20 resultados para Authors and patrons.
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
This paper analyzes the relationship among research collaboration, number of documents and number of citations of computer science research activity. It analyzes the number of documents and citations and how they vary by number of authors. They are also analyzed (according to author set cardinality) under different circumstances, that is, when documents are written in different types of collaboration, when documents are published in different document types, when documents are published in different computer science subdisciplines, and, finally, when documents are published by journals with different impact factor quartiles. To investigate the above relationships, this paper analyzes the publications listed in the Web of Science and produced by active Spanish university professors between 2000 and 2009, working in the computer science field. Analyzing all documents, we show that the highest percentage of documents are published by three authors, whereas single-authored documents account for the lowest percentage. By number of citations, there is no positive association between the author cardinality and citation impact. Statistical tests show that documents written by two authors receive more citations per document and year than documents published by more authors. In contrast, results do not show statistically significant differences between documents published by two authors and one author. The research findings suggest that international collaboration results on average in publications with higher citation rates than national and institutional collaborations. We also find differences regarding citation rates between journals and conferences, across different computer science subdisciplines and journal quartiles as expected. Finally, our impression is that the collaborative level (number of authors per document) will increase in the coming years, and documents published by three or four authors will be the trend in computer science literature.
The writer would like to point out the existence of a very remarkable Spanish cable-stayed bridge built in 1925, wich is thus older than the first one recorded by the authors (and probably the pioneer in concrete-deck type). The Tempul Aqueduct was designed by the famous Professor Educardo Torroja. The deck is a concrete box girder sustained by two planes of 3 mm diam 37-wire double cables working at 27 kg/mm2.
There is no doubt that there is no possibility of finding a single reference about domotics in the first half of the 20th century. The best known authors and those who have documented this discipline, set its origin in the 1970’s, when the x-10 technology began to be used, but it was not until 1988 when Larousse Encyclopedia decided to include the definition of "Smart Building". Furthermore, even nowadays, there is not a single definition widely accepted, and for that reason, many other expressions, namely "Intelligent Buildings" "Domotics" "Digital Home" or "Home Automation" have appeared to describe the automated buildings and homes. The lack of a clear definition for "Smart Buildings" causes difficulty not only in the development of a common international framework to develop research in this field, but it also causes insecurity in the potential user of these buildings. That is to say, the user does not know what is offered by this kind of buildings, hindering the dissemination of the culture of building automation in society. Thus, the main purpose of this paper is to propose a definition of the expression “Smart Buildings” that satisfactorily describes the meaning of this discipline. To achieve this aim, a thorough review of the origin of the term itself and the historical background before the emergence of the phenomenon of domotics was conducted, followed by a critical discussion of existing definitions of the term "Smart Buildings" and other similar terms. The extent of each definition has been analyzed, inaccuracies have been discarded and commonalities have been compared. Throughout the discussion, definitions that bring the term "Smart Buildings" near to disciplines such as computer science, robotics and also telecommunications have been found. However, there are also many other definitions that emphasize in a more abstract way the role of these new buildings in the society and the future of mankind.
La importancia de los sistemas de recomendación ha experimentado un crecimiento exponencial como consecuencia del auge de las redes sociales. En esta tesis doctoral presentaré una amplia visión sobre el estado del arte de los sistemas de recomendación. Incialmente, estos estaba basados en fitrado demográfico, basado en contendio o colaborativo. En la actualidad, estos sistemas incorporan alguna información social al proceso de recomendación. En el futuro utilizarán información implicita, local y personal proveniente del Internet de las cosas. Los sistemas de recomendación basados en filtrado colaborativo se pueden modificar con el fin de realizar recomendaciones a grupos de usuarios. Existen trabajos previos que han incluido estas modificaciones en diferentes etapas del algoritmo de filtrado colaborativo: búsqueda de los vecinos, predicción de las votaciones y elección de las recomendaciones. En esta tesis doctoral proporcionaré un nuevo método que realizar el proceso de unficación (pasar de varios usuarios a un grupo) en el primer paso del algoritmo de filtrado colaborativo: cálculo de la métrica de similaridad. Proporcionaré una formalización completa del método propuesto. Explicaré cómo obtener el conjunto de k vecinos del grupo de usuarios y mostraré cómo obtener recomendaciones usando dichos vecinos. Asimismo, incluiré un ejemplo detallando cada paso del método propuesto en un sistema de recomendación compuesto por 8 usuarios y 10 items. Las principales características del método propuesto son: (a) es más rápido (más eficiente) que las alternativas proporcionadas por otros autores, y (b) es al menos tan exacto y preciso como otras soluciones estudiadas. Para contrastar esta hipótesis realizaré varios experimentos que miden la precisión, la exactitud y el rendimiento del método. Los resultados obtenidos se compararán con los resultados de otras alternativas utilizadas en la recomendación de grupos. Los experimentos se realizarán con las bases de datos de MovieLens y Netflix. ABSTRACT The importance of recommender systems has grown exponentially with the advent of social networks. In this PhD thesis I will provide a wide vision about the state of the art of recommender systems. They were initially based on demographic, contentbased and collaborative filtering. Currently, these systems incorporate some social information to the recommendation process. In the future, they will use implicit, local and personal information from the Internet of Things. As we will see here, recommender systems based on collaborative filtering can be used to perform recommendations to group of users. Previous works have made this modification in different stages of the collaborative filtering algorithm: establishing the neighborhood, prediction phase and determination of recommended items. In this PhD thesis I will provide a new method that carry out the unification process (many users to one group) in the first stage of the collaborative filtering algorithm: similarity metric computation. I will provide a full formalization of the proposed method. I will explain how to obtain the k nearest neighbors of the group of users and I will show how to get recommendations using those users. I will also include a running example of a recommender system with 8 users and 10 items detailing all the steps of the method I will present. The main highlights of the proposed method are: (a) it will be faster (more efficient) that the alternatives provided by other authors, and (b) it will be at least as precise and accurate as other studied solutions. To check this hypothesis I will conduct several experiments measuring the accuracy, the precision and the performance of my method. I will compare these results with the results generated by other methods of group recommendation. The experiments will be carried out using MovieLens and Netflix datasets.
The transient response of a system of independent electrodes buried in a semi-infinite conducting medium is studied. Using a simple and versatile numerical scheme written by the authors and based on the Electric Field Integral Equation (EFIE), the effect caused by harmonic signals ranging on frequency from Hz to hundred of MHz, and also by lightning type driving signal striking at a remote point far from the conductors, is extensively studied. The value of the scalar potential appearing on the electrodes as a function of the frequency of the applied signal is one of the variables investigated. Other features such as the input impedance at the injection point of the signal and the Ground Potential Rise (GPR) over the electrode system are also discussed
From the Englightenment to the middle of the 19th century, geological time and the antiquity of human beings received ever growing attention. This was caused by a series of events, such as: *the beginnings of experimentation in Geology (Buffon, 1778) *the development of the transformism (Lamarck, 1809) *the recognition and description of extinct animals (Cuvier, 1812) *as well as the studies made in alluvial deposits, caves and gravel beds, with brought to light artefacts, human rest and bone of extinguished animals (from John Frere, 1797, to Albert Gaudry, 1859). The development towards evolutionism (Darwin, 1859) came gradually. In Spain, all these currents found their echo: Spain, e.g. was the third country where the Palaeolithic remains were discovered (Verneuil and Lartet, 1863). Also the Darwin ideas were introduced forcefully, right from the beginning. But the change in worldview, which was prerequisite to these ideas, lead to polemic controversies in the political and religious realm. The most significant evidence was the official prohibition of the teaching Darwinism in public educational centres (1875). At theological level, thanks to the advance of the geologic knowledge, went leaving the literal interpretations of Biblical texts was eventually discontinued and replaced by more liberal interpretation. In some case, the process was difficult because some political, religious and scientific authors and researchers didn’t understand the new scientific ideas.
The concept of Project encompasses a semantic disparity that involves all areas of professional and nonprofessional activity. In the engineering projects domain, and starting by the etymological roots of the terms, a review of the definitions given by different authors and their relation with sociological trends of the last decades is carried out. The engineering projects began as a tool for the development of technological ideas and have been improved with legal, economic and management parameters and recently with environmental aspects. However, the engineering projects involve people, groups, agents, organizations, companies and institutions. Nowadays, the social implications of projects are taken into consideration but the technology for social integration is not consolidated. This communication provides a new framework based on the experience for the development of engineering projects in the context of "human development", placing people in the center of the project
La presente tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio de dos yacimientos de macrorrestos fosiles vegetales, en especial maderas en diferentes estados de conservacion, y su interpretacion dentro del contexto del Neogeno Iberico. En primer lugar se detallan los objetivos del trabajo y los antecedentes del mismo. A continuacion, se describen detalladamente los dos yacimientos estudiados y se exponen las tecnicas empleadas de acuerdo con los diferentes tipos de materiales. Mas tarde se identifican taxonomicamente todos los restos hallados en los mismos. En el mismo capitulo de resultados se aplica el Metodo de Coexistencia sobre los principales yacimientos neogenos de la peninsula Iberica, para la estimacion de valores climaticos y se elabora un modelo de evolucion climatica para este periodo. Por ultimo, se discuten los resultados obtenidos, estableciendo una hipotesis de composicion y estructura de los bosques que vivieron en el tiempo en el que se depositaron los restos estudiados, se comparan con los datos obtenidos por otros autores y se combinan estos resultados con los datos del modelo de clima para reconstruir una sintesis de la evolucion de la vegetacion de la Peninsula durante el Periodo Neogeno y Gelasiense. Abstract This PhD thesis is based on the study of two different sites of vegetal fossil remains, specially wood in different preservation states, and their meaning in Iberian Neogene context. First of all, the objectives of the work and previous records are explained thoroughly. Secondly, the two deposits are described in detail, as well as the techniques used, according to different types of materials. Later on, all the samples found in each one are identified. In the same chapter of results, the “Coexistence Approach” is applied on the main Neogen sites of the Iberian Peninsula to estimate climatic intervals, and a model of climatic evolution for this period is built. Finally, the achieved results are discussed, setting an hypothesis about the composition and structure of the forests that lived in the time when the studied samples were settled. These results are then compared with the data gathered by different authors, and related to the data of the climatic model, to make a synthesis of the evolution of the vegetation in the Iberian Peninsula, during Neogene and Gelasian.
Fundamento de la tesis: Al comienzo del siglo XX, el interés por el turismo unido a la necesidad de restaurar un abundante patrimonio histórico, posibilitó en España que los poderes públicos se embarcaran en una singular experiencia: la creación de una infraestructura hotelera a partir de la rehabilitación de edificios históricos. La preservación, mantenimiento e incluso rentabilidad de una gran parte del patrimonio español se haría efectiva a través de la innovadora fórmula patrimonio‐turismo, cuya máxima expresión se materializó en la Red de Paradores desde su fundación en la segunda década del siglo pasado hasta nuestros días. Sorprendentemente, este tema no ha sido todavía investigado en su vertiente arquitectónica pese a que España ha sido pionera y modelo en la cuestión de la hotelería pública. Este trabajo aborda el estudio del caso más significativo de todos los edificios de la red, en tanto que el patrimonio que ha servido de base a los fines hoteleros del Estado ha contado con un total de seis tipos arquitectónicos a lo largo de su historia, dentro de los cuales la arquitectura militar despunta con su mayoritaria presencia dentro del contexto de los edificios históricos de la red. El carácter arquetípico de los castillos y fortalezas, arraigado en el inconsciente colectivo, les hizo especialmente atractivos como alojamiento turístico al permitir evocar la remota época medieval, pese a ser el tipo arquitectónico más comprometido para la rehabilitación hotelera. El estudio de las intervenciones operadas en estos inmuebles se revela de forma clara como escaparate de los distintos criterios de intervención patrimonial que se han sucedido en el siglo XX, hasta enlazar con la perspectiva interdisciplinar actual. La tesis abarca en, primer lugar, diferentes aspectos generales relativos al promotor hotelero, la hotelería pública de ámbito nacional e internacional, y la caracterización de los inmuebles de la red estatal española, desde el punto de vista hotelero y arquitectónico, entendida esta última en sus tres escalas de influencia: la arquitectónica, la urbana o paisajística, y la del interiorismo. Se analiza en segundo término la arquitectura militar dentro del contexto de la Red de Paradores, desde la consideración de su transformación hotelera, para lo cual ha sido necesario realizar una clasificación propia, que abarca tanto edificios que respondieron a una estructura de cuartel, como castillos‐palacio, o fortalezas que habían servido a los fines de una orden religiosa militar, además de considerarse las intervenciones en recintos históricos de carácter militar, donde se hacía obligatorio construir de nueva planta. En tercer y último lugar, se analiza a lo largo de las distintas etapas del organismo turístico las rehabilitaciones realizadas en estas construcciones militares, a la vez que se tienen en cuenta las intervenciones en los restantes edificios históricos, para evitar la descontextualización. Este recorrido comienza con la promoción de los dos primeros paradores a cargo del Comisario Regio, el marqués de la Vega‐Inclán, que sirvieron para sentar las bases de los conceptos e ideas que habrían de desarrollarse en las siguientes décadas. Posteriormente, se desarrolló y tomó forma la red con el Patronato Nacional del Turismo, en la que las primeras intervenciones en tipos militares se tradujeron en reformas interiores de locales. La etapa clave de la red, y en particular de la arquitectura militar, tuvo lugar con el Ministerio de Información y Turismo, marcada por la “repristinación” de monumentos, tras un período preparatorio con la Dirección General del Turismo en el que lo militar había quedado de telón de fondo de otros tipos arquitectónicos. Tras el auge del Ministerio llegó el período de decadencia en el que los castillos y fortalezas desaparecieron de los intereses de las Secretarias de Turismo, hasta llegar a las inauguraciones de los novedosos establecimientos del siglo XXI y el resurgimiento del tipo militar con el parador de Lorca. Metodología empleada: Este trabajo de investigación se ha servido fundamentalmente de documentación inédita, procedente de diversos archivos, además de una muy extensa toma de datos in situ. Dentro del patrimonio analizado, los inmuebles que responden al tipo arquitectónico militar se han dividido en tres grandes grupos: inmuebles rehabilitados que entraron en funcionamiento en la red, inmuebles en proceso de transformación hotelera, e inmuebles que fueron adquiridos con fines hoteleros pero que no llegaron a rehabilitarse. Para cada uno de ellos ha sido necesario determinar en qué estado llegaron a manos de la Administración Turística, cuál fue el mecanismo a través del cual se adquirieron, en qué consistió su primera rehabilitación hotelera, y cuáles fueron las ampliaciones o reformas más significativas que se realizaron posteriormente. Estos datos se han sintetizado en fichas y se han extraído conclusiones al comparar cada unidad con el conjunto. Simultáneamente se introdujeron dos factores externos: la historia del turismo que permitió hacer una ordenación cronológica de los inmuebles según etapas, y la historia de la teoría y práctica de la intervención patrimonial en España que permitió comparar los criterios patrimoniales de la Administración competente respecto de las intervenciones de la Administración Turística, cuyo contacto se haría obligatorio a partir del Decreto, de 22 de abril de 1949, que dejaba bajo la tutela del Estado a todos los castillos y fortalezas. Aportación de la tesis: Con carácter general, la tesis centra una ordenación y sistematización completa del patrimonio inmobiliario de la red, desde el punto de vista de los tipos hoteleros y arquitectónicos, además de poner por primera vez en conexión distintos modelos de hotelería pública, para constituirse en el sustrato de futuras investigaciones. El estudio realizado se ha hecho extensivo a las distintas escalas que inciden de forma interconectada en la implantación de un parador: la arquitectónica, la urbana y la del interiorismo, hasta ahora referenciado desde la exclusiva visión arquitectónica. Se han definido las etapas de la historia de la red, no ya sólo a partir del hilo conductor de la cadena sucesiva de organismos turísticos, sino que por primera vez se hace en razón de la evolución que sufren las intervenciones patrimoniales a lo largo del tiempo, a la vez que se entra en conexión con la teoría y praxis de la restauración monumental. Con carácter particular, la arquitectura militar dentro del contexto de los paradores se destaca en el período del Ministerio, en el que se experimentaron todas las posibilidades que presentaba su rehabilitación. En este sentido se ha puesto de manifiesto en este trabajo un tipo híbrido de parador, a caballo entre la rehabilitación y la edificación de nueva planta, las dos formas básicas de establecimiento creadas en la Comisaría Regia, al que se ha denominado edificación de nueva planta en recinto histórico militar. Esta nueva caracterización se ha valorado como la forma más eficiente de implantar paradores, cuyas pautas arquitectónicas abarcaron un abanico de posibilidades: imitación de modelos arquitectónicos históricos con utilización de elementos patrimoniales prestados que dieran el valor de la historia, utilización de un lenguaje moderno, o la inspiración en la arquitectura vernácula. La amalgama de elementos, estilos e intervenciones sucesivas de ampliación fue la característica común tanto para la implantación de un parador en un edificio como en un recinto amurallado. La arquitectura militar transformada en establecimiento hotelero evidencia la vocación escenográfica de las intervenciones patrimoniales, secundada por el interiorismo, además de su aportación a la arquitectura hotelera en lo referente al confort, organización y funcionamiento de sus instalaciones. La tesis ahonda en los diversos aspectos de la rehabilitación hotelera apuntados de forma parcial por algunos autores, y pone de manifiesto la “ambientación medieval” operada en la arquitectura militar, que llegó a tener su máxima expresión con el criterio de la “unidad de estilo” del Ministerio de Información y Turismo. La rehabilitación hotelera dentro del contexto de la Red de Paradores, queda caracterizada en la tesis en relación a intervenciones en construcciones militares, cuya sistematización puede ser extrapolable a otros tipos arquitectónicos o cadenas hoteleras de titularidad pública, a partir del estudio que se ha avanzado en este trabajo. Thesis basis: At the beginning of the 20th century the interest in tourism added to the plentiful heritage in Spain enabled the authorities to embark on a singular experience: the creation of a hotel infrastructure from the restoration of historic buildings. Preservation, maintenance, and even profitability of a large part of the Spanish heritage would be effective through the innovative formula heritage-tourism. Its greatest expression materialized in the Paradores Network since its foundation in last century’s second decade to the present day. Surprisingly, this subject has not yet been investigated in its architectural aspect, even though Spain has been a pioneer and a model in the matter of public hotel business. This project tackles the study of the most significative case of all the network’s buildings, since the heritage which has served throughout history as a base for the State hotel purposes has altogether six architectural types, among which military architecture stands out with its majority presence in the context of the historical buildings of the network. The archetypal character of castles and fortresses, ingrained in the collective subconscious, made them specially attractive for tourist accommodation, as it allowed the evocation of far medieval times, despite being the most awkward architectural type for hotel restoration. The study of the interventions in these buildings clearly reveals itself as a showcase of the different criteria of heritage intervention along the 20th century, connecting to the present interdisciplinary perspective. Firstly, the thesis covers different general aspects regarding the hotel developer, the domestic and international public hotel business, and the description of the Spanish state network buildings from a hotel business and an architectural point of view, the latter from its three influence scales: architectural, urban or landscape, and interior design. Secondly, the transformation of the military architecture in the Paradores Network into hotels is analyzed. For that purpose it was necessary to create a specific classification, which included barrack-structured buildings, castle-palaces, or fortresses which served the purposes of military-religious orders. The interventions in those military historical places where new building became compulsory were also taken into consideration. Thirdly and lastly, the thesis analyses the restorations in these military constructions through the different stages of the tourist organization. In order to avoid decontextualization, interventions in other historical buildings were also considered. This route begins with the promotion of the two first Paradores by the Royal Commissioner, the marquis of Vega-Inclán, which paved the way for the concepts and ideas that were developed in the following decades. Subsequently, the network was developed and took shape with the National Tourism Board. The first interventions on military types were inside refurbishments. The Network’s key period, and in particular of its military architecture, took place with the Ministry of Information and Tourism, a time marked by the “restoration to its original state” of monuments. This stage arrived after a preparatory period with the State Tourist Office, when the military type was left as a backdrop for other architectural types. After the Ministry’s boom arrived a decline, in which castles and fortresses disappeared from the Tourist Department’s interests up to the opening of the 21st century new establishments and the resurgence of the military type with Lorca’s Parador. Methodology: The present research project has mainly used unpublished documentation from several archives and has done an extensive in situ data-gathering. Within the heritage analyzed, military buildings have been divided into three main groups: restored buildings that began to operate in the network, those in process of hotel transformation, and those acquired for hotel purposes, but which did not become restored. In each case, it has been necessary to determine the condition in which they arrived to the Tourist Administration, the procedure by which they were acquired, what their first hotel restoration consisted of, and which their subsequent most significative enlargements and alterations were. These facts have been synthesized in cards, and conclusions were drawn by comparing each unit with the whole. Simultaneously, two external factors were introduced: the history of tourism, that allowed establishing a chronological order according to different periods, and the history of Spanish heritage intervention’s theory and practice, that permitted to compare the heritage criteria from the competent Administration with those of the Tourist Administration’s interventions. Both Administrations came compulsorily into contact after the Decree of 22nd April 1949, by which all castles and fortresses became under the protection of the State. Thesis contribution: In general, the thesis focuses on a complete order and systematization of the network’s heritage buildings from the hotel and architectural types points of view, besides connecting for the first time different public hotel business models, becoming the substratum for future investigations. The study has included the different scales that impact interconnected on the establishment of a Parador: architectural, urban and interior design, only referenced to date from an architectural point of view. The Network’s history stages have been defined according to not only a consecutive series of tourist organizations, but also, and for the first time, to the evolution of heritage interventions over time, thus connecting with the theory and praxis of monumental restoration. In particular, within the Paradores, military architecture stands out in the Ministry’s period, in which all kind of restoration possibilities were explored. In this sense, the present project puts forth a hybrid type of Parador between restoration and new building, the two basic ways of establishment created in the Royal Commission, termed new building in military historic enclosure. This new characterization has been evaluated as the most efficient for establishing Paradores, whose architectonic guidelines include a wide range of possibilities: the imitation of historical architectonic models with use of borrowed heritage components that provide historical value, the use of modern language, or the inspiration in vernacular architecture. The amalgam of elements, styles and consecutive enlargement interventions was the common feature of the establishment of a Parador, both in a building or in a walled enclosure. The military architecture transformed into a hotel establishment gives proof of the scenographic vocation of heritage interventions, supported by interior design, as well as of its contribution to hotel architecture, related to its comfort, organization and the functioning of its facilities. The thesis delves into the diverse aspects of hotel restoration, partially pointed out by several authors, and puts forth the creation of a “medieval atmosphere” in military architecture, which came to its highest expression with the “unitary style” criteria of the Ministry of Information and Tourism. Hotel restoration within the context of the Paradores’ Network is defined in this thesis in relation to interventions in military constructions, whose systemization can be extrapolative to other architectural types or public hotel chains, based on the study which has been put forward in this project.
Esta tesis se basa en la hipótesis de que la modernidad arquitectónica en México no es, como se ha pretendido, una historia homogénea, centrada en un puñado de figuras clave, sino una multiplicidad de narrativas complejas en las cuales el arte y los medios impresos juegan un papel esencial. Por tanto, se propone una nueva mirada sobre la arquitectura del siglo XX en México a partir de la relación con la fotografía, el dibujo, las ideas y los medios. La tesis se plantea con el fin de vincular la arquitectura con los movimientos artísticos relevantes, los autores con las publicaciones, las formas con los manifiestos. Asímismo, uno de los principales intereses es explorar los conceptos de modernidad y de identidad, como parte de la construcción misma de la arquitectura de dicha época y del concepto de “lo mexicano”. A pesar del énfasis que se ha dado en la construcción de un canon, muchas veces ligado a la noción de monumentalidad, regionalismo, y mestizaje, este trabajo parte de una mirada puesta no en las formas sino en los procesos. A partir de las conexiones entre distintas capas de información, se buscan nuevas maneras de abordar el proyecto arquitectónico. El crítico de arquitectura brasileño Hugo Segawa ha descrito la investigación sobre la arquitectura latinoamericana como “una tarea más de índole arqueológica que historiográfica”, sin embargo, también ha calificado a México como “el más vigoroso centro de debates teóricos en Latinoamérica a lo largo del siglo XX.” Ese descompas entre la ruina y el vigor, entre la abundancia de producción y la precariedad de su conservación, ha definido no solo el estudio de la arquitectura sino las propias formas de creación. Por tanto, la tesis se plantea como una nueva plataforma desde la cual sea posible reformular la arquitectura, lejos de su condición amnésica, pensada en cambio, como un sistema basado en una misma voluntad por indagar y crear. Se busca, siguiendo al crítico británico Anthony Vidler, “relacionar” la historia con el proyecto. Con el fin de quitarle lo escurridizo a una historia incompleta y sobre todo de poder entender la manera en que las ideas se convierten en forma o en objeto, la tesis se estructura a partir de 22 líneas de tiempo organizadas en tres recorridos que se cruzan: arquitectura; arte y pensamiento. A partir de referencias como el Atlas Mnemosyne de Aby Wargurg o la serie Asterisms del artista Gabriel Orozco, se crean nuevos dispositivos para ver. De tal manera, se desdoblan los distintos temas para trazar relaciones entre la ciudad, los edificios, las utopías, las publicaciones y la publicidad. El trabajo se construye como un nuevo instrumento de exploración articulado por medio de capas, como un mapa genealógico evolutivo. El objetivo es abarcar aquella arquitectura construida no sólo en la ciudad sino también en el papel. Iniciando con el trabajo de la generación que llevó la arquitectura al siglo XX, el estudio se extiende a manera de epílogo hasta la primera década del siglo XXI, reuniendo obras que normalmente se han visto de manera aislada para entenderlas en su contexto más amplio. Como escenario de búsquedas, esta tesis intenta provocar el cruce de significados, creyendo imprescindible una nueva reflexión en torno a la disciplina y a los escenarios en los cuales se inscribe. La arquitectura de México –un país que en el siglo XX pasó de tener 13 millones de habitantes a 100 millonescorresponde esencialmente a una producción anónima, o bien, fabricada a partir de estereotipos. Pero entre la mancha de desarrollo informal y el hito reconocible está un trabajo tan amplio como inexplorado. Por tanto, se ofrece una serie de nuevas constelaciones que comprenden desde la Revolución de 1910 a los Juegos Olímpicos de 1968; del terremoto de la ciudad de México en 1985 a los concursos internacionales de las últimas décadas. This thesis’ hypothesis states that architectural modernity in Mexico is not, as sometimes pretended, a homogeneous history, focused on some key figures, but rather a multiple and complex narrative, in which art and print media have played an essential role. Therefore, it proposes a new perspective on 20th century architecture in Mexico analized through the relationship between architecture and photography, art, theory and media. Its aim is to link architecture and artistic movements, authors and publications, forms and manifestos. What is intended here is to explore the concepts of ‘modernity’ and ‘identity’ as part of the construction of architecture and the concept of ‘Mexicanity’. Despite the emphasis that has been given to the construction of an architectural canon —mostly related to the notions of monumentality, regionalism and mestizaje/métissage— this thesis’ approach is focused mainly in processes and not in forms. Through connections between diverse layers of information, new ways of dealing with the architectural project are explored. Brazilian architecture critic Hugo Segawa has described the research on Latin American architecture as «more a task of archaeology than of historiography». Nonetheless, he has also described Mexico as «the most vigorous center of theoretical debates in Latin America throughout the 20th century». This acute discrepancy between decay and vigor, between abundance of production and precarious state of conservation has determined not only the ways in which architecture is studied and understood but also the process of architectural creation. This work is therefore outlined as a new platform in order to reformulate the discipline as a system based on a common will to research and create, far from the existing amnesiac attitude. Following British critic Anthony Vidler, the interest relies in the attempt to ‘relate’ History to project. In order to reduce the elusiveness of an incomplete history and, specially, to understand how ideas become forms and objects, this thesis is composed of 22 timelines organized in three intersecting itineraries: Architecture, Art and Theory. Drawing inspiration from Aby Warburg’s Atlas Mnemosyne and Gabriel Orozco’s series Asterisms, new exploration devices are created. In such a way, diverse topics unfold to draw connections between built environment, utopian projects, publications, photography and publicity. This work is developed as a new tool for exploration, articulated by layers, like an evolutionary genealogy map. Its objective is to analyze not only the architecture build in cities, but produced on paper. Starting with the work of the generation that led Mexican architecture into the 20th century, this research extends until the first decade of the 21st century (the epilogue), gathering together works which have been usually seen in isolation, and therefore making possible its understanding in a broader context. As a scenario for exploration, this work tries to prompt the crossing of meanings, in the belief that new approaches on the discipline and its context are needed. Architecture in Mexico — a country whose population grew in the 20th century form 13 to 100 million— is related essentially with an anonymous production, or else made from stereotypes. However, between the sprawl of informal urban developments and landmark buildings there is an architectural production as extensive as it is unexamined. This essay introduces a series of new constellations, ranging from the Revolution in 1910 to the Olympic Games in 1968; from the earthquake in Mexico City in 1985 to the international competitions of the last decade. These myriad perspectives present buildings that were never built, forgotten writings, iconic images and unpublished material.
Reproducibility of published results is a cornerstone in scientific publishing and progress. Therefore, the scientific community has been encouraging authors and editors to publish their contributions in a verifiable and understandable way. Efforts such as the Reproducibility Initiative [1], or the Reproducibility Projects on Biology [2] and Psychology [3] domains, have been defining standards and patterns to assess whether an experimental result is reproducible.
The advancement of science and engineering projects is brewing major changes in the various phases of a project. These changes have produced more rigorous aspects of project management that tracks the research fronts of engineering and project management becomes key. However, research in engineering and project management in Spanish is hindered by access to information to enable the person concerned to ascertain the most recent and current research, limiting the exchange of information and strengthening research networks in this field interest with great implications in business, industry and scientific issues. Therefore, the article aims to present the state of the art of engineering research and project management in Spanish, using the analysis of scientific domains and network analysis of the research literature to identify and analyze relationships between authors and documents that establish the base and research fronts topic under study. The results also provide statistics on the contribution of international research in Spanish and scientific collaboration networks.
Learning Objects facilitate reuse leading to cost and time savings as well as to the enhancement of the quality of educational resources. However, teachers find it difficult to create or to find high quality Learning Objects, and the ones they find need to be customized. Teachers can overcome this problem using suitable authoring systems that enable them to create high quality Learning Objects with little effort. This paper presents an open source online e-Learning authoring tool called ViSH Editor together with four novel interactive Learning Objects that can be created with it: Flashcards, Virtual Tours, Enriched Videos and Interactive Presentations. All these Learning Objects are created as web applications, which can be accessed via mobile devices. Besides, they can be exported to SCORM including their metadata in IEEE LOM format. All of them are described in the paper including an example of each. This approach for creating Learning Objects was validated through two evaluations: a survey among authors and a formal quality evaluation of 209 Learning Objects created with the tool. The results show that ViSH Editor facilitates educators the creation of high quality Learning Objects.
Un entendimiento infraestructural del proyecto arquitectónico Este trabajo de tesis reivindica la pertinencia de la lógica infraestructural como herramienta de proyecto arquitectónico en el territorio urbano contemporáneo, a través del relato del tránsito que se produce entre las décadas de 1960 y 1970 y el final del siglo XX, desde unos sistemas urbanos centrales, vectoriales y ‘modernos’ hacia unos sistemas policéntricos, organizados según modelos de campos y ‘contemporáneos’. Las infraestructuras han sido tradicionalmente objeto de interés para generaciones de arquitectos y urbanistas que, bien desde su condición plástica más pregnante, bien desde una intuición de su capacidad organizativa, han sido fascinados por la irrupción en el territorio de estos elementos generalmente ajenos al proyecto arquitectónico. Los proyectos que durante décadas han explorado la posibilidad de habitar estas grandes estructuras, o de proyectar con su lenguaje y su escala, han resultado en un acercamiento a la capacidad de lo infraestructural como herramienta de proyecto limitada a cuestiones morfotipológicas. Sin embargo, a partir de un estudio de la infraestructura ‘clásica’ como aquella resultado de la manifestación de las redes de abastecimiento y conectividad básicas, se desvela una naturaleza de lo infraestructural que trasciende su expresión formal conocida y explora su capacidad performativa, como sistema de relaciones, como orden topológico, como soporte flexible para la actividad espontánea y no anticipada. A partir del trabajo de diversos autores y de una selección de proyectos de distinta índole –la mayoría no construidos– se muestra cómo la irrupción de una conciencia relacional, así como la problemática moderna de afrontar los procesos de generación de una ‘nueva ciudad para una nueva sociedad’, motivan la búsqueda de sistemas de generación y control de ‘forma colectiva’ adecuados a un modelo urbano contemporáneo. Transitando por los escritos de Fumihiko Maki en Investigations in Collective Form, Reyner Banham en Megastructure, o Shadrach Woods en The Man in the Street durante los 60 y 70 y, más recientemente, de Stan Allen en Points + Lines, Edward Soja en Postmetropolis o Frei Otto en Occupying and Connecting, se traza esta historia semántica de lo infraestructural desde lo tipológico hasta una noción ampliada que resulta pertinente para operar en el territorio contemporáneo postmetropolitano. Para ello el trabajo plantea, por un lado, la descripción del contexto urbano que podemos asumir como contemporáneo, su evolución y sus características principales. Por otro lado, se explora la formación de esta noción de entendimiento infraestructural en las últimas décadas desde enfoques complementarios. Una introducción describe las condiciones de contexto en las que este estudio doctoral adquiere su pertinencia: el tránsito relativamente reciente desde un modelo vectorial y clásico de ocupación del territorio, al modelo contemporáneo disperso y policéntrico propio del modelo de campos. Un bloque central de tres capítulos analiza ‘lo infraestructural’ como expresión de una arquitectura de las relaciones, como soporte para una sociedad en cambio y como lógica proyectual, no ligada a una forma dada. La última parte, a modo de epílogo, describe el territorio urbano contemporáneo, sus cualidades básicas y la capacidad de las lógicas infraestructurales enunciadas en los capítulos anteriores para operar en él. Un último apartado de conclusiones, establece las bases de una línea de investigación abierta acerca de la operatividad actual de estos sistemas en el proyecto de arquitectura. ABSTRACT An infrastructural understanding of architectural design This thesis project claims for the suitability of infrastructural logics as a design tool within contemporary urban territories. This claim is illustrated by means of a report on the transit between the 60–70’s decades and the end of the 20th century, ranging from vector, central, ‘modern’ urban systems, towards polycentric ‘contemporary’ urban patterns, arranged following field models. Infrastructures have been traditionally on the spot for generations of architects and urban planners who, due to either their aesthetical condition, or an intuition of their organizational capacity, have been fascinated by the bursting of these elements in the territory. Projects which have explored the possibility to inhabit these huge structures, or to design with its language or scale for decades, have turned out to be always limited to morphological-typological issues. However, from the base of a research on ‘classic’ infrastructure –understood as the outcome of supplies and connectivity basic networks– a new nature of infrastructure is revealed, going beyond its known formal expression and exploring its potential to perform as a system of relationships, as a topological pattern, or as a flexible support for spontaneous and unanticipated activity. The breakthrough of a relational consciousness, as well as the modern concern about the generation of ‘a new city for a new society’ are shown, through the works of several authors and a selection of heterogeneous mostly-unbuilt projects. This semantic history of infrastructures, regarding not only typologies but also a broader concept able to operate in contemporary postmetropolitan territory, is drawn by following the paths of Fumihiko Maki in Investigations in Collective Form, Reyner Banham in Megastructure, or Shadrach Woods in The Man in the Street during the 60’s and 70’s and, lately, those of Stan Allen in Points + Lines, Edward Soja in Postmetropolis or Frei Otto in Occupying and Connecting. In order to do so, this thesis project sets, on one hand, a description of the urban context which can be assumed as contemporary, as well as its evolution and main features. On the other hand, complementary approaches help go deep into how this notion of infrastructural insight within the last decades has been created. An introduction describes the contextual conditions for this thesis project to become relevant: the relatively recent transit from a classic spatial occupation pattern, to the contemporary, disperse and polycentric pattern inherent to field models. A three-chapters core analyzes the infrastructures as the expression of an architecture of relations, as well as a support for a changing society and as a formless design logic. The last part, an epilogue, describes the urban contemporary territory and the suitability of the infrastructural logics to operate in it. A final conclusive section, lays the foundations for an open line of research on present functionality of these systems in architectural designs.
In this work we review some earlier distributed algorithms developed by the authors and collaborators, which are based on two different approaches, namely, distributed moment estimation and distributed stochastic approximations. We show applications of these algorithms on image compression, linear classification and stochastic optimal control. In all cases, the benefit of cooperation is clear: even when the nodes have access to small portions of the data, by exchanging their estimates, they achieve the same performance as that of a centralized architecture, which would gather all the data from all the nodes.