39 resultados para Abuse of Power
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
The use of modular or ‘micro’ maximum power point tracking (MPPT) converters at module level in series association, commercially known as “power optimizers”, allows the individual adaptation of each panel to the load, solving part of the problems related to partial shadows and different tilt and/or orientation angles of the photovoltaic (PV) modules. This is particularly relevant in building integrated PV systems. This paper presents useful behavioural analytical studies of cascade MPPT converters and evaluation test results of a prototype developed under a Spanish national research project. On the one hand, this work focuses on the development of new useful expressions which can be used to identify the behaviour of individual MPPT converters applied to each module and connected in series, in a typical grid-connected PV system. On the other hand, a novel characterization method of MPPT converters is developed, and experimental results of the prototype are obtained: when individual partial shading is applied, and they are connected in a typical grid connected PV array
Nowadays computing platforms consist of a very large number of components that require to be supplied with diferent voltage levels and power requirements. Even a very small platform, like a handheld computer, may contain more than twenty diferent loads and voltage regulators. The power delivery designers of these systems are required to provide, in a very short time, the right power architecture that optimizes the performance, meets electrical specifications plus cost and size targets. The appropriate selection of the architecture and converters directly defines the performance of a given solution. Therefore, the designer needs to be able to evaluate a significant number of options in order to know with good certainty whether the selected solutions meet the size, energy eficiency and cost targets. The design dificulties of selecting the right solution arise due to the wide range of power conversion products provided by diferent manufacturers. These products range from discrete components (to build converters) to complete power conversion modules that employ diferent manufacturing technologies. Consequently, in most cases it is not possible to analyze all the alternatives (combinations of power architectures and converters) that can be built. The designer has to select a limited number of converters in order to simplify the analysis. In this thesis, in order to overcome the mentioned dificulties, a new design methodology for power supply systems is proposed. This methodology integrates evolutionary computation techniques in order to make possible analyzing a large number of possibilities. This exhaustive analysis helps the designer to quickly define a set of feasible solutions and select the best trade-off in performance according to each application. The proposed approach consists of two key steps, one for the automatic generation of architectures and other for the optimized selection of components. In this thesis are detailed the implementation of these two steps. The usefulness of the methodology is corroborated by contrasting the results using real problems and experiments designed to test the limits of the algorithms.
The multimedia development that has taken place within the university classrooms in recent years has caused a revolution at psychological level within the collectivity of students and teachers inside and outside the classrooms. The slide show applications have become a key supporting element for university professors, who, in many cases, rely blindly in the use of them for teaching. Additionally, ill-conceived slides, poorly structured and with a vast amount of multimedia content, can be the basis of a faulty communication between teacher and student, which is overwhelmed by the appearance and presentation, neglecting their content. The same applies to web pages. This paper focuses on the study and analysis of the impact caused in the process of teaching and learning by the slide show presentations and web pages, and its positive and negative influence on the student’s learning process, paying particular attention to the consequences on the level of attention within the classroom, and on the study outside the classroom. The study is performed by means of a qualitative analysis of student surveys conducted during the last 8 school Civil Engineering School at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. It presents some of the weaknesses of multimedia material, including the difficulties for students to study them, because of the many distractions they face and the need for incentives web pages offer, or the insignificant content and shallowness of the studies due to wrongly formulated presentations.
urface treatments have been recently shown to play an active role in electrical characteristics in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs, in particular during the passivation processing [1-4]. However, the responsible mechanisms are partially unknown and further studies are demanding. The effects of power and time N2 plasma pre-treatment prior to SiN deposition using PE-CVD (plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition) on GaN and AlGaN/GaN HEMT have been investigated. The low power (60 W) plasma pre-treatment was found to improve the electronic characteristics in GaN based HEMT devices, independently of the time duration up to 20 min. In contrast, high power (150 and 210 W) plasma pretreatment showed detrimental effects in the electronic properties (Fig. 1), increasing the sheet resistance of the 2DEG, decreasing the 2DEG charge density in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs, transconductance reduction and decreasing the fT and fmax values up to 40% respect to the case using 60 W N2 plasma power. Although AFM (atomic force microscopy) results showed AlGaN and GaN surface roughness is not strongly affected by the N2-plasma, KFM (Kelvin force microscopy) surface analysis shows significant changes in the surface potential, trending to increase its values as the plasma power is higher. The whole results point at energetic ions inducing polarization-charge changes that affect dramatically to the 2-DEG charge density and the final characteristics of the HEMT devices. Therefore, we conclude that AlGaN surface is strongly sensitive to N2 plasma power conditions, which turn to be a key factor to achieve a good surface preparation prior to SiN passivation.
This paper explains the methodology followed to teach the subject `Digital control of power converters'. This subject belongs to the research master on `Industrial Electronics' of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The subject is composed of several theoretical lessons plus the development of an actual digital control. For that purpose an ad hoc dc-dc converter has been designed and built. The use of this board together with some software tools seems a very powerful way for the students to learn the concepts from the design to the real world
In this paper, calculus of variations and combined blade element and momentum theory (BEMT) are used to demonstrate that, in hover, when neither root nor tip losses are considered; the rotor, which minimizes the total power (MPR), generates an induced velocity that varies linearly along the blade span. The angle of attack of every blade element is constant and equal to its optimum value. The traditional ideal twist (ITR) and optimum (OR) rotors are revisited in the context of this variational framework. Two more optimum rotors are obtained considering root and tip losses, the ORL, and the MPRL. A comparison between these five rotors is presented and discussed. The MPR and MPRL present a remarkable saving of power for low values of both thrust coefficient and maximum aerodynamic efficiency. The result obtained can be exploited to improve the aerodynamic behaviour of rotary wing micro air vehicles (MAV). A comparison with experimental results obtained from the literature is presented.
The quality and the reliability of the power generated by large grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) plants are negatively affected by the source characteristic variability. This paper deals with the smoothing of power fluctuations because of geographical dispersion of PV systems. The fluctuation frequency and the maximum fluctuation registered at a PV plant ensemble are analyzed to study these effects. We propose an empirical expression to compare the fluctuation attenuation because of both the size and the number of PV plants grouped. The convolution of single PV plants frequency distribution functions has turned out to be a successful tool to statistically describe the behavior of an ensemble of PV plants and determine their maximum output fluctuation. Our work is based on experimental 1-s data collected throughout 2009 from seven PV plants, 20 MWp in total, separated between 6 and 360 km.
The estimation of power losses due to wind turbine wakes is crucial to understanding overall wind farm economics. This is especially true for large offshore wind farms, as it represents the primary source of losses in available power, given the regular arrangement of rotors, their generally largerdiameter and the lower ambient turbulence level, all of which conspire to dramatically affect wake expansion and, consequently, the power deficit. Simulation of wake effects in offshore wind farms (in reasonable computational time) is currently feasible using CFD tools. An elliptic CFD model basedon the actuator disk method and various RANS turbulence closure schemes is tested and validated using power ratios extracted from Horns Rev and Nysted wind farms, collected as part of the EU-funded UPWIND project. The primary focus of the present work is on turbulence modeling, as turbulent mixing is the main mechanism for flow recovery inside wind farms. A higher-order approach, based on the anisotropic RSM model, is tested to better take into account the imbalance in the length scales inside and outside of the wake, not well reproduced by current two-equation closure schemes.
The maximum performance of bare electrodynamic tethers as power generating systems under OML-theory is analyzed. Results show that best performance in terms of power density is achieved by designing the tether in such a way to increase ohmic impedance with respect to plasma contact impedance, hence favoring longer and thinner tethers. In such condition the corresponding optimal value of the load impedance is seen to approach the ohmic impedance of the conducting tether. At the other extreme, when plasma contact impedance dominates (which is not optimal but can be relevant for some applications) optimum power generation is found by matching the load impedance with an effective tether-plasma contact impedance whose expression is derived.
The effects of power and time conditions of in situ N2 plasma treatment, prior to silicon nitride (SiN) passivation, were investigated on an AlGaN/GaN high-electron mobility transistor (HEMT). These studies reveal that N2 plasma power is a critical parameter to control the SiN/AlGaN interface quality, which directly affects the 2-D electron gas density. Significant enhancement in the HEMT characteristics was observed by using a low power N2 plasma pretreatment. In contrast, a marked gradual reduction in the maximum drain-source current density (IDS max) and maximum transconductance (gm max), as well as in fT and fmax, was observed as the N2 plasma power increases (up to 40% decrease for 210 W). Different mechanisms were proposed to be dominant as a function of the discharge power range. A good correlation was observed between the device electrical characteristics and the surface assessment by atomic force microscopy and Kelvin force microscopy techniques.
As advanced Cloud services are becoming mainstream, the contribution of data centers in the overall power consumption of modern cities is growing dramatically. The average consumption of a single data center is equivalent to the energy consumption of 25.000 households. Modeling the power consumption for these infrastructures is crucial to anticipate the effects of aggressive optimization policies, but accurate and fast power modeling is a complex challenge for high-end servers not yet satisfied by analytical approaches. This work proposes an automatic method, based on Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization, for the identification of power models of enterprise servers in Cloud data centers. Our approach, as opposed to previous procedures, does not only consider the workload consolidation for deriving the power model, but also incorporates other non traditional factors like the static power consumption and its dependence with temperature. Our experimental results shows that we reach slightly better models than classical approaches, but simul- taneously simplifying the power model structure and thus the numbers of sensors needed, which is very promising for a short-term energy prediction. This work, validated with real Cloud applications, broadens the possibilities to derive efficient energy saving techniques for Cloud facilities.
El trabajo realizado en la presente tesis doctoral se debe considerar parte del proyecto UPMSat-2, que se enmarca dentro del ámbito de la tecnología aeroespacial. El UPMSat-2 es un microsatélite (de bajo coste y pequeño tamaño) diseñado, construido, probado e integrado por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (España), para fines de demostración tecnológica y educación. El objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral es presentar nuevos modelos analíticos para estudiar la interdependencia energética entre los subsistemas de potencia y de control de actitud de un satélite. En primer lugar, se estudia la simulación del subsistema de potencia de un microsatélite, prestando especial atención a la simulación de la fuente de potencia, esto es, los paneles solares. En la tesis se presentan métodos sencillos pero precisos para simular la producción de energía de los paneles en condiciones ambientales variables a través de su circuito equivalente. Los métodos propuestos para el cálculo de los parámetros del circuito equivalente son explícitos (o al menos, con las variables desacopladas), no iterativos y directos; no se necesitan iteraciones o valores iniciales para calcular los parámetros. La precisión de este método se prueba y se compara con métodos similares de la literatura disponible, demostrando una precisión similar para mayor simplicidad. En segundo lugar, se presenta la simulación del subsistema de control de actitud de un microsatélite, prestando especial atención a la nueva ley de control propuesta. La tesis presenta un nuevo tipo de control magnético es aplicable a la órbita baja terrestre (LEO). La ley de control propuesta es capaz de ajustar la velocidad de rotación del satélite alrededor de su eje principal de inercia máximo o mínimo. Además, en el caso de órbitas de alta inclinación, la ley de control favorece la alineación del eje de rotación con la dirección normal al plano orbital. El algoritmo de control propuesto es simple, sólo se requieren magnetopares como actuadores; sólo se requieren magnetómetros como sensores; no hace falta estimar la velocidad angular; no incluye un modelo de campo magnético de la Tierra; no tiene por qué ser externamente activado con información sobre las características orbitales y permite el rearme automático después de un apagado total del subsistema de control de actitud. La viabilidad teórica de la citada ley de control se demuestra a través de análisis de Monte Carlo. Por último, en términos de producción de energía, se demuestra que la actitud propuesto (en eje principal perpendicular al plano de la órbita, y el satélite que gira alrededor de ella con una velocidad controlada) es muy adecuado para la misión UPMSat-2, ya que permite una área superior de los paneles apuntando hacia el sol cuando se compara con otras actitudes estudiadas. En comparación con el control de actitud anterior propuesto para el UPMSat-2 resulta en un incremento de 25% en la potencia disponible. Además, la actitud propuesto mostró mejoras significativas, en comparación con otros, en términos de control térmico, como la tasa de rotación angular por satélite puede seleccionarse para conseguir una homogeneización de la temperatura más alta que apunta satélite y la antena. ABSTRACT The work carried out in the present doctoral dissertation should be considered part of the UPMSat-2 project, falling within the scope of the aerospace technology. The UPMSat-2 is a microsatellite (low cost and small size) designed, constructed integrated and tested for educational and technology demonstration purposes at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain). The aim of the present doctoral dissertation is to present new analytical models to study the energy interdependence between the power and the attitude control subsystems of a satellite. First, the simulation of the power subsystem of a microsatellite is studied, paying particular attention to the simulation of the power supply, i.e. the solar panels. Simple but accurate methods for simulate the power production under variable ambient conditions using its equivalent circuit are presented. The proposed methods for calculate the equivalent circuit parameters are explicit (or at least, with decoupled variables), non-iterative and straight forward; no iterations or initial values for the parameters are needed. The accuracy of this method is tested and compared with similar methods from the available literature demonstrating similar precision but higher simplicity. Second, the simulation of the control subsystem of a microsatellite is presented, paying particular attention to the new control law proposed. A new type of magnetic control applied to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites has been presented. The proposed control law is able to set the satellite rotation speed around its maximum or minimum inertia principal axis. Besides, the proposed control law favors the alignment of this axis with the normal direction to the orbital plane for high inclination orbits. The proposed control algorithm is simples, only magnetorquers are required as actuators; only magnetometers are required as sensors; no estimation of the angular velocity is needed; it does not include an in-orbit Earth magnetic field model; it does not need to be externally activated with information about the orbital characteristics and it allows automatic reset after a total shutdown of attitude control subsystem. The theoretical viability of the control law is demonstrated through Monte Carlo analysis. Finally, in terms of power production, it is demonstrated that the proposed attitude (on principal axis perpendicular to the orbit plane, and the satellite rotating around it with a controlled rate) is quite suitable for the UPMSat-2 mission, as it allows a higher area of the panels pointing towards the sun when compared to other studied attitudes. Compared with the previous attitude control proposed for the UPMSat-2 it results in a 25% increment in available power. Besides, the proposed attitude showed significant improvements, when compared to others, in terms of thermal control, as the satellite angular rotation rate can be selected to achieve a higher temperature homogenization of the satellite and antenna pointing.
This article has been extracted from the results of a thesis entitled “Potential bioelectricity production of the Madrid Community Agricultural Regions based on rye and triticale biomass.” The aim was, first, to quantify the potential of rye (Secale Cereale L.) and triticale ( Triticosecale Aestivum L.) biomass in each of the Madrid Community agricultural regions, and second, to locate the most suitable areas for the installation of power plants using biomass. At least 17,339.9 t d.m. of rye and triticale would be required to satisfy the biomass needs of a 2.2 MW power plant, (considering an efficiency of 21.5%, 8,000 expected operating hours/year and a biomass LCP of 4,060 kcal/kg for both crops), and 2,577 ha would be used (which represent 2.79% of the Madrid Community fallow dry land surface). Biomass yields that could be achieved in Madrid Community using 50% of the fallow dry land surface (46,150 ha representing 5.75% of the Community area), based on rye and triticale crops, are estimated at 84,855, 74,906, 70,109, 50,791, 13,481, and 943 t annually for the Campiña, Vegas, Sur Occidental, Área Metropolitana, Lozoya-Somosierra, and Guadarrama regions. The latter represents a bioelectricity potential of 10.77, 9.5, 8.9, 6.44, 1.71, and 0.12 MW, respectively.
This report analyzes the basis of hydrogen and power integration strategies, by using water electrolysis processes as a means of flexible energy storage at large scales. It is a prospective study, where the scope is to describe the characteristics of current power systems (like the generation technologies, load curves and grid constraints), and define future scenarios of hydrogen for balancing the electrical grids, considering the efficiency, economy and easiness of operations. We focus in the "Spanish case", which is a good example for planning the transition from a power system holding large reserve capacities, high penetration of renewable energies and limited interconnections, to a more sustainable energy system being capable to optimize the volumes, the regulation modes, the utilization ratios and the impacts of the installations. Thus, we explore a novel aspect of the "hydrogen economy" which is based in the potentials of existing power systems and the properties of hydrogen as energy carrier, by considering the electricity generation and demand globally and determining the optimal size and operation of the hydrogen production processes along the country; e.g. the cost production of hydrogen becomes viable for a base-load scenario with 58 TWh/year of power surplus at 0.025 V/kWh, and large number electrolyzer plants (50 MW) running in variable mode (1-12 kA/m2)
The efficiency of power optimization tools depends on information on design power provided by the power estimation models. Power models targeting different power groups can enable fast identification of the most power consuming parts of design and their properties. The accuracy of these estimation models is highly dependent on the accuracy of the method used for their characterization. The highest precision is achieved by using physical onboard measurements. In this paper, we present a measurement methodology that is primarily aimed at calibrating and validating high-level dynamic power estimation models. The measurements have been carefully designed to enable the separation of the interconnect power from the logic power and the power of the clock circuitry, so that each of these power groups can be used for the corresponding model validation. The standard measurement uncertainty is lower than 2% of the measured value even with a very small number of repeated measurements. Additionally, the accuracy of a commercial low-level power estimation tool has been also assessed for comparison purposes. The results indicate that the tool is not suitable for power estimation of data path-oriented designs.