245 resultados para Molfino, Miguel Angel
Background The turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) is a highly appreciated European aquaculture species. Growth related traits constitute the main goal of the ongoing genetic breeding programs of this species. The recent construction of a consensus linkage map in this species has allowed the selection of a panel of 100 homogeneously distributed markers covering the 26 linkage groups (LG) suitable for QTL search. In this study we addressed the detection of QTL with effect on body weight, length and Fulton's condition factor. Results Eight families from two genetic breeding programs comprising 814 individuals were used to search for growth related QTL using the panel of microsatellites available for QTL screening. Two different approaches, maximum likelihood and regression interval mapping, were used in order to search for QTL. Up to eleven significant QTL were detected with both methods in at least one family: four for weight on LGs 5, 14, 15 and 16; five for length on LGs 5, 6, 12, 14 and 15; and two for Fulton's condition factor on LGs 3 and 16. In these LGs an association analysis was performed to ascertain the microsatellite marker with the highest apparent effect on the trait, in order to test the possibility of using them for marker assisted selection. Conclusions The use of regression interval mapping and maximum likelihood methods for QTL detection provided consistent results in many cases, although the high variation observed for traits mean among families made it difficult to evaluate QTL effects. Finer mapping of detected QTL, looking for tightly linked markers to the causative mutation, and comparative genomics are suggested to deepen in the analysis of QTL in turbot so they can be applied in marker assisted selection programs.
Tanto en el campo de la conservación como en el de la mejora genética, se han propuesto diversos métodos para gestionar una población controlando la pérdida de diversidad genética. En poblaciones no subdivididas, el método aceptado es determinar la contribución de cada posible padre (i.e., el número de descendientes que cada individuo deja a la siguiente generación), minimizando el parentesco global de los padres ponderado por estas contribuciones (Meuwissen, 1997; Grundy et al., 1998; Fernández et al., 2003). Los coeficientes de parentesco se obtienen normalmente de la genealogía, y en dicho caso, se optimiza el parentesco global genealógico. Sin embargo, la información genealógica no está siempre disponible, en cuyo caso se pueden usar marcadores moleculares para calcular el parentesco molecular o estimar el parentesco genealógico (Toro et al., 2009). Así, cuando no se dispone de genealogías, se puede minimizar el parentesco molecular global o el parentesco global genealógico estimado con los marcadores. Fernández et al. (2005) estudiaron mediante simulaciones la capacidad de la información molecular de reemplazar a la información genealógica, y concluyeron que el uso exclusivo de información molecular era claramente insuficiente. En dicho estudio, los autores se basaron en un número limitado de marcadores microsatélites, del orden de decenas. En la actualidad, gracias a los métodos de secuenciación de última generación, disponemos de miles de marcadores de tipo SNP, lo que hace necesaria una revisión de aquellas investigaciones que concluían que la utilidad de la información molecular era limitada e inferior a la genealógica. En este estudio, reevaluamos vía simulaciones la capacidad de la información genómica de reemplazar a la información genealógica para mantener diversidad genética en programas de conservación, usando un número de SNPs en línea con los datos actualmente disponibles
La pérdida de diversidad genética, que conlleva descensos en eficacia biológica y pérdida de adaptabilidad, suele considerarse un fenómeno a evitar. Sin embargo determinadas poblaciones requieren la preservación del fondo genético diferenciado de otros grupos: han de ser mantenidas en pureza. El motivo puede ser económico: razas que proporcionan productos de interés (como los cerdos ibéricos o bovinos de raza Reggiana; Dalvit et al., 2007) razas, como en perros, que no se cruzan por motivos estéticos (Parker et al., 2004), etc. También en especies o razas salvajes amenazadas por su equivalente doméstico tiene interés el mantenimiento de su base genética diferenciada (Rhymer y Simberloff 1996; Allendorf et al., 2001). Si tenemos una población de interés que se ha cruzado (bien por error o por mala gestión) con otra y queremos recuperar su fondo genético original, tendremos que llevar a cabo un proceso de desintrogresión. Por ejemplo, poblaciones que quieren recuperarse a través de un banco de semen requieren la utilización de hembras de otra población cuyo fondo genético habría de ser eliminado (Hall y Bradley 1995
Selective area growth (SAG) of GaN nanocolumns (NCs), making use of patterned or masked (nanoholes) substrates, yields a periodic, homogeneous distribution of nanostructures, that makes their processing much easier compared with self-assembled ones. In addition, the control on the diameter and density of NCs avoids dispersion in the electrooptical characteristics of the heterostructures based on this type of material (embedded InGaN/GaN quantum disks for example). Selective area growth using a mask with nanohole arrays has been demonstrated by rf-plasma-assisted MBE [1, 2].
Ordered arrays of III-Nitride nanocolumns are excellent candidates for the fabrication of nano-optoelectronic devices. Different technologies such as e-beam lithography or colloidal lithography, have been used to obtain ordered arrays. All these technologies have in common several processing steps that can affect the crystalline growth of the nanocolumns. In this work, we present a single lithographic step that permits to grow ordered GaN nanocolumns with different geometries. The patterning is based in the use of a focusedionbeam with different doses. With this method has been possible to create GaN nanopillars and nanocylinders
Due to its small band-gap and its high mobility, InN is a promising material for a large number of key applications like band-gap engineering for high efficiency solar cells, light emitting diodes, and high speed devices. Unfortunately, it has been reported that this material exhibits strong surface charge accumulation which may depend on the type of surface. Current investigations are conducted in order to explain the mechanisms which govern such a behavior and to look for ways of avoiding it and/or finding applications that may use such an effect. In this framework, low frequency noise measurements have been performed at different temperatures on patterned MBE grown InN layers. The evolution of the 1/f noise level with temperature in the 77 K-300 K range is consistent with carrier number fluctuations thus indicating surface mechanisms: the surface charge accumulation is confirmed by the noise measurements.
GaN/InGaN nanorods have attracted much scientific interest during the last decade because of their unique optical and electrical properties [1,2]. The high crystal quality and the absence of extended defects make them ideal candidates for the fabrication of high efficiency opto-electronic devices such as nano-photodetectors, light-emitting diodes, and solar cells [1-3]. Nitrides nanorods are commonly grown in the self-assembled mode by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) [4]. However, self-assembled nanorods are characterized by inhomogeneous heights and diameters, which render the device processing very difficult and negatively affect the electronic transport properties of the final device. For this reason, the selective area growth (SAG) mode has been proposed, where the nanorods preferentially grow on pre-defined sites on a pre-patterned substrate [5].
A walking machine is a wheeled rover alternative, well suited for work in an unstructured environment and specially in abrupt terrain. They have some drawback like speed and power consumption, but they can achieve complex movements and protrude very little the environment they are working on. The locomotion system is determined by the terrain conditions and, in our case, this legged design has been chosen based in a working area like Rio Tinto in the South of Spain, which is a river area with abrupt terrain. A walking robot with so many degrees of freedom can be a challenge when dealing with the analysis and simulations of the legs. This paper shows how to deal with the kinematical analysis of the equations of a hexapod robot based on a design developed by the Center of Astrobiology INTA-CSIC following the classical formulation of equations
When an automobile passes over a bridge dynamic effects are produced in vehicle and structure. In addition, the bridge itself moves when exposed to the wind inducing dynamic effects on the vehicle that have to be considered. The main objective of this work is to understand the influence of the different parameters concerning the vehicle, the bridge, the road roughness or the wind in the comfort and safety of the vehicles when crossing bridges. Non linear finite element models are used for structures and multibody dynamic models are employed for vehicles. The interaction between the vehicle and the bridge is considered by contact methods. Road roughness is described by the power spectral density (PSD) proposed by the ISO 8608. To consider that the profiles under right and left wheels are different but not independent, the hypotheses of homogeneity and isotropy are assumed. To generate the wind velocity history along the road the Sandia method is employed. The global problem is solved by means of the finite element method. First the methodology for modelling the interaction is verified in a benchmark. Following, the case of a vehicle running along a rigid road and subjected to the action of the turbulent wind is analyzed and the road roughness is incorporated in a following step. Finally the flexibility of the bridge is added to the model by making the vehicle run over the structure. The application of this methodology will allow to understand the influence of the different parameters in the comfort and safety of road vehicles crossing wind exposed bridges. Those results will help to recommend measures to make the traffic over bridges more reliable without affecting the structural integrity of the viaduct
Cuando un automóvil o un tren circula sobre un viaducto se producen efectos dinámicos que, además de aumentar los esfuerzos que ha de soportar el puente, afectan a los propios vehículos. Los fenómenos de vibración lateral en los viaductos de ferrocarril están contemplados de manera muy sucinta en la normativa y pueden afectar a la seguridad y comodidad del tráfico. En el caso de las carreteras, esa dinámica también puede contribuir al riesgo de accidente y al aumento de la sensación de incomodidad, sobre todo si se considera la presencia de vientos laterales. La preocupación por estos fenómenos queda reflejada en el número de artículos publicados en revistas científicas en los últimos años. Para este trabajo se han desarrollado modelos de interacción dinámica que representan el comportamiento de las estructuras, mediante el método de los elementos finitos, y el de los vehículos, mediante sistemas multicuerpo.
In this work a methodology for analysing the lateral coupled behavior of large viaducts and high-speed trains is proposed. The finite element method is used for the structure, multibody techniques are applied for vehicles and the interaction between them is established introducing wheel-rail nonlinear contact forces. This methodology is applied for the analysis of the railway viaduct of the R´ıo Barbantino, which is a very long and tall bridge in the north-west spanish high-speed line.
La creciente preocupación por parte de la sociedad respecto del medio ambiente que nos rodea, ha hecho que las administraciones de ámbito local recojan las inquietudes de los ciudadanos e intenten dar soluciones mediante la creación de lo que se viene a denominar espacios verdes urbanos: son nuestros parques y jardines públicos. Sin embargo, día a día surgen nuevas demandas por parte de los distintos grupos sociales, pasando de la mera creación o representación estética del campo en la ciudad a dotar a estos entornos de elementos en los que la practicidad toma un valor relevante. El objetivo del presente trabajo es servir como instrumento de información a las distintas administraciones en su labor de planificación de zonas verdes urbanas utilizando para ello Sistemas de Información Geográfica
We fabricate and characterize novel LEDs based on InGaN/GaN nanocolumns grown on patterned substrates, leading to the periodically ordered growth of emitters directly producing white light
•Self- assembled Ga(In)N Nanorods and Nanostructures •Ordered growth of GaN Nanorods: masks issues •Ordered growth of GaN Nanorods: mechanisms •White NanoLEDs
• GaN NCs on Si • PA-MBE • Diameters 20 – 60 nm • Lengths 0.6 – 1.2 µm • Unstrained • PL lines correlate to NC coalescence, EXCEPT the 3.45 eV doublet