15 resultados para Time-Fractional Equation

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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We characterize the chaos in a fractional Duffing’s equation computing the Lyapunov exponents and the dimension of the strange attractor in the effective phase space of the system. We develop a specific analytical method to estimate all Lyapunov exponents and check the results with the fiduciary orbit technique and a time series estimation method.


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A general fractional porous medium equation


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We prove global existence and uniqueness of strong solutions to the logarithmic porous medium type equation with fractional diffusion ?tu + (?)1/2 log(1 + u) = 0, posed for x ? R, with nonnegative initial data in some function space of LlogL type. The solutions are shown to become bounded and C? smooth in (x, t) for all positive times. We also reformulate this equation as a transport equation with nonlocal velocity and critical viscosity, a topic of current relevance. Interesting functional inequalities are involved.


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A local proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) plus Galerkin projection method was recently developed to accelerate time dependent numerical solvers of PDEs. This method is based on the combined use of a numerical code (NC) and a Galerkin sys- tem (GS) in a sequence of interspersed time intervals, INC and IGS, respectively. POD is performed on some sets of snapshots calculated by the numerical solver in the INC inter- vals. The governing equations are Galerkin projected onto the most energetic POD modes and the resulting GS is time integrated in the next IGS interval. The major computa- tional e®ort is associated with the snapshots calculation in the ¯rst INC interval, where the POD manifold needs to be completely constructed (it is only updated in subsequent INC intervals, which can thus be quite small). As the POD manifold depends only weakly on the particular values of the parameters of the problem, a suitable library can be con- structed adapting the snapshots calculated in other runs to drastically reduce the size of the ¯rst INC interval and thus the involved computational cost. The strategy is success- fully tested in (i) the one-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, including the case in which it exhibits transient chaos, and (ii) the two-dimensional unsteady lid-driven cavity problem


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Time-resolved reflectance is proposed and effectively used for the nondestructive measurement of the optical properties in apples. The technique is based on the detection of the temporal dispersion of a short laser pulse injected into the probed medium. The time-distribution of re-emitted photons interpreted with a solution of the Diffusion equation yields the mean values of the absorption and reduced scattering coefficients of the medium. The proposed technique proved valuable for the measurement of the absorption and scattering spectra of different varieties of apples. No major variations were observed in the experimental data when the fruit was peeled, proving that the measured optical properties are referred to the pulp. The depth of probed volume was determined to be about 2 cm. Finally, the technique proved capable to follow the change in chlorophyll absorption during storage.


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Time-resolved reflectance is proposed and effectively used for the nondestructive measurement of the optical properties in apples. The technique is based on the detection of the temporal dispersion of a short laser pulse injected into the probed medium. The time-distribution of re-emitted photons interpreted with a solution of the Diffusion equation yields the mean values of the absorption and reduced scattering coefficients of the medium. The proposed technique proved valuable for the measurement of the absorption and scattering spectra of different varieties of apples. No major variations were observed in the experimental data when the fruit was peeled, proving that the measured optical properties are referred to the pulp. The depth of probed volume was determined to be about 2 cm. Finally, the technique proved capable to follow the change in chlorophyll absorption during storage.


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Very recently (Banerjee et al. in Astrophys. Space, doi:1007/s10509-011-0836-1, 2011) the statistics of geomagnetic Disturbance storm (Dst) index have been addressed, and the conclusion from this analysis suggests that the underlying dynamical process can be modeled as a fractional Brownian motion with persistent long-range correlations. In this comment we expose several misconceptions and flaws in the statistical analysis of that work. On the basis of these arguments, the former conclusion should be revisited.


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The excitation of Fast Magnetosonic (FMS)waves by a cylindrical array of parallel tethers carrying timemodulated current is discussed. The tethers would fly vertical in the equatorial plane, which is perpendicular to the geomagnetic field when its tilt is ignored, and would be stabilized by the gravity gradient. The tether array would radiate a single FMS wave. In the time-dependent background made of geomagnetic field plus radiated wave, plasma FMS perturbations are excited in the array vicinity through a parametric instability. The growth rate is estimated by truncating the evolution equation for FMS perturbations to the two azimuthal modes of lowest order. Design parameters such as tether length and number, required power and mass are discussed for Low Earth Orbit conditions. The array-attached wave structure would have the radiated wave controlled by the intensity and modulation frequency of the currents, making an active experiment on non-linear low frequency waves possible in real space plasma conditions.


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Dynamic soil-structure interaction has been for a long time one of the most fascinating areas for the engineering profession. The building of large alternating machines and their effects on surrounding structures as well as on their own functional behavior, provided the initial impetus; a large amount of experimental research was done,and the results of the Russian and German groups were especially worthwhile. Analytical results by Reissner and Sehkter were reexamined by Quinlan, Sung, et. al., and finally Veletsos presented the first set of reliable results. Since then, the modeling of the homogeneous, elastic halfspace as a equivalent set of springs and dashpots has become an everyday tool in soil engineering practice, especially after the appearance of the fast Fourier transportation algorithm, which makes possible the treatment of the frequency-dependent characteristics of the equivalent elements in a unified fashion with the general method of analysis of the structure. Extensions to the viscoelastic case, as well as to embedded foundations and complicated geometries, have been presented by various authors. In general, they used the finite element method with the well known problems of geometric truncations and the subsequent use of absorbing boundaries. The properties of boundary integral equation methods are, in our opinion, specially well suited to this problem, and several of the previous results have confirmed our opinion. In what follows we present the general features related to steady-state elastodynamics and a series of results showing the splendid results that the BIEM provided. Especially interesting are the outputs obtained through the use of the so-called singular elements, whose description is incorporated at the end of the paper. The reduction in time spent by the computer and the small number of elements needed to simulate realistically the global properties of the halfspace make this procedure one of the most interesting applications of the BIEM.


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We analyse a class of estimators of the generalized diffusion coefficient for fractional Brownian motion Bt of known Hurst index H, based on weighted functionals of the single time square displacement. We show that for a certain choice of the weight function these functionals possess an ergodic property and thus provide the true, ensemble-averaged, generalized diffusion coefficient to any necessary precision from a single trajectory data, but at expense of a progressively higher experimental resolution. Convergence is fastest around H ? 0.30, a value in the subdiffusive regime.


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En el presente artículo se muestran las ventajas de la programación en paralelo resolviendo numéricamente la ecuación del calor en dos dimensiones a través del método de diferencias finitas explícito centrado en el espacio FTCS. De las conclusiones de este trabajo se pone de manifiesto la importancia de la programación en paralelo para tratar problemas grandes, en los que se requiere un elevado número de cálculos, para los cuales la programación secuencial resulta impracticable por el elevado tiempo de ejecución. En la primera sección se describe brevemente los conceptos básicos de programación en paralelo. Seguidamente se resume el método de diferencias finitas explícito centrado en el espacio FTCS aplicado a la ecuación parabólica del calor. Seguidamente se describe el problema de condiciones de contorno y valores iniciales específico al que se va a aplicar el método de diferencias finitas FTCS, proporcionando pseudocódigos de una implementación secuencial y dos implementaciones en paralelo. Finalmente tras la discusión de los resultados se presentan algunas conclusiones. In this paper the advantages of parallel computing are shown by solving the heat conduction equation in two dimensions with the forward in time central in space (FTCS) finite difference method. Two different levels of parallelization are consider and compared with traditional serial procedures. We show in this work the importance of parallel computing when dealing with large problems that are impractical or impossible to solve them with a serial computing procedure. In the first section a summary of parallel computing approach is presented. Subsequently, the forward in time central in space (FTCS) finite difference method for the heat conduction equation is outline, describing how the heat flow equation is derived in two dimensions and the particularities of the finite difference numerical technique considered. Then, a specific initial boundary value problem is solved by the FTCS finite difference method and serial and parallel pseudo codes are provided. Finally after results are discussed some conclusions are presented.


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We investigate the dynamics of localized solutions of the relativistic cold-fluid plasma model in the small but finite amplitude limit, for slightly overcritical plasma density. Adopting a multiple scale analysis, we derive a perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger equation that describes the evolution of the envelope of circularly polarized electromagnetic field. Retaining terms up to fifth order in the small perturbation parameter, we derive a self-consistent framework for the description of the plasma response in the presence of localized electromagnetic field. The formalism is applied to standing electromagnetic soliton interactions and the results are validated by simulations of the full cold-fluid model. To lowest order, a cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a focusing nonlinearity is recovered. Classical quasiparticle theory is used to obtain analytical estimates for the collision time and minimum distance of approach between solitons. For larger soliton amplitudes the inclusion of the fifth-order terms is essential for a qualitatively correct description of soliton interactions. The defocusing quintic nonlinearity leads to inelastic soliton collisions, while bound states of solitons do not persist under perturbations in the initial phase or amplitude


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Equations for extreme runup worked out from several experimental studies are compared. Infragraviatory oscillations dominate the swash in a dissipative state but not in intermediate - reflective states. Therefore two kinds of equation depending on either significant wave height, H-0, or the Iribarren number, xi(0), should be used. Through a sand bed physical model with a uniform sand bed slope, equations are proposed for both beach states, and results are compared with precedent field and physical model experiments. Once the equations are chosen, the time-longshore variability in a medium - long term time scale of the foreshore slope is evaluated in two extreme cases relating to the Spanish coast. The Salinas beach on the North coast (Bay of Biscay) displayed a permanent dissipative beach state with small variations in the beach foreshore slope both along the shore and in time, so foreshore slope deviations in a medium-long term period were irrelevant and extreme runup is predicted with the wave height worked out from the design return period. Peniscola beach on the East coast (Mediterranean sea) displayed an intermediate state. If only time variations are analysed, variations in determining extreme runup are irrelevant. In contrast, significant differences were found when the longshore variations were studied in this Mediterranean beach.


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El estudio sísmico en los últimos 50 años y el análisis del comportamiento dinámico del suelo revelan que el comportamiento del suelo es altamente no lineal e histéretico incluso para pequeñas deformaciones. El comportamiento no lineal del suelo durante un evento sísmico tiene un papel predominante en el análisis de la respuesta de sitio. Los análisis unidimensionales de la respuesta sísmica del suelo son a menudo realizados utilizando procedimientos lineales equivalentes, que requieren generalmente pocos parámetros conocidos. Los análisis de respuesta de sitio no lineal tienen el potencial para simular con mayor precisión el comportamiento del suelo, pero su aplicación en la práctica se ha visto limitada debido a la selección de parámetros poco documentadas y poco claras, así como una inadecuada documentación de los beneficios del modelado no lineal en relación al modelado lineal equivalente. En el análisis del suelo, el comportamiento del suelo es aproximado como un sólido Kelvin-Voigt con un módulo de corte elástico y amortiguamiento viscoso. En el análisis lineal y no lineal del suelo se están considerando geometrías y modelos reológicos más complejos. El primero está siendo dirigido por considerar parametrizaciones más ricas del comportamiento linealizado y el segundo mediante el uso de multi-modo de los elementos de resorte-amortiguador con un eventual amortiguador fraccional. El uso del cálculo fraccional está motivado en gran parte por el hecho de que se requieren menos parámetros para lograr la aproximación exacta a los datos experimentales. Basándose en el modelo de Kelvin-Voigt, la viscoelasticidad es revisada desde su formulación más estándar a algunas descripciones más avanzada que implica la amortiguación dependiente de la frecuencia (o viscosidad), analizando los efectos de considerar derivados fraccionarios para representar esas contribuciones viscosas. Vamos a demostrar que tal elección se traduce en modelos más ricos que pueden adaptarse a diferentes limitaciones relacionadas con la potencia disipada, amplitud de la respuesta y el ángulo de fase. Por otra parte, el uso de derivados fraccionarios permite acomodar en paralelo, dentro de un análogo de Kelvin-Voigt generalizado, muchos amortiguadores que contribuyen a aumentar la flexibilidad del modelado para la descripción de los resultados experimentales. Obviamente estos modelos ricos implican muchos parámetros, los asociados con el comportamiento y los relacionados con los derivados fraccionarios. El análisis paramétrico de estos modelos requiere técnicas numéricas eficientemente capaces de simular comportamientos complejos. El método de la Descomposición Propia Generalizada (PGD) es el candidato perfecto para la construcción de este tipo de soluciones paramétricas. Podemos calcular off-line la solución paramétrica para el depósito de suelo, para todos los parámetros del modelo, tan pronto como tales soluciones paramétricas están disponibles, el problema puede ser resuelto en tiempo real, porque no se necesita ningún nuevo cálculo, el solucionador sólo necesita particularizar on-line la solución paramétrica calculada off-line, que aliviará significativamente el procedimiento de solución. En el marco de la PGD, parámetros de los materiales y los diferentes poderes de derivación podrían introducirse como extra-coordenadas en el procedimiento de solución. El cálculo fraccional y el nuevo método de reducción modelo llamado Descomposición Propia Generalizada han sido aplicado en esta tesis tanto al análisis lineal como al análisis no lineal de la respuesta del suelo utilizando un método lineal equivalente. ABSTRACT Studies of earthquakes over the last 50 years and the examination of dynamic soil behavior reveal that soil behavior is highly nonlinear and hysteretic even at small strains. Nonlinear behavior of soils during a seismic event has a predominant role in current site response analysis. One-dimensional seismic ground response analysis are often performed using equivalent-linear procedures, which require few, generally well-known parameters. Nonlinear analyses have the potential to more accurately simulate soil behavior, but their implementation in practice has been limited because of poorly documented and unclear parameter selection, as well as inadequate documentation of the benefits of nonlinear modeling relative to equivalent linear modeling. In soil analysis, soil behaviour is approximated as a Kelvin-Voigt solid with a elastic shear modulus and viscous damping. In linear and nonlinear analysis more complex geometries and more complex rheological models are being considered. The first is being addressed by considering richer parametrizations of the linearized behavior and the second by using multi-mode spring-dashpot elements with eventual fractional damping. The use of fractional calculus is motivated in large part by the fact that fewer parameters are required to achieve accurate approximation of experimental data. Based in Kelvin-Voigt model the viscoelastodynamics is revisited from its most standard formulation to some more advanced description involving frequency-dependent damping (or viscosity), analyzing the effects of considering fractional derivatives for representing such viscous contributions. We will prove that such a choice results in richer models that can accommodate different constraints related to the dissipated power, response amplitude and phase angle. Moreover, the use of fractional derivatives allows to accommodate in parallel, within a generalized Kelvin-Voigt analog, many dashpots that contribute to increase the modeling flexibility for describing experimental findings. Obviously these rich models involve many parameters, the ones associated with the behavior and the ones related to the fractional derivatives. The parametric analysis of all these models require efficient numerical techniques able to simulate complex behaviors. The Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD) is the perfect candidate for producing such kind of parametric solutions. We can compute off-line the parametric solution for the soil deposit, for all parameter of the model, as soon as such parametric solutions are available, the problem can be solved in real time because no new calculation is needed, the solver only needs particularize on-line the parametric solution calculated off-line, which will alleviate significantly the solution procedure. Within the PGD framework material parameters and the different derivation powers could be introduced as extra-coordinates in the solution procedure. Fractional calculus and the new model reduction method called Proper Generalized Decomposition has been applied in this thesis to the linear analysis and nonlinear soil response analysis using a equivalent linear method.


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El objetivo de la tesis es la investigación de algoritmos numéricos para el desarrollo de herramientas numéricas para la simulación de problemas tanto de comportamiento en la mar como de resistencia al avance de buques y estructuras flotantes. La primera herramienta desarrollada resuelve el problema de difracción y radiación de olas. Se basan en el método de los elementos finitos (MEF) para la resolución de la ecuación de Laplace, así como en esquemas basados en MEF, integración a lo largo de líneas de corriente, y en diferencias finitas desarrollados para la condición de superficie libre. Se han desarrollado herramientas numéricas para la resolución de la dinámica de sólido rígido en sistemas multicuerpos con ligaduras. Estas herramientas han sido integradas junto con la herramienta de resolución de olas difractadas y radiadas para la resolución de problemas de interacción de cuerpos con olas. También se han diseñado algoritmos de acoplamientos con otras herramientas numéricas para la resolución de problemas multifísica. En particular, se han realizado acoplamientos con una herramienta numérica basada de cálculo de estructuras con MEF para problemas de interacción fluido-estructura, otra de cálculo de líneas de fondeo, y con una herramienta numérica de cálculo de flujos en tanques internos para problemas acoplados de comportamiento en la mar con “sloshing”. Se han realizado simulaciones numéricas para la validación y verificación de los algoritmos desarrollados, así como para el análisis de diferentes casos de estudio con aplicaciones diversas en los campos de la ingeniería naval, oceánica, y energías renovables marinas. ABSTRACT The objective of this thesis is the research on numerical algorithms to develop numerical tools to simulate seakeeping problems as well as wave resistance problems of ships and floating structures. The first tool developed is a wave diffraction-radiation solver. It is based on the finite element method (FEM) in order to solve the Laplace equation, as well as numerical schemes based on FEM, streamline integration, and finite difference method tailored for solving the free surface boundary condition. It has been developed numerical tools to solve solid body dynamics of multibody systems with body links across them. This tool has been integrated with the wave diffraction-radiation solver to solve wave-body interaction problems. Also it has been tailored coupling algorithms with other numerical tools in order to solve multi-physics problems. In particular, it has been performed coupling with a MEF structural solver to solve fluid-structure interaction problems, with a mooring solver, and with a solver capable of simulating internal flows in tanks to solve couple seakeeping-sloshing problems. Numerical simulations have been carried out to validate and verify the developed algorithms, as well as to analyze case studies in the areas of marine engineering, offshore engineering, and offshore renewable energy.