980 resultados para wind field


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A physical and numerical steady flow impinging jet has been used to simulate the bulk characteristics of a downburst-like wind field. The influence of downdraft tilt and surface roughness on the ensuing wall jet flow has been investigated. It was found that a simulated downdraft impinging the surface at a non-normal angle has the potential for causing larger structural loads than the normal impingement case. It was also found that for the current impinging jet simulations, surface roughness played a minor role in determining the storm maximum wind structure, but this influence increased as the wall jet diverged. However, through comparison with previous research it was found that the influence of surface roughness is Reynolds number dependent and therefore may differ from that reported herein for full-scale downburst cases. Using the current experimental results an empirical model has been developed for laboratory-scale impinging jet velocity structure that includes the influence of both jet tilt and surface roughness.


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Thunderstorm downbursts are important for wind engineers as they have been shown to produce the design wind speeds for mid to high return periods in many regions of Australia [1]. In structural design codes (e.g. AS/NZS1170.02-02) an atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is assumed, and a vertical profile is interpolated from recorded 10 m wind speeds. The ABL assumption is however inaccurate when considering the complex structure of a thunderstorm outflow, and its effects on engineered structures. Several researchers have shown that the downburst, close to its point of divergence is better represented by an impinging wall jet profile than the traditional ABL. Physical modelling is the generally accepted approach to estimate wind loads on structures and it is therefore important to physically model the thunderstorm downburst so that its effects on engineered structures may be studied. An advancement on the simple impinging jet theory, addressed here is the addition of a pulsing mechanism to the jet which allows not only the divergent characteristics of a downburst to be produced, but also it allows the associated leading ring vortex to be developed. The ring vortex modelling is considered very important for structural design as it is within the horizontal vortex that the largest velocities occur [2]. This paper discusses the flow field produced by a pulsed wall jet, and also discusses the induced pressures that this type of flow has on a scaled tall building.


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[EN]In previous works, many authors have widely used mass consistent models for wind field simulation by the finite element method. On one hand, we have developed a 3-D mass consistent model by using tetrahedral meshes which are simultaneously adapted to complex orography and to terrain roughness length. In addition, we have included a local refinement strategy around several measurement or control points, significant contours, as for example shorelines, or numerical solution singularities. On the other hand, we have developed a 2.5-D model for simulating the wind velocity in a 3-D domain in terms of the terrain elevation, the surface temperature and the meteorological wind, which is consider as an averaged wind on vertical boundaries...


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[EN]A new methodology for wind field simulation or forecasting over complex terrain is introduced. The idea is to use wind measurements or predictions of the HARMONIE mesoscale model as the input data for an adaptive finite element mass consistent wind model. The method has been recently implemented in the freely-available Wind3D code. A description of the HARMONIE Non-Hydrostatic Dynamics can be found in. HARMONIE provides wind prediction with a maximum resolution about 1 Km that is refined by the finite element model in a local scale (about a few meters). An interface between both models is implemented such that the initial wind field approximation is obtained by a suitable interpolation of the HARMONIE results…


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This technical report builds on previous reports to derive the likelihood and its derivatives for a Gaussian Process with a modified Bessel function based covariance function. The full derivation is shown. The likelihood (with gradient information) can be used in maximum likelihood procedures (i.e. gradient based optimisation) and in Hybrid Monte Carlo sampling (i.e. within a Bayesian framework).


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This report outlines the derivation and application of a non-zero mean, polynomial-exponential covariance function based Gaussian process which forms the prior wind field model used in 'autonomous' disambiguation. It is principally used since the non-zero mean permits the computation of realistic local wind vector prior probabilities which are required when applying the scaled-likelihood trick, as the marginals of the full wind field prior. As the full prior is multi-variate normal, these marginals are very simple to compute.


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In many problems in spatial statistics it is necessary to infer a global problem solution by combining local models. A principled approach to this problem is to develop a global probabilistic model for the relationships between local variables and to use this as the prior in a Bayesian inference procedure. We show how a Gaussian process with hyper-parameters estimated from Numerical Weather Prediction Models yields meteorologically convincing wind fields. We use neural networks to make local estimates of wind vector probabilities. The resulting inference problem cannot be solved analytically, but Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods allow us to retrieve accurate wind fields.


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We study online approximations to Gaussian process models for spatially distributed systems. We apply our method to the prediction of wind fields over the ocean surface from scatterometer data. Our approach combines a sequential update of a Gaussian approximation to the posterior with a sparse representation that allows to treat problems with a large number of observations.


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In many problems in spatial statistics it is necessary to infer a global problem solution by combining local models. A principled approach to this problem is to develop a global probabilistic model for the relationships between local variables and to use this as the prior in a Bayesian inference procedure. We show how a Gaussian process with hyper-parameters estimated from Numerical Weather Prediction Models yields meteorologically convincing wind fields. We use neural networks to make local estimates of wind vector probabilities. The resulting inference problem cannot be solved analytically, but Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods allow us to retrieve accurate wind fields.


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The ERS-1 Satellite was launched in July 1991 by the European Space Agency into a polar orbit at about 800 km, carrying a C-band scatterometer. A scatterometer measures the amount of backscatter microwave radiation reflected by small ripples on the ocean surface induced by sea-surface winds, and so provides instantaneous snap-shots of wind flow over large areas of the ocean surface, known as wind fields. Inherent in the physics of the observation process is an ambiguity in wind direction; the scatterometer cannot distinguish if the wind is blowing toward or away from the sensor device. This ambiguity implies that there is a one-to-many mapping between scatterometer data and wind direction. Current operational methods for wind field retrieval are based on the retrieval of wind vectors from satellite scatterometer data, followed by a disambiguation and filtering process that is reliant on numerical weather prediction models. The wind vectors are retrieved by the local inversion of a forward model, mapping scatterometer observations to wind vectors, and minimising a cost function in scatterometer measurement space. This thesis applies a pragmatic Bayesian solution to the problem. The likelihood is a combination of conditional probability distributions for the local wind vectors given the scatterometer data. The prior distribution is a vector Gaussian process that provides the geophysical consistency for the wind field. The wind vectors are retrieved directly from the scatterometer data by using mixture density networks, a principled method to model multi-modal conditional probability density functions. The complexity of the mapping and the structure of the conditional probability density function are investigated. A hybrid mixture density network, that incorporates the knowledge that the conditional probability distribution of the observation process is predominantly bi-modal, is developed. The optimal model, which generalises across a swathe of scatterometer readings, is better on key performance measures than the current operational model. Wind field retrieval is approached from three perspectives. The first is a non-autonomous method that confirms the validity of the model by retrieving the correct wind field 99% of the time from a test set of 575 wind fields. The second technique takes the maximum a posteriori probability wind field retrieved from the posterior distribution as the prediction. For the third technique, Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques were employed to estimate the mass associated with significant modes of the posterior distribution, and make predictions based on the mode with the greatest mass associated with it. General methods for sampling from multi-modal distributions were benchmarked against a specific MCMC transition kernel designed for this problem. It was shown that the general methods were unsuitable for this application due to computational expense. On a test set of 100 wind fields the MAP estimate correctly retrieved 72 wind fields, whilst the sampling method correctly retrieved 73 wind fields.


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El estudio del comportamiento de la atmósfera ha resultado de especial importancia tanto en el programa SESAR como en NextGen, en los que la gestión actual del tránsito aéreo (ATM) está experimentando una profunda transformación hacia nuevos paradigmas tanto en Europa como en los EE.UU., respectivamente, para el guiado y seguimiento de las aeronaves en la realización de rutas más eficientes y con mayor precisión. La incertidumbre es una característica fundamental de los fenómenos meteorológicos que se transfiere a la separación de las aeronaves, las trayectorias de vuelo libres de conflictos y a la planificación de vuelos. En este sentido, el viento es un factor clave en cuanto a la predicción de la futura posición de la aeronave, por lo que tener un conocimiento más profundo y preciso de campo de viento reducirá las incertidumbres del ATC. El objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollo de una nueva técnica operativa y útil destinada a proporcionar de forma adecuada y directa el campo de viento atmosférico en tiempo real, basada en datos de a bordo de la aeronave, con el fin de mejorar la predicción de las trayectorias de las aeronaves. Para lograr este objetivo se ha realizado el siguiente trabajo. Se han descrito y analizado los diferentes sistemas de la aeronave que proporcionan las variables necesarias para obtener la velocidad del viento, así como de las capacidades que permiten la presentación de esta información para sus aplicaciones en la gestión del tráfico aéreo. Se ha explorado el uso de aeronaves como los sensores de viento en un área terminal para la estimación del viento en tiempo real con el fin de mejorar la predicción de las trayectorias de aeronaves. Se han desarrollado métodos computacionalmente eficientes para estimar las componentes horizontales de la velocidad del viento a partir de las velocidades de las aeronaves (VGS, VCAS/VTAS), la presión y datos de temperatura. Estos datos de viento se han utilizado para estimar el campo de viento en tiempo real utilizando un sistema de procesamiento de datos a través de un método de mínima varianza. Por último, se ha evaluado la exactitud de este procedimiento para que esta información sea útil para el control del tráfico aéreo. La información inicial proviene de una muestra de datos de Registradores de Datos de Vuelo (FDR) de aviones que aterrizaron en el aeropuerto Madrid-Barajas. Se dispuso de datos de ciertas aeronaves durante un periodo de más de tres meses que se emplearon para calcular el vector viento en cada punto del espacio aéreo. Se utilizó un modelo matemático basado en diferentes métodos de interpolación para obtener los vectores de viento en áreas sin datos disponibles. Se han utilizado tres escenarios concretos para validar dos métodos de interpolación: uno de dos dimensiones que trabaja con ambas componentes horizontales de forma independiente, y otro basado en el uso de una variable compleja que relaciona ambas componentes. Esos métodos se han probado en diferentes escenarios con resultados dispares. Esta metodología se ha aplicado en un prototipo de herramienta en MATLAB © para analizar automáticamente los datos de FDR y determinar el campo vectorial del viento que encuentra la aeronave al volar en el espacio aéreo en estudio. Finalmente se han obtenido las condiciones requeridas y la precisión de los resultados para este modelo. El método desarrollado podría utilizar los datos de los aviones comerciales como inputs utilizando los datos actualmente disponibles y la capacidad computacional, para proporcionárselos a los sistemas ATM donde se podría ejecutar el método propuesto. Estas velocidades del viento calculadas, o bien la velocidad respecto al suelo y la velocidad verdadera, se podrían difundir, por ejemplo, a través del sistema de direccionamiento e informe para comunicaciones de aeronaves (ACARS), mensajes de ADS-B o Modo S. Esta nueva fuente ayudaría a actualizar la información del viento suministrada en los productos aeronáuticos meteorológicos (PAM), informes meteorológicos de aeródromos (AIRMET), e información meteorológica significativa (SIGMET). ABSTRACT The study of the atmosphere behaviour is been of particular importance both in SESAR and NextGen programs, where the current air traffic management (ATM) system is undergoing a profound transformation to the new paradigms both in Europe and the USA, respectively, to guide and track aircraft more precisely on more efficient routes. Uncertainty is a fundamental characteristic of weather phenomena which is transferred to separation assurance, flight path de-confliction and flight planning applications. In this respect, the wind is a key factor regarding the prediction of the future position of the aircraft, so that having a deeper and accurate knowledge of wind field will reduce ATC uncertainties. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a new and operationally useful technique intended to provide adequate and direct real-time atmospheric winds fields based on on-board aircraft data, in order to improve aircraft trajectory prediction. In order to achieve this objective the following work has been accomplished. The different sources in the aircraft systems that provide the variables needed to derivate the wind velocity have been described and analysed, as well as the capabilities which allow presenting this information for air traffic management applications. The use of aircraft as wind sensors in a terminal area for real-time wind estimation in order to improve aircraft trajectory prediction has been explored. Computationally efficient methods have been developed to estimate horizontal wind components from aircraft velocities (VGS, VCAS/VTAS), pressure, and temperature data. These wind data were utilized to estimate a real-time wind field using a data processing approach through a minimum variance method. Finally, the accuracy of this procedure has been evaluated for this information to be useful to air traffic control. The initial information comes from a Flight Data Recorder (FDR) sample of aircraft landing in Madrid-Barajas Airport. Data available for more than three months were exploited in order to derive the wind vector field in each point of the airspace. Mathematical model based on different interpolation methods were used in order to obtain wind vectors in void areas. Three particular scenarios were employed to test two interpolation methods: a two-dimensional one that works with both horizontal components in an independent way, and also a complex variable formulation that links both components. Those methods were tested using various scenarios with dissimilar results. This methodology has been implemented in a prototype tool in MATLAB © in order to automatically analyse FDR and determine the wind vector field that aircraft encounter when flying in the studied airspace. Required conditions and accuracy of the results were derived for this model. The method developed could be fed by commercial aircraft utilizing their currently available data sources and computational capabilities, and providing them to ATM system where the proposed method could be run. Computed wind velocities, or ground and true airspeeds, would then be broadcasted, for example, via the Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS), ADS-B out messages, or Mode S. This new source would help updating the wind information furnished in meteorological aeronautical products (PAM), meteorological aerodrome reports (AIRMET), and significant meteorological information (SIGMET).


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Exploiting wind-energy is one possible way to ex- tend flight duration for Unmanned Arial Vehicles. Wind-energy can also be used to minimise energy consumption for a planned path. In this paper, we consider uncertain time-varying wind fields and plan a path through them. A Gaussian distribution is used to determine uncertainty in the Time-varying wind fields. We use Markov Decision Process to plan a path based upon the uncertainty of Gaussian distribution. Simulation results that compare the direct line of flight between start and target point and our planned path for energy consumption and time of travel are presented. The result is a robust path using the most visited cell while sampling the Gaussian distribution of the wind field in each cell.


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Exploiting wind-energy is one possible way to extend flight duration for Unmanned Arial Vehicles. Wind-energy can also be used to minimise energy consumption for a planned path. In this paper, we consider uncertain time-varying wind fields and plan a path through them. A Gaussian distribution is used to determine uncertainty in the Time-varying wind fields. We use Markov Decision Process to plan a path based upon the uncertainty of Gaussian distribution. Simulation results that compare the direct line of flight between start and target point and our planned path for energy consumption and time of travel are presented. The result is a robust path using the most visited cell while sampling the Gaussian distribution of the wind field in each cell.


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The suitability of the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) operational wind analysis for the period 1980-1991 for studying interannual variability is examined. The changes in the model and the analysis procedure are shown to give rise to a systematic and significant trend in the large scale circulation features. A new method of removing the systematic errors at all levels is presented using multivariate EOF analysis. Objectively detrended analysis of the three-dimensional wind field agrees well with independent Florida State University (FSU) wind analysis at the surface. It is shown that the interannual variations in the detrended surface analysis agree well in amplitude as well as spatial patterns with those of the FSU analysis. Therefore, the detrended analyses at other levels as well are expected to be useful for studies of variability and predictability at interannual time scales. It is demonstrated that this trend in the wind field is due to the shift in the climatologies from the period 1980-1985 to the period 1986-1991.