State agency review and initial recommendations report : recommendations of policy and program changes to support suicide prevention.

Autoria(s): Illinois Suicide Prevention Alliance.; Illinois. Dept. of Public Health.; Illinois Suicide Prevention Strategic Planning Committee.; Illinois Suicide Prevention Coalition.



In addition to the development and implementation of an Illinois Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan, the alliance was charged with reviewing the statutorily prescribed missions, policies and procedures of the Illinois departments of Public Health, Human Services and Aging and the State Board of Education. This report is a compilation of that review and includes recommendations to incorporate suicide prevention in the missions, policies and procedures of these state agencies.

A groundswell of independent, grassroots suicide prevention efforts has been growing in Illinois for the last decade. After the Surgeon General's Call to Action on suicide in the early part of the decade, the groundswelling became a movement. The movement became a statewide suicide prevention in 2001 under the guidance of the Illinois Department of Public Health (Department), it was named "The Illinois Suicide Prevention Coalition" (ISPC). As the effort moved forward, it became evident that there was a need for the implementation of suicide prevention services throughout the state system. In 2004, the Illinois General Assembly unanimously passed the Suicide Prevention Education and Treatment Act (Public Act 93-0907). This act created the Illinois Suicide Prevention Strategic Planning Committee, which is now entitled the Illinois Suicide Prevention Alliance (Public Act 095-0109). The advisory board is comprised of appointed representatives of state agencies and a range of other organizations, all of whom share the goal of suicide prevention.


"April 2008."

Cover title.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 26)

In addition to the development and implementation of an Illinois Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan, the alliance was charged with reviewing the statutorily prescribed missions, policies and procedures of the Illinois departments of Public Health, Human Services and Aging and the State Board of Education. This report is a compilation of that review and includes recommendations to incorporate suicide prevention in the missions, policies and procedures of these state agencies.

A groundswell of independent, grassroots suicide prevention efforts has been growing in Illinois for the last decade. After the Surgeon General's Call to Action on suicide in the early part of the decade, the groundswelling became a movement. The movement became a statewide suicide prevention in 2001 under the guidance of the Illinois Department of Public Health (Department), it was named "The Illinois Suicide Prevention Coalition" (ISPC). As the effort moved forward, it became evident that there was a need for the implementation of suicide prevention services throughout the state system. In 2004, the Illinois General Assembly unanimously passed the Suicide Prevention Education and Treatment Act (Public Act 93-0907). This act created the Illinois Suicide Prevention Strategic Planning Committee, which is now entitled the Illinois Suicide Prevention Alliance (Public Act 095-0109). The advisory board is comprised of appointed representatives of state agencies and a range of other organizations, all of whom share the goal of suicide prevention.

Mode of access: Internet.







[Springfield, Ill.] : Illinois Dept. of Public Health,


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Palavras-Chave #Suicide #Suicidal behavior #Suicide
