em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
We investigated the atomic surface properties of differently prepared silicon and germanium (100) surfaces during metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy/chemical vapour deposition (MOVPE/MOCVD), in particular the impact of the MOVPE ambient, and applied reflectance anisotropy/difference spectroscopy (RAS/RDS) in our MOVPE reactor to in-situ watch and control the preparation on the atomic length scale for subsequent III-V-nucleation. The technological interest in the predominant opto-electronic properties of III-V-compounds drives the research for their heteroepitaxial integration on more abundant and cheaper standard substrates such as Si(100) or Ge(100). In these cases, a general task must be accomplished successfully, i.e. the growth of polar materials on non-polar substrates and, beyond that, very specific variations such as the individual interface formation and the atomic step structure, have to be controlled. Above all, the method of choice to grow industrial relevant high-performance device structures is MOVPE, not normally compatible with surface and interface sensitive characterization tools, which are commonly based on ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) ambients. A dedicated sample transfer system from MOVPE environment to UHV enabled us to benchmark the optical in-situ spectra with results from various surfaces science instruments without considering disruptive contaminants. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) provided direct observation of different terminations such as arsenic and phosphorous and verified oxide removal under various specific process parameters. Absorption lines in Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were used to identify specific stretch modes of coupled hydrides and the polarization dependence of the anti-symmetric stretch modes distinguished different dimer orientations. Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) studied the atomic arrangement of dimers and steps and tip-induced H-desorption proved the saturation of dangling bonds after preparati- n. In-situ RAS was employed to display details transiently such as the presence of H on the surface at lower temperatures (T <; 800°C) and the absence of Si-H bonds at elevated annealing temperature and also surface terminations. Ge buffer growth by the use of GeH4 enables the preparation of smooth surfaces and leads to a more pronounced amplitude of the features in the spectra which indicates improvements of the surface quality.
This contribution aims to illustrate the potential of the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) technique as a tool to analyze different parts of a solar cell (surface state, heterointerfaces, profile composition of ohmic contacts, etc). Here, the analysis is specifically applied to III-V multijunction solar cells used in concentrator systems. The information provided from such XPS analysis has helped to understand the physico-chemical nature of these surfaces and interfaces, and thus has guided the technological process in order to improve the solar cell performance.
En el presente trabajo de tesis se afronta el problema de la optimización de la superficie de grandes antenas reflectoras. Es sabido que los grandes reflectores, formados por una superficie panelada, sufren deformaciones debidas al impacto del viento, a los cambios de temperatura y a los efectos gravitacionales derivados del gran peso de la estructura. Estos efectos hacen que los reflectores pierdan su forma ideal, generalmente de paraboloide, y se reduzca su eficiencia de apertura y, por tanto, se limite la máxima frecuencia de uso de los mismos. Es necesario, por tanto, disponer de técnicas que permitan medir el estado de la superficie de grandes reflectores, y derivar los ajustes necesarios a aplicar sobre los tornillos de soporte de cada uno de los paneles que conforman dicha superficie. De esta manera, se devolvería al reflector su forma óptima y aumentaría la eficiencia de apertura y el rango de frecuencias de uso. Hay que resaltar que el aumento de la eficiencia de un radiotelescopio supone una reducción en el tiempo de integración necesario para la detección de las debilísimas señales generadas por las radiofuentes naturales, ahorrando así valioso tiempo de observación. Además, el incremento en el rango de frecuencias permite la detección de nuevas líneas o especies moleculares en dichas radiofuentes. Tras un primer capítulo introductorio, se presenta, en el capítulo segundo, la geometría de estos grandes reflectores y la influencia de los distintos factores que afectan a la calidad de la superficie de los mismos, como la gravedad, el viento y la temperatura, particularizando para el caso del radiotelescopio de 40 metros del Centro Astronómico de Yebes. En el tercer capítulo, se presentan las diferentes técnicas metrológicas empleadas actualmente para abordar la determinación de estos ajustes, mostrándose las ventajas e inconvenientes de cada una de ellas. Actualmente, la técnica metrológica más precisa y rápida para llevar a cabo esta tarea de caracterización de la superficie de un gran reflector, es la radio-holografía de microondas presentada en el capítulo cuarto. A partir de las medidas proporcionadas por esta técnica, realizadas con la ayuda de un transmisor, y mediante transformaciones de campo, se calculan los errores de la superficie del reflector, respecto al paraboloide ideal, y se derivan los ajustes necesarios. En los capítulos quinto y sexto se presentan los resultados de la aplicación de esta técnica a dos radiotelescopios: el de 30 metros de IRAM en Pico de Veleta (Granada) y los prototipos de 12 metros de las antenas del proyecto ALMA. Por su parte, el capítulo séptimo contiene el núcleo fundamental de esta tesis y presenta el desarrollo de la técnica de radio-holografía de microondas para optimizar la superficie del radiotelescopio de 40 metros del Centro Astronómico de Yebes. Para ello, ha sido necesario diseñar, construir e instalar un receptor de doble canal en banda Ku en foco primario, y la instrumentación asociada para hacer las medidas de amplitud y fase del diagrama de radiación. Además, ha sido necesario desarrollar el software para llevar a cabo las transformaciones de campo y derivar los ajustes de los paneles. De las medidas holográficas iniciales resultó un error de la superficie del radiotelescopio de 485 μm WRMS, respecto al paraboloide ideal en dirección normal. Tras varias iteraciones del proceso de medida y ajuste, se consiguió reducir dicho error a 194 μm WRMS. Esta notable mejora de la calidad de la superficie ha supuesto aumentar la eficiencia de apertura desde 2,6% al 38,2% a 86 GHz, para un receptor a esta frecuencia situado en el foco primario que produjese la misma iluminación que el receptor de holografía. In this thesis the problem of large reflector antenna surface optimization is faced. It is well known that large reflectors, which are made of a panelled surface, suffer from deformations due to the impact of wind, temperature gradients and gravity loads coming from the high weigth of the structure. These effects distort the ideal reflector shape, which is a paraboloid in most cases, hence reducing the aperture efficiency of the reflector and limiting the maximum frequency of operation. Therefore, it is necessary to have some techniques to measure the status of large reflector surfaces and to derive the adjustment values to be applied to the screws that connect the surface panels to the reflector back-up structure. In this way, the reflector would recover its optimum shape and the aperture efficiency and frequency range would increase. It has to be stated that an increment in the radiotelescope aperture efficiency would imply a reduction in the integration time needed to detect such weak signals coming from natural radiosources in space and, hence, an important saving in observation time. In addition, the increase in the frequency range of operation would allow the detection of new molecular lines in those radiosources. After the introduction, the second chapter shows the geometry of large reflector antennas and the impact on its surface quality of different factors like gravity, wind and temperature, particularly for the case of the Centro Astronómico de Yebes 40 meter radiotelescope. The third chapter deals with the different metrology techniques used to determine the panel adjustments, including the advantages and drawbacks of each one Currently, the most accurate and fast metrologic technique to carry out the characterization of large reflector surfaces is microwave radio-holography2, which is shown in chapter four. From the measurements provided by microwave radio-holography, performed with the help of a transmitter, and with the use of field transformations, the reflector surface errors are computed and the panel adjustments are derived. Chapters five and six show the results of holographic measurements applied to two first class radiotelescopes: the IRAM 30 meter radiotelescope and the 12 meter prototype antennas for the ALMA project. Chapter seven contains the main work of this thesis. It presents the development of the microwave radio-holography technique for the optimization of the Centro Astronómico de Yebes 40m radiotelescope. The work implied the design, construction and instalation of a prime focus Ku-band dual channel receiver, together with the associated instrumentation to measure the amplitude and phase of the radiotelescope radiation pattern. In addition, the software to carry out field transformations and screw settings computations was developed too. Initial holography measurements came up with an surface error of 485 μmWRMS in normal direction with respect to the best-fit paraboloid. After a few iterations of the measurementadjustment cycle, the surface error was reduced to 194 μm WRMS. This remarkable improvement in surface quality means an increment in aperture efficiency from 2,6% to 38,2% at 86 GHz, assuming a receiver at this frequency in prime focus position which produces the same illumination as the holography receiver.
The intensities of the X and A valence photoelectron lines of N2 have been found to display Fano line shapes as a function of photon energy around the N 1s→ Rydberg excitations. The vibrational intensity distributions of these photoelectron lines change at the N 1s→3sσ and 3pπ resonances. These effects indicate interference between direct and resonant photoionization channels. Our numerical simulations reproduce quite well the experimental results.
By using the spray pyrolysis methodology in its classical configuration we have grown self-assembled MgxZn1−xO quantum dots (size [similar]4–6 nm) in the overall range of compositions 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 on c-sapphire, Si (100) and quartz substrates. Composition of the quantum dots was determined by means of transmission electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray analysis (TEM-EDAX) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Selected area electron diffraction reveals the growth of single phase hexagonal MgxZn1−xO quantum dots with composition 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.32 by using a nominal concentration of Mg in the range 0 to 45%. Onset of Mg concentration about 50% (nominal) forces the hexagonal lattice to undergo a phase transition from hexagonal to a cubic structure which resulted in the growth of hexagonal and cubic phases of MgxZn1−xO in the intermediate range of Mg concentrations 50 to 85% (0.39 ≤ x ≤ 0.77), whereas higher nominal concentration of Mg ≥ 90% (0.81 ≤ x ≤ 1) leads to the growth of single phase cubic MgxZn1−xO quantum dots. High resolution transmission electron microscopy and fast Fourier transform confirm the results and show clearly distinguishable hexagonal and cubic crystal structures of the respective quantum dots. A difference of 0.24 eV was detected between the core levels (Zn 2p and Mg 1s) measured in quantum dots with hexagonal and cubic structures by X-ray photoemission. The shift of these core levels can be explained in the frame of the different coordination of cations in the hexagonal and cubic configurations. Finally, the optical absorption measurements performed on single phase hexagonal MgxZn1−xO QDs exhibited a clear shift in optical energy gap on increasing the Mg concentration from 0 to 40%, which is explained as an effect of substitution of Zn2+ by Mg2+ in the ZnO lattice.
GaInP nucleation on Ge(100) often starts by annealing of the Ge(100) substrates under supply of phosphorus precursors. However, the influence on the Ge surface is not well understood. Here, we studied vicinal Ge(100) surfaces annealed under tertiarybutylphosphine (TBP) supply in MOVPE by in situ reflection anisotropy spectroscopy (RAS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and low energy electron diffraction (LEED). While XPS reveals a P termination and the presence of carbon on the Ge surface, LEED patterns indicate a disordered surface probably due to by-products of the TBP pyrolysis. However, the TBP annealed Ge(100) surface exhibits a characteristic RA spectrum, which is related to the P termination. RAS allows us to in situ control phosphorus desorption dependent on temperature.
We investigated the preparation of single domain Ge(100):As surfaces in a metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy reactor. In situ reflection anisotropy spectra (RAS) of vicinal substrates change when arsenic is supplied either by tertiarybutylarsine or by background As4 during annealing. Low energy electron diffraction shows mutually perpendicular orientations of dimers, scanning tunneling microscopy reveals distinct differences in the step structure, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirms differences in the As coverage of the Ge(100): As samples. Their RAS signals consist of contributions related to As dimer orientation and to step structure, enabling precise in situ control over preparation of single domain Ge(100): As surfaces.
The fabrication of broadband amplifiers in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) around 1.55 m, as they exhibit large stimulated cross sections and broad emission bandwidth. Bi4Ge3O12 (eultine type BGO) - well known scintillator material, also a rare-earth host material, photorefractive waveguides produced in it only using light ions in the past. Recently: MeV N+ ions and swift O5+ and C5+ ions, too*. Bi12GeO20 (sillenite type BGO) - high photoconductivity and photorefractive sensitivity in the visible and NIR good candidate for real-time holography and optical phase conjugation, photorefractive waveguides produced in it only using light ions. No previous attempts of ion beam fabrication of waveguides in it.
In this contribution, angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is used to explore the extension and nature of a GaAs/GaInP heterointerface. This bilayer structure constitutes a very common interface in a multilayered III-V solar cell. Our results show a wide indium penetration into the GaAs layer, while phosphorous diffusion is much less important. The physico-chemical nature of such interface and its depth could deleteriously impact the solar cell performance. Our results probe the formation of spurious phases which may profoundly affect the interface behavior.
Una de las principales causas del ruido en nuestras ciudades es el tráfico rodado. El ruido generado por los vehículos no es sólo debido al motor, sino que existen diversas fuentes de ruido en los mismos, entre las que se puede destacar el ruido de rodadura. Para localizar las causas del ruido e identificar las principales fuentes del mismo se han utilizado en diversos estudios las técnicas de coherencia y las técnicas basadas en arrays. Sin embargo, en la bibliografía existente, no es habitual encontrar el uso de estas técnicas en el sector automovilístico. En esta tesis se parte de la premisa de la posibilidad de usar estas técnicas de medida en coches, para demostrar a la largo de la misma su factibilidad y su bondad para evaluar las fuentes de ruido en dos condiciones distintas: cuando el coche está parado y cuando está en movimiento. Como técnica de coherencia se elige la de Intensidad Selectiva, utilizándose la misma para evaluar la coherencia existente entre el ruido que llega a los oídos del conductor y la intensidad radiada por distintos puntos del motor. Para la localización de fuentes de ruido, las técnicas basadas en array son las que mejores resultados ofrecen. Statistically Optimized Near-field Acoustical Holography (SONAH) es la técnica elegida para la localización y caracterización de las fuentes de ruido en el motor a baja frecuencia. En cambio, Beamforming es la técnica seleccionada para el caso de media-alta frecuencia y para la evaluación de las fuentes de ruido cuando el coche se encuentra en movimiento. Las técnicas propuestas no sólo pueden utilizarse en medidas reales, sino que además proporcionan abundante información y frecen una gran versatilidad a la hora de caracterizar fuentes de ruido. ABSTRACT One of the most important noise causes in our cities is the traffic. The noise generated by the vehicles is not only due to the engine, but there are some other noise sources. Among them the tyre/road noise can be highlighted. Coherence and array based techniques have been used in some research to locate the noise causes and identify the main noise sources. Nevertheless, it is not usual in the literature to find the application of this kind of techniques in the car sector. This Thesis starts taking into account the possibility of using this kind of measurement techniques in cars, to demonstrate their feasability and their quality to evaluate the noise sources under two different conditions: when the car is stopped and when it is in movement. Selective Intensity was chosen as coherence technique, evaluating the coherence between the noise in the driver’s ears and the intensity radiated in different points of the engine. Array based techniques carry out the best results to noise source location. Statistically Optimized Near-field Acoustical Holography (SONAH) is the measurement technique chosen for noise source location and characterization in the engine at low frequency. On the other hand, Beamforming is the technique chosen in the case of medium-high frequency and to characterize the noise sources when the car is in movement. The proposed techniques not only can be used in actual measurements, but also provide a lot of information and are very versatile to noise source characterization.
The N+2 ion yield of the N2 molecule has been measured at the N 1s → Rydberg excitations. It displays Fano-type line shapes due to interference between direct outer-valence photoionization and participator decay of the core-excited Rydberg states. The N+2 ion yield is compared with the total intensity of the outer-valence photoelectron lines obtained recently with electron spectroscopy (Kivimäki et al 2012 Phys. Rev. A 86 012516). The increasing difference between the two curves at the higher core-to-Rydberg excitations is most likely due to soft x-ray emission processes that are followed by autoionization. The results also suggest that resonant Auger decay from the core–valence doubly excited states contributes to the N+2 ion yield at the photon energies that are located on both sides of the N 1s ionization limit.
Las técnicas de speckle tienen un gran interés científico e ingenieril, ya que son métodos de ejecución rápida y no destructiva, con base en el análisis de las fluctuaciones de intensidad de la radiación producida cuando la luz coherente de un haz láser es esparcida por un material dado. En este caso se produce un patrón aleatorio de interferencia y difracción donde la suma de las componentes desfasadas dará lugar a máximos y mínimos de intensidad en distintos puntos del espacio. Éste, pese a tratarse de un ruido nocivo en multitud de áreas tales como la transmisión de señales o la holografía, tiene importantes propiedades físicas que lo caracterizan y lo hacen útil como medio para analizar sistemas reales de muy diversa índole. En el presente estudio, se ha llevado a cabo un análisis polarimétrico de la radiación aleatoria esparcida por una serie de muestras metálicas y dieléctricas con el objetivo de establecer una base comparativa que nos permita poder distinguir unas de otras. Para este fin se han comparado los parámetros de polarización de Stokes, el grado de polarización de la luz, las distribuciones de intensidad y el tamaño medio del speckle registrado en los distintos patrones de intensidad. Además, se analizará la dependencia de la rugosidad en el grado de polarización de la luz para los distintos medios sometidos a estudio. Abstract Speckle techniques have a great scientific and engineering interest as they are methods of rapid and non-destructive execution, based on the analysis of the fluctuations of intensity of the radiation produced when coherent light of a laser beam is scattered by a material given. In this case, a random pattern of interference and diffraction occurs where the sum of phase shifted components will result in maximum or minimum of intensity at different points in space. This, despite being a harmful noise in many areas such as signal transmission or holography, has important physical properties that characterize it and make it useful as a means to analyze real systems of various kinds. In the present study, we have conducted a polarimetric analysis of the random radiation scattered by a series of metal and dielectric samples in order to establish a comparative basis to allow us to distinguish one from another. To this end we have compared, the stokes polarization parameters, the degree of polarization (DOP), the intensity distributions and the average size of the speckle registered in the different intensity patterns. Furthermore, dependence of roughness in the DOP of light for the different means under study will be analyzed.
The refractive index and extinction coefficient of chemical vapour deposition grown graphene are determined by ellipsometry analysis. Graphene films were grown on copper substrates and transferred as both monolayers and bilayers onto SiO2/Si substrates by using standard manufacturing procedures. The chemical nature and thickness of residual debris formed after the transfer process were elucidated using photoelectron spectroscopy. The real layered structure so deduced has been used instead of the nominal one as the input in the ellipsometry analysis of monolayer and bilayer graphene, transferred onto both native and thermal silicon oxide. The effect of these contamination layers on the optical properties of the stacked structure is noticeable both in the visible and the ultraviolet spectral regions, thus masking the graphene optical response. Finally, the use of heat treatment under a nitrogen atmosphere of the graphene-based stacked structures, as a method to reduce the water content of the sample, and its effect on the optical response of both graphene and the residual debris layer are presented. The Lorentz-Drude model proposed for the optical response of graphene fits fairly well the experimental ellipsometric data for all the analysed graphene-based stacked structures.