913 resultados para wireless network coding


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The design of modulation schemes for the physical layer network-coded two-way MIMO relaying scenario is considered, with the denoise-and-forward protocol which employs two phases: Multiple Access phase and Broadcast phase. It is shown that for MIMO two-way relaying, the minimum distance of the effective constellation at the relay becomes zero when all the rows of the channel fade coefficient matrix belong to a finite number of vector subspaces referred to as the singular fade subspaces. The singular fade subspaces can be classified into two kinds based on whether their harmful effects can be removed or not: (i) the removable and (ii) the non-removable singular fade subspaces. It is shown that network coding maps obtained by the completion of appropriate partially filled Latin Rectangles can remove the harmful effects of all the removable singular fade subspaces. For 2(lambda)-PSK signal set, the removable and non-removable singular fade subspaces are characterized and, it is shown that the number of non-removable singular fade subspaces is a small fraction of the total number of singular fade subspaces and this fraction tends to zero as the constellation size tends to infinity. The Latin Rectangles for the case when the end nodes use different number of antennas are shown to be obtainable from the Latin Squares for the case when they use the same number of antennas. Also, the network coding maps which remove all the removable singular singular fade subspaces are shown to be obtainable from a small set of Latin Squares. The removal of all the singular fade subspaces by properly choosing the network coding map, provides a gain of 5.5 dB over the conventional Exclusive-OR network coding, in a Rayleigh fading scenario with 2 antennas at the end nodes and one antenna at the relay node, for 4-PSK signal set.


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Network coding has shown the promise of significant throughput improvement. In this paper, we study the throughput of two-hop wireless network coding and explore how the maximum throughput can be achieved under a random medium access scheme. Unlike previous studies, we consider a more practical network where the structure of overhearing status between the intended receivers and the transmitters is arbitrary. We make a formal analysis on the network throughput using network coding upon the concept of network coding cliques (NCCs). The analysis shows that the maximum normalized throughput, subject to fairness requirement, is n/n+m, where n is the number of transmitters and m is the number of NCCs in a 2-hop wireless network. We have also found that this maximum throughput can be achieved under a random medium access scheme when the medium access priority of the relay node is equal to the number of NCCs in the network. Our theoretical findings have been validated by simulation as well.


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In this paper, we focus on increasing the throughput and diversity of network coded MIMO transmissions in bidirectional multi-pair wireless relay networks. All nodes have multi-antenna capability. Pairs of nodes want to exchange messages via a relay having multi-antenna and encoding/decoding capability. Nodes transmit their messages to the relay in the first (MAC) phase. The relay decodes all the messages and XORs them and broadcasts the XORed message in the second (BC) phase. We develop a generalized framework for bidirectional multi-pair multi-antenna wireless network coding, which models different MIMO transmission schemes including spatial multiplexing (V-BLAST), orthogonal STBC (OSTBC), and non-orthogonal STBC (NO-STBC) in a unified way. Enhanced throughputs are achieved by allowing all nodes to simultaneously transmit at their full rate. High diversity orders are achieved through the use of NO-STBCs, characterized by full rate and full transmit diversity. We evaluate and compare the performance of VBLAST, OSTBC, and NO-STBC schemes in one-dimensional 1-pair linear network (one pair of nodes and a relay) and two-dimensional 2-pair `cross' network (two pairs of nodes and a relay).


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The poor performance of TCP over multi-hop wireless networks is well known. In this paper we explore to what extent network coding can help to improve the throughput performance of TCP controlled bulk transfers over a chain topology multi-hop wireless network. The nodes use a CSMA/ CA mechanism, such as IEEE 802.11’s DCF, to perform distributed packet scheduling. The reverse flowing TCP ACKs are sought to be X-ORed with forward flowing TCP data packets. We find that, without any modification to theMAC protocol, the gain from network coding is negligible. The inherent coordination problem of carrier sensing based random access in multi-hop wireless networks dominates the performance. We provide a theoretical analysis that yields a throughput bound with network coding. We then propose a distributed modification of the IEEE 802.11 DCF, based on tuning the back-off mechanism using a feedback approach. Simulation studies show that the proposed mechanism when combined with network coding, improves the performance of a TCP session by more than 100%.


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The performance analysis of adaptive physical layer network-coded two-way relaying scenario is presented which employs two phases: Multiple access (MA) phase and Broadcast (BC) phase. The deep channel fade conditions which occur at the relay referred as the singular fade states fall in the following two classes: (i) removable and (ii) non-removable singular fade states. With every singular fade state, we associate an error probability that the relay transmits a wrong network-coded symbol during the BC phase. It is shown that adaptive network coding provides a coding gain over fixed network coding, by making the error probabilities associated with the removable singular fade states contributing to the average Symbol Error Rate (SER) fall as SNR-2 instead of SNR-1. A high SNR upper-bound on the average end-to-end SER for the adaptive network coding scheme is derived, for a Rician fading scenario, which is found to be tight through simulations. Specifically, it is shown that for the adaptive network coding scheme, the probability that the relay node transmits a wrong network-coded symbol is upper-bounded by twice the average SER of a point-to-point fading channel, at high SNR. Also, it is shown that in a Rician fading scenario, it suffices to remove the effect of only those singular fade states which contribute dominantly to the average SER.


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The analysis of modulation schemes for the physical layer network-coded two way relaying scenario is presented which employs two phases: Multiple access (MA) phase and Broadcast (BC) phase. Depending on the signal set used at the end nodes, the minimum distance of the effective constellation seen at the relay becomes zero for a finite number of channel fade states referred as the singular fade states. The singular fade states fall into the following two classes: (i) the ones which are caused due to channel outage and whose harmful effect cannot be mitigated by adaptive network coding called the non-removable singular fade states and (ii) the ones which occur due to the choice of the signal set and whose harmful effects can be removed called the removable singular fade states. In this paper, we derive an upper bound on the average end-to-end Symbol Error Rate (SER), with and without adaptive network coding at the relay, for a Rician fading scenario. It is shown that without adaptive network coding, at high Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), the contribution to the end-to-end SER comes from the following error events which fall as SNR-1: the error events associated with the removable and nonremovable singular fade states and the error event during the BC phase. In contrast, for the adaptive network coding scheme, the error events associated with the removable singular fade states fall as SNR-2, thereby providing a coding gain over the case when adaptive network coding is not used. Also, it is shown that for a Rician fading channel, the error during the MA phase dominates over the error during the BC phase. Hence, adaptive network coding, which improves the performance during the MA phase provides more gain in a Rician fading scenario than in a Rayleigh fading scenario. Furthermore, it is shown that for large Rician factors, among those removable singular fade states which have the same magnitude, those which have the least absolute value of the phase - ngle alone contribute dominantly to the end-to-end SER and it is sufficient to remove the effect of only such singular fade states.


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In traditional stop-and-wait strategy for reliable communications, such as ARQ, retransmission for the packet loss problem would incur a great number of packet transmissions in lossy wireless ad-hoc networks. We study the reliable multicast lifetime maximization problem by alternatively exploring the random linear network coding in this paper. We formulate such problem as a min-max problem and propose a heuristic algorithm, called maximum lifetime tree (MLT), to build a multicast tree that maximizes the network lifetime. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms can significantly increase the network lifetime when compared with the traditional algorithms under various distributions of error probability on lossy wireless links.


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Wireless mesh networks are widely applied in many fields such as industrial controlling, environmental monitoring, and military operations. Network coding is promising technology that can improve the performance of wireless mesh networks. In particular, network coding is suitable for wireless mesh networks as the fixed backbone of wireless mesh is usually unlimited energy. However, coding collision is a severe problem affecting network performance. To avoid this, routing should be effectively designed with an optimum combination of coding opportunity and coding validity. In this paper, we propose a Connected Dominating Set (CDS)-based and Flow-oriented Coding-aware Routing (CFCR) mechanism to actively increase potential coding opportunities. Our work provides two major contributions. First, it effectively deals with the coding collision problem of flows by introducing the information conformation process, which effectively decreases the failure rate of decoding. Secondly, our routing process considers the benefit of CDS and flow coding simultaneously. Through formalized analysis of the routing parameters, CFCR can choose optimized routing with reliable transmission and small cost. Our evaluation shows CFCR has a lower packet loss ratio and higher throughput than existing methods, such as Adaptive Control of Packet Overhead in XOR Network Coding (ACPO), or Distributed Coding-Aware Routing (DCAR).


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This paper attempts to address the effectiveness of physical-layer network coding (PNC) on the throughput improvement for multi-hop multicast in random wireless ad hoc networks (WAHNs). We prove that the per session throughput order with PNC is tightly bounded as T((nvmR (n))-1) if m = O(R-2 (n)), where n is the total number of nodes, R(n) is the communication range, and m is the number of destinations for each multicast session. We also show that per-session throughput order with PNC is tight bounded as T(n-1), when m = O(R-2(n)). The results of this paper imply that PNC cannot improve the throughput order of multicast in random WAHNs, which is different from the intuition that PNC may improve the throughput order as it allows simultaneous signal access and combination.


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The performance of wireless networks is limited by multiple access interference (MAI) in the traditional communication approach where the interfered signals of the concurrent transmissions are treated as noise. In this paper, we treat the interfered signals from a new perspective on the basis of additive electromagnetic (EM) waves and propose a network coding based interference cancelation (NCIC) scheme. In the proposed scheme, adjacent nodes can transmit simultaneously with careful scheduling; therefore, network performance will not be limited by the MAI. Additionally we design a space segmentation method for general wireless ad hoc networks, which organizes network into clusters with regular shapes (e.g., square and hexagon) to reduce the number of relay nodes. The segmentation methodworks with the scheduling scheme and can help achieve better scalability and reduced complexity. We derive accurate analytic models for the probability of connectivity between two adjacent cluster heads which is important for successful information relay. We proved that with the proposed NCIC scheme, the transmission efficiency can be improved by at least 50% for general wireless networks as compared to the traditional interference avoidance schemes. Numeric results also show the space segmentation is feasible and effective. Finally we propose and discuss a method to implement the NCIC scheme in a practical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) communications networks. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.