999 resultados para Corporative education


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A educação como categoria basilar à modernidade das empresas é uma das temáticas mais debatidas na academia e no cotidiano organizacional. Os programas de educação corporativa são adotados pelas organizações como sustentáculo à competitividade ao gerar maior valor aos ativos intangíveis. Discutir, no entanto, se a concepção desses programas perpassa pelo sentido valorativo e conceitual daquilo que propõe a educação formal é um dos propósitos centrais desenvolvidos nessa pesquisa. Argumenta-se de que forma as forças contraditórias existentes nos programas de educação corporativa garantem, de um lado, maiores oportunidades de crescimento profissional e, de outro, inibem a competência crítica e reflexiva na empresa MARCA S/A (nome fictício). Essa relação dualista e permeada de variabilidade permitiu estudá-lo a partir da razão dialética. Tal vertente metodológica possibilitou a construção sintética e compreensão de seus fatores contributivos por meio da justaposição de tese e antítese que situam-se em condições opostas. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa de campo foram classificados em três categorias próprias ao método escolhido: totalidade, sistema de contradição e negação da negação. Em sua análise, optou-se por realizar uma analogia à obra de Goethe, Fausto, para retratar a realidade vivida tanto pelo seu personagem principal como pelos empregados entrevistados: seu esforço confuso na busca por um ideal incognoscível já que, ao ser encontrado, nunca o satisfaz. Dentro deste contexto essencialmente faustiano, compreende-se o sentido dialético que os movimenta, acomete e surpreende a cada dia nas relações com a empresa pesquisada: da mesma forma que ela os sufoca e limita utilizando-se dos programas de educação corporativa como instrumentos doutrinários; ao mesmo tempo, assegura-lhes, por meio dos mesmos programas, segurança e melhores condições de vida. Dimensões que apresentam-se como contraponto a uma literatura epistemológica funcionalista dominante e consideram um complexo multifacetado que, ao modelo do dramático Fausto, sugerem provocações muito além do bem e do mal.


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Com base na percepção dos servidores lotados nas unidades da Advocacia-Geral da União localizadas no estado de Pernambuco, esta pesquisa se propôs a investigar qual a contribuição dos eventos de aprendizagem ofertados pela Escola da AGU, quanto aos conteúdos programáticos ministrados no período de 2007 a 2011, para o aprimoramento do desempenho profissional dos integrantes do quadro funcional da Advocacia Geral da União. A gestão por competências nas organizações, sejam estas públicas ou privadas, tem se afirmado como elemento estratégico para o alcance dos resultados institucionais, residindo neste fato a relevância da presente pesquisa


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This study searches to supply an existing gap in the empirical research about the performance of controllers of Micron and Small Companies (MSCs) in the context of corporative education (EC) through the Method of Support of Decision in Corporative Education (MSDCE). In the context of MCSs, this is a pioneering work, for other works related to this thematic searched in literature are limited to conjecture the possibility of its implantation via cooperation between companies; moreover, they do not apply any type of diagnosis method or viability. The object of study is an association of supermarkets of the city of Natal/RN, composed by 16 stores, of what 14 had been searched. The main objective of this work was to apply the first stage of the MSDCE and to verify the possibility of implanting the Corporative Education in the searched MSCs. As a result, it was obtained the profile of the companies and the validation of the above-mentioned Method. The phase of diagnosis conceived through the implantation of the first stage occurred through visits to the stores, interviews, application of questionnaires and place observation. The first stage - strategical analysis for professional education - was divided in two phases: analysis of the current corporative situation and available identification of the involved difficulties and resources. The implantation of the first stage of the MSDCE in the Association of Supermarkets Parceiros da Economia demanded a mapping of abilities and demonstrated how the education management works, the main difficulties and limitations of the MCSs of the supermerket branch of Natal/RN. Beyond the technological aspects, it was verified that cultural and educational aspects need to be worked to reach efficiency in the process of implantation of a corporative education program


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In scenery where the information and the knowledge are acquiring more and more importance, the corporations are looking for alternatives to remain themselves competitive in the market, once the competition happens globally. The current work presents, through bibliographic research and multicases studies, one possibility for the organizations that wishes to increase their competitiveness and look into the participation of the Public Relations professional in the development of Corporative Education programs aiming (at) the continuing education of a very important audience for the organizations, the intern one Through courses and trainings that can happen by presence or remote way, the Corporative Educational programs have as target developing of the critical competence to the organizations, aiming to solve internal problems and reach the best position against competitors. This work is aimed to present how the Public Relation professional can act like a facilitator agent for the education of the intern public of the companies through the Corporative Education. The courses offered through these programs aim to keep the professional always updated, besides to disseminate the values, culture and company’s legacy. At this point, the participation of the Public Relations is appointed to a possibility to strengthen the organization’s internal communication and promote a larger engagement and participation of the employees


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Integrating Enterprise Systems solutions in the curriculum of not only universities but all types of institutes of higher learning has been a major challenge for nearly ten years. Enterprise Systems education is surprisingly well documented in a number of papers on Information Systems education. However, most publications in this area report on the individual experiences of an institution or an academic. This paper focuses on the most popular Enterprise System - SAP - and summarizes the outcomes of a global survey on the status quo of SAP-related education. Based on feedback of 305 lecturers and more than 700 students, it reports on the main factors of Enterprise Systems education including, critical success factors, alternative hosting models, and students’ perceptions. The results show among others an overall increasing interest in advanced SAP solutions and international collaboration, and a high satisfaction with the concept of using Application Hosting Centers.