16 resultados para Electronic energy meter
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Abstract This work is a contribution to the research and development of the intermediate band solar cell (IBSC), a high efficiency photovoltaic concept that features the advantages of both low and high bandgap solar cells. The resemblance with a low bandgap solar cell comes from the fact that the IBSC hosts an electronic energy band -the intermediate band (IB)- within the semiconductor bandgap. This IB allows the collection of sub-bandgap energy photons by means of two-step photon absorption processes, from the valence band (VB) to the IB and from there to the conduction band (CB). The exploitation of these low energy photons implies a more efficient use of the solar spectrum. The resemblance of the IBSC with a high bandgap solar cell is related to the preservation of the voltage: the open-circuit voltage (VOC) of an IBSC is not limited by any of the sub-bandgaps (involving the IB), but only by the fundamental bandgap (defined from the VB to the CB). Nevertheless, the presence of the IB allows new paths for electronic recombination and the performance of the IBSC is degraded at 1 sun operation conditions. A theoretical argument is presented regarding the need for the use of concentrated illumination in order to circumvent the degradation of the voltage derived from the increase in the recombi¬nation. This theory is supported by the experimental verification carried out with our novel characterization technique consisting of the acquisition of photogenerated current (IL)-VOC pairs under low temperature and concentrated light. Besides, at this stage of the IBSC research, several new IB materials are being engineered and our novel character¬ization tool can be very useful to provide feedback on their capability to perform as real IBSCs, verifying or disregarding the fulfillment of the “voltage preservation” principle. An analytical model has also been developed to assess the potential of quantum-dot (QD)-IBSCs. It is based on the calculation of band alignment of III-V alloyed heterojunc-tions, the estimation of the confined energy levels in a QD and the calculation of the de¬tailed balance efficiency. Several potentially useful QD materials have been identified, such as InAs/AlxGa1-xAs, InAs/GaxIn1-xP, InAs1-yNy/AlAsxSb1-x or InAs1-zNz/Alx[GayIn1-y]1-xP. Finally, a model for the analysis of the series resistance of a concentrator solar cell has also been developed to design and fabricate IBSCs adapted to 1,000 suns. Resumen Este trabajo contribuye a la investigación y al desarrollo de la célula solar de banda intermedia (IBSC), un concepto fotovoltaico de alta eficiencia que auna las ventajas de una célula solar de bajo y de alto gap. La IBSC se parece a una célula solar de bajo gap (o banda prohibida) en que la IBSC alberga una banda de energía -la banda intermedia (IB)-en el seno de la banda prohibida. Esta IB permite colectar fotones de energía inferior a la banda prohibida por medio de procesos de absorción de fotones en dos pasos, de la banda de valencia (VB) a la IB y de allí a la banda de conducción (CB). El aprovechamiento de estos fotones de baja energía conlleva un empleo más eficiente del espectro solar. La semejanza antre la IBSC y una célula solar de alto gap está relacionada con la preservación del voltaje: la tensión de circuito abierto (Vbc) de una IBSC no está limitada por ninguna de las fracciones en las que la IB divide a la banda prohibida, sino que está únicamente limitada por el ancho de banda fundamental del semiconductor (definido entre VB y CB). No obstante, la presencia de la IB posibilita nuevos caminos de recombinación electrónica, lo cual degrada el rendimiento de la IBSC a 1 sol. Este trabajo argumenta de forma teórica la necesidad de emplear luz concentrada para evitar compensar el aumento de la recom¬binación de la IBSC y evitar la degradación del voltage. Lo anterior se ha verificado experimentalmente por medio de nuestra novedosa técnica de caracterización consistente en la adquisicin de pares de corriente fotogenerada (IL)-VOG en concentración y a baja temperatura. En esta etapa de la investigación, se están desarrollando nuevos materiales de IB y nuestra herramienta de caracterizacin está siendo empleada para realimentar el proceso de fabricación, comprobando si los materiales tienen capacidad para operar como verdaderas IBSCs por medio de la verificación del principio de preservación del voltaje. También se ha desarrollado un modelo analítico para evaluar el potencial de IBSCs de puntos cuánticos. Dicho modelo está basado en el cálculo del alineamiento de bandas de energía en heterouniones de aleaciones de materiales III-V, en la estimación de la energía de los niveles confinados en un QD y en el cálculo de la eficiencia de balance detallado. Este modelo ha permitido identificar varios materiales de QDs potencialmente útiles como InAs/AlxGai_xAs, InAs/GaxIni_xP, InAsi_yNy/AlAsxSbi_x ó InAsi_zNz/Alx[GayIni_y]i_xP. Finalmente, también se ha desarrollado un modelado teórico para el análisis de la resistencia serie de una célula solar de concentración. Gracias a dicho modelo se han diseñado y fabricado IBSCs adaptadas a 1.000 soles.
IBPOWER is a Project awarded under the 7th European Framework Programme that aims to advance research on intermediate band solar cells (IBSCs). These are solar cells conceived to absorb below bandgap energy photons by means of an electronic energy band that is located within the semiconductor bandgap, whilst producing photocurrent with output voltage still limited by the total semiconductor bandgap. IBPOWER employs two basic strategies for implementing the IBSC concept. The first is based on the use of quantum dots, the IB arising from the confined energy levels of the electrons in the dots. Quantum dots have led to devices that demonstrate the physical operation principles of the IB concept and have allowed identification of the problems to be solved to achieve actual high efficiencies. The second approach is based on the creation of bulk intermediate band materials by the insertion of an appropriate impurity into a bulk semiconductor. Under this approach it is expected that, when inserted at high densities, these impurities will find it difficult to capture electrons by producing a breathing mode and will cease behaving as non-radiative recombination centres. Towards this end the following systems are being investigated: a) Mn: In1-xGax N; b) transition metals in GaAs and c) thin films.
Este proyecto consistira en la realization de un estudio aciistico sobre la sala 8 de los cines Kinepolis de Ciudad de la Imagen, que dispone de 408 butacas. Los cines Kinepolis es uno de los mayores complejos multisala de Europa. Cuenta con mas de 9.200 butacas en total distribuidas en 25 salas a las que se accede mediante dos grandes pasillos conectados por el hall. En 1998, ano de su apertura, el complejo recibio el Record Guinness a la sala cinematografica mas grande del mundo, que dispone de 996 butacas. El objetivo de este proyecto es conseguir caracterizar acusticamente una sala de cine a traves de la medicion de parametros acusticos de la sala y de un modelo virtual de la misma. Para llevar a cabo el proyecto, primero se van a realizar tanto una medicion geometrica como acustica de la sala mediante el sistema de medida DIRAC. Los resultados de estas mediciones nos serviran para construir y validar un modelo virtual de la sala real con el software de simulacion EASE. La medicion acustica se va a realizar con el sistema de medicion DIRAC. Este sistema nos dara information sobre una amplia variedad de parametros acusticos. En este proyecto no se va a trabajar con todos ellos, solo con los mas significativos. Estos se describen a continuacion en la introduccion teorica. La medicion geometrica nos va a servir para construir un modelo virtual que tenga las mismas dimensiones que la sala original. Esta medicion la realizaremos mediante un medidor laser y una cinta metrica. Una vez construido el modelo virtual, se procedera a su validacion. Este proceso se realiza ajustando el tiempo de reverberacion del modelo mediante la introduccion de distintos materiales acusticos en las superficies del mismo, de manera que, variando la absorcion de la sala, el tiempo de reverberacion promedio del modelo se asemeje lo mas posible al medido en la sala real. Este proceso tiene como objetivo comprobar que el modelo virtual tiene un comportamiento acustico similar al de la sala real. Es necesario validar adecuadamente el modelo para que las comparaciones y conclusiones sean fiables. Por ultimo, tras la simulacion acustica del modelo, se compararan los resultados simulados con los medidos en la sala. En este proceso se contrastaran algunos de los parametros que guardan relation con el tiempo de reverberacion. De esta manera se verificara si el tiempo de reverberacion es o no un parametro acustico fiable para la validacion de un modelo virtual de una sala de cine. Anteriormente se han realizado proyectos iguales de otras salas de diferente tamano de Kinepolis. El objetivo de realizar el mismo estudio en distintas salas, es comprobar si el tamano de la sala influye en la validacion de los modelos virtuales mediante el tiempo de reverberacion. ABSTRACT. This Project consists on the development of an acoustic research of the movie theater 8 of the Kinepolis complex in Ciudad de la Imagen, Madrid. This room has 408 spots. Kinepolis is one of the biggest multiplex complexes in Europe. It has 9,200 locations disposed in 25 rooms. There are two large corridors which give access to all of theaters. In the middle of the structure, there is the main hall that connects these corridors. In 1998, at the time when the complex was open, it was awarded with the Record Guinness for the biggest theater in the world, which has 996 locations. The target of this project is to successfully characterize the acoustics of a movie theater through reverberation time and a virtual model. In order to reach this goal, in the first place, we are going to perform both, an acoustic and a geometric measurement of the room using DIRAC measurement system. The results of these measures will allow us to build and validate a virtual model of the room, using the simulation software EASE. We are going to use the DIRAC system in order to accomplish the acoustic measure. This operation gives us a huge variety of acoustic parameters. Not all of these are going to be used for this research, only the most significant ones. These are described in the theoretical introduction. The geometric measure is essential to help us to build the virtual model, because the model has to be exactly equal as the real room. This measurement will be performed with an electronic distance meter and a measuring tape. Once the virtual model is finished, it will be proved. This validation process will be realized by adjusting the reverberation time in the model. We will change the walls materials, therefore, the overall absorption of the room will change. We want the model reverberation time resemble to the real one. This practice is going to ensure that the model acoustic performance is close to the real one. In addition, it has to be successfully validate of we want the future comparisons to be reliable. Finally, after the model virtual simulation, we will compare the simulated results with the measure in the room. In this process, we will compare not only the reverberation time, but others parameters that keep relation with the reverberation time. We will verify this way, if the reverberation time is or is not an appropriate acoustic parameter to validate a virtual model of a movie theater. There have been done others similar acoustic researches in different theaters with different sizes. The aim of performing similar researches in different rooms is to determine if the size of the room infers in the validation process.
This paper studies the energy consumption and subsequent CO2 emissions of road highway transportation under three toll systems in Spain for four categories of vehicles: cars, vans, buses and articulated trucks. The influence of toll systems is tested for a section of AP-41 highway between Toledo and Madrid. One system is free flow, other is traditional stop and go and the last toll system operates with an electronic toll collection (ETC) technology. Energy consumption and CO2 emissions were found to be closely related to vehicle mass, wind exposure, engine efficiency and acceleration rate. These parameters affect, directly or indirectly, the external forces which determine the energy consumption. Reducing the magnitude of these forces through an appropriate toll management is an important way of improving the energy performance of vehicles. The type of toll system used can have a major influence on the energy efficiency of highway transportation and therefore it is necessary to consider free flow.
Nowadays, efficiency improvement of solar cells is one of the most important issues in photovoltaic systems and CdTe is one of the most promising thin film photovoltaic materials we can found. CdTe reported efficiencies in solar energy conversion have been as good as that found in polycrystalline Si thin film cell [1], besides CdTe can be easily produced at industrial scale.
This dissertation, whose research has been conducted at the Group of Electronic and Microelectronic Design (GDEM) within the framework of the project Power Consumption Control in Multimedia Terminals (PCCMUTE), focuses on the development of an energy estimation model for the battery-powered embedded processor board. The main objectives and contributions of the work are summarized as follows: A model is proposed to obtain the accurate energy estimation results based on the linear correlation between the performance monitoring counters (PMCs) and energy consumption. the uniqueness of the appropriate PMCs for each different system, the modeling methodology is improved to obtain stable accuracies with slight variations among multiple scenarios and to be repeatable in other systems. It includes two steps: the former, the PMC-filter, to identify the most proper set among the available PMCs of a system and the latter, the k-fold cross validation method, to avoid the bias during the model training stage. The methodology is implemented on a commercial embedded board running the 2.6.34 Linux kernel and the PAPI, a cross-platform interface to configure and access PMCs. The results show that the methodology is able to keep a good stability in different scenarios and provide robust estimation results with the average relative error being less than 5%. Este trabajo fin de máster, cuya investigación se ha desarrollado en el Grupo de Diseño Electrónico y Microelectrónico (GDEM) en el marco del proyecto PccMuTe, se centra en el desarrollo de un modelo de estimación de energía para un sistema empotrado alimentado por batería. Los objetivos principales y las contribuciones de esta tesis se resumen como sigue: Se propone un modelo para obtener estimaciones precisas del consumo de energía de un sistema empotrado. El modelo se basa en la correlación lineal entre los valores de los contadores de prestaciones y el consumo de energía. Considerando la particularidad de los contadores de prestaciones en cada sistema, la metodología de modelado se ha mejorado para obtener precisiones estables, con ligeras variaciones entre escenarios múltiples y para replicar los resultados en diferentes sistemas. La metodología incluye dos etapas: la primera, filtrado-PMC, que consiste en identificar el conjunto más apropiado de contadores de prestaciones de entre los disponibles en un sistema y la segunda, el método de validación cruzada de K iteraciones, cuyo fin es evitar los sesgos durante la fase de entrenamiento. La metodología se implementa en un sistema empotrado que ejecuta el kernel 2.6.34 de Linux y PAPI, un interfaz multiplataforma para configurar y acceder a los contadores. Los resultados muestran que esta metodología consigue una buena estabilidad en diferentes escenarios y proporciona unos resultados robustos de estimación con un error medio relativo inferior al 5%.
The Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) semiconductor is a potential photovoltaic material due to its optoelectronic properties. These optoelectronic properties can be potentially improved by the insertion of intermediate states into the energy bandgap. We explore this possibility using Cr as an impurity. We carried out first-principles calculations within the density functional theory analyzing three substitutions: Cu, Sn, or Zn by Cr. In all cases, the Cr introduces a deeper band into the host energy bandgap. Depending on the substitution, this band is full, empty, or partially full. The absorption coefficients in the independent-particle approximation have also been obtained. Comparison between the pure and doped host's absorption coefficients shows that this deeper band opens more photon absorption channels and could therefo:e increase the solar-light absorption with respect to the host.
The cadmium thioindate spinel CdIn2S4 semiconductor has potential applications for optoelectronic devices. We present a theoretical study of the structural and optoelectronic properties of the host and of the Cr-doped ternary spinel. For the host spinel, we analyze the direct or indirect character of the energy bandgap, the change of the energy bandgap with the anion displacement parameter and with the site cation distribution, and the optical properties. The main effect of the Cr doping is the creation of an intermediate band within the energy bandgap. The character and the occupation of this band are analyzed for two substitutions: Cr by In and Cr by Cd. This band permits more channels for the photon absorption. The optical properties are obtained and analyzed. The absorption coefficients are decomposed into contributions from the different absorption channels and from the inter-and intra-atomic components.
The ternary Cu-Sb-S semiconductors are considered to be sustainable and potential alternative absorber materials in thin film photovoltaic applications. In these compounds, several phases may coexist, albeit in different proportions depending on experimental growth conditions. Additionally, the photovoltaic efficiency could be increased with isoelectronic doping. In this work we analyze the electronic properties of O-doped Cu3SbS3 in two structures: the wittichenite and the skinnerite. We use first-principles within the density functional formalism with two different exchange-correlation potentials. In addition, we estimate the potential of these compounds for photovoltaic applications.
The Centro de Micro-Análisis de Materiales (CMAM) in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid is carrying out an extensive research program on the processes induced by high energy heavy mass ions (SHI) on dielectric materials and their photonic applications [1?21]. A significant part of this activity constitutes a relevant contribution to the scientific program associated to the TECHNOFUSION project. It is performed in collaboration with the Instituto de Fusion Nuclear at the UPM, the CIEMAT, the Departamento de Física de Materiales at UAM and several other national institutions (INTA) and international laboratories (GANIL, France), Legnaro Italy, Grenoble?. The program has led to a large number of publications in reputed international journals.
In the present work we report theoretical Stark widths and shifts calculated using the Griem semi-empirical approach, corresponding to 237 spectral lines of MgIII. Data are presented for an electron density of 1017 cm?3 and temperatures T = 0.5?10.0 (104 K). The matrix elements used in these calculations have been determined from 23 configurations of MgIII: 2s22p6, 2s22p53p, 2s22p54p, 2s22p54f and 2s22p55f for even parity and 2s22p5ns (n = 3?6), 2s22p5nd (n = 3?9), 2s22p55g and 2s2p6np (n = 3?8) for odd parity. For the intermediate coupling (IC) calculations, we use the standard method of least-squares fitting from experimental energy levels by means of the Cowan computer code. Also, in order to test the matrix elements used in our calculations, we present calculated values of 70 transition probabilities of MgIII spectral lines and 14 calculated values of radiative lifetimes of MgIII levels. There is good agreement between our calculations and experimental radiative lifetimes. Spectral lines of MgIII are relevant in astrophysics and also play an important role in the spectral analysis of laboratory plasma. Theoretical trends of the Stark broadening parameter versus the temperature for relevant lines are presented. No values of Stark parameters can be found in the bibliography.
On the basis of optical characterization experiments and an eight band kp model, we have studied the effect of Sb incorporation on the electronic structure of InAs quantum dots (QDs). We have found that Sb incorporation in InAs QDs shifts the hole wave function to the center of the QD from the edges of the QD where it is otherwise pinned down by the effects of shear stress. The observed changes in the ground-state energy cannot merely be explained by a composition change upon Sb exposure but can be accounted for when the change in lateral size is taken into consideration. The Sb distribution inside the QDs produces distinctive changes in the density of states, particularly, in the separation between excitation shells. We find a 50% increase in the thermal escape activation energy compared with reference InAs quantum dots as well as an increment of the fundamental transition decay time with Sb incorporation. Furthermore, we find that Sb incorporation into quantum dots is strongly nonlinear with coverage, saturating at low doses. This suggests the existence of a solubility limit of the Sb incorporation into the quantum dots during growth.
Energy conversion in solar cells incorporating ZnTeO base layers is presented. The ZnTeO base layers incorporate intermediate electronic states located approximately 0.4eV below the conduction band edge as a result of the substitution of O in Te sites in the ZnTe lattice. Cells with ZnTeO base layers demonstrate optical response at energies lower than the ZnTe bandedge, a feature that is absent in reference cells with ZnTe base layers. Quantum efficiency is significantly improved with the incorporation of ZnSe emitter/window layers and transition from growth on GaAs substrates to GaSb substrates with a near lattice match to ZnTe.
The cup anemometer has been used widely by the wind energy industry since its early beginning, covering two fundamental aspects: wind mill performance control and wind energy production forecast. Furthermore, despite modern technological advances such as LIDAR and SODAR, the cup anemometer remains clearly the most used instrument by the wind energy industry. Together with the major advantages of this instrument (precision, robustness), some issues must be taken into account by scientists and researchers when using it. Overspeeding, interaction with stream wakes due to allocation on masts and wind- mills, loss of performance due to wear and tear, change of performance due to different climatic conditions, checking of the maintenance status and recalibration, etc. In the present work a review of the research campaigns carried out at the IDR/UPM Institute to analyze cup anemometer performance is included. Several aspects of this instrument are examined: the calibration process, the loss of performances due to aging and wear and tear, the effect of changes of air density, the rotor aerodynamics, and the harmonic terms contained in the anemometer output signal and their possible relation to the anemometer performances.
The substitution of cation atoms by V, Cr and It in the natural and synthetic quaternary Cu2ZnSnS4 semiconductor is analyzed using first-principles methods. In most of the substitutions, the electronic structure of these modified CZTS is characterized for intermediate bands with different occupation and position within of the energy band gap. A study of the symmetry and composition of these intermediate bands is carried out for all substitutions. These bands permit additional photon absorption and emission channels depending on their occupation. The optical properties are obtained and analyzed. The absorption coefficients are split into contributions from the different absorption channels and from the inter- and intra-atomic components. The sub bandgap transitions are significant in many cases because the anion states contribute to the valence, conduction and intermediates bands. These properties could therefore be used for novel optoelectronic devices.