34 resultados para Vectorial Competence


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This document presents an innovative, formal educational initiative that is aimed at enhancing the development of engineering students' specific competences. The subject of project management is the common theoretical and practical framework that articulates an experience that is carried out by multidisciplinary groups. Full utilization of Web 2.0 platforms and Project Based Learning constitutes the applied methodology. More specifically, this study focuses on monitoring communication competence when working in virtual environments, providing an ad-hoc rubric as a final result.


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The value of project-based learning has lead to the inclusion of project development activities in engineering courses, being the Final Year Project (FYP) the most remarkable one. Several approaches have been proposed for assessing and grading FYPs but, among them, rubrics are becoming a standard for such type of assessment. However, due to the different characteristics and orientations of the projects (some are more practically oriented, some more theoretically), and the high amount of different competences to be evaluated (knowledge, working capability, communication skills, etc.), the definition of one unique rubric suitable for the evaluation of all FYPs presented in different degree programs, is a big challenge. In a former work, the educational outcomes expected from the FYP were defined and resulted in a proposal for their assessment. Afterwards, the proposal has been tested during one year within an educational innovation-project at the Universidad Politcnica de Madrid which involved the follow-up of 8 undergraduate telecommunication students elaborating their FYPs. In this publication, our experience will be described, based on the emerging work taking place through the formalisation of the process which consisted in the following steps: i) establishment of a schedule for the whole process (publication of FYPs topics, selection of applying students and their enrolment, assignation of a jury to each FYP, elaboration and follow-up of FYPs, final report submission, oral presentation, etc.); ii) design of rubrics for each of three assessment parts: working process, final report and oral presentation; and iii) follow-up and evaluation of the involved FYPs. Finally, problems that appeared during this experience (e.g. administrative aspects, criticisms and suggestions from the students, tutors and juries involved) are discussed and some modifications in the assessment system will be proposed in order to solve or minimize these problems.


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En este proceso debemos tener en cuenta la capacidad del territorio para acoger una infraestructura y el impacto ambiental que sta podr causar en el medio ambiente. El objetivo del ejercicio es localizar un vertedero en la zona del Sureste de Madrid.


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Se presenta este artculo con el nimo de enumerar y estudiar diferentes algoritmos que tratan la generalizacin de datos cartogrficos vectoriales de zonas urbanas, debido a que en ellas se concentran la mayora de los conflictos que se pueden encontrar en los procesos de generalizacin cartogrfica. A pesar de que la generalizacin es uno de los procedimientos ms difciles de automatizar, existen herramientas que implementan estos algoritmos y ofrecen resultados satisfactorios, aunque ninguna de ellas es capaz de automatizar por completo el proceso de generalizacin. A continuacin, se incluyen las pruebas realizadas al respecto, describiendo y analizando los resultados obtenidos, estableciendo una comparativa con trabajos realizados por diferentes autores. Se concluye el documento valorando los posibles trabajos futuros para solventar la problemtica de la generalizacin cartogrfica. Este estudio se encuentra en el marco del proyecto CENIT Espaa Virtual. Abstract: This article is focused in studying different algorithms about generalization of vector map data from urban areas, because most of the conflicts in the processes of cartographic generalization are concentrated in these areas. Although generalization is one of the most difficult processes to automate, there are tools that implement these algorithms and provide satisfactory results. However,none of them can automate the process of generalization completely. Then tests in describing and analyzing the results are included, establishing a comparison with works of various authors. The document concludes by assessing the possible future works to solve the problem of cartographic generalization. This study is within the CENIT project Espaa Virtual.


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Se presenta un estudio de algoritmos que ofrecen resultados ptimos en cuanto a lo que a la generalizacin vectorial de entidades lineales se refiere. Este estudio se encuentra dentro del marco del proyecto CENIT Espaa Virtual para la investigacin de nuevos algoritmos de procesado cartogrfico. La generalizacin constituye uno de los procesos cartogrficos ms complejos, cobrando su mayor importancia a la hora de confeccionar mapas derivados a partir de otros a mayores escalas. La necesidad de una generalizacin se hace patente ante la imposibilidad de representar la realidad en su totalidad, teniendo sta que ser limitada o reducida para la posterior elaboracin del mapa, manteniendo, eso s, las caractersticas esenciales del espacio geogrfico cartografiado. La finalidad, por tanto, es obtener una imagen simplificada pero representativa de la realidad. Debido a que casi el ochenta por ciento de la cartografa vectorial est compuesta por elementos lineales, la investigacin se centra en aquellos algoritmos capaces de procesar y actuar sobre stos, demostrando adems que su aplicacin puede extenderse al tratamiento de elementos superficiales ya que son tratados a partir de la lnea cerrada que los define. El estudio, adems, profundiza en los procesos englobados dentro de la exageracin lineal que pretenden destacar o enfatizar aquellos rasgos de entidades lineales sin los que la representatividad de nuestro mapa se vera mermada. Estas herramientas, acompaadas de otras ms conocidas como la simplificacin y el suavizado de lneas, pueden ofrecer resultados satisfactorios dentro de un proceso de generalizacin. Abstract: A study of algorithms that provide optimal results in vector generalization is presented. This study is within the CENIT project framework of the Espaa Virtual for research of new cartographic processing algorithms. The generalization is one of the more complex mapping processes, taking its greatest importance when preparing maps derived from other at larger scales. The need for generalization is evident given the impossibility of representing whole real world, taking it to be limited or reduced for the subsequent preparation of the map, keeping main features of the geographical space. Therefore, the goal is to obtain a simplified but representative image of the reality. Due to nearly eighty percent of the mapping vector is composed of linear elements, the research focuses on those algorithms that can process them, proving that its application can also be extended to the treatment of surface elements as they are treated from the closed line that defines them. Moreover, the study focussed into the processes involved within the linear exaggeration intended to highlight or emphasize those features of linear entities that increase the representativeness of our map. These tools, together with others known as the simplification and smoothing of lines, can provide satisfactory results in a process of generalization.


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Background Objective assessment of psychomotor skills has become an important challenge in the training of minimally invasive surgical (MIS) techniques. Currently, no gold standard defining surgical competence exists for classifying residents according to their surgical skills. Supervised classification has been proposed as a means for objectively establishing competence thresholds in psychomotor skills evaluation. This report presents a study comparing three classification methods for establishing their validity in a set of tasks for basic skills assessment. Methods Linear discriminant analysis (LDA), support vector machines (SVM), and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS) were used. A total of 42 participants, divided into an experienced group (4 expert surgeons and 14 residents with >10 laparoscopic surgeries performed) and a nonexperienced group (16 students and 8 residents with <10 laparoscopic surgeries performed), performed three box trainer tasks validated for assessment of MIS psychomotor skills. Instrument movements were captured using the TrEndo tracking system, and nine motion analysis parameters (MAPs) were analyzed. The performance of the classifiers was measured by leave-one-out cross-validation using the scores obtained by the participants. Results The mean accuracy performances of the classifiers were 71 % (LDA), 78.2 % (SVM), and 71.7 % (ANFIS). No statistically significant differences in the performance were identified between the classifiers. Conclusions The three proposed classifiers showed good performance in the discrimination of skills, especially when information from all MAPs and tasks combined were considered. A correlation between the surgeons previous experience and their execution of the tasks could be ascertained from results. However, misclassifications across all the classifiers could imply the existence of other factors influencing psychomotor competence.


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The competence evaluation promoted by the European High Education Area entails a very important methodological change that requires guiding support to help lecturers carry out this new and complex task. In this regard, the Technical University of Madrid (UPM, by its Spanish acronym) has financed a series of coordinated projects with the objective of developing a model for teaching and evaluating core competences and providing support to lecturers. This paper deals with the problem-solving competence. The first step has been to elaborate a guide for teachers to provide a homogeneous way to asses this competence. This guide considers several levels of acquisition of the competence and provides the rubrics to be applied for each one. The guide has been subsequently validated with several pilot experiences. In this paper we will explain the problem-solving assessment guide for teachers and will show the pilot experiences that has been carried out. We will finally justify the validity of the method to assess the problem-solving competence.


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El flameo o flutter es un fenmeno vibratorio debido a la interaccin de fuerzas inerciales, elsticas y aerodinmicas. Consiste en un intercambio de energa, que se puede observar en el cambio de amortiguamientos, entre dos o ms modos estructurales, denominados modos crticos, cuyas frecuencias tienden a acercarse (coalescencia de frecuencias). Los ensayos en vuelo de flameo suponen un gran riesgo debido a la posibilidad de una perdida brusca de estabilidad aeroelstica (flameo explosivo) con la posibilidad de destruccin de la aeronave. Adems existen otros fenmenos asociados que pueden aparecer como el LCO (Limit Cycle Oscillation) y la interaccin con los mandos de vuelo. Debido a esto, se deben llevar a cabo anlisis exhaustivos, que incluyen GVT (vibraciones en tierra), antes de comenzar los ensayos en vuelo, y estos ltimos deben ser ejecutados con robustos procedimientos. El objetivo de los ensayos es delimitar la frontera de estabilidad sin llegar a ella, mantenindose siempre dentro de la envolvente estable de vuelo. Para lograrlo se necesitan mtodos de prediccin, siendo el Flutter Margin, el ms utilizado. Para saber cunta estabilidad aeroelstica tiene el avin y lo lejos que est de la frontera de estabilidad (a travs de mtodos de prediccin) los parmetros modales, en particular la frecuencia y el amortiguamiento, son de vital importancia. El ensayo en vuelo consiste en la excitacin de la estructura a diferentes condiciones de vuelo, la medicin de la respuesta y su anlisis para obtener los dos parmetros mencionados. Un gran esfuerzo se dedica al anlisis en tiempo real de las seales como un medio de reducir el riesgo de este tipo de ensayos. Existen numerosos mtodos de Anlisis Modal, pero pocos capaces de analizar las seales procedentes de los ensayos de flameo, debido a sus especiales caractersticas. Un mtodo novedoso, basado en la Descomposicin por Valores Singulares (SVD) y la factorizacin QR, ha sido desarrollado y aplicado al anlisis de seales procedentes de vuelos de flameo del F-18. El mtodo es capaz de identificar frecuencia y amortiguamiento de los modos crticos. El algoritmo se basa en la capacidad del SVD para el anlisis, modelizacin y prediccin de series de datos con caractersticas peridicas y en su capacidad de identificar el rango de una matriz, as como en la aptitud del QR para seleccionar la mejor base vectorial entre un conjunto de vectores para representar el campo vectorial que forman. El anlisis de seales de flameo simuladas y reales demuestra, bajo ciertas condiciones, la efectividad, robustez, resistencia al ruido y capacidad de automatizacin del mtodo propuesto. ABSTRACT Flutter involves the interaction between inertial, elastic and aerodynamic forces. It consists on an exchange of energy, identified by change in damping, between two or more structural modes, named critical modes, whose frequencies tend to get closer to each other (frequency coalescence). Flight flutter testing involves high risk because of the possibility of an abrupt lost in aeroelastic stability (hard flutter) that may lead to aircraft destruction. Moreover associated phenomena may happen during the flight as LCO (Limit Cycle Oscillation) and coupling with flight controls. Because of that, intensive analyses, including GVT (Ground Vibration Test), have to be performed before beginning the flights test and during them consistent procedures have to be followed. The test objective is to identify the stability border, maintaining the aircraft always inside the stable domain. To achieve that flutter speed prediction methods have to be used, the most employed being the Flutter Margin. In order to know how much aeroelastic stability remains and how far the aircraft is from the stability border (using the prediction methods), modal parameters, in particular frequency and damping are paramount. So flight test consists in exciting the structure at various flight conditions, measuring the response and identifying in real-time these two parameters. A great deal of effort is being devoted to real-time flight data analysis as an effective way to reduce the risk. Numerous Modal Analysis algorithms are available, but very few are suitable to analyze signals coming from flutter testing due to their special features. A new method, based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and QR factorization, has been developed and applied to the analysis of F-18 flutter flight-test data. The method is capable of identifying the frequency and damping of the critical aircraft modes. The algorithm relies on the capability of SVD for the analysis, modelling and prediction of data series with periodic features and also on its power to identify matrix rank as well as QR competence for selecting the best basis among a set of vectors in order to represent a given vector space of such a set. The analysis of simulated and real flutter flight test data demonstrates, under specific conditions, the effectiveness, robustness, noise-immunity and the capability for automation of the method proposed.


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Derivar un campo vectorial respecto una variable escalar (por ejemplo el tiempo o la frecuencia) no es nada evidente. Hay un momento en que nos encontramos con la necesidad de derivar los vectores unitarios de la base del sistema de coordenadas respecto de esa variable escalar. Si trabajamos con coordenadas cilndricas o esfricas dicha derivada no tiene por qu ser nula y hay que calcularla, que es lo difcil del asunto. Para poder calcularla habr que hacer un clculo tedioso que involucrar un cambio a coordenadas cartesianas.


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The present work is focused on studying two issues: the teamwork generic competence and the academic motivation. Currently the professional profile of engineers has a strong component of teamwork. On the other hand, motivational profile of students determines their tendencies when they come to work in team, as well as their performance at work. In this context we suggest four hypotheses: (H1) students improve their teamwork capacity by specific training and carrying out a set of activities integrated into an active learning process; (H2) students with higher mastery motivation have better attitude towards team working; (H3) students with higher mastery motivation obtain better results in academic performance; and (H4) students show different motivation profiles in different circumstances: type of courses, teaching methodologies, different times of the learning process. This study was carried out with computer science engineering students from two Spanish universities. The first results point to an improvement in teamwork competence of students if they have previously received specific training in facets of that competence. Other results indicate that there is a correlation between the motivational profiles of students and their perception about teamwork competence. Finally, and contrary to the initial hypothesis, these profiles appear to not influence significantly the academic performance of students.


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In Chile, during the last three decades there has been a strong decentralization process whose main objective has been to improve the management of schools through the transfer of responsibilities and resources of education and thus improve the outcome of learning, reducing equity gaps between schools and territories. This is how, there has been an evolution of school principals professional profile from an administrative to a management approach, in which principals have become project managers of educational projects. From a competence model for school leaders, based on IPMA guidelines, the present article presents an analysis of best practices for school management, allowing to generate a link between competencies and school management, from the perspective of project management. Results showed that the different competence elements, have relative weights according to the different practice fields, and that this analysis can be considered as a strategic element in educational project planning and development.


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Background: It is known that competence to make decisions is a fundamental aspect of sport competition. Objective: This study has analyzed the decision profile of a sample of Spanish football players of different levels of expertise. Methods: 690 Spanish football players of national and international level completed the decision making questionnaire, which cover three dimensions ? perceived decision competence, decision anxiety and commitment with decision learning. MANCOVA and ANOVA analysis were carried out to analyse the differences in each dimension based on the level of expertise. Results: Results showed that perception of decision making competence increased and the anxiety decreased with the level of expertise. Conclusions: This study confirmed the usefulness of this questionnaire in the process of training for coaches and sport psychologists.


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Teamwork Competence Professors Self-Assessment, a Study Case in the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid


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La adquisicin de la competencia grupal es algo bsico en la docencia universitaria. Esta tarea va a suponer evaluar diferentes factores en un nmero elevado de alumnos, lo que puede supone gran complejidad y un esfuerzo elevado. De cara a evitar este esfuerzo se puede pensar en emplear los registros de la interaccin de los usuarios almacenados en las plataformas de aprendizaje. Para ello el presente trabajo se basa en el desarrollo de un sistema de Learning Analytics que es utilizado como herramienta para analizar las evidencias individuales de los distintos miembros de un equipo de trabajo. El trabajo desarrolla un modelo terico apoyado en la herramienta, que permite relacionar las evidencias observadas de forma emprica para cada alumno, con indicadores obtenidos tanto de la accin individual como cooperativo de los miembros de un equipo realizadas a travs de los foros de trabajo. Abstract The development of the group work competence is something basic in university teaching. It should be evaluated, but this means to analyze different issues about the participation of a high number of students which is very complex and implies a lot of effort. In order to facilitate this evaluation it is possible to analyze the logs of students interaction in Learning Management Systems. The present work describes the development of a Learning Analytics system that analyzes the interaction of each of the members of working group. This tool is supported by a theoretical model, which allows establishing links between the empirical evidences of each student and the indicators of their action in working forums.


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This research presents an innovative and formal educational initiative that is aimed at enhancing the development of engineering students specific competencies when studying Engineering Project Management subject. The framework of the experience combines theoretical concepts, the development of a real-case project carried out by multidisciplinary groups of three different universities, the use of software web 2.0 tools, and group and individual assignments of students that play different roles (project managers and team members). Under this scenario, this paper focuses on monitoring the communication competence in the ever growing Project Management virtual environment. Factors such as corporal language, technical means, stage, and management specific vocabulary among others have been considered in order to assess the students performance on this issue. As a main contribution, the paper introduces an ad-hoc rubric that, based on previous investigations, has been adapted and tested to this specific context. Additionally, the research conducted has provided some interesting findings that suggest further actions to improve and better define future rubrics, oriented to communication or even other competencies. As specific Project Management subject concerns, it has been detected that students playing the role of Project Managers strengthen their competencies more than those ones that play the role of Team Members. It has also been detected that students have more difficulty assimilating concepts related to risk and quality management. However those concepts related with areas of knowledge like scope, time or cost have been better assimilated by the students.