I. Nuclear spin-internal-rotation-coupling. II. Fluorine spin-rotation interaction and magnetic shielding in fluorobenzene

Autoria(s): Dubin, Alan Sander



<p>Part I.</p> <p>The interaction of a nuclear magnetic moment situated on an internal top with the magnetic fields produced by the internal as well as overall molecular rotation has been derived following the method of Van Vleck for the spin-rotation interaction in rigid molecules. It is shown that the Hamiltonian for this problem may be written </p> <p><i>H<sub>SR</sub> = Ῑ · <u>M</u> · Ĵ + Ῑ · <u>M”</u> · Ĵ”</i></p> <p>Where the first term is the ordinary spin-rotation interaction and the second term arises from the spin-internal-rotation coupling.</p> <p>The F<sup>19</sup> nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time (T<sub>1</sub>) of benzotrifluoride and several chemically substituted benzotrifluorides, have been measured both neat and in solution, at room temperature by pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance. From these experimental results it is concluded that in benzotrifluoride the internal rotation is crucial to the spin relaxation of the fluorines and that the dominant relaxation mechanism is the fluctuating spin-internal-rotation interaction. </p> <p>Part II.</p> <p>The radiofrequency spectrum corresponding to the reorientation of the F<sup>19</sup> nuclear moment in flurobenzene has been studied by the molecular beam magnetic resonance method. A molecular beam apparatus with an electron bombardment detector was used in the experiments. The F<sup>19</sup> resonance is a composite spectrum with contributions from many rotational states and is not resolved. A detailed analysis of the resonance line shape and width by the method of moments led to the following diagonal components of the fluorine spin-rotational tensor in the principal inertial axis system of the molecule:</p> <p><i>F/Caa = -1.0 ± 0.5 kHz</i></p> <p><i>F/Cbb = -2.7 ± 0.2 kHz</i></p> <p><i>F/Ccc = -1.9 ± 0.1 kHz</i></p> <p>From these interaction constants, the paramagnetic contribution to the F<sup>19</sup> nuclear shielding in C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>5</sub>F was determined to be -284 ± ppm. It was further concluded that the F<sup>19</sup> nucleus in this molecule is more shielded when the applied magnetic field is directed along the C-F bond axis. The anisotropy of the magnetic shielding tensor, σ<sub>”</sub> - σ<sub>⊥</sub>, is +160 ± 30 ppm. </p>





Dubin, Alan Sander (1967) I. Nuclear spin-internal-rotation-coupling. II. Fluorine spin-rotation interaction and magnetic shielding in fluorobenzene. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology. http://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:11232015-132330206 <http://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:11232015-132330206>





