4 resultados para Customer value creation

em Universidade Técnica de Lisboa


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In this study, we examine the relationship between good corporate governance practices and the creation of value/performance of credit unions from 2010 to 2012. The objective was to create and validate a corporate governance index for credit unions, and to then analyse the relationship between good governance practices and the creation of value/performance. The problem question is: do good corporate governance practices provide value creation for credit unions? The research started by creating indices from factor analysis to identify latent dependent variables related to value creation and performance; next indices were created from the principal component analysis for the creation of independent latent variables related to corporate governance. Finally, based on panel data from regression models, the influence of the variables and indices related to corporate governance on the indices of value creation and performance was verified. Based on the research, it became evident that the Corporate Governance Index (IGC) is mainly impacted by Executive Management, with 40.31% of the IGC value, followed by the Representation and Participation dimension, with 34.07% of the IGC value. The contribution for academics was the creation of the Corporate Governance Index (IGC) applied for credit unions. As for the contribution to the system of credit unions, the highlight was the effectiveness of the mechanisms for economic-financial and asset management adopted by BACEN, credit unions and OCEMG.


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Atividade física, saúde e bem-estar são temas presentes no dia-a-dia das pessoas. O mercado do Fitness está dinâmico e ativo, quer na comunicação, através das novas tecnologias de informação, quer na especialização da oferta de produtos ou serviços. O Personal training surge como um produto feito á medida do cliente, importante numa sociedade onde a individualidade sobressai, as preferências e necessidades divergem de cliente para cliente. É solicitada uma boa performance constantemente ao profissional, que se pretende traduzida em altas taxas de angariação e retenção. O Balanced Scorecard (BSC), apresenta soluções válidas neste contexto de mercado, já que é uma ferramenta de apoio á gestão estratégica e simultaneamente um sistema de monitorização em tempo real dos indicadores de performance dos profissionais (Personal Trainer) e dos restantes níveis hierárquicos da Organização. Num mercado concorrencial, a valorização do recurso humano tem-se revelado crucial nos resultados alcançados e principal fator de criação de valor e vantagem competitiva, quando bem monitorizada e orientada pela Gestão da Organização. Surge como desafio maior, elaborar, posicionar, implementar, avaliar e medir através deste instrumento (BSC), num contexto laboral diferente (prestadores de serviços) onde já foi aplicado e apurar o nível de desempenho alcançado pela organização orientado nas respetivas visões: financeira, clientes, aprendizagem – crescimento e processos internos.


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Doutoramento em Gestão


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This paper researches the information security value in e-entrepreneurship by revising the literature that establishes the entrepreneurial domain and by relating it with the development of technological resources that create value for the customer in an online business. It details multiple paradigms regarding consumer’s values of information security, while relating them with common practices and previous researches in technological entrepreneurship. This research presents and discusses the benefits of information security standards in e-entrepreneurship. It details and discusses the ISO 27001 and PCI-DSS information security standards that can be used to differentiate security initiatives to achieve competitive advantage, while preserving information leadership as a critical resource for online business success. Based on the literature review, a theoretical research model is presented and research hypotheses are discussed. This model believes that information security affects information leadership and that information leadership, as a unique resource in e-business, contributes to e-entrepreneurship success. The adoption of information security standards affects customer’s trust in e-business, which also benefits e-entrepreneurial strategy.