stable). These are matrices, real or complex, whose eigenvalues have positive real parts. A theorem of Lyapunov states that A is stable if and only if there exists H ˃ 0 such that AH + HA* = I. Let A be a stable matrix. Three aspects of the Lyapunov transformation LA :H → AH + HA* are discussed.

1. Let C1 (A) = {AH + HA* :H ≥ 0} and C2 (A) = {H: AH+HA* ≥ 0}. The problems of determining the cones C1(A) and C2(A) are still unsolved. Using solvability theory for linear equations over cones it is proved that C1(A) is the polar of C2(A*), and it is also shown that C1 (A) = C1(A-1). The inertia assumed by matrices in C1(A) is characterized.

2. The index of dissipation of A was defined to be the maximum number of equal eigenvalues of H, where H runs through all matrices in the interior of C2(A). Upper and lower bounds, as well as some properties of this index, are given.

3. We consider the minimal eigenvalue of the Lyapunov transform AH+HA*, where H varies over the set of all positive semi-definite matrices whose largest eigenvalue is less than or equal to one. Denote it by ψ(A). It is proved that if A is Hermitian and has eigenvalues μ1 ≥ μ2…≥ μn ˃ 0, then ψ(A) = -(μ1n)2/(4(μ1 + μn)). The value of ψ(A) is also determined in case A is a normal, stable matrix. Then ψ(A) can be expressed in terms of at most three of the eigenvalues of A. If A is an arbitrary stable matrix, then upper and lower bounds for ψ(A) are obtained.