987 resultados para women academics


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This paper outlines some of the experiences of Indigenous women academics in higher education. The author offers these experiences, not to position Indigenous women academics as victims, but to expose the problematic nature of racism, systemic marginalisation, white race privilege and radicalised subjectivity played out within Australian higher education institutions. By utilising the experiences and examples she seeks to bring the theoretical into the everyday world of being Indigenous within academe. In analysing these examples, the author reveals the relationships between oppression, white race privilege, institutional privilege and the epistemology that maintains them. She argues that, in moving from a position of being silent to speaking about what she has witnessed and experienced, she is able to move from the position of object to subject and gain a form of liberated voice (hooks 1989: 9) for herself and other Indigenous women. She seeks to challenge the practices within universities that continue to subjugate Indigenous women academics.


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The Tiddas Showin’ Up, Talkin’ Up and Puttin’ Up: Indigenous Women and Educational Leadership project was led by Flinders University in partnership with the Australian Catholic University through the Indigenous Higher Education Centres located in Adelaide (Yunggorendi First Nations Centre) and Brisbane (Weemala Indigenous Unit) (Bunda and White 2009). At the beginning of the project, two levels of governance were established: a Circle of Senior Indigenous Women from the higher education sector, and a Steering Committee of Senior Executive Women from partner universities. The Circle of Senior Indigenous Women included experts in the fields of learning and teaching, scholarship, administration and management, and community engagement. The Circle’s members were: • Professor Wendy Brady, Charles Darwin University • Dr Jackie Huggins, University of Queensland • Ms Angela Leitch, Education Queensland • Professor Aileen Moreton-Robinson, Queensland University of Technology • Dr Bronwyn Fredericks, Queensland University of Technology and Monash University The Steering Committee members were: • Professor Gabrielle McMullen, Australian Catholic University • Professor Marie Emmit, Australian Catholic University • Professor Faith Trent, Flinders University • Dr Jane Robbins, Flinders University The two levels of governance provided advice to the project leaders throughout the project. Three of these women share their reflections in this paper.


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Women academics have been employed in Australian universities for a century. Why, then, are women so poorly represented at senior levels? DEEWR statistics show very different environments and employment trends in Go8 and non-Go8 universities.


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This paper explores the experiences of women academics who have undertaken research on gender in their own organisations. In particular those who have undertaken research with the motive to upset the systematic gender order. Our preliminary analysis of five interviews with female academics, at a range of stages in their careers, has highlighted three key concerns: first that gender research is still largely seen as women’s work within the academy, second that the relation between female academic’s gender research and their identity as academics and as professionals remains an uncomfortable one and third that their objective of effecting change to the gender order in their institutions remains elusive.


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This article examines how discourses of work–life balance are appropriated and used by women academics. Using data collected from semi-structured, single person interviews with 31 scholars at an Australian university, it identifies and explores four ways in which participants construct their relationship to work–life balance as: (1) a personal management task; (2) an impossible ideal; (3) detrimental to their careers; and (4) unmentionable at work. Findings reveal that female academics’ ways of speaking about work–life balance respond to gendered attitudes about paid work and unpaid care that predominate in Australian socio-cultural life. By taking a discursive approach to analysing work–life balance, our research makes a unique contribution to the literature by drawing attention to the power of work–life balance discourses in shaping how women configure their attempts to create a work–life balance, and how it functions to position academic women as failing to manage this balance.


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Women continue to be surprisingly under-represented in academia, given the increasing numbers of female postgraduate students and the flexible working conditions offered by most Australian Universities. To date, research has emphasised multiple causes for the 'gender gap' in academia, including the structural characteristics of the university system, cultural and societal barriers to the advancement of women, the influence of marital status on the productivity of women academics and the interaction of cultural, social and personality factors on women's professional careers. However, the implications of a 'gender gap' in academic rank reach beyond arguments of equality between sexes, to questions regarding consequences of a male-dominated professoriate to the nature and subjects of academic research in Australia. The aim of this paper is to investigate the factors that determine the rank of Australian academics and in part, to investigate whether there is a gender gap of rank or authority, through an analysis of data collected on all Australian academics by the Federal Department of Education, Science and Training. The implications of these findings on opportunities for female academic researchers and for research outcomes will be discussed.


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Research on women's leadership has tended to focus upon detailed micro studies of individual women's identity formation or, alternatively, to conduct macro studies of its broader discursive constructions within society. Both approaches, although providing helpful understandings of the issues surrounding constructions of women's leadership, are inadequate. They fail to deal with the ongoing dilemma raised in both Cultural Studies and studies of discourse and identity, in relation to the negotiation of subjectivity and representation, that is, how broader societal discourses and media representations of women's leadership both inform, and are informed by, the lived experiences of individual women. In this article, a range of methodological approaches are outlined that were drawn upon in a study of a small group of senior women academics from ethnically and socioeconomically diverse origins. The authors examine how the women negotiated the frequent mismatch that arose between, on the one hand, societal discourses and media representations which often reproduced narrow and highly stereotypical accounts of women's leadership, and on the other hand, the individual women's subjective experiences of leadership which challenged such representations. It is contended that it is necessary to draw on a number of methodological perspectives in ways which trouble and unsettle homogenized versions of women's leadership in order to fully explicate more nuanced and complex ways of understanding how women's leadership identity is formed.


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This paper is about three working class women academics in their 40s, who are at different phases in their career. I take a reflexive, feminist, (Reay 2000, 2004, Ribbens and Edwards 1998) life story approach (Plummer, 2001) in order to understand their particular narratives about identity, complicity, relationships and discomfort within the academy, and then how they inhabit care-less spaces. However unique their narratives, I am able to explore an aspect of higher education – women and their working relationships – through a lens of care-less spaces, and argue that care-less-ness in the academy, can create and reproduce animosity and collusion. Notably, this is damaging for intellectual pursuits, knowledge production and markedly, the identity of woman academics. In introducing this work, I first contextualise women in the academy and define the term care-less spaces, then move onto discuss feminist methods. I then explore and critique in some detail, the substantive findings under the headings of ‘complicity and ‘faking’ it’ and ‘publishing and collaboration’. The final section concludes the paper by drawing on Herring’s (2013) legal premise, in the context of care ethics, as a way to interrogate particular care-less spaces within higher education.


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This article undertakes a feminist critique of the restructuring of the modern university in Australia. It considers the interaction of the processes of globalisation, corporatisation (through the twin strategies of marketisation and managerialism) and the social relations of gender, and their implication for gender equity work in the academy. The paper locates the reform of Australian universities within their Western context, and considers the gendered effects of the new disciplinary technologies of quality assurance and online learning on the position of women academics. It concludes with some comments about the shift in language from equity to diversity which has accompanied corporatisation, and how this has effectively coopted women's intellectual labour to do the work of the entrepreneurial university.


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El contexto universitario refleja, al igual que la sociedad en general, la falta de equidad y equilibrio en la representación de mujeres y hombres. En la academia aún encontramos una alta presencia de hombres, especialmente, en lo que respecta a las cátedras universitarias. En este estudio presentamos y analizamos resultados de un proyecto de investigación desarrollado en la Universidad de Alicante (España). Del análisis realizado en los siete centros o unidades académicas de esta universidad, en el que aún las académicas conviven en contextos masculinizados, emergen las diferencias de oportunidades percibidas por las profesoras universitarias en su desarrollo profesional docente e investigador, aunque muchas de ellas no las relacionan con la discriminación por género. Cuando las académicas se han encontrado en situaciones discriminatorias manifiestan una actitud activa y reivindicativa, excepto en los centros altamente masculinizados donde mantienen una actitud pasiva para que el ambiente de trabajo sea óptimo. Consideramos que es necesario continuar indagando en estos espacios donde la presencia de las académicas sigue siendo minoritaria a pesar de las reformas universitarias en materia de igualdad desarrolladas en la Educación Superior.


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This article explores gender politics and processes in the academy and investigates change from the perspectives of feminist academics. In particular, it explores the experiences of women academics attempting to effect change to the gendered status quo of their own institutions. Focusing on micro-politics, the feminist movement is empirically explored in localized spaces of resistance and in the small but significant individual efforts at making changes in academic institutions. The analysis is based on interviews with female academics working in business and management schools and focuses on the challenges for change and how change attempts affect their personal and professional identities. The article explores the range of change strategies that participants use as they try to progress in their academic career while staying true to their feminist values and priorities through both resisting and incorporating dominant discourses of academic work. The analysis highlights such tensions and focuses on a contextualized, bottom-up perspective on change that, unlike more totalizing theorization, takes into account mundane and lived experiences at the level of the individual. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.