16 resultados para Medicina legal

em Portal de Revistas Científicas Complutenses - Espanha


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Hyperadrenocorticism is a rare endocrine disease in the cat; it is characterized by elevated blood cortisol level that generates numerous clinical signs including hyperglycemia, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia and skin diseases. The average age of onset is around 10 years. This disease usually occurs link with other endocrine disorders such as diabetes mellitus.The disease can be produced by functional alteration of the pituitary gland or the adrenal. A case report, with differential diagnosis and review of the literature, is presented.


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The objective the study was to determine the levels of glucose and triglycerides in seminal plasma of 10 guinea pigs, which were fed for a period of 2 months with a diet containing 10% more ED. The level of glucose found in seminal plasma was 11.59 ± 0.5 mg/dL and triglyceride value was 55.95 ± 3.2 mg/dL, while the motility was 97% on average. We conclude that in guinea pigs the levels both glucose and triglycerides were increased by major level of ED in feed, but the spermatic motility was not.


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This study was conducted in order to evaluate the effect of supplementation with silage (Festuca dolichophylla, Avena sativa and Vicia sativa) on weight gain and mortality in adult alpacas, during the months of dry season (June to August) in Huancavelica region. 300 female alpacas 3 and 4 years of age (physiological state: pregnant) were used, which were assigned to the following treatments: SP, grazing only PSE15, grazing plus supplementation of 1.5 kg of silage. Alpacas were supplemented once daily. In each alpaca they were recorded live weight at the beginning and end of the experiment. The weight gain was -0.02 y 2.05 kg for SP and PSE15 respectively (p <0.001) treatments. Mortality was 5.3% and 2.7% for SP and PSE15 respectively (p=0.073) treatments. It can be concluded under the conditions of this trial silage supplementation has effect on weight gain and maybe also on mortality in alpacas.


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Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados con la presencia de ampollas durante el senderismo. Método: La población de estudio fueron 1155 peregrinos que recibieron asistencia podológica. La información fue obtenida mediante una anamnesis y una exploración podológica. Los factores analizados fueron: edad, sexo, entrenamiento previo, nacionalidad, tipo de calzado, antigüedad del mismo y kilómetros realizados. Resultados: Las ampollas se encontraron en el 71,9 % de los peregrinos y se distribuyeron de manera similar en ambos pies, afectando principalmente el talón (20%) y el quinto dedo (14,6 %). Se encontró asociación con el sexo (p < 0,05). Las deportivas fueron las menos asociadas con ampollas (p = 0,03). No hubo relación significativa con el entrenamiento previo y el uso de calzado nuevo. Conclusiones: La incidencia de ampollas entre los senderistas fue del 80 %, y se asoció con el sexo (mayor en la mujer) y el tipo de calzado.


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Objteivo: Valorar si existe relación entre el aumento de temperatura en el pie y la neuropatía diabética periférica. Métodos: La muestra fueron 27 pacientes diabéticos a que se le realizó una exploración neurológica y vascular, además, haciendo uso de un termómetro infrarrojo medimos la temperatura en distintos puntos anatómicos de la planta del pie. Resultados: La temperatura es mayor los pacientes con neuropatía con una diferencia de 2,24ºC (p=0,454) en el pie derecho y 0,86ºC (p=0,589) en el pie izquierdo. Conclusión: Los resultados sugieren que la automonitorización de la temperatura del pie por parte del paciente diabético podría ayudar a reducir la alta incidencia de complicaciones en el pie diabético.


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La estucoqueratosis es una patología dérmica que cursa con tumoraciones queratósicas asintomáticas, benignas, blanco-grisáceas y de pequeño tamaño. Éstas suelen localizarse en las extremidades (especialmente en las inferiores) en torno al tobillo. Su etiología es desconocida y su diagnóstico se realiza mediante una correcta anamnesis y exploración física ya que la morfología, localización y edad de presentación son claves para poder establecer un diagnóstico diferencial con otras afecciones aunque en caso necesario también se puede recurrir a la biopsia. Constituye una entidad clínica con especial interés podológico dada su frecuente aparición en las extremidades inferiores, de ahí la necesidad de conocerla y de saber realizar un correcto diagnóstico diferencial. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 45 años sin antecedentes dermatológicos que presenta estucoqueratosis en la extremidad inferior y que acude al Servicio de Dermatología del Hospital Naval de Ferrol.


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Los diferentes tipos de láseres, sobre todo el láser de diodo, irrumpen en la terapéutica podológica para proporcionar una alternativa más de tratamiento en muchas patologías que son el día a día de las consultas. El buen manejo y el conocimiento de sus características son requisitos imprescindibles para no tener efectos secundarios indeseados y poder llevar a cabo tratamientos poco dolorosos, minimizando el tiempo total, y muchas veces proporcionando una solución a diversas patologías.


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Biomechanical problems in children, is an important subject currently, existing controversy in different areas, for example, the majority of children have a flattened footprint, or the hypermobility joint is linked to a musculoskeletal pain. The objective of the study was to determine what kind of footprint is most frequent in school-age children (8-10 years) in the area of Plasencia. This was taken as a sign 50 children, of whom 28 were males and 22 females. All the subjects in the study underwent an assessment of footprint planted in static as well as an exploration of different parameters through inspection in a standing position (formula digital, rearfoot). The results show that excavated footprint is present in a 72% cases of the population, 16% was belonging to an excavated footprint in which we find a higher percentage of weight related.For the digital formula we find that the most common is the Egyptian foot by 40% of the cases and that the prevalence in the rearfoot, is a normal hindfoot. In relation with the hypermobility joint, we check that it is more common in girls and that none of them presents an association to musculoskeletal pain. As a future line we could establish a more comprehensive study with new techniques and valuingchild’s statics and dynamics, to have a more accurate study of the different variables in the sample population studied.


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Se ha planteado como objetivo la mejora de la calidad de la docencia de la Microbiología mediante la actualización de la metodología docente , introduciendo como actividad docente el aprendizaje activo basado en preguntas (inquirybased learning:IBL) para conseguir mejorar las competencias que deberán adquirir los estudiantes como parte de su formación integral. En este estudio han participado 55 alumnos de Segundo Curso del Grado de Podología (Curso 2014-2015),y se ha calculado el porcentaje de alumnos que participaron en las 3 pruebas (3 IBL), en 2 (2 IBL), en 1 (1 IBL), y los que no participaron en ninguna y posteriormente se relacionó con las calificaciones obtenidas en la asignatura de Microbiología. Se incluyeron las preguntas IBL que se realizaron en clase en el campus virtual de la asignatura, pero sin incluir la corrección de las mismas. En los alumnos que realizaron alguna prueba IBL se obtuvieron calificaciones mejores en las preguntas diseñadas para analizar la síntesis de conocimientos y el análisis de datos que en aquellos que no habían participado en ninguna. Al finalizar la actividad se realizó un estudio transversal a través de un cuestionario autocumplimentado en el que se valoraba la opinión de los alumnos sobre el aprendizaje activo mediante IBL valorando positivamente esta actividad para medir el aprendizaje y mejorar la preparación del examen. Consideramos que el uso del campus virtual unido a la actualización en la metodología docente puede mejorar el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de Microbiología.


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This work studies the major sports overload injuries of the lower extremities from the biomechanical point of view. At the same time, the main paradigms of podiatric biomechanics and the application of new biomechanical theories in the study of these lesions are reviewed. With current legislation, clinical gait biomechanical studies should be carried out in health centres and the only health professionals who can perform them are podiatrists and doctors (because they both can diagnose). Graduates in physical education can carry out studies in the field or in the sports court for the sole purpose of improving athletic performance, but never intended to treat a pathology overload.


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This article takes a multidimensional or biopsychosocial conception of drug dependency as its starting point. Within this analytical framework, we advocate making the intercultural dimension more visible, since it is essential for the design and implementation of integral intervention processes. We propose intercultural competence as a working model that can increase the capacities of institutions and professionals —a particularly important consideration in the case of social work— in order to effectively address the aforementioned cultural dimension. After an extensive review of the scientific literature, we have defined five processes that can contribute to strengthening an institution’s intercultural competence and four processes that can do the same for a professional’s intercultural competence. Though selected for application in the area of drug dependencies, all these processes can also prove useful in improving attention to any other kind of culturally diverse group or person.


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The origins of Sephardic press date back to the mid-20th century, when the influence of the Western world spread across the Sephardim communities of the East. The content of these newspapers was diverse: pieces of general interest, but also scientific, literary and humorous works, with various political orientations. These papers were published in different languages, writing styles and alphabets. Those to be analysed here, however, were published in aljamiado Judeo-Spanish: three papers from Smyrna and one from Salonica. Throughout this work we will focus on the different obstacles and difficulties the editors and publishers of this Ottoman Sephardic press had to face to bring their publications to light.


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The work analyse from a journalistic point of view the history radio divulgation of health during the Second Republic and the start of the Franco era. For it, printed sources of the health broadcast conferences have been analysed. The most frequently used radio genre was a combination of informative monologue and monologue opinion. Questions relating to maternal-juvenile health were the most disseminated. In general, the radio language employed responded to the needs for clarity, as well as adapting the message to the target audience. With Francoism, the political slogans were incorporated and the gender discussions were given more importance.


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This article studies the gender values that are promoted both in the literacy courses for gypsy women beneficiaries of the Social Integration Revenue Policy of the Region of Madrid and in the events that are organized for this group by public institutions and NGOs. The process of “socialization” that occurs in the educative groups for Gypsy women is focused on constructing an image of what it is to be a “Gypsy modern woman”. Through multiple mechanisms and discursive techniques a specific conception of gender equality is transmitted in these educative spaces. In addition to this, Gypsy women are continually urged to assume certain values and social practices (of gender identity, of "citizenship", of parenting, etc..), while an archetype of "Gypsy Woman" which condenses powerful stereotypes and prejudices about the "Gypsy culture" and the gender relations characteristics of this group is constructed.


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The current global environment and the general increase in the spread and use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) by companies and consumers, make the use of these technologies as essential to confront the growing competition in the market. Focused on this sector, in this research we analyze the use of electronic commerce, as through websites as through electronic markets, and the use of social networking tools as enablers of business. For this aim, we conducted a comparative analysis between the Andalusian olive oil cooperatives and other legal forms which are present in the sector.