306 resultados para Pescadores


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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Dissertação mest., Culturas Árabe e Islâmica e o Mediterrâneo, Universidade do Algarve, 2010


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Dissertação de mest., Biologia Marinha (Ecologia e Conservação Marinha), Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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Dissertação de mest., Estudos Marinhos e Costeiros, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2005


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Dissertação de mest., Aquacultura e Pescas (Pescas), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2011


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Dissertação de mest., Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2007


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Marine protected areas (MPAs) have been widely proposed for conservation purposes and as a tool for fisheries management. The Arrábida Marine Park is the first MPA in continental Portugal having a management plan, fully implemented since 2009. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of protection measures on rocky reef fish assemblages and target invertebrates through before-after and control-effect (no-take vs. fished areas) underwater visual surveys and analysis of landings trends. Second, we used surveys before, during and after implementation of the management plan to understand fishers‟ preferences for fishing grounds and adaptation to the new rules, and evaluated the reserve effect through analysis of both ecological responses and fishing effort density. Third, we identified the main oceanographic drivers influencing the structure of reef fish assemblages and predicted the community structure for the last 50 years, in light of climatic change. Overall results suggest positive responses in biomass but not yet in numbers of some commercial species, with no effects on non-target species. The reserve effect is reinforced by the increase in landings of commercial species, despite increased fishing effort density in some areas, especially with octopus traps. Fishing grounds are mainly chosen based on the distribution of target species and associated habitats, but distance to port, weather conditions and safety also influence fishers‟ choices. Moreover, different fisheries respond differently to the protection measures, and within each fishery, individual fishers show distinct strategies, with some operating in a broader area whereas others keep preferred territories. Our results also show that wind stress and temperature are the main oceanographic drivers for rocky reef fish assemblages, with tropicalization of assemblages and polewards movements of species over the last 50 years consistent with temperature trends. We believe this study provides significant lessons for marine conservation and management of coastal systems.


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Although overfishing is a concern for many fish stocks, it was for a long time only associated with commercial fishing exploitation, with less or no attention being given to the recreational fisheries. Recent research has shown however that the impact of recreational fishing on particular species can be considerable, and that the recreational harvest needs to be taken into account if fisheries are to be accurately assessed and effectively managed. In Portugal, the first recreational fishing regulations were only recently implemented. However, mirroring other European countries, regulations lacked scientific support, and specific knowledge of the activity was limited to a few studies with limited coverage. This thesis aimed to characterize the biological and socioeconomic aspects of the recreational shore angling activity in southern Portugal, to investigate whether the regulations in place were adequate and effective, and to provide recommendations for improved management and conservation of the inshore fisheries resources. A combined aerial-roving survey was conducted to gather data on fishing effort, catch, fishing trips and socioeconomic aspects (including anglers’ perceptions of regulations) of the recreational angling activity. The analysis of anglers’ catches suggested that compliance with daily bag limits was high, with less than 0.5% of creels exceeding the 10 kg angler-1 day-1 bag limit. Overall, 11.5% of the retained fishes were undersized, but non-compliance with minimum size limits was found to be high for some species (e.g. seabass, 73% undersized). In terms of the impact of recreational shore angling, the total estimated catches corresponded to less than 1% of the commercial landings for the same period (shared species). However, shore angling catches for white sea bream (Diplodus sargus) were found to be considerable, corresponding to 65% of the commercial landings (39.4% of total catch). In terms of anglers’ perceptions about the recreational fishing regulations in Portugal, the present study has shown that the majority of anglers accepted the existence of some kind of SRF regulations, but in general there was a partial or total disagreement with the recreational fishing restrictions recently put in place. Most anglers perceived themselves as not being involved in the decision-making process and claimed that some restrictions lacked a meaningful rationale (e.g. prohibition of fishing from piers/jetties). Fishers’ awareness with regard to specific aspects of the restrictions (such as the rationale for minimum size limits) was found to be very limited. During the same period, catches from sport fishing competitions were examined to test for differences with the recreational activity in terms of catches, and evaluate long term trends in catch and mean size of fish. Catches of the sport fishing competitions were found to be different from those observed for recreational fishing, being dominated by different species (e.g. garfish, mullets), and suggesting different fishing strategies of the the two types of anglers. High percentages of undersized fish were observed to be captured (and retained) during the competitions (in particular seabass, with 100% undersized), probably as a result of a single allowable minimum size (AMS) of 15 cm for all species in use in competitions. Lastly, catch and release fishing experiments were carried out to assess post-release mortality of three recreationally important species: two banded sea bream Diplodus vulgaris; black sea bream Spondyliosoma cantharus; and gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata. Post-release mortalities were found to be low (0-12%). The main predictor of mortality for Sparus aurata was anatomical hooking location, with 63% of the fishes that died being deeply hooked. The results support the release of fish, either from mandatory (e.g. minimum landing sizes) or voluntary practices. In summary, this thesis has demonstrated that the impact of recreational fishing for particular species is significant and needs to be taken into account for more effective management and stock assessment purposes. It has also highlighted several management issues that should be addressed in order to promote more adequate regulations in the future and prevent noncompliance issues. A periodic monitoring of the recreational fishing activity including all fishing modes (i.e. spear fishing, boat, and shore angling) would also be beneficial to ensure a timely knowledge on the global recreational fishing activity and support future management actions.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Arqueologia (Teoria e Métodos da Arqueologia), Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Tese de mestrado em Ecologia Marinha, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão do Território, Ambiente e Recursos Naturais


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A presente tese enfrenta o tema do documentário e da ficção no cinema de etnoficção português pondo ao centro deste binómio o vestuário como fenómeno, ora votado a explicitar a verosimilhança das sequencias, ora ferramenta para criar uma simulação da realidade. Tratamos o termo etnoficção como se fosse um género cinematográfico e escolhemos, como exemplo de analise, 3 trilogias do cinema português. Tratamos o vestuário de acordo com os novos conceitos do corpo revestido que veem da Fashion Theory e nossas bases teóricas serão Simmel e Bogatyrev, Barthes e Calefato, entre outros. Analisar o vestuário de filmes por género ajuda por um lado na criação de uma primeira definição de todo este tipo de vestuário e por outro a compreender a sua importância dentro de uma obra fílmica. As partes teóricas sobre Fashion Theory e sobre o conceito de etno-ficção serão depois aplicadas aos filmes escolhidos, tentando ampliar os conhecimentos através da introdução de outros autores que se debruçaram sobre os dois assuntos, ao fim de unificar os dois conceitos, do corpo revestido e da etno-ficção, num só, de vestuário cinematográfico. Filmes analisados. Trilogia do Mar, de Leitão de Barros: Nazaré, praia de pescadores (1927), Maria do Mar (1929), Ala arriba! (1942); Trilogia de Trás-os-Montes, de António Reis e Margarina Cordeiro: Trás-os-Montes (1976), Ana (1984), Rosa de areia (1989); Trilogia das Fontainhas, de Pedro Costa: Ossos (1997), O quarto da Vanda (2000), Juventude em marcha (2006).


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Breve recuento de observaciones efectuadas e impresiones registradas durante un estudio de reconocimiento de la actividad pesquera en la Región del Norte del Perú, hecho durante la primera quincena de abril de 1962. El viaje se efectuó en camioneta, duró trece días y fueron cubiertos cerca de 3,500 kilómetros desde Lima hasta la frontera con el Ecuador. En total, se visitaron 17 comunidades pesqueras y 4 ciudades y centros de comercio de pescado desde el norte de Chimbote


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El informe detalla los trabajos desarrollados por el personal del área de Artes y métodos de pesca en aguas continentales de la Dirección de investigaciones y extracción, con la ayuda material proporcionada durante las labores de campo por el Comité de pescadores del río Mazán y el personal de la oficina regional de pesquería de Iquitos, específicamente por el encargado de la zona reservada del río Mazán.


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Expone el nivel técnico que han alcanzado los pescadores que habitan las riveras del lago Titicaca, así como sus artes y métodos de pesca más empleados por ellos. Los resultados presentados durante las labores de campo demuestran que la extracción pesquera del lago, se centra fundamentalmente en la captura del carachi, debido a que es la especie más abundante y de más fácil captura por su costumbre de vivir en lugares cercanos a la playa.