2 resultados para Improvisation organisationnelle

em Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada - Lisboa


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The aim of this text is to discuss how it is possible to manage the art creating process in a film project, where the circumstances are often turbulent. In normative project management literature one proceeds from the idea that a project is realised in a stable world from a clear goal. In a film project there is often a need to change your plans, to improvise both in front of the camera as well as behind the camera. In the theoretical cinematic literature the responsibility for the final film text is more and more being viewed as a product of not only the director, but of the whole team’s work. Consequently, the narrative of leadership/management in a film team can be viewed from a relational perspective where the director and those s/he interacts with, are responsible for the action, relations and social situations they construe jointly in the process of filmmaking. The organization of a film project is a temporary one. The members of a team are seldom the same from one production to another, as well as the creative process always being unique. According to process thinking, organizing can be seen as the ongoing creative activity where we structure and stabilize the chaotic, moving reality. As concerns a film project, the process of becoming of the filmic expression; careful plans, on the one hand, and improvisation and flexibility in action, on the other hand, are a precondition for its realisation. The director when setting a linguistic formulation to what is to be done, can be considered as a practical author.


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O conceito de improvisação é uma inserção recente no vocabulário dos estudos organizacionais. A investigação sobre o tema permanece, por conseguinte e compreensivelmente, num estádio incipiente. Este artigo apresenta uma proposta de investigação sobre a rotinização das improvisações. Após uma revisão da literatura, são avançadas quatro proposições para futura investigação e um conjunto de instrumentos para proceder à respectiva testagem empírica. O texto procura contribuir para a literatura através da exposição do modo como pode este conceito, até agora abordado sobretudo no plano metafórico, ser operacionalizado e trabalhado empiricamente.