9 resultados para Internal standard

em CaltechTHESIS


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There are two competing models of our universe right now. One is Big Bang with inflation cosmology. The other is the cyclic model with ekpyrotic phase in each cycle. This paper is divided into two main parts according to these two models. In the first part, we quantify the potentially observable effects of a small violation of translational invariance during inflation, as characterized by the presence of a preferred point, line, or plane. We explore the imprint such a violation would leave on the cosmic microwave background anisotropy, and provide explicit formulas for the expected amplitudes $\langle a_{lm}a_{l'm'}^*\rangle$ of the spherical-harmonic coefficients. We then provide a model and study the two-point correlation of a massless scalar (the inflaton) when the stress tensor contains the energy density from an infinitely long straight cosmic string in addition to a cosmological constant. Finally, we discuss if inflation can reconcile with the Liouville's theorem as far as the fine-tuning problem is concerned. In the second part, we find several problems in the cyclic/ekpyrotic cosmology. First of all, quantum to classical transition would not happen during an ekpyrotic phase even for superhorizon modes, and therefore the fluctuations cannot be interpreted as classical. This implies the prediction of scale-free power spectrum in ekpyrotic/cyclic universe model requires more inspection. Secondly, we find that the usual mechanism to solve fine-tuning problems is not compatible with eternal universe which contains infinitely many cycles in both direction of time. Therefore, all fine-tuning problems including the flatness problem still asks for an explanation in any generic cyclic models.


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Fluid diffusion in glassy polymers proceeds in ways that are not explained by the standard diffusion model. Although the reasons for the anomalous effects are not known, much of the observed behavior is attributed to the long times that polymers below their glass transition temperature take to adjust to changes in their condition. The slow internal relaxations of the polymer chains ensure that the material properties are history-dependent, and also allow both local inhomogeneities and differential swelling to occur. Two models are developed in this thesis with the intent of accounting for these effects in the diffusion process.

In Part I, a model is developed to account for both the history dependence of the glassy polymer, and the dual sorption which occurs when gas molecules are immobilized by the local heterogeneities. A preliminary study of a special case of this model is conducted, showing the existence of travelling wave solutions and using perturbation techniques to investigate the effect of generalized diffusion mechanisms on their form. An integral averaging method is used to estimate the penetrant front position.

In Part II, a model is developed for particle diffusion along with displacements in isotropic viscoelastic materials. The nonlinear dependence of the materials on the fluid concentration is taken into account, while pure displacements are assumed to remain in the range of linear viscoelasticity. A fairly general model is obtained for three-dimensional irrotational movements, with the development of the model being based on the assumptions of irreversible thermodynamics. With the help of some dimensional analysis, this model is simplified to a version which is proposed to be studied for Case II behavior.


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This thesis describes simple extensions of the standard model with new sources of baryon number violation but no proton decay. The motivation for constructing such theories comes from the shortcomings of the standard model to explain the generation of baryon asymmetry in the universe, and from the absence of experimental evidence for proton decay. However, lack of any direct evidence for baryon number violation in general puts strong bounds on the naturalness of some of those models and favors theories with suppressed baryon number violation below the TeV scale. The initial part of the thesis concentrates on investigating models containing new scalars responsible for baryon number breaking. A model with new color sextet scalars is analyzed in more detail. Apart from generating cosmological baryon number, it gives nontrivial predictions for the neutron-antineutron oscillations, the electric dipole moment of the neutron, and neutral meson mixing. The second model discussed in the thesis contains a new scalar leptoquark. Although this model predicts mainly lepton flavor violation and a nonzero electric dipole moment of the electron, it includes, in its original form, baryon number violating nonrenormalizable dimension-five operators triggering proton decay. Imposing an appropriate discrete symmetry forbids such operators. Finally, a supersymmetric model with gauged baryon and lepton numbers is proposed. It provides a natural explanation for proton stability and predicts lepton number violating processes below the supersymmetry breaking scale, which can be tested at the Large Hadron Collider. The dark matter candidate in this model carries baryon number and can be searched for in direct detection experiments as well. The thesis is completed by constructing and briefly discussing a minimal extension of the standard model with gauged baryon, lepton, and flavor symmetries.


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The works presented in this thesis explore a variety of extensions of the standard model of particle physics which are motivated by baryon number (B) and lepton number (L), or some combination thereof. In the standard model, both baryon number and lepton number are accidental global symmetries violated only by non-perturbative weak effects, though the combination B-L is exactly conserved. Although there is currently no evidence for considering these symmetries as fundamental, there are strong phenomenological bounds restricting the existence of new physics violating B or L. In particular, there are strict limits on the lifetime of the proton whose decay would violate baryon number by one unit and lepton number by an odd number of units.

The first paper included in this thesis explores some of the simplest possible extensions of the standard model in which baryon number is violated, but the proton does not decay as a result. The second paper extends this analysis to explore models in which baryon number is conserved, but lepton flavor violation is present. Special attention is given to the processes of μ to e conversion and μ → eγ which are bound by existing experimental limits and relevant to future experiments.

The final two papers explore extensions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) in which both baryon number and lepton number, or the combination B-L, are elevated to the status of being spontaneously broken local symmetries. These models have a rich phenomenology including new collider signatures, stable dark matter candidates, and alternatives to the discrete R-parity symmetry usually built into the MSSM in order to protect against baryon and lepton number violating processes.


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The Advanced LIGO and Virgo experiments are poised to detect gravitational waves (GWs) directly for the first time this decade. The ultimate prize will be joint observation of a compact binary merger in both gravitational and electromagnetic channels. However, GW sky locations that are uncertain by hundreds of square degrees will pose a challenge. I describe a real-time detection pipeline and a rapid Bayesian parameter estimation code that will make it possible to search promptly for optical counterparts in Advanced LIGO. Having analyzed a comprehensive population of simulated GW sources, we describe the sky localization accuracy that the GW detector network will achieve as each detector comes online and progresses toward design sensitivity. Next, in preparation for the optical search with the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF), we have developed a unique capability to detect optical afterglows of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM). Its comparable error regions offer a close parallel to the Advanced LIGO problem, but Fermi's unique access to MeV-GeV photons and its near all-sky coverage may allow us to look at optical afterglows in a relatively unexplored part of the GRB parameter space. We present the discovery and broadband follow-up observations (X-ray, UV, optical, millimeter, and radio) of eight GBM-IPTF afterglows. Two of the bursts (GRB 130702A / iPTF13bxl and GRB 140606B / iPTF14bfu) are at low redshift (z=0.145 and z = 0.384, respectively), are sub-luminous with respect to "standard" cosmological bursts, and have spectroscopically confirmed broad-line type Ic supernovae. These two bursts are possibly consistent with mildly relativistic shocks breaking out from the progenitor envelopes rather than the standard mechanism of internal shocks within an ultra-relativistic jet. On a technical level, the GBM--IPTF effort is a prototype for locating and observing optical counterparts of GW events in Advanced LIGO with the Zwicky Transient Facility.


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With the advent of the laser in the year 1960, the field of optics experienced a renaissance from what was considered to be a dull, solved subject to an active area of development, with applications and discoveries which are yet to be exhausted 55 years later. Light is now nearly ubiquitous not only in cutting-edge research in physics, chemistry, and biology, but also in modern technology and infrastructure. One quality of light, that of the imparted radiation pressure force upon reflection from an object, has attracted intense interest from researchers seeking to precisely monitor and control the motional degrees of freedom of an object using light. These optomechanical interactions have inspired myriad proposals, ranging from quantum memories and transducers in quantum information networks to precision metrology of classical forces. Alongside advances in micro- and nano-fabrication, the burgeoning field of optomechanics has yielded a class of highly engineered systems designed to produce strong interactions between light and motion.

Optomechanical crystals are one such system in which the patterning of periodic holes in thin dielectric films traps both light and sound waves to a micro-scale volume. These devices feature strong radiation pressure coupling between high-quality optical cavity modes and internal nanomechanical resonances. Whether for applications in the quantum or classical domain, the utility of optomechanical crystals hinges on the degree to which light radiating from the device, having interacted with mechanical motion, can be collected and detected in an experimental apparatus consisting of conventional optical components such as lenses and optical fibers. While several efficient methods of optical coupling exist to meet this task, most are unsuitable for the cryogenic or vacuum integration required for many applications. The first portion of this dissertation will detail the development of robust and efficient methods of optically coupling optomechanical resonators to optical fibers, with an emphasis on fabrication processes and optical characterization.

I will then proceed to describe a few experiments enabled by the fiber couplers. The first studies the performance of an optomechanical resonator as a precise sensor for continuous position measurement. The sensitivity of the measurement, limited by the detection efficiency of intracavity photons, is compared to the standard quantum limit imposed by the quantum properties of the laser probe light. The added noise of the measurement is seen to fall within a factor of 3 of the standard quantum limit, representing an order of magnitude improvement over previous experiments utilizing optomechanical crystals, and matching the performance of similar measurements in the microwave domain.

The next experiment uses single photon counting to detect individual phonon emission and absorption events within the nanomechanical oscillator. The scattering of laser light from mechanical motion produces correlated photon-phonon pairs, and detection of the emitted photon corresponds to an effective phonon counting scheme. In the process of scattering, the coherence properties of the mechanical oscillation are mapped onto the reflected light. Intensity interferometry of the reflected light then allows measurement of the temporal coherence of the acoustic field. These correlations are measured for a range of experimental conditions, including the optomechanical amplification of the mechanics to a self-oscillation regime, and comparisons are drawn to a laser system for phonons. Finally, prospects for using phonon counting and intensity interferometry to produce non-classical mechanical states are detailed following recent proposals in literature.


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Electric dipole internal conversion has been experimentally studied for several nuclei in the rare earth region. Anomalies in the conversion process have been interpreted in terms of nuclear structure effects. It was found that all the experimental results could be interpreted in terms of the j ∙ r type of penetration matrix element; the j ∙ ∇ type of penetration matrix element was not important. The ratio λ of the El j ∙ r penetration matrix element to the El gamma-ray matrix element was determined from the experiments to be:

Lu175,396 keV, λ = - 1000 ± 100;

282 keV, λ = 500 ± 100;

144 keV, λ = 500 ± 250;

Hf177, 321 keV λ = - 1400 ± 200;

208 keV λ = - 90 ± 40;

72 keV |λ| ≤ 650;

Gd155, 86 keV λ = - 150 ± 100;

Tm169, 63 keV λ = - 100 ± 100;

W182, 152 keV, λ = - 160 ±80;

67 keV, λ = - 100 ± 100.

Predictions for λ are made using the unified nuclear model.


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Experimental studies of nuclear effects in internal conversion in Ta181 and Lu175 have been performed. Nuclear structure effects (“penetration” effects), in internal conversion are described in general. Calculation of theoretical conversion coefficients are outlined. Comparisons with the theoretical conversion coefficient tables of Rose and Sliv and Band are made. Discrepancies between our results and those of Rose and Sliv are noted. The theoretical conversion coefficients of Sliv and Band are in substantially better agreement with our results than are those of Rose. The ratio of the M1 penetration matrix element to the M1 gamma-ray matrix element, called λ, is equal to + 175 ± 25 for the 482 keV transition in Ta181 . The results for the 343 keV transition in Lu175 indicate that λ may be as large as – 8 ± 5. These transitions are discussed in terms of the unified collective model. Precision L subshell measurements in Tm169 (130keV), W182 (100 keV), and Ta181 (133 keV) show definite systematic deviations from the theoretical conversion coefficients. The possibility of explaining these deviations by penetration effects is investigated and is shown to be excluded. Other explanations of these anomalies are discussed.


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Part I.

The interaction of a nuclear magnetic moment situated on an internal top with the magnetic fields produced by the internal as well as overall molecular rotation has been derived following the method of Van Vleck for the spin-rotation interaction in rigid molecules. It is shown that the Hamiltonian for this problem may be written

HSR = Ῑ · M · Ĵ + Ῑ · M” · Ĵ”

Where the first term is the ordinary spin-rotation interaction and the second term arises from the spin-internal-rotation coupling.

The F19 nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) of benzotrifluoride and several chemically substituted benzotrifluorides, have been measured both neat and in solution, at room temperature by pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance. From these experimental results it is concluded that in benzotrifluoride the internal rotation is crucial to the spin relaxation of the fluorines and that the dominant relaxation mechanism is the fluctuating spin-internal-rotation interaction.

Part II.

The radiofrequency spectrum corresponding to the reorientation of the F19 nuclear moment in flurobenzene has been studied by the molecular beam magnetic resonance method. A molecular beam apparatus with an electron bombardment detector was used in the experiments. The F19 resonance is a composite spectrum with contributions from many rotational states and is not resolved. A detailed analysis of the resonance line shape and width by the method of moments led to the following diagonal components of the fluorine spin-rotational tensor in the principal inertial axis system of the molecule:

F/Caa = -1.0 ± 0.5 kHz

F/Cbb = -2.7 ± 0.2 kHz

F/Ccc = -1.9 ± 0.1 kHz

From these interaction constants, the paramagnetic contribution to the F19 nuclear shielding in C6H5F was determined to be -284 ± ppm. It was further concluded that the F19 nucleus in this molecule is more shielded when the applied magnetic field is directed along the C-F bond axis. The anisotropy of the magnetic shielding tensor, σ - σ, is +160 ± 30 ppm.