210 resultados para Illinois. Emergency Services and Disaster Agency.
A compilation of reports submitted to the Illinois EPA by Illinois hazardous waste generators and hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities. Includes a brief discussion of the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.
Eleven commercial nuclear reactors used to generate electricity are currently operating at six sites in Illinois; no other state has as many nuclear reactors. In addition, there are two major research facilities in Illinois operated by the US Department of Energy (Argonne National Laboratory and FermiLab), uranium processing facilities at Metropolis and in nearby Paducah, Kentucky, several manufacturers of radiopharmaceuticals and other radioactive materials, thousands of radiation-producing machines used in medicine and industry, and a network of major arterial highways and rail lines over which radioactive material shipments move on a regular basis. Protecting the health and safety of Illinois citizens and the environment from the potentially harmful effects of ionizing radiation is a key function of IEMA'S Division of Nuclear Safety (DNS). That role is fulfilled through programs that monitor nuclear facilities around the clock, ensure the proper operation of radiation-producing equipment and the use of radioactive materials, and measure radioactivity in the environment to ensure no threats to public health exist.
"March 2006."--Cover letter.
In addition to the development and implementation of an Illinois Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan, the alliance was charged with reviewing the statutorily prescribed missions, policies and procedures of the Illinois departments of Public Health, Human Services and Aging and the State Board of Education. This report is a compilation of that review and includes recommendations to incorporate suicide prevention in the missions, policies and procedures of these state agencies.
Project sponsored by the Illinois Dept. of Public Welfare, Child Welfare Services and the Illinois Institute for Juvenile Research.
Public Act 96-133, the Higher Education Veterans Service Act requires the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) to compile annually from Illinois' community colleges and public universities information on the fiscal impact of the programs and services related to the requirements of the Higher Education Veterans Service Act (the Act).
"Study ... made at the request of the Illinois Emergency Relief Commission. The Illinois data ... were collected by the Division of Certification and Service, and the report has been prepared by the Division of Allocations and Statistics."
Cover title.
Subsequent issues of each vol. constitute revisions of the previous ones.
Description based on: 1997; title from cover.
The city of Marion has applied to the Illinois EPA for Section 401 water quality certification to construct a 1,172 surface acre, raw water impoundment reservoir on Sugar Creek, southeast of Creal Springs, Williamson County, Illinois. This proposal and the impacts are described in the Final EIS, DSI, and DSII. The proposed project will involve the construction of a reservoir on Sugar Creek and the mitigation for affected wetlands and jurisdictional waters of the United States.
The Illinois On-Site Safety and Health Consultation Program assists employers in providing their employees a safe and healthy workplace. The goal of the program is to help Illinois employers identify and correct potential safety and health hazards before they become expensive and dangerous problems.
The Illinois On-Site Safety and Health Consultation Program assists employers in providing their employees a safe and healthy workplace. The goal of the program is to help Illinois employers identify and correct potential safety and health hazards before they become expensive and dangerous problems.
Explains the legal mandate, reporting requirements, and other details of the Illinois Dept. of Public Health's statistical registry (started in March 1998) of victims of violent injuries in Illinois. Includes pie charts depicting 1998 and preliminary 1999 statistics on child/adult maltreatment and violent injuries according to gender. Also contains 2 sample reports from reporting facilities.
Explains the legal mandate, reporting requirements, and other details of the Illinois Dept. of Public Health's statistical registry (started in March 1998) of victims of violent injuries in Illinois.