10 resultados para Accessible Web
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se enmarca dentro del sistema web de la asignaturade Procesadores de Lenguajes perteneciente al departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos e Ingeniería de Software de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Este Trabajo consta de varias líneas de desarrollo, que se engloban dentro de dicho marco y surgen de la necesidad de mejorar el sistema para hacer que éste sea accesible a todo tipo de usuarios, y a la vez se mantenga actualizado según las tecnologías más recientes. En primer lugar, el presente Trabajo se centra en estudiar la accesibilidad de la web de la asignatura de Procesadores de Lenguajes siguiendo las Pautas de Accesibilidad al Contenido en la Web (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, WCAG) en su segunda versión (2.0). Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo un informe detallado que recoge los resultados de este estudio sobre los criterios de aceptación de las WCAG, y posteriormente se han implementado los cambios necesarios para solucionar los criterios erróneos detectados. De esta manera se puede asegurar que la web es accesible para personas con distintos tipos de discapacidad. Así mismo, y siguiendo el criterio de conseguir una web más accesible, se ha adaptado el sistema a tecnologías más recientes. En el momento de empezar el Trabajo, el sistema web contaba con una serie de páginas estáticas (XHTML 1.1 + CSS 2.1) y una serie de páginas dinámicas (XHTML 1.1 + CSS 2.1 + PHP + MySQL). Estas páginas han sido actualizadas a sus versiones más recientes (HTML 5 y CSS 3). La web cuenta también con un sistema de creación de grupos de prácticas que facilita su gestión tanto a profesores como a alumnos, además de facilitar el alta de los estudiantes de la asignatura. El sistema posee además un módulo de administración para que el personal docente pueda gestionarlo. Sobre este sistema web implantado en la actualidad, se ha realizado una batería de pruebas para garantizar su correcto funcionamiento, y se han corregido todos los errores detectados durante dicho proceso. Al mismo tiempo, se han implementado nuevas funcionalidades que han ido surgiendo desde la creación del sistema hasta el momento presente. Por último, se ha desarrollado un sistema de avisos RSS que permite a los alumnos de la asignatura permanecer al corriente de los avisos y noticias publicados en el tablón de anuncios de la web. Este sistema de avisos RSS servirá también para otros sitios web del Centro que utilicen el tablón de avisos multipropósito y podrá ser visualizado tanto en inglés como en español. ---ABSTRACT---The present final year project is set within the framework of the subject “Procesadores de Lenguajes”, that belongs to the “Computer Languages and Systems and Software Engineering” department of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. This study is divided in several angles of development that are included inside the abovementioned framework. They all emerge from the necessity of upgrading the system in order to make it accessible to everybody and the same time bringing it up to date to the latest technologies. First of all, it is focused on the study of the accessibility of the web site of the subject Procesadores de Lenguajes, following the second version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0). In order to do this, an in-depth report containing the results of the study on the acceptance criteria of the WCAG has been developed. Right afterwards, necessary changes were implemented to correct the erroneous criteria detected. Similarly, and following the criteria of achieving a more accessible web site, the system has been adapted to updated technologies. At the start point, the web system consisted in a series of static pages (XHTML 1.1 + CSS 2.1) and a series of dynamic ones (XHTML 1.1 + CSS 2.1 + PHP + MySQL). These pages have been updated to their latest versions (HTML 5 and CSS 3). The web site has a system for the creation of working groups that makes their management easier, both for the teachers and for the students, as well as the registration process. The teaching staff can also manage the system through the administration module. Over the current web system, sets of several tests have taken place in order to guarantee its correct functioning and all the errors that appeared have been corrected. Likewise, new functionalities have been implemented, and those have been arising since the creation of the system till the present time. Finally, an RSS alert system has been developed, allowing students to keep updated on the news and alerts published in the website noticeboard. This RSS alert system will be shared with other websites of the School using the multipurpose noticeboard, and will be available both in Spanish and English.
The Web has witnessed an enormous growth in the amount of semantic information published in recent years. This growth has been stimulated to a large extent by the emergence of Linked Data. Although this brings us a big step closer to the vision of a Semantic Web, it also raises new issues such as the need for dealing with information expressed in different natural languages. Indeed, although the Web of Data can contain any kind of information in any language, it still lacks explicit mechanisms to automatically reconcile such information when it is expressed in different languages. This leads to situations in which data expressed in a certain language is not easily accessible to speakers of other languages. The Web of Data shows the potential for being extended to a truly multilingual web as vocabularies and data can be published in a language-independent fashion, while associated language-dependent (linguistic) information supporting the access across languages can be stored separately. In this sense, the multilingual Web of Data can be realized in our view as a layer of services and resources on top of the existing Linked Data infrastructure adding i) linguistic information for data and vocabularies in different languages, ii) mappings between data with labels in different languages, and iii) services to dynamically access and traverse Linked Data across different languages. In this article we present this vision of a multilingual Web of Data. We discuss challenges that need to be addressed to make this vision come true and discuss the role that techniques such as ontology localization, ontology mapping, and cross-lingual ontology-based information access and presentation will play in achieving this. Further, we propose an initial architecture and describe a roadmap that can provide a basis for the implementation of this vision.
The future Internet is expected to be composed of a mesh of interoperable web services accessible from all over the web. This approach has not yet caught on since global user?service interaction is still an open issue. This paper states one vision with regard to next-generation front-end Web 2.0 technology that will enable integrated access to services, contents and things in the future Internet. In this paper, we illustrate how front-ends that wrap traditional services and resources can be tailored to the needs of end users, converting end users into prosumers (creators and consumers of service-based applications). To do this, we propose an architecture that end users without programming skills can use to create front-ends, consult catalogues of resources tailored to their needs, easily integrate and coordinate front-ends and create composite applications to orchestrate services in their back-end. The paper includes a case study illustrating that current user-centred web development tools are at a very early stage of evolution. We provide statistical data on how the proposed architecture improves these tools. This paper is based on research conducted by the Service Front End (SFE) Open Alliance initiative.
Semantic Sensor Web infrastructures use ontology-based models to represent the data that they manage; however, up to now, these ontological models do not allow representing all the characteristics of distributed, heterogeneous, and web-accessible sensor data. This paper describes a core ontological model for Semantic Sensor Web infrastructures that covers these characteristics and that has been built with a focus on reusability. This ontological model is composed of different modules that deal, on the one hand, with infrastructure data and, on the other hand, with data from a specific domain, that is, the coastal flood emergency planning domain. The paper also presents a set of guidelines, followed during the ontological model development, to satisfy a common set of requirements related to modelling domain-specific features of interest and properties. In addition, the paper includes the results obtained after an exhaustive evaluation of the developed ontologies along different aspects (i.e., vocabulary, syntax, structure, semantics, representation, and context).
Many attempts have been made to provide multilinguality to the Semantic Web, by means of annotation properties in Natural Language (NL), such as RDFs or SKOS labels, and other lexicon-ontology models, such as lemon, but there are still many issues to be solved if we want to have a truly accessible Multilingual Semantic Web (MSW). Reusability of monolingual resources (ontologies, lexicons, etc.), accessibility of multilingual resources hindered by many formats, reliability of ontological sources, disambiguation problems and multilingual presentation to the end user of all this information in NL can be mentioned as some of the most relevant problems. Unless this NL presentation is achieved, MSW will be restricted to the limits of IT experts, but even so, with great dissatisfaction and disenchantment
Vivimos en la era de la información y del internet, tenemos la necesidad cada vez mayor de conseguir y compartir la información que existe. Esta necesidad se da en todos los ámbitos existentes pero con más ahínco probablemente sea en el área de la medicina, razón por la cual se llevan a cabo muchas investigaciones de distinta índole, lo cual ha llevado a generar un cantidad inimaginable de información y esta su vez muy heterogénea, haciendo cada vez más difícil unificarla y sacar conocimiento o valor agregado. Por lo cual se han llevado a cabo distintas investigaciones para dar solución a este problema, quizás la más importante y con más crecimiento es la búsqueda a partir de modelos de ontologías mediante el uso de sistemas que puedan consultarla. Este trabajo de Fin de Master hace hincapié es la generación de las consultas para poder acceder a la información que se encuentra de manera distribuida en distintos sitios y de manera heterogénea, mediante el uso de una API que genera el código SPARQL necesario. La API que se uso fue creada por el grupo de informática biomédica. También se buscó una manera eficiente de publicar esta API para su futuro uso en el proyecto p-medicine, por lo cual se creó un servicio RESTful para permitir generar las consultas deseadas desde cualquier plataforma, haciendo en esto caso más accesible y universal. Se le dio también una interfaz WEB a la API que permitiera hacer uso de la misma de una manera más amigable para el usuario. ---ABSTRACT---We live in the age of information and Internet so we have the need to consult and share the info that exists. This need comes is in every scope of our lives, probably one of the more important is the medicine, because it is the knowledge area that treats diseases and it tries to extents the live of the human beings. For that reason there have been many different researches generating huge amounts of heterogeneous and distributed information around the globe and making the data more difficult to consult. Consequently there have been many researches to look for an answer about to solve the problem of searching heterogeneous and distributed data, perhaps the more important if the one that use ontological models. This work is about the generation of the query statement based on the mapping API created by the biomedical informatics group. At the same time the project looks for the best way to publish and make available the API for its use in the p-medicine project, for that reason a RESTful API was made to allow the generation of consults from within the platform, becoming much more accessible and universal available. A Web interface was also made to the API, to let access to the final user in a friendly
There are significant levels of concern about the relevance and the difficulty of learning some issues on Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis. Most students of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis in Civil Engineering usually point out some key learning aspects as especially difficult for acquiring specific skills. These key concepts entail comprehension difficulties but ease access and applicability to structural analysis in more advanced subjects. Likewise, some elusive but basic structural concepts, such as flexibility, stiffness or influence lines, are paramount for developing further skills required for advanced structural design: tall buildings, arch-type structures as well as bridges. As new curricular itineraries are currently being implemented, it appears appropriate to devise a repository of interactive web-based applications for training in those basic concepts. That will hopefully train the student to understand the complexity of such concepts, to develop intuitive knowledge on actual structural response and to improve their preparation for exams. In this work, a web-based learning assistant system for influence lines on continuous beams is presented. It consists of a collection of interactive user-friendly applications accessible via Web. It is performed in both Spanish and English languages. Rather than a “black box” system, the procedure involves open interaction with the student, who can simulate and virtually envisage the structural response. Thus, the student is enabled to set the geometric, topologic and mechanic layout of a continuous beam and to change or shift the loading and the support conditions. Simultaneously, the changes in the beam response prompt on the screen, so that the effects of the several issues involved in structural analysis become apparent. The system is performed through a set of web pages which encompasses interactive exercises and problems, written in JavaScript under JQuery and DyGraphs frameworks, given that their efficiency and graphic capabilities are renowned. Students can freely boost their self-study on this subject in order to face their exams more confidently. Besides, this collection is expected to be added to the "Virtual Lab of Continuum Mechanics" of the UPM, launched in 2013 (http://serviciosgate.upm.es/laboratoriosvirtuales/laboratorios/medios-continuos-en-construcci%C3%B3n)
Language resources, such as multilingual lexica and multilingual electronic dictionaries, contain collections of lexical entries in several languages. Having access to the corresponding explicit or implicit translation relations between such entries might be of great interest for many NLP-based applications. By using Semantic Web-based techniques, translations can be available on the Web to be consumed by other (semantic enabled) resources in a direct manner, not relying on application-specific formats. To that end, in this paper we propose a model for representing translations as linked data, as an extension of the lemon model. Our translation module represents some core information associated to term translations and does not commit to specific views or translation theories. As a proof of concept, we have extracted the translations of the terms contained in Terminesp, a multilingual terminological database, and represented them as linked data. We have made them accessible on the Web both for humans (via a Web interface) and software agents (with a SPARQL endpoint).
RESUMEN En los últimos años, debido al incremento en la demanda por parte de las empresas de tecnologías que posibiliten la monitorización y el análisis de un gran volumen de datos en tiempo real, la tecnología CEP (Complex Event Processing) ha surgido como una potencia en alza y su uso se ha incrementado notablemente en ciertos sectores como, por ejemplo, la gestión y automatización de procesos de negocios, finanzas, monitorización de redes y aplicaciones, así como redes de sensores inteligentes como el caso de estudio en el que nos centraremos. CEP se basa en un lenguaje de procesamiento de eventos (Event Processing Language,EPL) cuya utilización puede resultar bastante compleja para usuarios inexpertos. Esta complejidad supone un hándicap y, por lo tanto, un problema a la hora de que su uso se extienda. Este Proyecto Fin de Grado (PFG) pretende dar una solución a este problema, acercando al usuario la tecnología CEP mediante técnicas de abstracción y modelado. Para ello, este PFG ha definido un lenguaje de modelado específico dominio, sencillo e intuitivo para el usuario inexperto, al que se ha dado soporte mediante el desarrollo de una herramienta de modelado gráfico (CEP Modeler) en la que se pueden modelar consultas CEP de forma gráfica, sencilla y de manera más accesible para el usuario. ABSTRACT Over recent years, more and more companies demand technology for monitoring and analyzing a vast volume of data in real time. In this regard, the CEP technology (Complex Event Processing) has emerged as a novel approach to that end, and its use has increased dramatically in certain domains, such as, management and automation of business processes, finance, monitoring of networks and applications, as well as smart sensor networks as the case study in which we will focus. CEP is based on in the Event Processing Language (EPL). This language can be rather difficult to use for new users. This complexity can be a handicap, and therefore, a problem at the time of extending its use. This project aims to provide a solution to this problem, trying to approach the CEP technology to users through abstraction and modelling techniques. To that end, this project has defined an intuitive and simple domain-specific modelling language for new users through a web tool (CEP Modeler) for graphically modeling CEP queries, in an easier and more accessible way.
This thesis is the result of a project whose objective has been to develop and deploy a dashboard for sentiment analysis of football in Twitter based on web components and D3.js. To do so, a visualisation server has been developed in order to present the data obtained from Twitter and analysed with Senpy. This visualisation server has been developed with Polymer web components and D3.js. Data mining has been done with a pipeline between Twitter, Senpy and ElasticSearch. Luigi have been used in this process because helps building complex pipelines of batch jobs, so it has analysed all tweets and stored them in ElasticSearch. To continue, D3.js has been used to create interactive widgets that make data easily accessible, this widgets will allow the user to interact with them and �filter the most interesting data for him. Polymer web components have been used to make this dashboard according to Google's material design and be able to show dynamic data in widgets. As a result, this project will allow an extensive analysis of the social network, pointing out the influence of players and teams and the emotions and sentiments that emerge in a lapse of time.